Section 3
[Note 1: Dates and material in square brackets throughout the
transcript do not appear on the tombstones.
Note 2: Inscriptions printed in italics are translations from the
original Hebrew; those in small capitals are originally in English;
ordinary Roman type is used for the editor's comments, which are
usually in round brackets.]
Reichla bat Menahem wife of the late Gabbai Zedakah Mordecai
died 23 Av 5566 [= 7 August 1806].
to A4
Broken and illegible.
The worthy Isaac Eisak ben Jacob from Totnes, died 15 Kislev in
the year 'He maketh death to vanish in life eternal' [= 24
November 1809] aged 73.
(= Isaac Jacobs. He came from Fuerth and married Betsy Levy of
Barnstaple c.1774. A silversmith in Totnes in 1777 he was insured for
£300. Even the name is barely legible on this stone today.
Berlin noted the other information given here adding in his notes
'worth copying in full'. Alas the inscription has almost entirely
gone. The date is indicated in the Hebrew verse by picking out
certain letters which have a numerical value. Such a verse is known
as a chronogram.)

The tombstone of Lyon Joseph (A13) |
to A12
Missing or illegible.
Here is buried his honour Judah ben his honour Joseph, a
prince and honoured amongst philanthropists, who executed good deeds,
died in his house in the City of Bath, Tuesday, and was buried here
on Sunday, 19 Sivan in the year 5585 [= 5 June 1825]. In
memory of Lyon Joseph Esq (merchant of Falmouth, Cornwall). who died
at Bath June AM 5585/VE 1825. Beloved and respected.
(Lyon Joseph (1744-1825) made a fortune shipping goods to the
ports of the peninsula unoccupied by Napoleon. He continued sending
them after the British evacuation but they were seized and
confiscated and he lost £20,000. One of his ships, the
Perseverance was misappropriated by its captain. He sent £3,000
worth of goods to a Jew in Cadiz who stole them and threatened to
denounce Lyon to the inquisition. He lost his fortune and retired to
Bath a broken man.)
See Berlin 13/10, below.
A perfect man and upright, a God fearing man, eh ben
Zvi. He was buried and died(!) on Friday 16 Heshvan 5589 [= 24
October 1828].
(= Emanuel Hart. He came from Biala. He was a watchmaker and
silversmith in Southside Street, Plymouth, where he was insured on 5
August 1797. In 1805 he was insured on his premises in Clements Lane,
& A17
Here lies a faithful man the Parnas and Manhig Alexander ben
Samuel. Died and buried Thusday 10 Av 5593 [= 1 August
(= Alexander Samuel who lived in Truro about 1815.)
Abraham ben Aaron, buried 11 Shevat 5593 [= 31 January
(= Abraham Aaron, became Vestry Member in 1804 when he married
Phoebe (A19), daughter of Abraham Joseph I. They had eight children,
Joseph, born 1796, Solomon born 1800, Hayim (Hyman) Dov born 1802,
Gershon born 1804, Issachar born 1805, Eliezer born 1808, Daniel born
1814 and Rose who married Moses Simmons son of the Penzance shochet.
There was a Notice to Debtors in TFP 21 April 1785.)
A20 [In a semi circle at the top]
'Thou didst make his
name Abraham, and Thou didst find his heart perfect before Thee'
[Neh. 9;7].
Here dwells a faithful man, fearful of sin [4 lines of poetry
follow]. The Parnas and Manhig, his name well known, Abraham ben
Issachar Jacob z"l. Died on Monday 17 Iyar and buried on the 18th in
the year 'in order that you may be righteous'. May he rest and rise
for his lot with all who are buried here.
[Reverse] To the memory of Abraham Levi died 25 May 5594
[= 1834] aged 55 years.
(= Abraham Levy. In 1962 the stone was found broken into two
parts. He was not the son of Barnet Levy, son in law of Zender
Falmouth. He married Zipporah bat Aaron Moses ben Abraham,
A God fearing man, the Parnas and Manhig Eliezer ben Solomon
zts"l, died Wednesday 25 Heshvan and buried Thursday after it, 5596
[= 18 November 1835]. He lies here but shall arise at the end
of days.
(= Lazarus Solomon from Lublin, a scholar, referred to as Torani,
in Plymouth before 1802. Led the prayers on the Days of Awe for 25
years and had Vestry Membership bestowed on him. He married Esther
bat Abraham, who died 1831 (O10) and then Mathilda. His will PCC
Stowell 123 made 8 November 1835 appointed Mathilda as executrix and
he left £50 to his daughter, Harriet, to be given to her at her
Aryeh Judah ben Zvi.
[Reverse] Lyon Levi departed this life 11 August 5596
[= 1836].
(Was son in law of Judah Moses, applied for Vestry membership in
1810. Plymouth Dock merchant, bankrupt (TFP 4 April 1811).)
Isaac ben Avigdor he lived 41 years, died Friday 26 Av 5598
[= 17 August 1838].
[Reverse] To the memory of Solomon Lyon. [A long and
now barely legible piece of poetry].
(Married Rose after his first wife Fanny died of cholera, 1832. He
was a pen and quill manufacturer in Plymouth before 1822. As a
goldsmith he was bankrupt in 1831 (TFP 5 May 1831). 'Appearing to be
conscious in his last moments of the aweful change he piously
departed this life for a happier state declaring the Unity of the
Creator, having lived a firm adherent to the Jewish faith. The
general gloom which his death has caused is a proof that he was
equally beloved by Christian and Jewish friends' (Plymouth and
Stonehouse Gazette 25 August 1838).)
[Reverse] Henry Phillips, aged 6 years, son of Charles
and Anne Phillips.
Also near this spot lie Flora and Rachel their infant
My only son Isaac whom I loved, the son of Meir, Cantor here,
(Isaac, the son of Reverend M. Stadthagen.)
.... in his house in the city of ... Tuesday 14 Sivan and
buried here on Sunday 19 Sivan 5585 [= 1825].
A child of delights Avigdor ben Samuel died Adar Rishon 5562
[= February 1802].
Avigdor Hart aged 5.
The bachelor Abraham ben ?
A31 to A42
Missing or illegible.
Joel ben Issachar Jacob, died on Sabbath, 22 Shevat 5591
[= 5 February 1831] and his soul shall dwell with the
righteous who dwell here until He maketh death to vanish in life
[Reverse] Joel Levy beloved husband of Rachel Levy, aged
?55 years. (= Joel Levy I, a member of the Plymouth Meshivat Nefesh
Society in 1795. Insured as a silversmith in Market Street, Plymouth,
in 1800, and as as a hardwareman as well at The Old Tree, Whitecross
Street, in 1803. He was a Navy Agent near The Parade, Plymouth in
1816, and was a silversmith in Market Street in 1822. His wife was
Rachel bat Joseph who died 14 February 1822 (A62).)
See Berlin O8, below.
Friedcha bat P"M Abraham Isaac, wife of Abraham ben Aaron,
buried Sunday, 11 Heshvan 5593 [= 4 November 1832].
(She was Phoebe, daughter of Abraham Joseph I and wife of Abraham
Aaron (A19).)
Miss Bila bat Solomon aged 51 years, died Monday 18 Kislev
5594 [= 30 November 1833].
[Reverse] Bile Nathan.
(Probably a sister of Jacob Nathan.)
Esther, wife of Mordecai ben Samuel SGL.
[Reverse] Esther Mordecai died 19 August 5593 [=
(See note to A60.)
Tella wife of Jonah from the State of Silesia who died with a
hoary head aged 72, on 12 Nisan 5594 [= 21 April 1834].
(Berlin read, 'Gella died 12th Nisan 5595 [= 11 April
Breincha bat Abraham, wife of Samuel ben Hayim.
[Reverse] Elizabeth Hyman died 19 Kislev 5596 [= 10
December 1835] aged 52 years.
(see A51.)
Betsy Jacobs, wife of Isaac Jacobs of Totnes... 5596 [=
(Betsy Jacobs (1759 1836) née Levy of Barnstaple, married
Isaac Jacobs of Totnes in 1784. By her will she left £50 to
Sarah wife of Philip Bright, Doncaster; a diamond ring with eleven
stones to her daughter Caroline; 6 silver spoons with her children's
initials and a silver pepper caster with her name thereon to her
daughter Rose, wife of David Abrahams; a silver chased cup to her son
David, if he wants it; residue to her son Lewis and daughters Hannah
and Caroline (Devon Record Office J35, proved Totnes 1836).)
Samuel ben Hayim.
[Reverse] Samuel Hyman, died 23 November 5599 [=
1838] aged 73 years.
(Samuel Hyman (1771 1838), born Bohemia, came to England via Dover
1788. Married Betsy (Elizabeth, see A49) daughter of Abraham Moses,
and had 11 children. In 1803 he was a dealer and chapman, 10 Higher
Lane, and later became a pawnbroker. In his will signed with an "X",
dated 14 November 1838, he left £100 to each of his daughters
Mathilda, Rosina and Eve. His business was to be carried on for the
maintenance and education of his daughters and sons until marriage.
'If any of my children marry contrary to their established religion,
they shall not be entitled to any of my estate'.)
A52 to A55
Missing or illegible.
[This stone has been removed from its place, and lies next
to B126.]
Here lies the modest and worthy woman Reichla bat Abraham, wife of
the late Naphtali Benjamin. She died on Friday 26 Adar 5577 [= 14
March 1817] with a good name. A woman who fears the Lord, she
shall be praised. She went to her rest 17 years after her husband,
and there they shall rest in honour with all the righteous men and
righteous women in the Garden of Eden, and they shall rise at their
portion at the end of days.
