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[Page 398]

In holy memory of our father and mother
Mendel and Genendel Bagno

Killed at the hands of the Nazi murderers My father,
Died in Gostynin in the year 1929

Honor their memory!

Chana Keller (New York)
Julius and Bess Bagno (New York)
Leybish Bagno and wife (Tel Aviv)
Shmuel Beiruch Bagno and wife (Brussels)
Yente and Felix Miller (Brussels)
Yakov Bagno and wife (Brussels)
Baile Roize (Brussels)

[Page 399]

For the holy memory of our brothers and sisters
of our family Bagno

who were killed in Belgium by the hands of the Nazi murderers

Yosef Hinde
Sholem Gutman,
died in New York in 1950

Honor their memory!

Chana Keller (New York)
Julius and Bess Bagno (New York)
Shmuel Beiruch Bagno and wife (Brussels)
Yente and Felix Miller (Brussels)
Yakov Bagno and wife (Brussels)
Baile Roize (Brussels)
Leybish Bagno and wife (Tel Aviv)

[Page 400]

In holy memory of our dear and beloved parents

Their tombstones were destroyed by the German murderers.
May these few words serve as a memorial for our father and mother.

Honor their memory!

Sarah Dvoire (Bresler) Gonshor
(Died in 1904 in Gostynin)
Elazar Gonshor
(Died in the year 1915 in Gostynin)

Daughters Chava'tche Krieger and Zisse Motil
(New York)

[Page 401]

In holy memory of our dear brother

Yosef and his family
who died at the hands of the German Nazi murderers in the Warsaw ghetto

Honor their memory!

Daughter Faigele, son Elazar Yosef Gonshor and his wife Chan'tche

Chave'tche and Moishe Krieger
Zisse and Yissachar Motil
Max Rozental

(New York)

[Page 402]

In memory
of our brother and sister-in-law who
left us so very young

Charna (Melamed) Gonshor
Died in the year 1954 in New York
Yitzchok Ber Gonshor
Died in 1944 in New York

In his young years, Yitzchok Ber was very active in Poalei Tzion [Labor Zionist Movement] in Gostynin; also a member of the administration in the Peretz library; an active member in the drama circle; one of the founders of the movement for professionals in Gostynin. He left Gostynin and came to New York in the year 1921. Throughout all these years, Ber maintained a close contact with Gostynin.
Sister Rochel Melamed
Brother-in-law Max Rozental
Chave'tche and Moishe Krieger

(New York)

[Page 403]

In eternal memory
You left us, dear and beloved


And we, your close ones, remember you.
We mourn for you and will not
Forget you until our final breath

Your Max

Your sisters
Chava and Zisse

Your brothers-in-law
Moishe and Yissachar


Let this serve as a tombstone
for our
dear father

Avrohom Rozental

whose gravesite the
German cannibals

Also a tombstone for
our mother

Chaya Soroh

Our sisters: Pesse, Hinde and her husband Elazar Rozental, and their child; Yitte and her husband Shapiro
, and Esther, who were killed by the sadistic murderers in the burning ovens.

In pain and sorrow, we remain the son and brother

Yisroel-Moishe and Itzik Rozental
(New York)

[Page 404]

A picture of my father, my teacher

Reb Yehuda Leybush
son of Yakov, of blessed memory, Tremski

(born in Gostynin)

Learned, a merchant and an activist for the needs of the community – “Others praised him, not his own mouth” [comment on his humility].

Died in Gostynin on the 7th of Iyar, 5683 [April 23, 1923].

May his soul be bound up in the bond of life

Meyer Dovid Tremsk

[Page 405]

For the holy memory of our dear family
that was killed by the Nazi murderers.
Honor their memory!

The family Gombiner

From right to left: Dolusz, Chana (Zhichlin), mother and Romek. Dolusz and Chana were killed by the Nazis; father Itche (died in Gostynin); Romek (died in Gostynin in 1936); mother (died in New York in 1945).

Yakov Gombiner, wife, and daughter
(lived in Wloclowek)
Itche Gombiner, may he rest in peace

Among the few businessmen in Gostynin who did not fear the currents of the freedom movement, which also pulled in the Gostynin youth, there was also Itche Gombiner.

Itche was considered one of the progressive persons in town. He possessed a healthy spirit and logic.

In general, he was a loving person and respected by the community. He was one of the prestigious members of the Burial Society, which at that time was one of the most important institutions.

He tried to give his children, other than a Jewish education, a general education, and in fact his son Yakov, was one of the first Jewish young boys who studied in the city's new public school. Later, when it became apparent that Yakov had an aptitude for music, he was sent to the Warsaw conservatory.

Itche partnered with several forest [land] merchants in the city, but he was the most active and managerial force of the company. He was tall, healthy, and relatively young when he became ill and had to undergo an operation. At that time, there were no surgeons in Gostynin, so he was taken to the hospital in the nearby town of Plock. But it was already too late, and he did not leave the hospital alive.

May these lines serve as a tombstone for his children.

Gutche Lowy and husband
Salle Kupersmith

(New York)
Esther Stupei
Regina Frushein and husband

(New York)
Shloime Gombiner (Sam Gomberg)

[Page 406]

In holy memory of my parents, sister, and brother-in-law
My mother

Soshe Krieger

died in Warsaw

My father

Shlomo Krieger

died in Warsaw

My sister Rochel'e and her husband H. Korfinkel
Died in the Warsaw ghetto

Honor their memory!

Moshe and Chava Gonshor-Krieger


[Page 407]

In holy memory
Of my sister and brother-in-law and their family
died in the Warsaw ghetto

Sister Nechele Breintuch-Krieger; her husband Shimon Breintuch; their son Pesach
Their children: Lola, Manya, and Rivka'le
Sholom Breintuch
Eliezer Breintuch

My sister Rivka and her husband Leibel Grinfeder
murdered by the Nazis
in Paris. Their son died in Paris after the liberation.

Dovid Grinfeder
Honor their memory!

Moshe and Chava Gonshor-Krieger



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