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Printed and Mss works of Jewish and Anglo-Jewish Historical Interest in the Library of Rabbi Bernard Susser

(London is to be understood if no place of publication is quoted.

J'm = Jerusalem, Jhbg = Johannesburg, Phil'ia = Philadelphia)


  1. Abraham's Jewish Almanack and Calendar 1874/5/6.

  2. Abrahams B. The Jews in England (1950).

  3. Abrahams, I. Jewish Life in the Middle Ages, ed C. Roth (1932).

  4. - -. A Short History of Jewish Literature (1906).

  5. Abrahams I. Starrs and Jewish Charters (Cambridge, 1930), Vols. I,II, & III.

  6. Abrahams I. The Birth of a Community (Capetown, 1955).

  7. Adar Z. Jewish Education in South Africa (J'm, 1965).

  8. Adler, E. Jewish Travellers (1930).

  9. Adler M. ed. British Jewry: Book of Honour (1922).

  10. - - . The Jews of the Empire and the Great War (1929).

  11. - - . The Jews of Medieval England (1939).

  12. - - . 'The Medieval Jews of Exeter', Report and Transactions of the Devonshire Association, (Exeter, 1931).

  13. Adler, M.N. The Itinerary of Benjamin of Tudela (New York, 1901).

  14. Anglo-Jewish Notabilities (1949).

  15. Anonymous Chaim Weizmann (J'm, 1974).

  16. Anonymous Unitarianism in Plymouth (Plymouth, 1958).

  17. Apple R. The Hampstead Synagogue, 1892 - 1967 (1967).

  18. - - The Opportunities and Limitations of the Dialogue (1965).

  19. Aris S. The Jews in Business (1970).

  20. Ascher B.H. The Book of Life and Expression of the Tongue (1861).

  21. Ausubel N. ed. A Treasury of Jewish Folklore (New York, 1948).

  22. Ayerst W. The Jews of the Nineteenth Century (1848).

  23. Barnett A. The Western Synagogue Through Two Centuries, 1761 -1961 (1961).

  24. Bevis Marks Ascamot or Laws and Regulations, revised and amended, 1872.

  25. Bevis Marks Records, Pts. I, II, ed. Barnett L.D. (Oxford, 1940, 1949), Pt. III, ed. Whitehill, G.H. (1973), Pt. IV, ed. R.D. Barnett, (1991).

  26. Barnett R. El Libro de Los Acuerdos, The Records and Accompts of the Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue of London, 1663 - 1681 (Oxford,1931).

  27. Barron S.W. A Social and Religious History of the Jews, 500 -1200 (Phil'ia,1958).

  28. Bayswater and Notting Hill Benefit and Divisional Society, Rules of (1926).

  29. Baum J. and B. A Light unto My Path: The Story of H.N.Solomon of Edmonton (1981).

  30. Bein, A. Theodore Herzl, translated by M. Samuel (Phil'ia, 1945).

  31. Beit-Arie', M. The Only Dated Medieval Hebrew Manuscript Written in England (1189 CE) (Oxford, 1985).

  32. Bell, P.L. Bedford's Second Jewish Community, 1787 - 1883 (Bedford, 1994).

  33. Belloc, H. The Jews (1928).

  34. Bentwich, M. & N. Herbert Bentwich: The Pilgrim Father (J'm, 1940). [2 copies]

  35. Bentwich N. Solomon Schechter (Cambridge, 1938).

  36. Bergman G. and Levi J. Australian Genesis: Jewish Convicts and Settlers, 1788 - 1850 (1974).

  37. Berlin I. The Life and Opinions of Moses Hess (Cambridge, 1959).Bernstein A.S. Germiston Jewry (Germiston, S.A., 1949).