(She was the wife of Naphtali Benjamin (see A130), and was one of
the respected women of the community. Her husband was a box maker and
was born in 1725 at Ilbersheim near Mannheim. It is possible that he
and his wife kept an inn as they supplied dinners as well as coffee
to the Meshivas Nefesh Society, Plymouth. In 1798 he was the oldest
Jewish immigrant in Plymouth having arrived in 1745. He was a member
of the Congregation before 1759.)
A57 to A59
Missing or illegible.
Hannah bat David KZ, wife of Issachar Ber, Santapel, SGL. Died
Monday ?25 Adar 5581 [= March 1821].
Reichle bat Joseph wife of the late Joel Levy, died 23 Shevat
5582 [= 14 February 1822].
(= Rachel Levy, see A43.)
A63 to A66
The scholar Matathias ben Rabbi Shabbetai the Priest, from
Poland, died 9 Av 5573 [= 5 August 1813] at half his
(= Mattis Cohen. Berlin, P8, read the date of death as Wednesday 5
Av 5593. The 5th of Av 5593 was Sunday 21 July 1833. The Hebrew entry
in the PHC Book of Records, p. 57a, confirms Berlin's reading of the
year and my reading of the day of the month and records that he came
from Sonhause and that he died on the eve of 9 Av and was buried on 9
Av 5593, whilst the English entry says that Mattis Cohen (the name
Cohen might be crossed out) came from Polen and that he died on 24
July and was buried on 25 July 1833.)
17 Elul 5593 [= 1 September 1833].
Moses ben Aryeh Lobell from the State of Germany who pitched
his tent in the City of Birmingham, and who conducted there the needs
of the Congregation. He was buried 5 Av 5594 [= Sunday, 10 August
Moses Lobell of Birmingham, died 5594 aged 64 years.
(According to Berlin he left £150 'to the three
congregations' and the PHC Pinkas (no. 30) records that he left
£50 to the Plymouth Congregation.)
Gabriel ben Judah died 28 Iyar 5598.
[Reverse] Gabriel Rosenthal died 27 May [= 1835]
aged 33 (?55years) years.
(Came from Poland, a son was born posthumously to him in July
1835, and according to Ashkenasi tradition was given his name
Gabriel. His widow, Ann married in 1844 Mark Levy of Guernsey.)
An old man Avigdor ben Moses Isaac, died with hoary head
[Reverse] Francis Lyon died 23 Shevat 5597 [= 28
January 1837] aged 85 years.
(Francis Lyon/s 1752 1837. Watchmaker in Pike Street 1822. He was,
perhaps, the Francis Lyon apprenticed in 1767 to John Lakeman of
Exeter for a premium of £48. His children were Solomon, Judah
and Mathilda.)
Here lies Martha bat the Haver Judah the cantor, wife of
Abraham Emdon, who died on Thursday 15 Iyar, and was buried on
Thursday 18 Iyar 5598 [= 10 May 1838].
(The first Thursday ought to have been 'Monday'. See also
Here lies the body of Elizabeth Abrahams who died Friday night
and was buried on Sunday 22 Adar Sheni 5590, aged 42 years. May her
soul rest in peace.
(There was, however, no Adar Sheni in 5590.)
The bachelor ?Zvi ?Hirsh ben Asher died Tamuz 55(?70) [=
July ?1810] or 55(?90) [= July ?1830].
A77 to A82
Missing or illegible.
A broken slate stone, only the name barely legible. See Berlin
Q19, below.
In 1963, barely legible. See Berlin Q16, below.
A86 to A91
Moses ben Jacob from the City of London which was the city of
his birth died Thursday night and buried Friday 3 Elul 5598 [= 24
August 1838].
[Reverse] Moses Solomon formerly of Scotland ....
(According to Miss Allegra Dawe a family tradition says that the
family originated from Valenciennes, France. He seems to be the
brother of Phineas Solomon who lived at Bevis Marks London, 1811 1822
and who was at 8 Great Alie Street, London, from 1825 1834. Wholesale
watchmaker in Frankfort Street 1836. From two wives he had 13
children all married in Church, even those who had a Jewish
Judah ben Isaac, died Sunday and buried Tuesday 8 Sivan 5540
[= 9 June 1840].
[Reverse] Levin Jacobs aged 49 years.
[Reverse] Betsy ... Jacobs, ?daughter of the late
?Lewis Jacobs [I].
A95 to A99
Missing or illegible.
Merela [Berlin reads Merka] bat Joseph, wife of Judah
Zvi ben Solomon died and buried 5 Elul 5572 [= 16 August
A101 to A103
Missing or illegible.
David ben Solomon.
David son of the late Revd Solomon Lyons, formerly of Cambridge,
who died at Brixham on his voyage to Naples, 8 February 1819 aged 20
(His father was a teacher of Hebrew at Cambridge about 1815.)
A105 to A108
Missing or illegible.
5525 [= 1835].
A122 to A124
Missing or illegible.
An upright and honoured man, the elderly bachelor, one
hundred years old at his death, ... Isaac ben Rabbi Joseph, died on
the Holy Sabbath the 11th of [month omitted on stone] and was
buried on the 12th of [month omitted on stone] 5574 [=
1813/1814] with a good name.
(Berlin, S8, in his transcript writes, 'does not say what month'.
When he wrote down the Hebrew date he writes Yod Aleph, without
abbreviation marks, which may be an abbreviation for '11' or,
alternatively, 'day 1', because he goes on to record an abbreviation
which appears to stand for 'of the Intermediate Days [of a
Festival]'. This is followed by Yod Beth which may stand for '12'
or 'day 2'. But this is followed by letters which can only stand for
'of Rosh Hodesh'. It is all a bit puzzling, because Rosh Hodesh can
never coincide with the Intermediate Days of a Festival.)
Ze'ev Wolf ben Naphtali, died and buried 13 Tishri 5574
[= 7 October 1813].
Joseph ... died Sunday 27 Sivan 5582 [= 16 June
A128 to A129
An upright and faithful man ... ben Naphtali. Died 5559
[= 1799].
A131 to A132
Samuel ben Judah, died 1 Adar Sheni 5627.
[Reverse] Samuel Ralph died 17 March 1867 aged 64
(Samuel Ralph was a grandson of Abraham Ralph of Barnstaple who
died December 1805 and who had been established there since 1765
holding services in his house. His father Judah or Lewis Ralph was a
Navy Agent in Plymouth in 1812 and was secretary to a Masonic Lodge.
Samuel was born 18 June 1803 and circumcized by Joseph Joseph.
According to W. Jessup, 'A Coat of Many Colours' p. 126, he was
married in Church once or twice.)
Here lies Avigdor ben Judah who died the eve of Tuesday 10
Heshvan and was buried on Wednesday its morrow in the year 5610.
In memory of Frederik Ralph, who departed this life 15 October
5611 [= 1850], aged ?46 years.
(He was a marine store dealer on Southside Quay in 1844. He was a
brother of Samuel Ralph (A133).)
Here lies the wise bachelor Abraham ben Baruch SGL, died Friday
26 Shevat and was buried Sunday, 28 Shevat 5548 [= 4 February
1788 but the day and date do not coincide]. May he remain in his
grave and rise in his turn at the end of days.
(A member of the Plymouth Congregation before 1759. He is
described on his tombstone as HaBachur HaYashish (= The Wise
Bachelor). The expression is used amongst Sephardim to designate
elderly bachelors of sound reputation.)
This man, perfect and upright in his works/ Whose deeds were
righteous/ His death bemoaned by his friends and aquaintances/ At
fifty eight years of age he was gathered to his people
[Ze'ev] ben Solomon. In the year HaBrith, according to the
major order of counting [= 5612].
W. Solomon, died ?2 ?March 5612 [= 1852].
(The first letter of the first three lines of the inscription
provide the acrostic Ze'ev, the next line says '58 years old, and the
fifth line gives 'Solomon'.)
Our lives are in Thy hands O God, and our days are as nought
before Thee.
Here lies David ben Abraham
for 50 years a member of the congregation of this town,
died and buried with a good name on Friday ?27 Tamuz 5600 [=
28 July 1840, though Friday 24 July corresponding to 23 Tamuz is more
aged 76 years.
(= David Abraham, silversmith, born 1762 according to the Aliens
Register, no. 56, in Pattenson, Hanover. He came to England via Dover
in 1789. He married Rose, daughter of Isaac and Betsy Jacobs of
Jacob ben Judah, died ?Thursday ?8 Sivan ?5553 [= May
1793] or possibly ?5653 [= May 1893].
B7 to B8
Illegible double stone.
Eliezer ben Abraham Emden died on 16 Shevat and buried on 17
Shevat 5604 [= 6 February 1844]. The days of his years which
he lived were eighty three.
(Eliezer Emden born 1764 Amsterdam, came to England 1786, remained
in London until 1794, then to Portsmouth until 1798, moved to
Plymouth in 1798 and died there. A dealer in old clothes, who
achieved some financial stability as a pawnbroker in Cornwall Street,
Devonport in 1844. For some years he and his brother Phineas baked
the matzos for the Congregation. His will directs that there should
be no eulogy at his funeral and that his tombstone be inscribed in
the Hebrew language only with his bare name and date of death and
burial, concluding with the stereotyped 'May his soul be bound up in
the bond of eternal life' (Devon Record Office, Exeter, E351).)
