Professional (trade) schooling of Belchatower girls |
(the signs in Polish in the photo indicate that it is a course in sewing and
embroidering on Singer Sewing Machines) |
Members of the Skeef (Bund Youth Organization) Committee in Belchatow
[Additional information provided by Dora Szczukocka Bornstein: Seated (from left to right): Leibel Goldmintz; Mania Freitag; Mendel Leib Glicksman, leader of the group; Mania Stein, a dressmaker; and unknown. Standing: persons on far left and far right are brothers; Dora Bornstein (Dwojra Szczukocka) is second from left; person third from left was the son of a shoemaker, name may have been Motcha.] |
Sign in photo in Polish indicates this is the committee that arranged for the First of May demonstrations |
The Lehman's house | Photo of the first of May Manifestos in Belchatow |
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Updated 17 Sep 2005 by OR