  38. Bernstein E. 'A Bird's-eye view of South African Jewry Today', reprint from South African Jewry (Jhbg, 1967).

  39. Bernstein M. Stamford Hill and the Jews before 1915 (1976).

  40. Beth HaTefutsoth - Catalogue (Tel Aviv, 1980).

  41. Bicur Holim Hospitals, Jerusalem, Plan of, 1907.

  42. Bildersee A. Jewish Post-Biblical History through Great Personalities (Cincinnati, 1918).

  43. Black D. The Plymouth Synagogue, 1761 - 1961 (Plymouth, 1961). [11 copies]

  44. Bolitho H. Twelve Jews (1934).

  45. Bossin H. Stars of David (Ontario, (1957).

  46. Bradlow F.R. 'Sidney Mendleson: A short biography', The South African Library, Quarterly Bulletin, vol.22, No.4.

  47. Bristol Hebrew Congregation, A Guide to the Park Row Synagogue (n.d.).

  48. Brookes, R. & B. A guide to Jewish Names (Birmingham, 1967).

  49. Brown H.M. Cornish Clocks and Clockmakers (Devon, 1961).

  50. Brown M. David Solomons' House, Catalogue of Memoirs (1968).

  51. Buckman, J. 'Problems of the Alien Economy of Leeds, 1880 -1914' (?, 1975).

  52. Cambridge Hebrew Congregation, Book of Memorial (n.d.). Catalogue of an Exhibition of Anglo-Jewish Art and History (1956).

  53. Cardozo, D.A. & Goodman, P. Think and Thank: The Montefiore Synagogue and College Ramsgate, 1833 - 1933 (Oxford, 1933).

  54. Casper, B.M. An Introduction to Bible Commentary (1960).

  55. Century of Anglo-Jewish Life, 1870 -1970, ed. S. Levin (n.d. post 1970).

  56. Chronicles, vols I, II (J'm, n.d.).

  57. Clarke, E. Benjamin Disraeli, 1804 - 1881 (1926).

  58. Cohen A. An Anglo-Jewish Scrap Book, 1600 - 1840 (1943).

  59. Cohen I. A Jewish Pilgrimage: An Autobiography (1956).

  60. Colby, S. Short History of Christianity in the Holy Land (J'm, 1965).

  61. Collins K. Aspects of Scottish Jewry (Glasgow, 1987). Pb, pp.136.

  62. - - Go and Learn (Aberdeen, 1988).

  63. - - Second City Jewry (Glasgow, 1990).

  64. Copeland, G.W. & Phillips E.N.M. The ancient buildings of Plymouth (Plymouth, 1958).

  65. Corner of the Earth, The. An Exhibition of Anglo-Jewish History and Ritual (Southampton, 1966).

  66. Corti, Count The Reign of the House of Rothschild, vols. I, II, (1928).

  67. Davis, M. Shetaroth, Anglo-Jewish Historical Exhibition (1887).

  68. Davis, M. & Levy, I.Journeys of the Children of Israel (1966).

  69. Dobson, R.B. The Jews of Medieval York and the Massacre of 1110 (York, 1979).

  70. Donovan R.J. Israel's Fight for Survival (1967).

  71. Dreiser, T. A Traveller at Forty (1914).

  72. Dubb A. Report on a Study of Jewish Day School Matriculants in the Republic of South Africa (Jhbg, 1971).

  73. Dubnow S.M. History of the Jews in Russia and Poland, vols.I, II, III, (Phil'ia, 1946).

  74. Dunlop D.M. The History of the Jewish Khazars (New York, 1967).

  75. Duschinsky The Rabbinate of the Great Synagogue, London (1921).

  76. Eban, Abba. Israel: The Second Decade (1960).

  77. Economic History of the Jews, ed. N. Gross (J'm, 1975).

  78. Eisen, D. Toronto's Jewish Doctors (Canada, 1960).

  79. Eisenstein J. Polemics and Disputations (New York, 1928).

  80. Elath, E Israel and Elath (1966).

  81. Elbogen, I. A Century of Jewish Life (Phil'ia, 1946).

  82. Emanuel L. A Century and a Half of Jewish History (1910).

  83. ENCYCLOPAEDIAS: Encyclopedia Judaica (J'm, 1972) [16 volumes].

  84. The Jewish Encyclopedia (New York, 1901). [12 volumes].

  85. Ozar Yisrael (Hebrew, New York, 1907), [10 volumes].

  86. The Standard Jewish Encyclopedia, ed. C. Roth (1959).

  87. Vallentine's Jewish Encyclopaedia, eds. A.M. Hyamson & A.M. Silbermann (1938).

  88. Endelman T. The Jews of Georgian England, 1714 - 1830 (Phil'ia, 1979).

  89. - -. Radical Assimilation in English Jewish History, 1656 -1945 (Indiana University Press, 1990).

