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Moral Values from Home cont.)


26th Group of Graduates of the Amami-A School, Haifa
Rivka among the Teachers
(second row, second from the right)


Inauguration of the kitchen, which Rivka helped set up in Beit Shean


Rivka Levitt hosting her guests beside her home in Haifa
In the middle: Rivka Levitt, Rasya Tal (Kagan), the Dusiaters – tourists from South Africa - Berl Levitt and Zuske-Cecil Levitt (“the king of the Matzos”)
Shlomo Tal on the right, Nili Abel (Batya Levitt's daughter) on the left
Standing behind Rivka is Moshe Gordon (son-in-law of Feigale Krom nee Adelman)


In Memoriam


In her Memory

A Symbol of Integrity, Dedication and Consistency

(Words in memory of our friend Rivka Levitt, of blessed memory)

And the song of her life has been silenced…

A dear friend has left us, and with her passing has left a vacuum in the superintendents' building of the Northern District, and a feeling of emptiness in the hearts of the superintendents of home economics and nutrition in the technological education system in the north.

In carrying out her duties, Rivka was for us a symbol of consistency, perseverance and resolve, which always characterized her

Graced with honesty and dedication to her coworkers, she was always ready to assist anyone referred to her, both with advice and with help for which she did not ask or receive recompense. Thus we all remain indebted to her.

She persistently fought to raise the level of the teaching of nutrition and home economics in the educational institutions at all levels [elementary, middle and high school].

She did not always receive cooperation from all those who should have shown understanding for her demands: the local authorities and sometimes also the school administrations who didn't sense and grasp that the issue was the health of their children. However, a person like Rivka would never say die. She contended to the best of her ability and achieved her goals, even if not in their entirety. In this way she established firm foundations for good work in the future as well.

Rivka was always influenced by new ideas, work plans and initiatives, some of which actually came to fruition, but some of which have not yet been carried out. Her illness vanquished her while she was working and searching for a way to implement her ideas.

Rivka, may we be granted the ability and strength to carry out your last instruction – because that is what you wished.

May your soul be tied up in the knot of life.

David Baruchi

(Regional Superintendent of Technological Education)



  1. Feigale, daughter of Chava-Reizel nee Levitt, who was also a sister to Hirshl (Dov-Berl's father) and to Moshe (Rivka's father). Simcha, Feigale's daughter was married to Moshe Gordon. Return

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