Liverpool ‘virtual’ cemetery provides access to information for 12,500
burials which have taken place at Jewish cemeteries in Liverpool between the
1770s and the end of 2018. It is the result of the Liverpool Jewish
Necrology Project, undertaken between 2015 and 2019. That project identified
approximately 14,400 interments at eleven burial locations across the city.
The information included on this website includes principally those burials
for which a part or complete name for the deceased and a specific burial plot
reference are known. Excluded are about 550 stillbirth and 500 neo-natal
(under one month) known burials. Also excluded are about 570 named child
interments at Rice Lane cemetery buried mainly between 1896 and 1919 in
unreferenced locations in the cemetery; only a small proportion of these
could be neo-natal deaths. Records for the Green Lane cemetery were lost in
a fire at the Greenbank Drive Synagogue
in 1960 (which also destroyed records for Long Lane), and the cemetery is now sealed. Records for Green Lane
cemetery are mainly derived from a 1979 survey, however no information exists
for about 350 likely occupied (adult) plots, or for stillbirth/neo-natal
interments. Information for the Upper Frederick Street burials has been
derived mainly from the 1816 ‘Jews of Liverpool’ register and photographs
taken in 1902, and for Oakes Street from the 1816 register, the
Seel Street Synagogue
deaths register, and headstone transcriptions prepared in 1903.
As well as details
of the deceased person and their plot location, the records included here, in
almost all cases, include a photograph of the headstone or plot. Records can
be accessed using the index at the foot of this page. For further
information about the Liverpool Jewish Necrology project, history and usage
patterns for the cemeteries, additional information available for some entries,
or data relating to infant burials not included here, please
email the Liverpool Necrology Project leader.
The numbers of records included for each burial location are listed below:
Cumberland Street -
Liverpool’s first synagogue was located in Cumberland
Street and was active in the mid-eighteenth century. It is believed to have
had a burial ground, but no record or physical remains now exist, so no
records for that location are included here.
Upper Frederick Street -
This is the earliest burial ground for
which any definitive information exists. The adjoining house was used as
the Liverpool Hebrew Congregation’s synagogue from 1789 to 1807; however,
burials from the early 1770s to the first years of the nineteenth century
took place there. Nine records are included here. The cemetery no longer
exists; remains were re-interred at Broadgreen in 1923.
Oakes Street -
The Liverpool Congregation made use of the burial ground in
Oakes Street from 1802 until the opening of Deane Road in 1837. 200 records
are included for this cemetery. It appears that the cemetery included only 150
plots and remains were not found in all of these when they were exhumed and
re-buried at Broadgreen in 1904. Information on age at death is missing for
a number of entries in the congregation’s death register, so a number of
these records may relate to infant and neo-natal deaths.
Solomon mausoleum -
Dr Samuel Solomon made his fortune as the inventor and
distributor of Dr Solomon’s Balm of Gilead – a ‘cure-all’ for many ailments.
In the early nineteenth century he purchased land at Mossley Hill for a family
mausoleum. Four burial records, relating to Jewish members of his family,
are included here. The mausoleum no longer exists; remains were re-interred
at the West Derby Road (non-Jewish) cemetery, which is now parkland known as
Grant Gardens.
Deane Road -
This cemetery was the main burial ground for the
Old Hebrew Congregation from 1837 to 1904. Burials in reserved plots
continued until 1929. Of the 1720 burials which took place there, 1,430
(non-stillbirth or neo-natal) records are included here; only 54% of these
are associated with deaths at age 20 years or more.
Broadgreen -
This is the current cemetery of the Old Hebrew Congregation,
in use since 1904. Of the 1,870 burials which took place here by December
2018, 1,820 records are included here (those omitted are stillborn or
neo-natal deaths).
Green Lane -
The New Hebrew Congregation split from the Liverpool (Old)
Hebrew Congregation in the mid 1830s. The new congregation established the
Green Lane cemetery in 1840, and it remained the congregation’s sole burial
ground until 1921, though reserved plot burials continued until 1952.
The cemetery still exists but it has been sealed to prevent unauthorised access.
Records for 420 burials (based on the 1979 survey) are included here. Based on an
estimated number of stillbirth and neo-natal interments and the number of
adult graves which could not be accessed/recorded in 1979, it is likely that
more than 900 interments actually took place there.