The Parnas and Manhig Samuel ben Solomon Phineas, died Tuesday
17 Tamuz and buried Wednesday in the year 5605 [= 22 July
(Samuel Levy (1811 1845) whose wife was called Phoebe. He had a
Fancy Warehouse at 35 Bedford Street which his widow ran after his
death. His father was Phineas Levy of Devonport, one of the first
Jews to hold elected civic office in England.)
Here lies the aged, full of years, Alexander ben Abraham who
died Nisan 5610 [= March 1850].
[= Sender Alexander (1763 27 March 1847). The tombstone
inscription is worn and probably incorrectly read. He was born in
Devon, a tailor in Cambridge Street in 1841, Parnas of the
Congregation in 1815 and 1816. See also B37.)
Sacred to the memory of Mark Mordecai, who departed this life
2 May 5609 [= 1849] in his 70th year.
(Mordecai ben Samuel SGL. His wife Esther died 10 August 1833
(A47). His sons were Samuel, Jacob, Zvi, Simha, and his daughter Anna
married Isaac Stone, 1 Trafalgar Place, 26 August 1857. He was a
brother in law of Phineas Levy.)
Judah, thy brothers bless thee [Gen. 49:8]/ Your name
is praised as generous hearted/ The poor and orphans ... at thy
table/ With a perfect heart thou didst serve the Lord thy God/ In the
bond of life shall thy soul rest/ Judah ben Moses, died 20 Av
Lyon Lazarus died 8 August 5609 [= 1849] aged 59
(Lyon or Lippa Lazarus, married Mathilda who was born in Bideford
1801. He was an optician in Frankfort Street in 1836. Three of his
children Abraham, Daniel and Solomon died in 1832, 1833 and 1836. He
probably came from Exeter. Surviving children in 1851 were Mosely
(general dealer), Fanny (dressmaker) who married Nathan Lazarus in
1853, Frank (merchant apprentice), Hezekiah (scholar) with a niece
Hannah Lyons (dressmaker) and Juliana Marks of Portsmouth, living in
the house.)
The bachelor Hayim ben ...
Hyman Solomon died ? August 5609 [= 1849].
(Hyman Solomon = Hayim ben Isaiah (1838 1849) son of Josiah and
Rosa Solomon.)
Nathan ben Joseph KZ, died Friday ?26 Tishri and was buried on
the Monday after it, 5610 [= 12th October 1849].
(= Nathan Joseph alias Altmann, born 1766 Ransporke, Bohemia,
landed Gravesend 1784, in Dartmouth 1784 1802, in Plymouth from 1802,
in Broad Street, a jeweller. At 72 Fore Street, Plymouth Dock, Navy
Agent in 1816. Property owner and one of the prominent citizens who
testified that they had confidence in the Plymouth Naval Bank in
1825. He married Brina daughter of Abraham Joseph I. He left his
property to his sons Sampson Altman and Michael Israel Altman both of
Kingston, Jamaica, and both surgeons. Although in England for 65
years he signed his will in Hebrew characters.)
An elder, honoured amongst men, his heart did not hold back
from bestowing loving kindness, Phineas ben Abraham Emdin, died with
a good name Thursday 15 Av 5610 [= 24 July 1850].
(= Solomon (Selig) Emden, 1771 1850. In spite of his Hebrew name,
he was known as Solomon. Born 1771 Amsterdam, and was in 9 Cat Street
in 1803, and was a hatter. In 1819 he advertised as an insolvent
debtor. His wife was Freda bat Judah, died 1843 (B35). He probably
acted as a caretaker or beadle to the Congregation, as in 1834 he was
allowed to live in the Congregation's house next to the Synagogue.
The 1841 census records an 86 year old Mariam Abrahams, born in
Ireland, posssibly his mother in law, living with him.)
Hayim ben Mordecai.
Hyman Levy died 14 Kislev 5611 [= 19 November 1850].
(Hyman Levy came from Plock, Prussia, Poland, according to an
inscription on an interlinear Hebrew/Yiddish Mahzor.)
Jacob was a perfect man, upright in his flock/ He turned from
wickedness, faithfulness was his love/ He departed from evil, his way
was good/ The portion of Jacob is his inheritance/ A lion, with clean
J. P. Lyon died 23 Yiar [sic] 5612 [= 12 May
(The Hebrew name, Jacob Pesach ben Aryeh, is indicated by the
first word of the first line. The first letter on each of the next
three lines gives the name Pesach, and the first two words on the
fifth line say that he was ben Aryeh. In spite of his first name he
was known as Judah P. Lyon (1794 1852), born Bideford, married Fanny,
(born Swansea 1803). Watchmaker and jeweller of 7 Union Street. A
different Fanny Lyons, spinster, aged 55, strawbonnet maker, born
Bideford, and another Judah Lyons, bachelor, 23, wholesale traveller,
born Plymouth, described as friends, were in his house on the night
of the 1851 census.)
[IMPORTANT: see this emendation/query at
Jacob ben Judah.
John Levi died 10 Adar 5615 [= 28 February 1855].
(John Levy or Levi, born 1793 in Portsmouth, general dealer. His
wife was probably Elizabeth (see B64). His daughters: Eliza married
Benjamin Jonas in 1841, Phoebe married Aaron Wolf in 1846, Julia
married Edward Basch, Traphina married Sigmond Yager.)
A perfect and upright man, he walked in perfection and
executed righteousness, a God fearing man all his days, Jacob ben the
late Judah, he was 63 years old when he died on Tuesday 28 Nisan and
was buried with a good name on Wednesday the 29th thereof in the year
To the memory of Jacob Moses died 28 days in Nisan 5615 [= 16
April 1855] aged 63 years.
(The Hebrew has three errors, possibly the fault of the mason.
This Jacob Moses was probably the husband of Agnes, haberdasher, and
father of Esther, milliner, born Yealmpton, Harriet, dressmaker,
Judah, errand boy, Eleazer, Isaac, Wolf, scholars, all born Plymouth,
of 11, East Cambridge Lane, all enumerated in 1851 census.)
By decree of the plague, Haya, wife of Jacob ben Ze'ev, died
Av 5592 [= August 1832].
(She was Hannah Woolfson, wife of Jacob Woolfson of London who
settled in Plymouth about 1819. She died in the cholera epidemic of
1832 (PHC Minute Book II, 245).)
Here lies an upright man amongst the princes. All his deeds
was (sic) altruistic. And he clave to the living God. David ben Jacob
from Bialin in Poland, died 12 Shevas (sic) 5565 [= 12 January
(David Jacob Coppel, born 1748 Belleye (Biala) arrived via
Gravesend, 1799 and was in Comer Lane, Plymouth, in 1803. He had a
brother Menahem [= Emanuel Cohen]. Coppel is a diminutive of
A God fearing man Ze'ev ben Judah from Shotwinitz in the State
of Poland, died by decree of the plague on Thursday and was buried on
6 Av 5592 [= 2 August 1832.)
(= Mr Wolf who left £25 with Lazarus Solomon to be sent back
to Poland through the good offices of Chief Rabbi Solomon
Here is buried Aaron ben Yehiel who went the way of all the
earth in the sixty eighth year of his life.
Aaron Nathan died 21 February 5618 [= 1858] aged 69
(Aaron Nathan, 17 Pearl Street, Stonehouse, in 1827, pitifully
poor, became Constable for Stonehouse and in 1837 apprehended a gang
of counterfeiters. A silver snuff box awarded to him for this exploit
is now in the Jewish Museum, London. In 1851 he was superintendent of
the Watch Force and lived at Fore Street, Stonehouse, with his wife
Mary (B62), and daughters Haranitha, dressmaker, Sarah, milliner
Jacob [ben] Uri Shraga ben Moses, who lived eight and
sixty years, died Thursday and buried Friday, 19 Shevat 5593 [= 7
February 1833].
Philip Moses. Near this spot lies the remains of Eleazer
(A Philip Moses featured in the Exeter Congregation's accounts for
1820. An Eleazar Moses was born 12 July 1838 to Jacob and Ella Moses.
He might be the same as Eliezer Moses who, according to the 1851
census, was 12 years old, the son of Agnes Moses, living at 11 East
Cambridge Lane, Plymouth.)
The bachelor, a Godfearing man, Jacob ben Uri Shraga, the
priest from Lontschotz, died Av 5592 [= August 1832].
(= Jacob Philip Cohen, member of the Congregation in 1819. He
seems to be identical with Meyer Jacob Cohen, hardware dealer, died
16 August 1832. His will (DRO, Exeter, C794), made 15 August 1832 and
signed with Hebrew characters, was sworn with effects under
£100, the executor was Charles Marks. He left one guinea to be
distributed to the poor of Jerusalem, and the residue 'in trust for
my dear mother, Rebecca Cohen, now residing in Poland, for her
separate use apart from her husband so that he shall not intermeddle
Gitla bat Zvi, who died in her old age on the Holy Sabbath
Iyar 5613.
In memory of Hannah Ralph who departed this life May 5613
[=1853] aged 87 years.
(Hannah Ralph wife of Judah (Lewis) Ralph who was the son of
Abraham Ralph I of Bideford. Their children were Samuel, 1803 67
(tomb A133); Frederick, 1804 1850 (tomb B1); Abraham, 1814 1890;
Amelia, 1812 1874; and possibly George. In the 1841 census she is
living at Southside off Bedford Street, was aged 75 and of
independent means.)
[Reverse] Sydney Solomon.
Solomon Samuel ben Solomon who went to Heaven aged 1 year and
two months, on Friday 22 Adar 5629 [= 5 March 1869].
[Reverse] Charles Samuel Solomon.
A child of delights ...
(Apparently a double stone.)
Sarah bat Benjamin Aryeh.
