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[Page 85]

Family Photos {cont.}


Syoma Bronshtein
A group of students from the Tarbut School with the teacher Mr. Vinograd during a Lag BaOmer school trip


Sima Bronshtein


Dora and Israel Khaimovich 1938

[Page 86]

The Basis family

In the two small pictures: Godel Basis, brother of Srul, and his wife, Leya. Godel was murdered by the Romanian Fascists immediately after they occupied the city in 1941


Leyb Basis, born in Kiliya and lived in Artsyz (Ukraine). His granddaughter Tzwya lives now in Lod.

Shmil Kupchik, fought in the war (see picture with Berl Suskin). Shmil is pictured here with his wife, Leya, and his mother

Misha Basis, son of Srul, and his son Lionya, z”l, in 1982. Lionya, z”l, was killed in the Afghanistan War.

[Page 87]

Khaim and Batya Abramovich
Leyb Goldenshtein


Monya Goldenshtein and his wife, Roza, and son, Vladimir

Izya Davidovich, his wife and daughter with the Yosef Brener family

Monya and Roza Goldenshtein and their two daughters

[Page 88]

Syoma Grinberg
His mother


Lyova Grinberg and his family

Grinberg, brother of Moshe, and his family, 1970

Dina Gamshievich (Ashkenazy), daughter of Kiva and cousin of Grisha Gamshievich

[Page 89]

Ziunya Dolitsky
Dunayskaya Zarya (The Danube Star), May 31, 1990: Shaya L. Dizhur, after many years of great suffering. Dizhur's photo by I. Abramov was published in the Kiliya daily Dunayskaya Zarya


Borya Davidovich
Lionya Dizhur and his son

[Page 90]

Rafael Davidovich (Fuke) and Zina (Feferman), the sisters Buma and Anushka, daughter Lilya, brother-in-law Shaya Feferman and his brother, Milya, and others…


Fuke and Zina Davidovich at a resort and Etya Perlmuter
Morits and Yacov Khershkovich, 1931

Zelig Khershkovich (1883–1949) and his wife, Khava (1891–1970)


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