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In eternal memory instead of a gravestone

Their heavenly souls

I weep for my dear and beloved parents and sister and I have no solace

My father and mentor, Icchak-Ajzyk Rozenberg z”l,
son of Alter-Szraga and Rachel Rozenberg from Miechów

My mother and mentor, Chaja Rozenberg z”l,
daughter of Eliezer and Cyrl-Lea Korngold from Kielce,

My sister, Cyrl-Lea Rozenberg z”l,
daughter of Icchak-Ajzyk and Chaja Rozenberg

Who were killed in the Holocaust that befell the Jewish People at the hands of the murderous Nazis and did not receive
a proper Jewish burial, May the Lord revenge their blood.

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life

Words in their memory

My father's home. My father z”l was a “chassid” and a learned man. A matchless, believing Jew. He made sure to keep all the “mitzvoth” from the easy to the most difficult, for which he was prepared to lay down his life. He was a good and honest man, easy going and popular.

My mother z”l was an exemplary housewife, standing firmly next to her husband, as a loyal wife she helped him through life's difficulties, as do true Jewish women.

This was a home that merged well into the Jewish life style of the Diaspora, with the difficult struggle of existence on the outside with all the glory and possessions from within.

Their fate was the fate of all the Jews in Poland. To my great sorrow it was destroyed to it's foundations. Woe for the loss! Their memories will never leave me.

Jakob Rozenberg

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