  90. Epstein, I. The Responsa of Rabbi Simon ben Zemah Duran (1930).

  91. Exeter's Historic Underground Passages (Exeter, n.d.).

  92. Exeter, Official Guide: Historic Exeter (Exeter, n.d.).

  93. Eyre's Plymouth and Stonehouse District Directory, 1896 (1896).

  94. Felbermann, H. The Memoirs of a Cosmopolitan (1936).

  95. Franklin, Caroline, 1863 - 1935. An Appreciation (Privately printed, 1936).

  96. Franks Family, Letters of the, 1733 - 1748 (Massachusetts, 1968). See Lee Max Friedman Collection of American Jewish Colonial Correspondence.

  97. Fieldberg L. South African Jewry (Jhbg, 1967).

  98. Finkelstein, L. Jewish Self-Government in the Middle Ages (New York, 1924).

  99. Fishman, Wm. East End, 1888 (1988).

  100. Frenkel, I. Men of Distinction: Biographies of Great Rabbis (Tel Aviv, 1967).

  101. Freund, M.K. Jewish Merchants in Colonial America (New York, 1939).

  102. Future of Jewish Monuments in the British Isles, The (1991).

  103. Gartner, L. The Jewish Immigrant in England, 1870 - 1914 (1960).

  104. Gaster, M. History of the Ancient Synagogue of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews (1901).

  105. Gaster, Th. H. The Scriptures of the Dead Sea Sect (1957).

  106. Gilbert, J.R. Famous Jewish Lives (1970).

  107. Gilbert M. Jewish History Atlas (1969).

  108. - -. The Jews of Arab Lands, Their History in Maps (1975).

  109. - -. Atlas of Jewish History (5th edn. 1993).

  110. Glu"ckel of Hameln (1962), translated by B.Z. Abrahams

  111. Golders Green Beth Hamedrash Congregation Annual (1968).

  112. Gollancz S.M. Biographical Sketches and Selected Verses (1930).

  113. Gompertz J. Devon, A Poem (1825).

  114. Gonen, R. Grain - The Dagon Museum, Haifa (Haifa, 1979).

  115. Goodman P. Bevis Marks in History (Oxford, 1935).

  116. - - . Moses Montefiore (Phil'ia, 1925).

  117. Goodman P. Zionism in England, 1899 - 1949 (n.d.).

  118. Good News (Jhbg, n.d.)

  119. Gould J. & Esh S. eds. Jewish Life in Modern Britain (1964).

  120. Graetz H. History of the Jews (Phil'ia, 1956).

  121. Grunfeld, I. King George VI, Memorial Address, 1952.

  122. Grunfeld, J. Shefford (1980).

  123. Grunwald M. History of the Jews in Vienna (Phil'ia,1936).

  124. Gunnel, E. The Barbican [Plymouth] (Bodmin, 1977).

  125. Halpern J. and Pearl C. Jewish History Pamphlets: Egypt and the Wilderness (Birmingham, n.d.).

  126. Halpern J. History of Our People in Bible Times (1939).

  127. - -. History of Our People in Rabbinic Times (1939).

  128. Hannessiah M. Sepher Hashoham (1947).

  129. Harris W.B. Plymouth (Plymouth, n.d.).

  130. - - . The Second Book of Plymouth (Plymouth, n.d.).

  131. Hebrew and English Almanack, 1847, 1848 (1847).

  132. Hebrew/English Calendar and Reference Book, 1939, 1940 (New York, 1939).

  133. Hebrew University J'm, Calendar (J'm, 1957).

  134. Heine H. Works of Prose (1943).

  135. Henriques R. Marcus Samuel (1960).

  136. Herford, R.T. The Pharisees (1924).

  137. Herrman L. A History of the Jews in South Africa (1930).

  138. - - . A History of the Jews in South Africa (South African edn. 1935).

  139. - - . The Capetown Hebrew Congregation, 1841 - 1941 (Capetown, 1941).

  140. Hertz, J.H. Essays in Honour of, eds. I.Epstein, E. Levine, C. Roth (1942).

  141. Hertz, J.H.: In Memoriam (1947).

  142. - - . The History and Significance of the Western Wall (n.d.).

  143. - - . Rabbi Avigdor Chaikin: Memorial Address, 1928.

  144. - - . Mystic Currents in Ancient Israel (n.d.).

  145. Hertzl, Theodore, Excerpts from his Diaries (New York, 1941).

  146. - - , Tagebucher, 1895 - 1904, vol III, German, (Berlin, 1923).

