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With My Own Hands (cont.)


Ghaffir Micha Baron with his friend Yoel Zeif in British army uniform


After a year, I moved to Tel Aviv. I met Yoel Zeif (from Dusiat) who lived with his brother Daniel and sister Tzipora. Daniel found me a job digging ditches. I was willing to do the job. I was willing to do any work. I started earning forty grushim (pennies) as a simple worker, but after a short period I got a raise and received sixty. Then I became independent, and made 1-1.5 lira per day. I knew that with my sweat I could earn for myself. I knew how to ride a motorcycle and a truck, and it helped me in work.

In 1936, Italy invaded Ethiopia. The economic crisis broke; the kibbutzim were suffering and literally starving. A visit to my friends on the kibbutz was painful. I welcomed my friends to my room in Tel Aviv. My room was open to them.

My father was not eager that his children make aliya. My sister Gitke was not considering it. My brother Elke and my sister Mirka were interested in aliya, but did not get certificates. I could perhaps send a friend who would bring Mirka, but I was afraid my father would object. I kept delaying it, until it was too late.

My father passed away shortly before the World War II.


Micha and Rita Baron


One night, at my wife Rita's encouragement, I sat down and drew a map of Dusiat. For a night I wandered among the alleys. I rowed on our lake, I fished in the river, and I thrashed myself with branches in the bathhouse. I prayed in the synagogue, I ground barley in the sawmill and hurried to the clubhouse of Hashomer Hatzair.

I went from one house to another.

When I reached “Unter dem Brik”, my heart stood still…


Dusiaters at the wedding of Leah Brinkman's daughter Naomi
Givat Hen, 1955

From right to left, standing: Yehoshua Brikman and his son Yitzchak, Elka Slovo (Melamed), Aliza and her mother Slovka Sarver (Segal), Yoel Zeif, Rachel Vitkin (Shub), Chaim Slovo
Second row: Berke Zeligson, Moshe Gordon, Avraham Slep, Leah Brinkman (Visakolsky), Batya Aviel (Levitt), Micha Baron
Third row: Tzipora-Feigitzke Orez (Pores), Rivka Shoham (Melamed)
Bottom: Dalya and Ruti, daughters of Miryam Gafner (Brikman),
Rivka Levitt, Rivka Steinman (Shub), Chaim and his father Yitzchak Orez


Yonatan Mandel: My mother Sara was one of the Brikman sisters. The wedding was in our garden in Givat Hen.

Naomi Ariel (Brinkman): The original family name is Brikman. The name was recorded as Brinkman by the South African authorities.


Leib and Chana Slovo (right), Arie and Masha Gershuni (Slep) at the wedding of Chava and Efraim Baron, son of Micha and Rita


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