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[Page 408]

In memory
Of my beloved parents

Chaim and Rivka Kuntzman


When I look at pictures of my father and mother, may they rest in peace, I remember the horrible days when the German murderers mercilessly completely wiped out so many Jewish communities in Poland. One scene in particular remains before my eyes, when I came to take leave from my parents, because I had decided to run away from the terrible hell. With tears in their eyes, my mother and father pleaded that I should not run away, because they did not believe I would come out alive while trying to get through the Polish border that was fenced in by the German killers who did not allow any Jew in their clutches to remain alive. They couldn't imagine that their son would even try to tear himself out of the murderous claws.

It was not easy to tear myself away from certain death. The sufferings were very great. Hiding and endless wandering were very difficult to experience. But after all the difficulties and pains, I miraculously made it to Israel and remained alive. My brother Shammai, who lives in Israel today, made it along with me.

But sadly, my parents, who vehemently opposed my leaving, were killed in the devastation of Poland.

Dovid Kuntzman, wife, and children
(New York)

[Page 409]

In memory of my dear family

May this serve as a tombstone for their unknown graves

Sister: Tzirel and
husband Hershel Sonicki
Parents: Shloime
and Tzivia Frenkel
Their son Nanek Brother: Mendel Frenkel
and his wife Baltche (Moritz)
Sister: Dr. Laitche Bursten (Frenkel) and her husband Dr. Yosek Bursten.
Killed as underground leader of the intellectuals in “Drancy Prison” in France.

Honor their memory!

Golde (Frenkel) Gostinski and family
(New York)

[Page 410]

In holy memory
of my family that was killed in the terrible destruction of Poland

Lay'tche Makowsky and
her husband Meyer Markowycz

  My dear parents
Henoch and Zlate Makowsky

My brother Avrohom, a widower, and four children; my oldest sister Rivka and two children; my sister Laya (Lay'tche), her husband Meyer Markowycz, and two children; my sister Shulamis, her husband Binem Holtzman, and their three children; my brother and his son who were in Chelmno from the year 1941 and were killed there along with my mother Zlate, may she rest in peace, who was transferred from the Gostynin ghetto to Chelmno when the ghetto in Gostynin was liquidated.

May these lines in the Yizkor Book serve as a tombstone in their memory

Shmerl and Elke Makowsky

[Page 411]

In holy memory
Of the family of

Moshe Yitzchok Srebnagura

And the family of

Ch. Y. Peltzman

Two chassidic families of Gostynin

Of the entire family, those remaining alive are Etke (Peltzman) Makowsky
in Belgium and a grandchild who lives in Israel

Honor their memory!

Sam and Elke Makowsky

In brilliant memory of

Our destroyed families

In the years of the great destruction
we participated in this Yizkor Book.

S.M. Pierson
A. Dobryn
A. Segal
Saul Zajacs
N. Goldberg
Family Rosenberg
Dr. K. Bach
Jay Jakobs
Bluma Motil
  Tzivia Marks
G. Mitchel
H. Salomon
M.B. Miller
Chana Kusman
Regina Kest
Family Tabatchnik
Yona Segal
S. Wolfson

[Page 412]

In memory of

Hershel, Hinde, and Eliyahu Motil

Our father, who was known for his perpetual smile and goodness, and our mother, who was always busy and harried, gave us a Jewish, Zionist upbringing.

Their devotion to the children was limitless. When our brother Eliyahu became ill and was in the hospital, our father did not leave his side, and our mother came to see him several times a day. With Eliyashe's death, a deep sorrow enveloped the family.

Our father Hershel, who all his life dreamed of a Jewish national home, did not live to see the establishment of a Jewish state. He did merit to die in his own bed. He died on the 25th of Adar Bais, 1941.

Our dear mother Hinde was sent to the camp in Konin. A day before her death she sent us a request. She knew that these would be her final days and she told us to stay together and take care of one another.

In fact, we honor this request in a holy manner, and we believe that our parents are watching over us. We went through indescribable anguish in the camps. Our brother Shmulik was already sentenced to being shot in the Death March, and I, Gershon, was registered in the liquidation. But we always had faith, we believed that we would remain alive, and this belief saved us from all dangers.