  147. Hoexter J. and Jung M. Source Book of Jewish History and Literature (1938).

  148. Hoffnung, The House of, 1852 - 1952 (Australia, 1952).

  149. Homa B. A Fortress in Anglo-Jewry (1953).

  150. - - Orthodoxy in Anglo-Jewry, 1880 - 1940 (1969).

  151. Hoskins W. and Finberg H. Devonshire Studies (1952).

  152. Huie, J. The History of the Jews ... to the Present Time (Edinburgh, 1840).

  153. Hyamson A.M. The British Consulate in Jerusalem, vols. I, II, (1941).

  154. - - . Jews' College, London, 1855 - 1955 (1955).

  155. - - . Moses Montefiore, His Life and Times (?1953).

  156. - - . The Sephardim of England (1951).

  157. Isaacs, A.S. Step by Step: The early days of Moses Mendelssohn (Phil'ia, 1929).

  158. Isaacs R. The Marquess of Reading (1942).

  159. Isacs J. Our People, History of the Jews, vol.III (Brooklyn, 1963).

  160. 'Jabotinsky, Ze'ev, 1880 - 1940', Jewish Herald, South Africa (Supplement, 3 August 1965).

  161. Jacobs J. Jewish Contributions to Civilization (Phil'ia, 1945).

  162. - -. The Jews of Angevin England (1893).

  163. Jakobovits, I. The Problem of Intermarriage (1967).

  164. - -. Milestones and Millstones, Address to mark the centenary of the United Synagogue, 1970.

  165. - -. The Attitude to Zionism of Britain's Chief Rabbis as reflected in their Writings (1981).

  166. Jeppestown and Eastern Districts Hebrew Congregation Diamond Jubilee Brochure, 1963 (Jhbg, 1963).

  167. Jerusalem, Calendar of United Charity Institutions (J'm, 1962).

  168. Jewish Affairs (Jhbg, May, 1965).

  169. Jewish Annual, ed.S.Levy, 1939, 1953/4.

  170. Jewish Association for the Diffusion of Religious Knowledge, Fourth Annual Report, (1864), with list of donors and subscribers.

  171. Jewish Chronicle, The, 1841 - 1941 (1949).

  172. Jewish Historical Society of England, Miscellanies, pts 1 - 12.

  173. - - - - Transactions, vols. I - XXXII.

  174. - - - - Index: Transactions I - XV, Miscellanies I - V (n.d.).

  175. - - - - Index: Transactions I - XXV, Miscellanies I - X (1986),[2 copies]

  176. Jewish Journal of Sociology, vol.1, no. 1; vol.6, no.6, (1959).

  177. Jewish Museum Catalogue: European Synagogues (1977).

  178. Jewish Quarterly, The , vol. 34, no. 2, (1987).

  179. Jewish Settlement and Community in the Modern Western World, eds R. Dotterer, D.D. Moore, S.M. Cohen (Susquehanna University Press, 1991).

  180. Jewish Spectator, The (New York, 1938).

  181. Jewish War Memorial (n.d.). Papers relating to the #1,000,000 appeal.

  182. Jewish Year Book, 1897, 1901-5, 1930-5, 1949-51, 1959-60, 1962-70, 1975, 1981, 1983-89, 1992. [5 duplicates].

  183. Jews in South Africa, The, eds. Saron, G. and Hotz L. (Oxford, 1955).

  184. Jews' Temporary Shelter, Report, 91st Year (1977).

  185. Johannesburg Jewish Helping Hand and Burial Society, Statement of Accounts and Review of Activities for the Years 1972 and 1972 (Jhbg, 1973).

  186. Johannesburg, Northern Suburbs Hebew Congregation (Waverly Synagogue), Rosh Hashanah 5734 Newsletter (Jhbg, 1974).

  187. Johannesburg, Great Synagogue. (A Commemorative Brochure issued on the Occasion of the Golden Jubilee - August 1914) (Jhbg, 1964).

  188. Johannesburg United Hebrew Congregation, Service of Thanksgiving on the Sixtieth Anniversary of the Founding of the U.H.C. (Jhbg, 1975).

  189. Johannesburg United Hebrew Congregation, The Sixtieth Anniversary, with articles by G.Saron and B.Susser (Jhbg, 1975).

