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[Pages 204-205]


By Bracha Brumberg (Karanowitz)

Translated by Judy Grossman


Bracha in her youth
“As a memento to brother
[1] Arik [Elchanan]
from sister Bracha Karanowitz”


My mother Feige passed away when I was an infant, and my brother Yehuda and I remained with our father Yom-Tov Karanowitz. I had many relatives in Dusiat on my mother's side. Among them were the Poritz, Shub and Slep families, but I don't know how we are related. After my mother passed away, my father married Sorl [Sara], daughter of Chaim-Baruch Mordochowitz, and this marriage produced my little sister Mirka. Chaim-Baruch had a brother, Avraham Mordochowitz, who also had a daughter called Mirka, and that is apparently why the Dusiaters remember me as Bracha Mordochowitz…

I called my stepmother “Aunt” and she cared for me devotedly. For a long time we lived with Teibl Schwartz [nee Horowitz] in her home, until her family that had fled to Russia at the outbreak of WWI returned to Dusiat. When my father passed away, my aunt - my stepmother - and my sister Mirka went to live in Chaim-Baruch's house – he had a big house – whereas I left Dusiat and moved to Ushpol [Uzpaliai]. My brother Yudke lived in Salok [Salakas].

I have difficulty recalling experiences from my childhood, but I remember that they used to tell me that during the pogrom in Dusiat [1905] they hid me in the chicken coop under the stove…

In Dusiat I attended evening class, which was taught by the teachers Yehuda Slep and Hillel Schwarz, and during the day I worked. I remember that I assisted the miller's family, and I renewed contact with his granddaughter Rachel [Rabinowitz nee Slovo] when she came to Israel. One of my childhood friends was Chana [Shur nee Slep], the sister of Mashka Gershuni (Slep).

In Ushpol I worked in the Wolowitz family's fabric shop, and I was active in the Hashomer Hatzair branch there. I wanted to make aliya to Eretz Yisrael, and so I went to hachshara at Kibbutz Gesher in Kovno [Kaunas].


Hashomer Hatzair Council in Ushpol, April 10, 1928

From right to left[2]: Zelda Shapira, Rachel Katz, Rivka Wolowitz, Baile Fisher, Bracha Karanowitz, Yitzchak Poritz, Chatzkel Halberstadt, Leah Lafer, Arik Elchanan, Leibl (worked as a apprentice of Moishe-ShneorDer Schneider [the tailor, aka “Der Baal Neies” – “Mr. Newsman”])


The “Ken” [cell] of Hashomer Hatzair in Ushpol, April 10, 1928

From right to left, standing[2]: Rivka Wolowitz, Baile Schlosberg, Moshe Shur, Musha Schlosberg, Zelda Schlechter, Baile Fisher, Leibl, Chatzkel Halberstadt, Bracha Karanowitz.
Middle row: Arik Elchanan, Rachel Katz, Yitzchak Poritz, Leah Lafer, Berl-Leib Shur (Moshe Shur's brother)
Kneeling: Chaya Slonimsky, Avraham (the family moved to Utena), Zelda Shapira, (-), Avraham's brother, daughter of Yankl Birger



  1. The members of Hashomer Hatzair used to call their friends “brother” or “sister”. Return
  2. Yaacov-Leib Koplansky identified the people in both the photographs. Return

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