Long Lane -
The New Hebrew (Hope Place) Congregation opened the Long
Lane cemetery in 1921, as the Green Lane burial ground could not be
expanded. It remained that congregation’s burial ground until the closure
of Hope Place’s successor, the
Greenbank Drive Synagogue in 2008. The
cemetery remains active, as a burial location for former Greenbank Drive
members and reserved plot interments. Records for about 920 burials are
included (to the end of 2018). No information relating to
stillbirth/neo-natal interments exists for this cemetery though, based on the
period covered, about 30 such burials would be expected. Also excluded are
records for about 20 unmarked plots which may be occupied but, due to a fire
at Greenbank Drive Synagogue, no register records exist.
Rice Lane -
This cemetery was the first non-synagogue associated burial
ground founded in Liverpool. The Liverpool Hebrew Burial Society opened its
cemetery in 1896. It was in regular use, primarily by members of the smaller
chevrot, until 1981; occasional burials continued until 2004. About 4,710
interments have taken place there. However, 940 relate to stillbirth,
neo-natal, and other (child) burials which have no specific plot reference;
thus only 3,770 records are accessible here.
Lower House Lane -
A second non-affiliated cemetery opened in 1927, under the
auspices of the Liverpool Hebrew Federated Burial Society. This burial
ground (officially West Derby Municipal Cemetery – Jewish Section) is owned
by the Liverpool City Council. It was in regular use by ‘Federated’ members
until 1991; since then reserved plot burials have continued, one as recently
as 2015. Fifty stillbirth and neo-natal burials of the 1,700 interments at
this cemetery are excluded from the 1,650 records which are included here.
Allerton Reform -
The Liverpool Liberal/Progressive (latterly Reform)
Congregation was the first to reserve an area within the vast Allerton
Municipal Cemetery in South Liverpool. Use of the Reform burial ground
commenced in 1930, and it remains in active use. About 230 records (to the
end of 2018) are included here. These include known Jewish cremations at
the nearby Springwood Crematorium, irrespective of whether remains are
interred in the Reform cemetery.
Springwood -
More recently, orthodox organisations have reserved areas
within the Allerton Cemetery complex. Officially Allerton Municipal Cemetery
– Jewish sections, these areas are known simply as ‘Springwood Cemetery’.
The Childwall Hebrew Congregation started to use the southern section in
1951. The Allerton Congregation shared this section from 1968. With the Rice
Lane cemetery nearing capacity, the Merseyside Jewish Representative Council
arranged for further land at Springwood to be made available; the ‘communal’
section (the eastern part of the northern section at Springwood) was brought
into use in 1974; the ‘Federated’ society also used this section, when Lower
House Lane reached capacity. This section (now administered by Merseyside
Jewish Community Care) remains the active burial ground for those without
main-synagogue affiliation, or with reserved ‘Federated’ plots.
Since 2009 and 2015 respectively, the Allerton and Childwall congregations
have made use of the western part of the northern section for new burials,
with only reserved plot interments taking place in the southern section. 2,060
records are included for the Springwood cemetery overall to the end of 2018.
Information for any individual may be displayed by first selecting the appropriate
surname letters from the list below and then selecting the required name from
its corresponding drop-down list. A page for that individual will open in a
new tab/window. Navigation to the alphabetically next or previous name in
the database, or the next or previous (occupied) physical burial plot can be achieved
from the individual’s page. Alternatively, return to the tab/window for
this page to investigate other names in the database.
Although the official plot reference is given for each burial, this is not always too
helpful in actually locating the grave in the cemetery. Each record
displayed also shows which cemetery block, which row within that block, and
which plot within that row the grave can be found. In addition, grave
locations (accurate to about 2 metres) can be displayed on a Google satellite
image via the 'aerial view of plot' link provided on each burial page.
Please ensure that JavaScript is enabled in your browser before making a
selection above.
The Liverpool Necrology Project has been driven by Philip Sapiro, but it could not have been completed without
input from a number of others – in particular Arnold Lewis, Saul Marks, Barry Levene, and Roy Stone.
The majority of photographs were taken by Philip and Diane Sapiro; however, photographs taken by
several other people in the last 10 years, particularly at Rice Lane and Broadgreen cemeteries, have
also been included. The project leader acknowledges the input of all these people, most of whom
are unknown to him. Appreciation also to Alan Tobias for his software input and to JCR-UK Webmaster, David Shulman.
Thanks are, of course, also due to administrators and honorary officers of the
Liverpool Hebrew congregations, to staff in the Liverpool Record Office at the Central library, and
the City Council’s cemeteries manager and staff.
To report errors or omissions from the records, or for information on how you could donate to cemetery maintenance,
email the Liverpool Necrology Project leader.
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