[Reverse] Sarah Levi died 2 February 5601 [= 1851]
aged 78 years.
B32 to B34
Here lies a woman who feared the Lord in her heart/ To help
with loving kindness the living/ and the dead, Mrs/ Friedcha bat
Judah, wife of Phineas ben Abraham Emdin, died Monday 6 Adar Rishon
5603 [= 6 February 1843].
[Reverse] Esther Simons.
[Reverse] Rosie ... Sander Alexander, aged ?66
Yetta bat Mordecai the Levite, wife of Eliezer ben the late
Abraham, died in her old age on the Holy Sabbath, 10 Tamuz 5606
[= 4 July 1846].
(She was the wife of Eliezer Aaron, son of Abraham Aaron, who in
turn was son in law of Abraham Joseph I.)
[Reverse] [?] Harris.
Esther bat ?Judah, wife of Alexander.
Rachel Yettela bat Abraham, wife of Avigdor Isaac, died Nisan
5609 [= March 1849].
Sara Lyon.
Abraham ben ... died and buried 22 Adar 5566 [= 12 March
Here lies the aged woman/ Who kept the commandments of the
Lord/ And was gathered up in good hoary age/ Mrs Miriam bat Abraham Zvi KZ. Died 4 Iyar 5609.
Meriam Abrahams died 25 April 5609 [= 1849] aged 96
The child of delights Jacob ben Elijah Moss, born on Friday,
12th Tishri 5573 [= 18 September 1812], died and buried
Friday 4 Nisan 5575 [= 14 April 1815].
(His father was Elias Moss, of George Street, Plymouth Dock, Navy
Agent in 1816. Elias was brother to Barrow Moss (13/14).)
5577 [=1817].
Sacred to the memory of Mordecai Levi son of Lyon and Leah
Levi, died 3 Av 5577 [= 16 July 1817] aged 5 years and 2
Blima bat Eliezer wife of Isaac from Portsmouth.
[Reverse] Blumey, wife of Isaac Marks of Portsmouth died
December 5610 [= 1849] aged 77 years.
Leah bat Issachar Baer, wife of Zvi ben Judah.
(Her husband was Zvi ben Judah Lyons from Warsaw, who in 1810 is
described in Congregational records as a fringe maker. They lived in
Miss Pessla bat Simeon the Levite, died Tuesday ?25 Tevet 5610
[= ?9 January 1850].
[Reverse] In memory of Eliza Levi ....
Joseph ben Isaac, died first day of Rosh Hodesh Shevat 5591
[= 15 January 1831].
(= Joseph Isaac of Devonport.)
Telza wife of Abraham Joseph.
[Reverse] Eliza Joseph, died 4 Shevat 5610 [= 17
January 1850], aged 42 years.
(She was the daughter of Lemon Wolf, granddaughter of Moses Jacob
of Redruth, and great granddaughter of Zender Falmouth. Her husband
was Abraham Joseph II, and her children include Solomon, Hannah and
Miriam bat Abraham wife of Nathan from Dartmouth.
[Reverse] Miriam Jacobs, wife of Nathan Jacobs, formerly
of Dartmouth, 5610 [= 1850].
(Miriam Jacobs was born in Devon in 1771; she advertized in TFP, 7
March 1833 that her pawnbroking business in Dartmouth was for sale;
she was a silversmith in 1841 in Bedford Street, Plymouth. Her sons
were Alexander, Jacob, and Angel, her daughters: Betsy married B. L.
Joseph of Liverpool; Martha (pre deceased her mother) married Isaac
Emanuel of Southampton; Zipporah married Hyman Hyman of Plymouth. Her
will (DRO, Exeter, J/38) was made 12 February 1846 and was proved
with effects sworn at under £1,600. Her nephews are said to have
founded Crockfords.)
Ginandel bat Judah, wife of Judah, 5611 [= 1851].
(= Nandell Moses, probably the wife of Judah Moses I. She was born
in Devon in 1766, and in 1841 was an 85 year old shopkeeper in the
High Street, Plymouth.)
[Reverse] Leah (?) Levi.
(Front: Illegible. In the 1841 census she is described as 58, born
in another county, of independent means, living in St Andrew Street,
Plymouth, with Esther, Isabella and Julia, presumably her daughters.
See B43a.)
Hannah bat Isaac, wife of Judah, died on the Holy Sabbath, ?20
Tevet 5612 [= 12 January 1852].
[Reverse] Ann wife of Mark Levy aged ?43 years.
(She was Ann, widow of Gabriel Rosenthal who died 27 May 1835
(A71), daughter of Isaac Mark. She married Mark Levy II in 1844 (PHC
Mar. Reg 10). He was in business at Cornet Street, Guernsey, which he
insured from 1830, and there is an insurance policy for his goods at
the corner of Grosvenor and Olive Street, Alderney, and another at
High Street, Guernsey in 1839. He died 23 December 1848 in Guernsey
and his widow a 'dealer in cutlery, stationery, mathematical and
optical instruments, wearing apparel' insured for herself and in
trust for her children.)
Rachel bat Abraham, wife of Aaron.
Rachel Bellem.
(Rachel Bellam or Bellem, born 1783 Plymouth, died 1863. Her
husband was Aaron Bellam of Dartmouth, where her three children
Harriet, a deaf and dumb seamstress, Jacob, general dealer, and
Abraham, a dyer were born. Her father in law was Hayim of Dartmouth,
member of the Congregation in 1760.)
Aaron ben Mordecai, died Monday 11 Av 5555 [= 27 July
(He was born 26 March 1786 and was the fith child to be
circumcized by Joseph Joseph.)
Frumat bat Moses, wife of Abraham.
(She was the first wife of Abraham Emden, she died 13 May
A child's stone, illegible.
[Reverse] Kitty, wife of Phinehas Levi, also her
daughter Traphina.
(Kitty Levi born Portsea
1788, died after 1851. Her husband was a Navy Agent of 15,
Catherine Street, Devonport, and was one of the first Jews
elected to Civic office in England.
Leah bat Mordecai, wife of Abraham Emdin, died Av 5611 [=
August 1851].
[Reverse] Leah wife of Abraham Emdon.
(Lydia Emden born Devonport 1811, daughter of Mordecai Davis,
Market Street, Plymouth, second wife of Abraham Emden. Her children
were Clarence, Eleazar, Clare Solomon, Mark.)
Zvi ben Moses, died Sunday and buried Monday 9 Iyar 5536
[= May 1776].
[Reverse] Rebecca .... Lemon Wolf.
(She was the wife of Lemon Wolf, who was the son of Hayim Wolf of
Penzance, and granddaughter of Zender of Falmouth.
[Reverse] Rosetta Solomon ?wife of Isaac Solomon.
(She was Rosa bat Asher ben Hayim, probably a daughter of Asher
Wolf of Penzance. She was born in Cornwall, 1811. Her children were
Solomon, Sarah, Henry, Julia, Ellen E., Simon W., David. Her husband
had a fancy goods warehouse at 22 Whimple Street, Plymouth. He was
the son of Jacob Solomon of Exeter, and moved to New York by 1872.
About 1858 he was elected Poor Law Guardian, Plymouth.)
Fanny, beloved wife of Joseph Joseph, died ?Av ?5615.
(Fanny Joseph was born in Poland 1815, married Joseph Joseph of
Redruth who moved to Plymouth in 1849 to 29 Whimple Street,
silversmith and mineralogist. Their children were Solomon, Phoebe,
Henry, Esther, Sarah, Gertrude, Rose, Julia, Florence {who married
Solomon Barnett in 1876. He was a property developer in Kilburn and
Willesden, London, and named the streets there after towns in her
native Devon} and Mathilda.)
Miriam bat Moses, wife of Aaron Nathan. May her pains and
affliction which she bore in her life be an atonement for her sins.
Died Friday, 5 Heshvan 5618.
Mary Nathan died 23 October 5618 [= 1858] aged 61
(See B24.)
Miss Sarah bat Aaron, aged 38 years, died Tuesday Rosh Hodesh
Kislev 5632.
[Reverse] In loving memory of Sarah, daughter of Aaron and
Mary Nathan, died 14 November 1871, aged 38.
(See B24, B62.)
Bila bat Eliakim, died ?2 Kislev 5619 [= December
[Reverse] Elizabeth ... John Levi.
(See B19, where he is called John Levy.)
Sarah bat Mordecai to the grief of her parents.
[Reverse] Sarah Levy died 2 Tevet 5619 [= 9 December
1858], aged 15 years.
(She appears in the 1851 census (P5/41). Her parents were Marks
and Betsy Levi of 50 Bedford Street, Plymouth.)
Miss Gitla bat Isaac, died 5619 [= 1859].
[Reverse] Julia Marks, sister of Charles Marks.
(Julia Marks was a strawbonnet maker in Cornwall Street in 1836.
Administration of her estate, under £50, was granted to her
brother Samuel in London.)
The bachelor Moses ?Menahem ben Solomon, died [?]
Heshvan ?5564 [= October ?1804].
Bila bat Moses Isaac. She was 60 years old at her death.
[Reverse] Arabella, wife of Myer Stadthagen, died 26 Nisan
5622 [= 26 April 1862] aged 61[!] years.
(She was the daughter of Judith and Henry Joseph of Redruth,
granddaughter of Zender of Falmouth. See B76.)