Soon after the war, Shmulik was in Gostynin, and he went to the cemetery to the gravesites of our parents. But there was no sign of this entire cemetery …

[Page 413]

… The earth was ploughed and seeded, and the past – erased.

May these lines serve as a tombstone in eternal memory of our loved ones. May this also be a memory of our father's two brothers: Simon Yosef, his wife Chaya-Soroh, and their children Efraim-Pinchas and Charne; and our uncle Efraim and his wife Charne. And also for our mother's brothers: Moishe Erdberg from Kutno, his wife Golde and son Mendel; our uncle Yehoshua and Aunt Mindel. I also want to mention my bride Gute Motil, the daughter of Leybel.

Gershon and Shmulik Motil


In memory

Of my grandfather and grandmother

Yakov Leyb Motil and Niche (Holtricht)

Honor their memory!

Yissachar Motil

In memory

Of our dear grandfather and grandmother

Simcha and Tzivia Bresler

Honor their memory!

Chava Krieger and Zisse Motil
(New York)

[Page 414]

In loving memory of

Our father, our teacher,
Rabbi Eliezer son of Betzalel Shmuel,
may he rest in peace
Luzer Okolica
Died on June 12, 1941;
Hebrew date 17th day of Sivan, 5701

Our beloved mother

Mrs. Ryfka daughter of Rebbe Moishe,
may she rest in peace
Ryfka Okolica
Died on January 14, 1956;
Hebrew date Shabbath, 1st of Shevat, 5716

Our beloved sister,
The child Ita Roiza daughter of Reb Eliezer,
may he rest in peace
Ita Rojsa
Died on January 11, 1913;
Hebrew date Shabbath, 3rd of Shevat, 5673

Our grandfather
Moishe son of Izak
Our grandmother
Ita Roiza daughter of Leybush Zaklikowsky


HaRav Henry (Chaim-Henoch) Okolica
Samuel (Betzalel Shmuel) Okolica

For the blessed memory of my father and mother

Chaim-Meyer and Chaya-Faige Salomon

Died in Gombyn before the war years

And my three brothers

Matis, Avrohom-Moishe, and Mendel Salomon

Sacrifices in the terrible devastation of Poland

Honor their memory!

Harry Salomon
(New York)

[Page 415]

In holy memory of my brothers and sisters
and their families who were killed by Nazi murderers

Moishe, Yitzchok, Beryl, Yosel, Esther Kruczyk,
of blessed memory

Honor their memory!

Herman and Sonia Krauz
(New York)

In memory of our parents and families
Who were killed by the Nazi murderers

Sister Golde Belfer (Tzweighaft)
Brother-in-law Yosef Spector
Children Franya and Meyer
Brother-in-law Avrohom Belfer
  Yonah Tzweighaft
Tzvi and Esther Beibuk
Brothers: Yoske amd Mordechai Tzweighaft
Sister: Rochel Spector (Tzweighaft)

Shlomo, Rifka, Aliza, and Dvoire Tzweighaft (Tel Aviv)
Wolf and Gedaliahu Belfer (Israel)

[Page 416]

In holy memory

Of our dear parents and family

Moshe Wolf, Simele, Shloime, Sender, Leybel,
Yankele Gelbard Volya Neiman and family
Boruch Lasman and family

Who were tragically murdered by the Nazi killers.
Honor their memory!!

Sam and Faige Borenstein and family
(New York)

As an eternal memory of our dear father

Leyzer Lefkovitch,
may he rest in peace

Died in March 1935, in New York

Honor his memory!

Jack and family Lefkovitch
(New York)

[Page 417]

In memory of my beloved parents

Yakov-Sholom and Tzipora Bagno

My sister Tola and brother-in-law Bernard Hershkovitch

Sister Manya and Angie

Brother Shia, sister-in-law Manya, and daughter Tzelinka.

May these lines serve as a tombstone for their unknown graves.

Ruzhke and Yakov Stein

In holy memory of my beloved wife

Esther Kalmus,
may she rest in peace

Daughter of Reb Yakov Yechiel Gold

Her husband Dovid Kalmus


As an eternal memory of

My dear parents

Lipe and Bashe Bresla (Bresler)

Lipe died on March 12, 1943, in New York
Bashe died on March 28, 1947, in New York

Honor their memory!

Noach Bresla
(New York)


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