  190. Johannesburg United Hebrew Congregation Annual Reports, (Jhbg, 1968, 1969, 1975).

  191. Johannesburg United Hebrew Congregation, Yeoville Calling (Jhbg, 1970, 1971).

  192. Johannesburg United Hebrew Congregation, Yeoville Synagogue, Fiftieth Anniversary Souvenire Brochure (Jhbg, 1972).

  193. Johannesburg United Hebrew Congregation, Yeoville Synagogue, Chairman's Report, 1975.

  194. Joseph S. History of the Baron de Hirsch Fund (Phil'ia, 1935). Josephs, Z. Birmingham Jewry, 1749 - 1914 (B'mnghm, 1980).

  195. Josephus, The Jewish War, translated by G.A. Williamson (1959).

  196. Jossipon (Hebrew, Warsaw, 1874).

  197. Journal of the Rabbinical Council of the Provinces, vol. 3, nos. 1, 2 (1991/2).

  198. Judaism and the beginnings of Christianity (1923).

  199. Jung L. The American Scene (1964).

  200. Kahan, M. 'Lord George Gordon', Yiddishkeit (Issue 5, J'm, n.d. post 1987).

  201. Kalms, S. A Time for Change (1992).

  202. Kayfetz, B. Toronto Jewry - An Historical Sketch (Toronto, 1957).

  203. Kayser J. The Dreyfus Affair (1931).

  204. King M. Toronto Jewry 60 Years Ago (Toronto, 1958).

  205. Klaperman, G. & L. The Story of the Jewish People (New York, 1957).

  206. Kober A. History of Jews in Cologne (Phil'ia, 1940).

  207. Kobler, F. Letters of Jews through the Ages, vols. I & II (1952).

  208. Kosmin A., Bauer M. and Grizzard N. Steel City Jews (1976).

  209. Kramer S. Pesach to Pesach Calendar (Jhbg, 1954).

  210. Krausz E. Leeds Jewry (Cambridge, 1964).

  211. Landau, J.L. Short Lectures on Modern Hebrew Literature: From M.H. Luzzatto to S.D. Luzzatto (Jhbg, 1923).

  212. - - -. Short Lectures on Modern Hebrew Literature: From M.H. Luzzatto to N.I. Fischmann (1938).

  213. Laski N. The Laws and Charities of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews' Congregation of London (1952).

  214. Lebeson, A.L. Jewish Pioneers in America (New York, 1938).

  215. Lee Max Friedman Collection of American Jewish Colonial Correspondence. Letters of the Franks Family, 1733 - 1748, eds. L. Hershkowitz & I.S. Meyer (Massachusetts, 1968).

  216. Legacy of Israel, The, planned by I. Abrahams, eds. E.R. Bevan & C. Singer (Oxford, 1953)

  217. Lehmann R. Anglo-Jewish Bibliography, 1930 - 1970 (1973).

  218. - - . Anglo-Jewish Bibliography, 1937 - 1970 (1973).

  219. - - . Jews' College Library, A History (1967).

  220. - - . Nova Bibliotheca Anglo-Judaica (1961). [2 copies]

  221. Lehrman, S.M. Rabbi Joseph Karo - His Life and Times (?1953)

  222. Levine H. The Norwich Hebrew Congregation, 1840 - 1960 (1961).

  223. Levy A. The Origins of Glasgow Jewry, 1812 - 1895 (Glasgow, 1949).

  224. Levy A. The 200-Year-Old New Synagogue, 1760 - 1960 (n.d.).

  225. Levy A. History of the Sunderland Jewish Community, 1755 - 1955 (1956).

  226. Levy, A.B. East End Story (n.d. post 1948).

  227. Levy, Amy A Minor Poet and Other Verse (1884).

  228. Lew, M.S. Isidore Epstein, Memorial Address, 1962.

  229. Liber, M. Rashi, translated by A. Szold (1906).

  230. Lincoln F.A. The Non-Christian Oath in English Law (Essex, n.d.).

  231. Lindo E. The Conciliator of Manasseh ben Israel (New York, 1972).

  232. Lipman S. & V.D eds. The Century of Moses Montefiore (Oxford, 1985). Lipman V.D. A Century of Social Service, 1859 - 1959 (1959).

  233. - - . The Jews of Medieval Norwich (1967).

  234. - - . Social History of the Jews in England, 1850 - 1950 (1954).

