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[Pages 18 - 19]

The Face of the Shtetl (Plan ; List)

Translated by Hedva Scop

Micha Baron sketched the plan of the shtetl. Shayke Glick, Baruch Krut and others "populated" it with the names and occupations of the inhabitants.

Milner Gass (side 1)
1 Christian cemetery
2 The Flourmill
3 Der Milner - Reb Eliyahu Yoffe & Batya-Feige
4 Gershon Slovo & Taibe (Yoffe)
5 Shapira Sheine & Shlomo (the undertaker)
6 Gentiles, including the nurse Stautzkena
7 Jewish school, in the house of: [8]
8 Shteiman Chyene & Simen (Shimon)
9 The fisherman Yosl Der Dumblyner & wife
10 Gentiles
11 The fisherman Slovo Dovid Der Brodesser
12 Gentiles
13 Baron Alter & Esther (Chatzkel)
14 Kasimov Mishle
15 Sore-Leah Shein, [midwife &] cupper
16 [Blacher Dveirl, widow of Yehuda]
17 Krut Maishe-Ber & Dvora (Kapelushnik)
18 Pharmacy owned by Stepanavicius (Lith.)
19 Doctor's house
20 Gentiles
21 Police station
22 Gentiles, including Lithuanian butcher
23 Berl, the bath attendant & wife Basl Di Shtrikerke, in the house of Orsola (Lith.)
24 Flourmill owned by Moshke-Yakar [Patz]
25 2-story: Barron Avraham; daughter-in-law Sore-Leah [widow of Yitzchak, victim of the pogrom] & her 5 children
26 Empty plot
Maskevitcher Gass (side 1)
27 Baruch Krut; Yosl Shifra's Zeligson
28 Yitzchak Moshe's Zeligson
29 2-story. On one side: Shepsl Krut;
30 Inn. On the other side [31]:
31 The Melamed Avraham-Moshe Shmidt & Sheine (Zilber)
32 The tailor Shneor
33 Zilber sisters, Michle & Rochel (Levitt) whose husbands, the brothers Dovid & Yisrael-Shaul immigrated to America; the tailor Hamburg Nahum & Chana (Yosman)
34 Yudelowitz Shmuel & Alte [bought house from Ben Zion-Ber Baron & Sheine Chana (Blacher)]
35 Central well
36 Public conveniences
37 Blacher Hirshel & [Musa] Yocheved [(Kagan)]
38 Grandmother Bobbe Beile
39 Small synagogue, previously Blacher Yehoshua-Velvel & Feige-Liebe
40 Beth Midrash & synagogue
41 Slep David-Mordechai & Sara
42 [Treitl Shalom-Ber] father & daughter
43 Mordechowitz Chaim-Baruch
Lane leading to Silvitzke's Grove
44 [Silva (Lith.), owner of the grove]
45 Rabbi's house
46 Glussak Sore-Beile
Maskevitcher Gass (side 2)
47 Aires Sore; dyehouse
48 Mordechowitz Avraham & Hodel (expert at healing a reiz [rash caused by streptococcus])
49 Orlin Elya & Rochel (Chatzkel)
50 Gentiles
51 Ken Hashomer Hatzair ("cell") in house of: Rivel Di Patumsiche
52 Koppel Der Soldaat (The Soldier)
53 Der Garber (The Tanner)
54 Gentiles
55 Charit Riva-Leah (Chatzkel)
56 Spring
57 The tailor Pakalnis (Lith.)
58 Schwartz David (bank manager) & Lesl (Levitt)
59 The dressmaker Chana-Rivl Zeligson (Burstein)
60 The widow Pesa-Mira
61 Napoleon Binyamin & Rachel (Strauss)
62 The tailor Asher Chaitowitz; in the other part: [63]
63 Jewish Folksbank
64 Gentiles
65 Berman Chone & Chaya-Mala
66 Chana, daughter of Itzik Mashiach's Glick
67 Binder Getzl & Rivl-Ella (daughter of Itzik Mashiach's Glick)
68 Schwartz Moshe & Taibe (Horowitz)
69 [Shteinman Sore-Leah & son Itzke]
70 Jewish school principal Hillel Schwartz & Ella (Slep) (previously Milun family)
71 The Melamed Moshe-Leib Berman & Bune, who baked and sold kichlach
72 Kagan Zalman [& Shifra]
73 Kagan Asher & Chava-Leah (Chatzkel)
74 Aires Avraham & Chana [(Chatzkel)]
75 Shub Naftali & Itl (Zilber)
76 Der Zagatovchik [sewed the upper part of the shoe] Isaac & Sara-Riva Zeif (previously Avraham-Isaac Yoffe & Chasya, parents of Gershon & Mordechai-Motl Yoffe, the writer)
77 Monument to the Unknown Soldier
Unter-Dem-Brik Gass (side 2)
78 Inn owned by Moshe-Leib Ziev
79 Haberdashery store of sisters Dina & Rashl Glick (married Chaim Shmidt)
80 Lithuanian restaurant
81 Store owned by gentiles
82 Store of Riva-Leah Charit (previously her father's Reb Henech Chatzkel)
83 [Red brick house of] Valiulis (Lith.); fabric store. [Blinkienye (Lith.) opened her store in the cellar]
84 Jewish school in the house of Markelis (Lith.)
85 Church
86 Houses of the Davatkes (nuns)
Beyond the bridge (Unter-Dem-Brik)