The Parnas and Manhig to his congregation, Abraham ben
[Reverse] Abraham Joseph died 28 Eyar 5628 [= 20 May
(Abraham Joseph II (1799 1868), born Plymouth, married firstly 31
January 1828 Eliza Wolf, daughter of Asher Wolf (1811 1850), of
Penzance (B47): secondly Rose died 1896. By his first wife he had
Rose, Hyman, Henry, Moses, Solomon, Sarah, David, Ruth, Hannah and
Eliza. By his second wife he had Floretta. A bill broker in 1851 of 6
Mulgrave Place, Plymouth. Slop man to Prince William Henry.
Plymouth's representative at the Board of Deputies. Partner in Devon
and Cornwall Bank. Friend of Chief Rabbi Nathan Adler, to whom he
bequeathed his library.)
A woman of valour and of upright heart, Sheincha, wife of
cantor Lima [?Lita], died Wednesday, the eve of Rosh Hodesh
Nisan 5553 [= 13th March 1793].
(Their son was a member of the Congregation from 1795 99. The
first reference in the PHC's records to Cantor Lima is in 1796 when
he was appointed Reader at £25 per annum. His salary went up to
£42 per annum in 1802 and £50 per annum in 1816.)
Mordecai ben Israel, an old man and honoured, who served in
the fear of the Lord. Died with hoary head on Tuesday, 14 Shevat and
buried on Wednesday in the year ?5618 [?= Friday 29 January
Samuel ben Menahem the Priest, an honourable and faithful man
from the stock of martyrs, eager to do loving kindness to the poor
and hastening to his prayers, evening, morning and noon. Died 5 Iyar
5620 [= 27 April 1860].
(Samuel Cohen, referred to in Congregational records of 1820 as
'from Chelmsford', and seems to have travelled through Plymouth
frequently about 1821. In 1846 it seems as though he was in some
financial difficulty, but he left £5 to the Synagogue when he
died in 1860.)
[Reverse] Marcus Wolf.
(Ze'ev ben Mordecai (1781 c1860). Born Poland, married to Kitty
also from Poland, left £1 to Synagogue at his death.)
Judah Lyon.
(Judah ben Avigdor. Probably son of Francis Lyons, died 1837.
Brother of Solomon Lyons and Mathilda Lazarus. Watchmaker in Bedford
Street, Plymouth 1836.)
[IMPORTANT: see this emendation/query at
Illegible, but a ewer and basin at the head of the stone.
Here lies a man who walked in uprightness and righteousness,
he feared the Lord God all the days of his life. 32 years he was
cantor here in the Holy Congregation of Plymouth. Meir ben Rabbi
Isaac, he died on Monday, the 7th day of Passover, aged 58 years and
was buried with great honour on the last day of the Passover,
Myer Stadthagen died 21 Nisan 5622 [= 21 April 1862] aged
(Myer Stadthagen, born Prussia 1804, married Arabella (see B67).
Their children were Selina, Phoebe, Sarah, Ellen and Isaac (see A26).
Ellen married Edwin Selig of Manchester in Birmingham 1864, his other
sons in law were Barnet Barnett, jeweller of Birmingham, Abraham
Isaacs, pawnbroker of Newport, Mon., and Edwin Wolf of Plymouth,
pawnbroker. By his will, under £1,500, he left £200 to
Ellen when she should marry, which should not be without the consent
of Barnett and Abraham 'if it be against our religion', as the others
had also received £200 each. £400 to his son in law
Barnett, which Stadhagen had already lent to him, and called on him
to pay into the estate some £610, the value of railway shares,
which were in his possession. His son in law Edwin Wolf, owed him
£20 and Mr J. Joseph owed £14 for which Stadhagen had
mortgaged his house. He left £3 to my Congregation as a memorial
to be made every festival of free will offerings and to pay some fit
person to say a prayer for me during the year, and a light shall be
burned... ' He gave a silver cup to each son in law, and the
'circumcision boxes shall be kept in the family until one of my
grandchildren shall be a circumcizor'. £3 was to be sent to the
Holy Land, and his Pentateuch with the commentary of the Abarbanell
to be given to Abraham Isaacs of Newport. According to his
naturalisation certificate he was a native of Bishopswerder, Prussia
and wanted citizenship to enable him to purchase and hold landed
property. His five referees were all non Jews.)
Abraham ben Yekutiel. ... buried with honour ...
[Reverse] Abraham Kaufman, died 16 January 1863, aged 54
years. May his soul rest in peace.
(Abraham Kaufman, hawker, born Prussia, bachelor (P5/265).
Described as a watchmaker when administration of his effects is
granted to his brother Bernard Kaufman.)
Miss Harriet Nathan.
(Miss Harriet Nathan born Plymouth 1773, an aunt of Abraham Ralph
II, probably the sister of Hannah Ralph. Listed in the Plymouth
Directory, 1850 under 'gentry etc.' as of Bedford Street.)
Joseph ben Judah Jacob.
(= Joseph Jacob Sherrenbeck. He came from Sherrenbeck in Germany,
and was the leader of the Plymouth Congregation in 1745. Is first
heard of in 1734 at the Assizes at Taunton when he was found guilty
of criminal conversation with the wife of Lazarus Chadwick, for which
he was fined £20 and imprisoned 2 years. A prominent business
man and generous benefactor with his wife to the Synagogue. In 1746
he applied as creditor to administer the estate of a William Acres
{Ackres} late of Crediton but died belonging to HMS Edinburgh {DRO
Moger, II, p. 1335, bundle 130}. He insured his goods in a house on
New Quay for £2,000 from 1758. In 1760, giving his address at
Solomon Nathan in Fenchurch Street, with whom he presumably had
business dealings, he insured stock in a house in Plymouth Dock in
the tenure of Sampson Cohen. He died between 1779 and 1782.)
Miss Rachel ben Jacob Judah, died 22 Tamuz 5629 [= 1 July
[Reverse] R. Benjamin aged 88 years.
(Rachel Benjamin, born Plymouth, feather maker, daughter of Levi
Benjamin, cantor in Plymouth in 1813, she lived at 43, Claremont
Street, Plymouth in 1851. According to the census she was born in
1801, but according to the tombstone inscription she was born in
1781. She and a Miss E. Benjamin (?= her sister Leah) gave £7.
5s. to the Appeal for the Gifford Place Cemetery, in 1858.)
Hannah bat Menahem the Levite, died Adar Sheni ?5635 [? =
March 1875].
Hannah Jonas.
Shraga ben Abraham KZ, died 13 Shevat 5551 [= 17 January
(Hands of priest on the stone.)
Leah bat Shemaiah, wife of Menahem ben Jacob the priest, aged
81 years.
(Her husband was Emanuel Cohen, born in Carlsberg, near Mannheim
1775, came to England via Gravesend in 1801, stayed in London for a
short time and came to Plymouth in 1802. He left Plymouth in 1820 for
Falmouth and Redruth. Local tradition in Redruth more than a century
after his passing relates that he could be seen in the street waiting
for sunset on Friday and Saturday evening to close and open his
jeweller's shop. He signed his will in 1849 with a mark, leaving
everything to his wife, Leah (AL 58; PCC Cornwall 1849, 329).)
An upright and pure man, the late Gershon ben Judah Jacob,
died Kislev 5542 [= December 1781].
The woman elder Mrs ... wife of .... died Tishri 5543 [=
September 1783].
(Gershon Sherrenbeck, brother of Joseph Jacob Sherrenbeck. See
Illegible. A broken stone with the number 85 at the top,
indicating that the stones were numbered subsequent to setting,
probably when the cemetery was closed.
Jacob Zvi ben Joseph.
[Reverse] Jacob Lyons.
(Jacob Lyons, born 1795, Poland, wife born 1816 Poland, of 19
Barrack Street, East Stonehouse, general dealer in 1851. Children
were: Rosa, Rebecca, Moses, Isaac, Amelia and Aaron. Rose (Rosa)
married George Norman, a secretary of the Synagogue, in 1861.)
Here lies a man who feared God, his body lies in the ground,
but his soul is in the Garden of Eden. Ze'ev Hayim ben Eleazer who
lived 58 years and died with a good name on Friday the 8th of Adar
Sheni and was buried with great honour on the 11th thereof in the
year 5627.
In memory of Woolf Emden died 15 March 1867, aged 58 years.
(Woolf Emden born 21 April 1810, the son of Eliezer Emden (see
B9). In 1851 he was a draper of 19, High Street, and he was married
to Rebecca Franco, daughter of John Franco. John Franco's Hebrew name
was Abraham, and John was almost certainly the Abraham Franco who
died together with his non Jewish wife of cholera in 1832 and who
were both buried in the same grave. The children were converted and
Rebecca seems to be the 'Rachel' referred to in the Beth Din minutes
about their conversion. By trade he was a last maker.)
Jacob Joseph ben Aryeh, died 21 Kislev 5624 [= 2 December
1863]. Aged 58 years.
[Reverse] Jacob Joseph.
(On an 1858 inscription in the Plymouth synagogue his Hebrew name
is Isaac Joseph ben Aryeh.)
Abraham ben Aaron Bellem, the reaper passed over him and he
died 27 Tishri 5627.
Abraham Bellem died 6 October 5627 [= 1866] aged 44
(His father was Aaron ben Hayim of Dartmouth.)
Here lies the worthy bachelor it is a duty to remember him in
honour/ because he dealt in faithfulness,/ charity to the poor he
gave,/ his righteousness will remain forever,/ may he reap the reward
of the righteous./ He left his wealth as an everlasting memorial/ to
see the pleasantness of the fruit of his work./ Jacob ben Solomon
died with a good name Tuesday 16 Iyar and was buried on Wednesday the
17th thereof in the year 'You shall be remembered', in his 83rd
Beneath are deposited the remains of one of the worthies of his
native town Plymouth. Jacob Nathan who departed this life the 21 May
5627 [= 1867]. Reader ponder on the momento of a good man.
