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[Page 685]

In eternal memory    
We bitterly weep over the death of our dear and beloved parents,
sister and brothers, and we have no solace
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Our father, Josef Natan Szwimer z”l

Our mother, Bluma Szwimer z”l

Zanwel z”l, son of Josef Natan Szwimer

Szprynca z”l, daughter of
Josef Natan

Jakob z”l, son of Josef Natan Szwimer

Who were killed in the Auschwitz extermination camp by the German murderers,
May the Lord revenge their blood

Josef Nuta Szwimer - dab685b.jpg [20 KB]
Bluma Szwimer
May the Lord revenge her blood
May their souls be bound up
in the bond of eternal life
Josef Nuta Szwimer
May the Lord revenge his blood
Our father z”l was a Jew who maintained the customs and was learned, honest and popular. He lived and made a livelihood for the family from his labor. He was one of the founders of “Chovevei Zion” [“Lovers of Zion”; Associations (in Europe and the United States) of persons interested in agricultural settlement of Jews in Palestine and in the connection of Jews with the future of the Holy Land], participating in the “Chovevei Zion” seminar in Katowice.

He was loyal to the idea of the renewal of our people in their homeland even before the establishment of the Zionist movement. He expressed his opinion and even articulated them publicly. In those days, much courage and belief were needed to justify the idea. Sadly he never managed to realize his dream.

  May their memories be blessed  
  Chana Szwimer (Rozman)
Mosze Szwimer
Sara Szwimer (Zilberberg)
In memory of our dear parents

We immortalize the names of our parents, brothers and sister of blessed memory
Israel Icchak and Lea Sliwka - dab685c.jpg [23 KB]
Father Israel-Icchak Sliwka z”l

Mother Lea Sliwka z”l

Sister Balcia Sliwka z”l

Brother Eliezer Sliwka, died in Haifa

Brother Mosze Sliwka and his wife Golde

Who were killed by the Nazi murderers, may their names be erased.

Israel Icchak Sliwka z”l and his wife Lea May their souls be bound up
in the bond of eternal life
Fruma Sliwka Himelsztajn
Sara Szliwka Zylberszac (Belgium)

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