Table of Contents

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List of Pictures

Captions translated by Martin Bornstein

Captions Page
The seal of the Belchatow town management 0
Section I. The Story of the Jews in Belchatow
The building of the Freitag Factory 23
Section II. Belchatow in Struggle, Work, and Creation
Israel Pitovski 64
Peretz Freitag 75
The factory of Meir Zuchowski 76
A group of Jewish Women Workers in the Freitag Factory in the year 1913 80
The Old Market 84
A wedding in Belchatow in years gone by 108
Abraham Naparstyk, Yitzchak Przybylski, Feivel Yakubovich (Jakubowicz) 109
Right: The Belchatow Synagogue 112
Left: The Talmud Torah (Yeshivah) 112
Alter Naparstyk, Mosheh Bornstein (Borenshteyn) (“king,”), and Yaacov Ostrowski. 131
Yankel Warszawski (Varshavski) 134
Reb Yaacov Elbinger in his younger days 136
A group of young activists from the cultural society 137
Gershon Perkal 139
Top: The first “Tzishoy” School in Belchatow. The children together with Zalman Podlovski and the teacher Rosenband 142
Bottom: Teacher and schoolchildren from the first Jewish World School 142
Top: Yavneh School with the teacher 143
Bottom: Jewish Children from the United Folk School (Allgemeiner Volksschul) 143
The leaders of the Tzeirei-Zion Organization in the year 1913 144
A group of teachers and schoolchildren from the evening courses by Tzeirei-Zion in the year 1915 with the teacher Menachem Brash 147
Bottom: A group (for) Zionist matters 147
Members of the Dramatic Group 158
A group of young activists in the year 1919 159
The way to the woods 175
The bridge has shortened the way to the woods 176
Left: Moshe Eliezer Podlovsky 186
Right: Reb Eli Leib 186
Yaacov Hirsh Stadtlender 187
Reb Michalkeh 188
Right: Reb Hershl Shucht; left: Rachel-Hershl Shucht's wife 189
Abraham Lieberman, Henoch Lieberman Standing: Yechezkiel Birenzweig, Henoch Pigulah, Henoch Grushkah 192
Managing Committee from the Belchatow Talmud Torah (Yeshiva) 198
Top: Participants in (of) the Belchatower evening courses with Aaron Bergman Brash 199
Bottom: A group of school girls from the Beit-Yaacov School. (The sign in the photo says “Beit-Yaacov School Belchatow”) 199
Top: Belchatower Talmud-Torah (Yeshiva) 207
Bottom: Youth committee of “Tzishoy” in Belchatow 207
A group of Jewish women textile workers in Yankel Klug's factory 209
Professional (trade) schooling of Belchatower girls (the signs in Polish in the photo indicate that it is a course in sewing and embroidering on Singer Sewing Machines) 215
Left page top: Members of the “Skeef” (Bund Youth Organization) Committee in Belchatow 216
Right page top: Sign in photo in Polish indicates this is the committee that arranged for the First of May demonstrations 216
Left page bottom: The Lehman's house 216
Right page bottom: Photo of the first of May Manifestos in Belchatow 216
Right page top: [from right to left] Israel Lenkower, Feivel Yaacov Gers, and Zaken Machabansky on the new market on a judicious (impoverished?) day 217
Right page bottom: Reb Kalman Huberman (scar-foot?) 217
Left page: Jewish types from Belchatow 217
The Old Market 219
Surtsheh (Surcze) 225
The Pabianicer Street 231
Members of the Dramatic Group with Nathan Goldberg as director 239
A scene from a production (play) put on by the dramatic group 240
The corner where the firehouse is found 241
Rivkeh Konska 243
Top left: The New Market 245
Top right: The Mikveh (ritual bath) 245
Bottom: The Belchatow Synagogue, in the background the Talmud Torah (Yeshiva) 245
Y. L. Goldstein 247
Section III. Political Movements
Belchatow delegates to the Tzar-eh Tzion (Zion) Conference in the year 1914 272
A group of pioneer-immigrants (olim) in the year 1920 273
The First Zionist (Tzar-eh Tzion) Activists 275
Top: Mizrachi Youth Organization in Belchatow 277
Bottom: A group of Mizrachi Pioneers 277
Reb Yosef Lieb Gelbard 278
Abraham Behr Zylberstein and Yaacov Ehrlich 279
Mendel Lipman 281
The first bazaar of Keren Kayemet L'Yisrael [JNF] 284
The Committee from Betar in Belchatow 286
Right wing Poaleh Tzioin Schmuel Chayim Kelman 287
A group of the right wing Poaleh Tzion 288
Top: A group of youth from the right wing Poaleh Tzion 289
Bottom: Borochow Kibbutz (in the year 1934) 289
Top: Freedom Committee from the right wing Poaleh Tzion 290
Bottom: Sports Organization “Kraft” from the right wing Poaleh Tzion  290
The Party Committee from the left wing Poaleh Tzion in the year 1923 293
A group of activists from the left wing Poaleh Tzion 295
A group of left wing Poaleh Tzion 297
The Belchatow Synagogue 301
Yitzchak Pigulah 306
(no caption) 307
Top: Three Belchatower Youths (students), that had received high honours (in learning Torah) 308
Bottom: A group of Chasidic Students in Belchatow 308
Top: Agudasher Kibbutz-Hachsharah in Belchatow 310
Bottom: A good-bye party (evening) from Belchatower Tza-reh Agudoth Israel to honour the secretary Yitzchak Alfischer for his making aliyah to Israel (Eretz Yisrael) (in the year 1937) 310
no caption but the sign in the photo on top says, “Organizing Committee of the Youth Group” 312
A group of Chasidic students 316
A group from Beit-Yaacov 320
Top: The organizing committee of the daughters of Agudath Israel in the year 1929 321
Bottom: A group of women activists from the daughters of Agudath Israel in the year 1936 321
The organizing committee of the Belchatower Tzar-eh Agudath Israel in the year 1936 together with the guest from Warsaw, Hershel Klepfish 322
Members of the Bundist Party Organization 327
Belchatow Committee from the Bund in the year 1937 329
“Medes” (?) Group 331
The Lichtenstein-Group (the name for an older youth group) of the Bundist Youth Organization 332
A gathering of Piotrkower and Belchatower future activists 333
Peretz Freitag 334
Organizing Committee from “Skeef” (youth organization of the Bund) 339
Summer Camp from “Skeef” 340
A group of sport participants (athletes) from “Storm” with the instructior, Moshe Yoel Yeshzy 342
Sport Celebration from “Morgenstern” (morning-star) with the instructor Hiller (from Lodz) 343
Bundist First of May Manifesto 346
Zalman Podlovsky (Podlowsky) 354
Yehoshua Zsarsky 356
Moshe Grushka 363
A group of left wing women activists 367
Left wing activists as soldiers in the Polish Military 373
Left wing Activists 374
Kalman M. Pzedborsky 380
Mendel Szymkewicz (Shimkevitch) 383
Names – Names of hanging victims in Yiddish 434
The ten people hung in Belchatow on the 19th of March 1942 435
Jews in Belchatow in forced labor under the watch of the Germans 458
A group of Belchatow Jews in the Poizner Camp 471
Right: Abraham Front 499
Left: Abraham Novak 499
Meir Knop 500
Here was the Belchatow Cemetery 503

Table of Contents

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