87 Silberstein Avraham-Moshe & Chaya-Leah (Goland); tavern
88 Orlin Moshe & Taibl (Berman)
89 Alter Getz
90 The Ghetto, in area of the Tartars' houses
91 Wooden monument to seven Jewish victims who tried to flee the Ghetto and were shot by the Lithuanians
Unter-Dem-Brik Gass (side 2)
92 Priest's residence
93 Local Council House; Court House
94 Post Office
95 Levitt Berl & Rochel
96 The butcher Motl Sneg
97 The dressmaker Beile Hammer & her parents
98 Zak Der Maggid
99 2 story: Poritz Shneor-Yaacov & Rochel-Leah (Zilber); haberdashery; sewing shop of Tilindazis (Lith.); empty plot
100 2 story: The pharmacist Shein Chaim-Aaron & Sore-Nechama, daughter of Rab. Bunim-Zemach Zilber. Her brother, the eminent Rab. Eliezer Silver (Zilber) immigrated to the States
101 Segal Ben-Zion & Itl (Zizmer)
102 Slep Emanuel & Chaya-Tzipe (Chatzkel); leather goods store; photo studio of Micha Slep
103 Levitt Moshe & Chasya-Leah (Meller); woven goods store
104 Chaya-Sore Toker [widow of Dovid]; bakery
105 Dushke, expert in sewing down [pillows and quilts]
106 Etke Schneider & family
107 Barolski Alter & Dvora (Levitt); store; on lower floor: the tailor Stankunas (Lith.)
108 The watchmaker Shimon Levitt & Chaya-Fruma; store
109 Woven goods store of Chasya-Leah Levitt
110 Leather goods store of Shub Naftali
111 Store of sisters Michle & Rochel Zilber (Levitt)
112 Gordon Hillel & Chyene
113 2 story: Yosef Melamed & Henya [(Levitt)]; shoemaker Glick Aaron & Chana; upstairs:home & workshop; downstairs: shoe store
114 Visakolsky Abba-Shiye & Lotte (Tchernomordik)
115 Pores Zalman & Rivka (Glick, widow of Bertchik Slovo)
116 Building materials store of Freidl & Sore-Mina, daughters of Yankel Levitt & Chaya-Dobre (Glick)
117 Cirlin Meir [Orya] & Michle (Levitt); store. [Meir is buried in Tiberias]
118 Moshe & Klara, children of Lipa-Keile's, flax merchant
119 Lawyer Bernstein Eber & Tzive-Bashe (Levitt); woven goods store
120 Store of Levitt Rochel
122 Haberdashery of the two sisters, Di Kupyesker
123 Building materials store of Binder Getzl
124 Yosman Yisrael & Freidl (Slovo)
125 Yosman Nahum Abba's & Hodl
126 Sisters Tzipe-Ite Di Kalittes, sewed corsets
127 Glick Yankel-Moshe & daughters, Dina & Rusl
128 Levitt Chaya-Hene & daughter Chantche; store
129 Barbershop of Meike (Meir), son of [130]
130 Slep Yudel & Rochel-Gitl (Feldman)
131 The baker Vulfe Feldman; bakery
132 Feldman Shmuel-Yosl & Mina (Berman); store
133 The butcher Pores Elyokim-Eliyahu & Gitke (Baron); butchery
134 Levitt Eliyahu & Keile
135 The shoemaker Moshe-Mote
136 Hassidic Minyan - later became the Jewish school
137 Chana Mote's
138 Moshke-Yakar [Patz]
139 Klem Elya [& Beile (Simanowitz)] & parents Avraham [& Hodl]
Milner Gass (side 2)
140 [White] brick house: Lithuanian dairy (Pienocentras). Previously Zalkind, brother of shoemaker, Hirshe-Zelig
141 2 story: Adelman Chaim-Leib & Chana-Geile (Slep); dyehouse
142 Pores Shimon & Chava (Adelman)
143 Fire department
144 Weitz Motl & Bashe [owner of 145]
145 Inn; bakery
146 Glick Lazer (previously Bunn Yudel)
147 Jewish school - in Reb Elya Yoffe's house, afterwards location of his new [electric] flourmill
148 The blacksmith Yoffe Eliyahu-Hirsh & Itl (Burstein)
149 Fein Levik & Surl
150 Reina (who died with child)
151 Gentiles
152 Scop Pesach-Ruvke [& mother Raiche-Liebe (Shein)], afterwards Slep David-Mordechai & Sara
153 Pores Avrom-Itze [Aaron?] & Shtirl
154 Slep Avram-Mane [& wife Raisl]
Lane leading to the bathhouse
155 Glezer Lazer
156 Bathhouse
157 Chaim [Zilber] & two sons ( one called Lazerke)
158 The butcher Pores Yoel & Esther
159 Empty plots
160 Stalamaikis (Lith.)
161 Lithuanian family
162 Empty plots
163 Single pear tree …
164 Rochel-Leah Glick
165 Gentiles, among them Braukilis (Lith.)
166 Lithuanian school
167 Kuzmitzkas (Lith.)
168 [Kazlauskaitis] (Lith.)
169 Yisrael-Velvel Glick (previously house of Sore-Mere)
170 Empty plot
171 Seska Mesta (workers neighborhood)
172 Gentiles
173 Spring
174 Jewish cemetery

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