  235. - - . 'Synagogal Organization in Anglo-Jewry', Jewish Journal of Sociology (vol. 1, no. 1 1958).

  236. - - . 'Jews in British Urban Society' (1975).

  237. - - . ed. Three Centuries of Anglo-Jewish History (Cambridge, n.d.)

  238. Loewe L. ed. Diaries of Sir Moses and Lady Montefiore, vols I & II (1890).

  239. Magnus, Lady K. Jewish Portraits (1897).

  240. - - Outlines of Jewish History (Phil'ia, 1890).

  241. - - Outlines of Jewish History (1924).

  242. - - Outlines of Jewish History (1931).

  243. Manasseh ben Israel, The Conciliator (New York, 1972).

  244. Marcus J.R. Memoirs of American Jews, vols. I & II (Phil'ia, 1955).

  245. - - . Testament: A Personal Statement (HUCA, 1989).

  246. Margolis M. and Marx A. A History of the Jewish People (New York, 1958).

  247. Martin, C.W. 'Ethnic Identity - The Jewish Case' (1975).

  248. Maxwell, E. The Righteous Gentiles (Oxford, 1990).

  249. Meir, Golda My Life (1975).

  250. Minney R.J. The Private Papers of Hore-Belisha (1960).

  251. Modder F. The Jew in the Literature of England (Phil'ia, 1960).

  252. Moses ben Isaac Hanessiah, The Sepher HaShoham, ed. B. Klar (1947).

  253. Munk E. The Golders Green Beth Hamedrash Congregation: Laws and Customs (1959).

  254. Naggar, B. Jewish Pedlars and Hawkers, 1740 - 1940 (1992).

  255. Nathan M. Once Upon a Time and Today (New York, 1933).

  256. Nation Reborn, A (n.d.).

  257. Newcastle upon Tyne Old Hebrew Congregation, Seventy-fifth Anniversary Celebration Brochure (Newcastle, 1955).

  258. Newman A. The Jewish East End, 1840 - 1939 (1981).

  259. - - . Leicester Hebrew Congregation, 1874 (Mansfield, 1974).

  260. - - . ed. Migration and Settlement (1971).

  261. - - . ed. Provincial Jewry in Victorian Britain (1975).

  262. Newman, L.I. Jewish Influence on Christian Reform Movements (New York, 1925).

  263. Official List for 1913, pubd by the Registrar-General. [Gives list of Synagogal Secretaries of Marriage].

  264. Or, M. The Eve of Battle (J'm, 1957).

  265. Orders of Service: Chief Rabbi's Office: 36 occasions from 1911 - 1953.

  266. Exeter: Bicentenary of the Synagogue, 1964.

  267. London: New Synagogue: Israel Independence Day, 1960.

  268. Manchester: Great Synagogue: Installation of Lord Mayor, 1964.

  269. Higher Crumpsall: Induction Chazan A. Hillman, 1967.

  270. - - : Istallation of Sidney Hamburger as Mayor of Salford, 1968.

  271. Plymouth: 16 occasions from 1910 - 1987 [48 copies].

  272. Sunderland: 1928, 1968.

  273. Torquay: In memory of Isidore Joseph, 1967.

  274. National Day of Prayer & Dedication, 3 September 1944.

  275. Olsover L. The Jewish Communities of N.E. England (Newcastle, 1980).

  276. On the Track of Tyranny: Essays presented by ... to Leonard G. Montefiore ..., ed M. Beloff (1960)

  277. Orme, N. Unity and Variety: A History of the Church in Devon and Cornwall (Exeter, 1991).

  278. Oschry, L. The Story of the Vilna Gaon (Ohio and New York, 1946).

  279. Parkes, J. The Conflict of the Church and the Synagogue (Phil'ia, 1961).

  280. Parkes J., Neustater H., Brotz H. and Freedman M. A Minority in Britain (1955).

  281. Perry N. Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century (Oxford, 1973).

  282. Patterson, D. The Foundations of Modern Hebrew Literature (1961).

  283. Phillips O. Solomon J. Solomon, A Memoir of Peace and War (n.d.).

  284. Pictorial History of the Jewish People, A (1973)

  285. Plymouth, Conferment of the Honorary Freedom of the City of, on the Plymouth Command of the Royal Navy (Plymouth, 1963).