His path during life was upright, just and righteous. The name of
Jacob Nathan was proverbial for deeds of kindness and acts of charity
to the needy and unfortunate.
(Jacob Nathan was the largest single benefactor to the Plymouth
Congregation leaving them the bulk of his estate of £13,000. He
was a bachelor, first mentioned in Congregational records in 1819, is
mentioned in English Goldsmiths as a goldsmith in 1833. His brothers
were Nathaniel, born 1778, and Henry, born 1793 {see tombs B91 and
B93}. Their sister Bila died in 1833. None of the family married,
they were large owners of houses. Neither Nathaniel nor Henry were as
rich as Jacob, who was a most frequent and generous contributor to
all manner of charities.)
Nathan ben Solomon, died Sunday 5 Elul 5625.
Nathaniel Nathan died 27 August 5625 [= 1865] aged 87
(Brother of Jacob and Henry Nathan, see B90.)
Zvi ben Solomon, died on the Holy Sabbath 23 Tevet 5624 [=
2 January 1864].
Henry Nathan.
(Brother of Jacob and Nathaniel Nathan, see B90.)
..... in the year 5522 [= 1762].
The upright and worthy Joseph ben Joseph Meir, died Sunday,
Rosh Hodesh Heshvan ?5545 [?= 15 October 1784].
(He was the Beadle of the Congregation in 1779 and appears to have
been a member in 1759.)
The worthy bachelor Jacob ben .... died 23 Shevat 5523 [=
February 1763].
Abraham ben .... died Iyar 5540 [= 1780].
Menahem ben Judah, died Friday, 2 Kislev 5557 [= 2
December 1796].
(A deeply incised inscription on slate. The standard abbreviation
for 'May his soul be bound up in the bond of life' is at the
beginning of the inscription. It is invariably at the end. He and his
wife Esther bat Solomon left £2. 2s. to the Synagogue.)
B103 & B104
Feigala bat Samuel, died 19 Shevat 5628.
[Reverse] Frances, daughter of Samuel and Phoebe Levy, 12
February 1868.
(See B10. Their surname is more usually spelled Levi.)
Brina bat Gershon.
Brina, wife of Henry Morris died 28 August 1867, aged 56
(Brina Morris, nee Joseph, was born in Exeter, was married in 1830
to Henry or William Morris, born Prussia, jeweller, of 35, Cambridge
Street in 1851. Their children were Cordelia, George, Deborah, Kate,
Jacob and Judah.)
Brina bat Abraham, died 2 Elul 5625 [= 24 August
[Reverse] Brina Joseph.
Brina {or Briny} Joseph born 1781 Plymouth, daughter of Abraham
Joseph I, married Nathan Joseph (Altmann), and had twelve

The tombstone of Abraham Emden (B112) |
B109 to B111
Here lies a man who went in the path of uprightness, feared
God, generous of heart, pursued righteousness and loving kindness and
gave to the needy. Abraham ben Eliezer who reached days and years of
hoary head and who died on Monday 12th of the month of Ziv [=
Iyar], his body lies in the earth but his soul is accepted in the
Garden of Eden. He was gathered with great honour to the place of his
fathers on Tuesday, the 13th of said month in the year 5632. In
memory of Abraham Emdon T.C. Devonport, died 20 May 1872/5632, aged
73 years.
(Abraham Emden born 1799 Plymouth, son of Eliezer Emden I married
twice, firstly to Martha {Frumat} {see A73} and secondly Lydia,
daughter of Mordecai Davis. He was a pawnbroker in Cornwall Street,
Devonport in 1844, at 13 Ordnance Street in 1851. Elected Town
Councillor of Devonport on 9 November 1870, and a year later was a
member of the General Purposes Committee. His son was elected in his
place for Morice Ward on his death, which took place at 10, Lambert
Street. According to Revd Berlin, the present stone is a replacement
of a previoue one.)
The outstanding Torah scholar, righteous, and upright. Isaac ben Abraham. When he was 73 years old he was called to the Yeshiva on
High. 10 Shevat 5732.
Isaac Isaacs died 19 January 1872 aged 72! years.
(Isaac Isaacs born Bavaria 1803, married Fanny, born Exeter 1812.
Their children, all born in Plymouth, were Amelia, Isabella, Nancy,
Julia, Jeanette. He was a master jeweller of 31 Frankfurt Street, in
1851. In the 1871 census he is described as a general clothes dealer
at 1 Abbey Place. He is referred to in a holograph letter
[brought to my attention by Mr Edgar Samuel] sent to Henry
Solomon of Plymouth in 1844, as 'the man who comprehends all
knowledge, the sage Mr Isaacs'.)
B114 & B115
At the age of ?13 years he ascended to Heaven. The bachelor Ze'ev ben Abraham, in the year ?5610 [= ?1850].
[Reverse] Wolf Rosenberg.
Alexander ben Meir, died 19 Av 5629 [= 27 July
(= Alexander Klapper born, according to Revd Berlin, in 1834;
married 12 November 1862 to Amelia Rain of 8 Leigham Terrace,
Plymouth, daughter of Abraham Rain. Klapper was a clothier of 92
Pembroke Street, Devonport, in 1862.)
The righteous man Mordecai ben Jacob, died Friday and was
buried on Sunday ... 5567 [= 1806/7.)
(= Mordecai Jacobs born 1727 Prague, landed at Harwich in 1750,
spent 3 years in London and was then in Cornwall from 1753 to 1773.
He was an umbrella maker and remained in Plymouth from 1773 until his
death on 4 October 1806. In 1805 he lived at 85 Market Place,
Joseph ben Baruch, died 27 Heshvan 5627 [= 5 November
1866] aged 72 years.
Hannah Moses.
(A broken stone lying on the ground in pieces. According to Revd
Berlin she was the wife of Phillip Moses II, she died Friday, 23
December 1864 aged 83. These details are no longer legible.)
Rose Philip [Berlin read: Rosie Phillips], died 5
January (1803) aged 55 years.
(= Reizcha bat Samuel SGL, she was a clothes broker of 15 Market
Street, Plymouth Dock in 1823 and, from 1825 to 1826, one of the few
women members of the Plymouth Meshivat Nefesh Society.)
B120 to B125
Illegible or Missing. A56 (Mrs Reichla Benjamin) above,
lies next to B126.
... ben Abraham KZ, [died] 55[??].
(The number 126 has been placed in the centre of the stone as the
priestly hands have been carved at the top.)
Abraham Isaac ben Joseph, died 22 Kislev ...
(= Abraham Joseph I (1731 24 November 1794). 'Died at Plymouth
aged 63, Abraham Joseph wholesale dealer in slops for the Navy. He
was one of the people called Jews, but the actions of his whole life
would have done honour to any persuasion. He amassed a considerable
fortune by very fair and honest means. As an agent for seamen, his
practice was well worthy the imitation of every person in that
business, as several orphans and indigent widows can testify
(Gentleman's Magazine 1794, p. 1156)'. He was married to Rosy
Abrahams and their children were Phoebe, Esther, Joseph, Brina,
Samuel, Aaron, Gella, Henel. He probably came from Germany, and spent
his early years in London. His wife had a grandfather, Michael Moses,
who lived in Creechurch Lane, London. They probably went to Plymouth
because Rosy had family there. According to his will he left his real
estate to his children, to Joseph and Samuel two leasehold dwellings
on the Barbican, Plymouth, two other leasehold houses in the
possession of Thomas Rowland and John Elliot and three dwellings on
the quay in East Stonehouse on trust for Joseph, Gella and Henel,
Samuel, Phoebe and Brina. Also to his wife and sons freehold
dwellings in Castle Street and Stillman Street or Seven Star Lane.
These were also to be held in trust for Esther. A house in Pyke
Street used by his son in law Abraham Aaron to be held in trust for
Phoebe Aaron. He had insured the life of one Joseph
Daw[?son], and Phoebe was to pay the premiums, and to have
the benefit of it. Of the residue £500 went to his wife and each
child except Joseph and Phoebe, who already had their share, and the
remainder to be divided into eight parts. One eighth each to: Joseph,
his wife, Samuel (provided it did not exceed £500) 'to set up or
continue as a pawnbroker', Phoebe, Gella, Brina, Henel, Esther. His
scrolls of the Sefer Torah in the Synagogue were to be given one to
Joseph, one to Samuel, and the oldest to the 'Synagogue and the Jew
people frequenting same'. 'The pair of Aaron silver bells and the
plate thereto belonging shall never be sold or alienated from my
family'. Joseph's son Henry got a gold watch and silver shoe and
stone knee buckles. 'To Moses Ephraim, schoolmaster £12. 12s.
0d. within twelve months to say certain prayers for me daily'. The
interest of £100 in the Oakhampton Turnpike to be paid to the
Beth Hamidrash in London. 'The interest on £100 for the
Synagogue in Plymouth upon condition and in confidence that proper
prayers are said for me in the synagogue every Jewish Sabbath Day,
and every holiday, and if the people attending at such times shall
refuse, neglect, or omit to say such prayers for me, then the
executors are to pay the interest to the Institution in London'.)
Upon the mountains I will raise my cry and upon the heavens my
lamentation [Jer. 9:9] for the young maiden, the daughter of
our people Gella bat Abraham known as Arbilai. She died on the Holy
Sabbath, 11 Kislev 5574 [= 4 December 1813]. May her soul be
bound up in the bond of life.
(She was the daughter of Abraham Joseph I, for whom see C1.)
