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[Page 668]

Their heavenly souls

My dear and beloved parents

My father Engineer Abram Jakob Klajn z”l born on 28.3.1884

My mother Szewa Jacheta Klajn z”l born on 16.1.1890

Died in the Auschwitz extermination camp in 1944 at the hands of the German Nazis,
May the Lord revenge their blood

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life

Abram Jakob and Szewa Jacheta Klajn - dab668a.jpg [26 KB]
Lines in their memory

My father z”l an engineer by profession, established a large industrial plant in the city, in which tens of young and old Jews made their livelihood in dignity, amongst them members of the Kibbutz Hachshara [training kibbutz] in the city.

My father's house was a Jewish national home, and an important contributor to national funds. They were good and honest people who donated freely to the charitable institutions in the city and were open to assist the needy.

May their memories by blessed

Immortalizing in grief:

Engineer Abram Jakob Klajn and his wife Szewa Jacheta z”l
May the Lord revenge their blood
Sosia Fogel
In eternal memory

We weep for the death of our dear parents, brothers and sisters:
Our father Dawid Kozuch z”l son of Alter

Our mother Chwula daughter of Jehoszua Szewczyk

Our sister Szajndl z”l daughter of Dawid Kozuch

Our sister Basia Kozuch z”l daughter of Dawid

Our brother Chaim Kozuch z”l son of Dawid

Our brother Herszl Kozuch z”l son of Dawid

Who died in the Holocaust that befell our people at the hands of the German Nazis,
May the Lord revenge their blood

Szajndl Kozuch - dab668b.jpg [24 KB]
May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life On the right: Szajndl Kozuch, the rest are unknown
Their memories will never leave us

Dwora Rywka Kozuch (Dafner)
Rozka Kozuch (Zemer)
Lajb Kozuch
Nachman Kozuch

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