  286. Plymouth, Laws and Regulations of the Hebrew Congregation at (1835).

  287. Plymouth, The Council House and Municipal Offices of (Plymouth, n.d.).

  288. Plymouth, Notes about the interior of the Council House (Plymouth, 1962).

  289. Plymouth through the Ages (Plymouth, n.d.).

  290. Ploeg, J. van der The Excavations at Qumran (1959).

  291. Polano H. The Talmud (1888).

  292. Poliva J. A Short History of the Jewish Press and Literature of South Africa (Jhbg, n.d.).

  293. - -. Biography of Nehemia Dov Hoffman: Founder of the Jewish Press in South Africa (Holon, 1968).

  294. Pollins, H. 'Jobs for Jews in Late Victorian London' (?, 1975)

  295. Postal B. & Abramson, S.H. A Traveler's Guide to Jewish Landmarks of Europe (New York, 1971).

  296. Prager, M. Sparks of Glory (New York, 1974).

  297. Prague, The Old Jewish Cemetery in (Prague, n.d.).

  298. Pretoria Jewish Chronicle, November 1973.

  299. Pycroft, G. Art in Devonshire (Exeter, 1883).

  300. Rabinowicz, H. A Guide to Hassidism (1960).

  301. Rabinowicz, O.K. Sir Solomon de Medina (1974).

  302. Rabinowitz, L. The Herem Hayyishub (1945).

  303. Raphael, Ch. A Coat of Many Colours (1979).

  304. - - . Encounters with the Jewish People (New York, 1979).

  305. Rau, D. 1891 Census - Index of Heads of Family from the 1891 Census Project of Spitalfields (Leicester, 1994).

  306. Report and Transactions of the Devonshire Association, (Exeter, 1931). Containing M. Adler, 'The Medieval Jews of Exeter', pp. 221 - 240.

  307. Report of the Special Committee with New Laws and Regulations (1842). ?

  308. Richardson H.G. The English Jewry under Angevin Kings (1960).

  309. Rigg J.M. ed. Select Pleas, Starrs and other Records from the Plea Rolls of the Exchequer of the Jews (1902).

  310. - J.M. ed. Calendar of the Plea Rolls of the Exchequer of the Jews, vols.I, II, III, IV, V (1910 - 1992).

  311. Rome, Permanent Exhibition of the Jewish Community of (?Rome, n.d.).

  312. Rosenthal, E.I.J. Judaism and Islam (1961).

  313. Rotenburg, S. Toledot Am Olam (Hebrew, New York, 1972).

  314. Roth, Cecil Anglo-Jewish Letters, 1158 - 1917 (1938).

  315. - - A Bibliographical Guide to Anglo-Jewish History(1937).

  316. - - Essays and Portraits in Anglo-Jewish History (Phil'ia, 1962).

  317. - - Gleanings (New York, 1967).

  318. - - History of the Great London Synagogue, 1690 - 1940 (1950).

  319. - - History of the Jewish People - A Syllabus (post 1941).

  320. - - A History of the Jews (New York, 1954).

  321. - - A History of the Jews (New York, 1963).

  322. - - History of the Jews in England (Oxford, 1941).

  323. - - - - - - (Oxford, 1964).

  324. - - The History of the Jews of Italy (Phil'ia, 1946).

  325. - - A History of the Marranos (New York, 1932).

  326. - - - - - - - (Phil'ia, 1941).

  327. - - The House of Nasi, The Duke of Naxos (Phil'ia, 1948). [2 copies]

  328. - - The House of Nasi, Dona Gracia (Phil'ia, 1947).

  329. - - Iscariot (1929).

  330. - - A Jewish Book of Days (1931).

  331. - - The Jewish Contribution to Civilisation (Oxford, 1945).

  332. - - Jews in Oxford after 1290 (1950).

  333. - - The Jews in the Renaissance (New York, 1959).

  334. - - Medieval Lincoln Jewry and its Synagogue (1934).

  335. - - The Nephew of the Almighty (1933).

  336. - - Personalities and Events in Jewish History (Phil'ia, 1955).

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  24. Spector, D. 'Baron Palmeira and the Goldsmids of Hove', (1980). TSS

  25. Sunderland Hebrew Benevolent Society, Copy Book, 1878 - 1886.

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  37. Tucker, C. 'Bibliography of Jewish Genealogical Sources' (1989).

  38. Urban History Group, Agenda, Annual Conference, 1975.

Updated 9 June 1994


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