C3 & C4
Joseph ben Abraham Isaac.
(= Joseph Joseph (1766 6 September 1846) son of Abraham Joseph I
{see C1}. Silversmith and slop merchant, continued in his father's
footsteps, generous benefactor of the Synagogue. In 1798 he gave a
burial plot worth £105 to the Congregation, also an Ark curtain,
two golden breastplates and a small cover. He owned extensive
property, but lost his money and went bankrupt. He moved in High
Society and appears to have been friendly with King William IV when
the latter was at Dartmouth in his youth.)
Here lies a modest women, precious in her actions, her glory
was at home and she was praised without, ninety were the days of the
years of her life when she was gathered to her people and to her
fathers. She was the benefactress, a woman of worth, Edal bat Abraham
Zvi, who died with a good name on Thursday, 11th Adar and was buried
here in honour on Friday, the 12th thereof 5621 [= 21 February
(She was the wife of Joseph Joseph (C5). She was born in Liskeard
in 1771.)
Zvi ben [?] Nahum, died ... ?5552 [=
C9 & C10
With bitter cry we bemoan the child Abraham ben Samuel, died
on the 2nd day of Shavuot 5564 [= 7 May 1804] aged 5
The child Isaac ben ?Avigdor/?Abimelech. 5564 [=
May he be with the congregation of the upright, there with
the sweet voiced may he dwell, the perfect man Moses ben Isaac,
Shammash and Trusty of the Holy Congregation of Plymouth. Died and
buried on Thursday, 18 Sivan in the year 'and ye shall circumcize the
foreskin of your heart' [apparently based on Deut. 10:16]
[= 1780].
(= Moses Isaac, born 1728 Mezeritz in Poland, moved to Frankfurt,
landed in Harwich 1748. From the chronogram it appears that he was
also the town Mohel. His wife was Dikah bat Jacob and when she died
in 1815 the stock which she left was sold to satisfy the expenses
incurred by the Congregation on her behalf. Isaac was appointed as
Teacher of children in 1781 though he probably acted in this capacity
at an earlier date because he signed the minutes of the congregation
as Beadle in 1778. His wife, Dikah, together with the wife of
Naphtali Benjamin (see A56), and Beilah, wife of Moses Yorkshire,
were called on to examine Esther bat Judah, on the 6th day of
Passover 1794. The girl was standing on a table to watch the sight of
the army to amuse herself like the other girls, as she was at that
time between 8 and 9 years of age. She fell from the table and her
mother saw that there was blood on her dress, so she sent for the
three women to rule whether 'it was blood of virginity or not.
Therefore let this be a memorial, so that there should not be found
in her, God forbid, an evil name, for there are men of Belial who say
that she whored in the house of her mother and father'.)
A woman of worth Golda bat Judah, died and buried Sunday, 19
Adar Rishon 5559 [= 24 February 1799].
With bitter cries we mourn the child Elijah ben Abraham, died
and buried on Sunday, 9 Adar Sheni 5527 [= 10 March
The generous Israel ben Jacob, died 29 Adar Rishon 5559
[= 5 April 1799].
(= Israel Jacobs, born 1743 in Oberhausen, Germany. Landed in
Harwich in 1762. He was a silversmith in Southside Street. A member
of the Congregation in 1767, subscribed one guinea in 1779 for the
Plymouth Congregation's War Levy, and one guinea in 1782 for a new
Scroll of the Law. He was probably a brother of Nathan Jacobs of
Dartmouth, see 13/7.)
Naphtali Hirtz ben Benjamin, died on Friday, 4 Iyar and was
buried on Sunday 5561 [= 17 April 1801] aged 75.
(This seems to be Naphtali Benjamin, born in Ilbersheim, near
Mannheim in 1725. Landed at Harwich in 1745, and appears to have
settled in Plymouth by 1759. He acted as beadle to PHC in 1778, and
was a boxmaker shortly before his death, see AL32.)
An upright man, a righteous priest, who helped the poor, to
services he went morning and night, Federale ben Abraham KZ. Died and
buried with a good name on Wednesday, 13th Adar Sheni 5562 [= 17
March 1802].
My heart weeps for the praised woman, wife of Lapidot
[Judges 4:4] Gittla bat Michael, wife of the late Zalman
Mannheimer, who died on 4 Iyar 5565 [= 3 May 1805].
(Her husband was Solomon Zalman ben Abraham KZ Mannheimer
who was a member some time before 1782.
Nathan ben Jacob from Dartmouth, died Friday 14 Heshvan 5592
[= 24 October 1831].
Reverse] Nathan Jacobs, late of Dartmouth, 6 November
5592 [sic].
(Nathan Jacobs was a member of the Plymouth Congregation before
1779 when he made a big disturbance in the Synagogue for which he had
to make an abject apology. He was a jeweller in Dartmouth, his wife
was Miriam and his children were Alexander, Angel, Betsy, Martha and
Zipporah. By his will he appointed Arthur Bailey Harris, a banker,
and Alexander as executors of his estate which amounted to some
thousands of pounds.)
Yehiel ben Naphtali, died and buried Wednesday, 3 Nisan 5581
[= 5 April 1821].
(Possibly he was Henry Hart, the father of Moses Hart. In Plymouth
before 1805.)
Judah ben Moses Jacob, died [or was buried] the eve
of Rosh Hodesh Shevat 5586 [= 8 January 1826] aged 87
(= Judah Moses I, born 1741 Hartheim in Wurzburg, landed 1763 in
Harwich and came straight to Plymouth. His daughter Esther married
Alexander ben Samuel of Truro. Judah played an important part in the
affairs of the Congregation in the early nineteenth century {a Judah
ben Moses subscribed to the Plymouth Congregation's War Levy of
1779}. He was insured as a watchmaker, silversmith and slopseller at
62 Southside Street, Plymouth, in 1805. Rachel Benjamin left him and
his daughter Esther £1 each by her will {DRO B652} in 1817.)
Ezekiel Judah ben the late Abraham, died 15 Tevet 5583
[= 29 December 1822.]
Simha ben Isaac the Levite who was called Bunam Segal died
Monday 25 Tevet 5579 [= 25 January 1819.) The Parnas and Manhig
of the Holy Congregation of Plymouth, aged 53 years.
(= Benjamin Levy, born 1776 Hamelburg, Germany, landed in London
1782, and spent 4 years in Arundel, came to Plymouth in 1786. He was
insured as a silversmith, haberdasher and optician at 47 Market
Street, Plymouth from 1800. On 1 April 1816 he signed as B. Levy in
English characters and Bunam in Hebrew, slopseller, a lease for water
for a house in Portland Square inhabited by John Tubby. One of the
first Jews to be listed in the Devon Directory, he was an optician in
Southside Street until his death in 1819. One of his daughters
married a Sephardi from Mogador. An ewer and basin are carved at the
top of the stone.)
Baruch ben Isaac Moses, died on the eve of Rosh Hodesh
Shevat 5577 [= 17 January 1871] aged 35 years. He offered
£100 to the Synagogue and he left £40 to its Sinking
(= Barrow Moss of Devonport. Berlin says that there was poetry on
the reverse, but did not record it. Barrow's wife was Sally, whose
father Solomon Isaac, came to Plymouth in 1776 and left her a fortune
of about £1,500. The Congregation still uses a silver besomim
box (spice holder used in the havdalah ceremony at the conclusion of
the Sabbath) which his widow presented originally to the Plymouth
Dock Minyan.)
Mordecai ben Abraham, died Friday, 21 Heshvan 5572 [= 8
November 1811].
(= Mordecai Abraham born 1743 Gelheim, arrived in England via
Harwich 1766, and in 1803 was a silversmith at 37 St Andrews Street,
Plymouth. The TFP of 24 December 1773 carried an advertisement from
RUN AWAY. On Monday 13 December Moses Isaac, a Jew, servant to
Mordecai Abraham of Middle Lane, Plymouth, and carried off two boxes
of great value .... Whoever will apprehend [him] so as he may
be brought to justice shall receive 2 guineas reward. He is a pale
faced man, about 30 years of age, black curled hair, 5 feet 8 inches
high, and apt to be merry in company. He wore a blue plush coat,
reddish waistcoat and buckskin breeches.
The local press took note of his death after a long illness, when
he died at North Corner Street, Plymouth Dock. In his will he is
described as a shopkeeper and licenced hawker. His wife was Rachel,
and their children were Abraham, Judah, Rebecca and Phoebe.)
Jacob ben Mordecai, and was gathered to his forefathers on
Wednesday, 2nd day of Rosh Hodesh Elul and was buried on Friday ?10
(= Jacob Jacob/s. The son of Mordecai Jacob who landed in England
in 1750. He was insured as a silversmith and toyman of Market Place,
Plymouth, from 3 February 1796. He remained there until his death.
His will leaves 'to the Jewish synagogue at Plymouth, of which I am
by the blessing of God a member, £100 to be invested in 5%
annuities, the interest to be given to the poor Jews of Plymouth
every year in Elul, on condition that my late father Mordecai Jacobs,
and myself, be commemorated forever at the Yizkor service. In default
of which my heirs are to sue the congregation in payment of
£100. £10 towards ten poor people for making a competent
meeting for prayers every Saturday, and £5 to Mr Ephraim to say
a certain portion of the Holy Scriptures as a prayer for me on every
Saturday, £5 to my brother in law, Rabbi Simon for saying a
prayer called Kaddish for me in the synagogue every day, a mourning
ring to each of my nephews and the residue to my dearly beloved wife
Hannah Jacobs, daughter of Hayim Barnett of the City of
The old man Solomon ben Nathan, died on the Holy Sabbath 15
Shevat 5571 [= 9 February 1811].
(= Solomon Nathan, born 1740 Merionthal, Germany, landed Harwich
1756 and came straight to Plymouth where he had family. He was the
father of Jacob, Henry, Nathaniel and Bila Nathan. His wife was
Rachel, sister of Abraham Daniel, a noted miniaturist. He was a
goldsmith, and apparently the only registered Jewish master who took
registered apprentices in the South West. Judah Lyons was apprenticed
to him in 1772 for £42.)
My wife Feigela bat Mordecai, wife of Isaac ben Avigdor, died
on account of the plague, Tuesday, 2nd day of Rosh Hodesh Elul 5592
[= 28 August 1832].
[Reverse] Fanny, wife of S. Lyon.
(First wife of Solomon Lyon. She was a straw hat maker in Pyke
Street in 1822.)
Esther bat Abraham from the State of Poland, the Holy
Congregation of Lublin, died 25 Tevet 5591 [= 7 January
(The wife of Lazarus Solomon (see A21), possibly his first
(Jose) Cohen, she died 2 April 5589 [= 1829] aged 3
Sarah bat David the Priest, died 15 Heshvan 5581 [= 23
October 1820].
An elder, honoured and respected, who attained 80 years like a
mighty man. He ran like a hart and was as swift as an eagle to do
that which was right and upright, the scholar Sampson ben Nathan, who
died on Tuesday, 27 Iyar 5577 [= 13th May 1817] the 42nd day
of the Omer according to the counting of the children of Israel. May
he arise in his turn at the time appointed which is sealed in the
(= Simon Nathan, born 1747 near Marienbad in Bohemia, landed at
Harwich in 1773 and came straight to Plymouth where he was a dealer
and chapman at 85 Market Place in 1803. As early as 1786, he was in a
comfortable way of life, able to have water piped into his house on
the conduit system.)
Nencha bat Yehie[l], wife of the late Zvi ben Nathan,
died 15 Heshvan 5574 [= 8 November 1813].
(The 'l' of Yehiel is omitted, probably for the same reason as the
'o' in G d, which is the translation of el.)
Brina bat Solomon known as Zalman KZ, wife of Reuben known as
Zelig, died Tuesday 21 Kislev 5574 [= 14 December 1813].
(= Mrs Brina Isaacs, the wife of Solomon Isaacs (see O18), and a
relation, perhaps, of the aunt of Joseph Joseph.)
The elder, Reuben Zelig ben Isaac, died the Holy Sabbath 21
Kislev 5576 [= 23 December 1815]. He left after him £15
and £10.
(= Solomon Isaac, born 1751 in Mannheim, landed in London 1775,
arrived in Plymouth 1776, a silversmith, noted in the Devon
Directories from 1798, a tenant of one of Joseph Joseph's houses in
Southside Street. His wife was Brina, or Briney, see O17. By his will
he appointed Leviah, wife of Levy Zachariah, Sally, wife of Barrow
Moss, Isaac Isaacs, three of his children, to be executors of his
estate which was sworn at £3,000.)
Minnela bat Menahem, wife of the Parnas and Manhig Zvi ben
Samuel who went to her rest on Sunday, 25 Heshvan and was buried on
the 28th thereof 5572 [= 12 November 1811].
(She was the wife of Henry Hart {see 13/7b}, who in 1797 was one
of the Trustees of the synagogue.)
The bachelor Abraham ben Nathan, Dartmouth, died on the Holy
Sabbath, the eve of Shavuot, and was buried on Isru Hag 5572 [=
16 May 1812] aged 20 years.
(A son of Nathan Jacobs of Dartmouth.)
The child Miriam bat Yehiel, died on Friday, 6 Elul 5572
[= 14 August 1812].
Moses Isaac ben Judah, died Friday and buried Sunday 14 Elul
5593 [= 2 September 1833].
(= Isaac Moses, known as Ike Moses, probably a son of Judah Moses
I (see A14) who came to Plymouth in 1763.)
The Parnas and Manhig Yehiel Michael ben Zvi, died Thursday,
20 Adar 5579 [= 17 March 1819].
(= Michael Hart, born 1739 near Mannheim, came to England via
Harwich 1763. A silversmith in Howes Lane in 1803.)
Alexander Aryeh ben Menahem, died 14 Heshvan 5579 [= 16
November 1818], with hoary head and full of days.
Edal bat Samuel, wife of Alexander Aryeh ben Menahem, died
Sunday, 9 Heshvan 5579 [= 8 November 1818], aged 65
(His surname was Emanuel, his children were Samuel, Ezekiel and
Genella bat Baruch, wife of the late Joseph ben Zvi, from the
Holy Congregation of Falmouth, died Friday, 9 Kislev 5577 [= 29
November 1816].
The child Miriam bat Jacob, Betsy Miriam Jacob, daughter of the
late Lewis Jacobs [II].
Judah ben Isaac, died 8 Sivan 5600 [= 7 June 1840].
[Reverse] Lewis Jacobs; 7 June 1840, aged 49 years.
(= Lewis Jacobs I, goldsmith in 1823 in Totnes. He was not the
father of Q5, but he might have been the father of A94.)
The bachelor Issachar ben Joel, died 25 Shevat 5582 [= 16
February 1822].
(Berlin queries 's.o. [= son of] Joel Levy?'.)
The bachelor Aaron ben Simeon the Levite, died 13 Tishri 5579
[= 13 October 1818].
(The stone has an ewer and basin at the top.)
Joshua Falk ben the late Isaac from Breslau. He was slain in
the place of Fowey by the uncircumcized and impure man Wyatt and
drowned in the waters, 14 Kislev 5572 and buried on the 17th thereof
[= 30 November 1811], aged 26 years.
(= Isaac Valentine who acted as an agent for the Josephs, a
Plymouth family, who in turn were acting on behalf of the London
bankers Goldsmid, who were buying up golden guineas for the
Government. He was enticed to bring £260 to Fowey by an
innkeeper called Wyatt and was murdered by him and dropped into the
dock. Wyatt was hanged for this crime at Bodmin in the presence of a
large crowd which flocked in from all the countryside.)
Zadok ben Asher, died 5 Tamuz 5570 [= 7 July
(In the Plymouth Aliens Register (AL19) there is a Hebrew
annotation R' Zadok next to the name Alexander Sunder. The name Zadok
occurs only rarely amongst Plymouth Jews, and it is likely that
Alexander Sunder is to be identified with Zadok ben Asher. If so, he
was born 1760 at Hanau, near Frankfurt, landed at Margate in 1782 and
came straight to Plymouth. He was a hawker and pedlar living at 2
Middle Lane in 1803.)
Joseph ben Zvi, died 16 Adar Rishon
5603 [= 16 February 1843]
Abraham ben Isaac, died Monday, 5 Tishri 5585 [= 27
September 1824].
(= Abraham Isaac, born 1741 Furth, landed at Harwich in 1761, and
was an old clothes dealer in Southside Street in 1803. In the
Congregational records he is always described as Abraham ben Isaac
The Torani Aaron ben Michael, died 10 Av [followed by the
chronogram] 'According to the counting of the children of Israel'
[= ?1753 or ?1813].
The bachelor Issachar Behrman ben Joshua Levy the righteous
Priest from the Holy Congregation of London, died ?Yom Kippur 5565
[= 15 September 1804] in the Island of Madeira, and was
buried here in Plymouth on Friday, the eve of Sabbath, Iyar 5565
[= May 1805].
(The Plymouth Congregation has a silver bowl and jug for the use
of the Priests given by his family in gratitude for 'the loving
kindness done to the bones of our son'.)
A most exalted man Menahem ben Isaac from London who laboured
.... he died on Monday and was buried on Tuesday..... Av 5580 [=
? July 1820].
Emanuel Levy.
(He might be Levy Emanuel (AL30) who was born in 1732 in
Weisendorf, Germany, and came to Truro via Harwich in 1748. He was a
silversmith in Plymouth from 1763, and in Frankfort Place, Plymouth,
in 1803. There was an Emanuel Levy who came from Jamaica and died and
was buried in Plymouth in July 1825. A Mr Simons of Falmouth laid out
£20 to cover the cost of his burial.)
Joseph ben Naphtali, died and buried on Wednesday 13 Tamuz 5559
[= 16 July 1799].
(= Joseph Henry (AL48), born 1735, Sandfelt, came to England via
Harwich in 1766, was a clothes dealer in Lower Lane.)
Joseph ben Jacob Mannheim called Yosepha Mannheimer, died
Sunday, 24 Sivan 5582 [= 11 June 1822].
(= Joseph Hart, born 1756 Mannheim, came to Plymouth via Harwich
in 1770 and was a silversmith at 35 Market Street, Plymouth. He left
Plymouth between 1798 and 1803, but returned to lodgings. He died,
and four banknotes of £100 each, gold and silver coins, as well
as much gold and silver to a total value of £700 or £800
were found in his lodgings by his landlord William Pyne, who at first
refused to hand over the effects. The Congregation appointed a
committee of four men to take steps to recover the property and
administer it for the benefit of the heirs.)
David ben Moses from Norwich, died and was buried 23 Heshvan
5573 [= 29 October 1812].
(= David Moses born 1737 near Saarbruck, landed in Harwich in 1759
and moved straight to Norwich where he traded as a spectacle maker
until 1793, when he moved to Plymouth. In 1803 he lived in Southside
My husband Isaac Eliezer ben Sampson, died the first
Intermediate Day of Succot 5611 [= 23 September 1850].
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