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Inscriptions in the Alderney Road, London E1 Cemetery 1697 - 1853


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Studies in Anglo-Jewish History (in Association with The Working Party on Jewish Monuments in the UK & Ireland & The United Synagogue, London)

No. 5.

Transcribed, annotated & edited by Rabbi Bernard Susser BA, LLB, MPhil, PhD.

The Jewish Memorial Council is pleased to have sponsored this valuable publication. A wide range of books on all subjects, as well as religious artefacts, is available in the Bookshop of the Jewish Memorial Council which is open daily. For further information please contact the: JMC Bookshop, 25 Enford Street, London W1H 2DD. Tel: 0171 724 7778 Fax: 0171 706 1710

Published 1996 by Bernard Susser for Working Party on Jewish Monuments in the UK & Ireland, 25 Enford Street, London W1H 2DD

c 1996 Illustrations: Working Party on Jewish Monuments in the UK & Ireland

c 1996 Text: Bernard Susser

The moral right of the author has been asserted

ISBN 1 899775 03 ?



List of Illustrations


Preface by Jonathan Fisher

Foreword by Stephen Garcia


The Inscriptions

Index of Place Names

Index of Hebrew Names

Index of English Names





In 1993 the Working Party on Jewish Monuments in the UK & Ireland under its then Chairman, Dr Sharman Kadish, set up a project to survey the Alderney Road Cemetery, London E1, the oldest Ashkenasi burial ground in Great Britain, and which is still maintained by the United Synagogue.

Through ICOMOS (the International Council on Monuments and Sites) UK and ICOMOS ISRAEL two students, then recently graduated in architecture from the Bezalel Academy of Art & Design, Jerusalem, spent six weeks surveying the cemetery, its tombstones and, where legible, their inscriptions. They were Paula Palombo and Yael Turner and their original line drawings have been incorporated in this book. Their task was not easy, as anyone who has tried to decipher inscriptions on weather beaten stones will know. They were supervised by Dr Sharman, Mr Charles Tucker, Archivist to the Chief Rabbi's Office, Tina Murdoch of ICOMOS UK, and myself.

Generous financial support for the original survey project came from the Joseph and Hannah Turner Charitable Trust, the Jewish Memorial Council and the Sarah D'Avigdor Goldsmid Charitable Trust.

I am grateful to the Jewish Memorial Council, to Mr Edward Jamilly, the present Chairman of the Working Party, and all his co-workers for their help and support in seeing this record of Jewish Heritage in England through to publication.

My thanks go to the Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England for enabling a photographic record of the tombstones to be made, and in particular to its expert Mr Derek Kendall for his advice. My thanks to Mr Geoffrey Behrman for taking the excellent photographs of every stone. A whole set has been deposited with the Royal Commission.

If I have unwittingly omitted to thank anyone who has an intellectual property right in any aspect of this work, or if I have not explicitly acknowledged any contribution, please bring it to my attention and D. V. I will rectify it in a later printing.

I thank Mr Elkan Levy, the current President of the United Synagogue for his help and encouragement to me when he was Chairman of the Burial Society, and my especial thanks to Mr Jonathan Fisher, the present Chairman of the United Synagogue Burial Committee, for his help and support, as well as for contributing a valuable Preface to the work. The United Synagogue has given me substantial financial support to enable me to bring this book to fruition, and I am very grateful to them.

London, February 1997

Bernard Susser


by Mr Jonathan Fisher, Chairman, United Synagogue Burial Society



There is a little known cemetery near to London's Stepney Green Underground Station. It is the first Ashkenasi burial ground in England after the Resettlement in 1656.

The first Jews to live openly and freely in England qua Jews after the Expulsion in 1290 were mostly Sephardim, Jews emanating from Spain and Portugal. They had lived in London as crypto Jews, Marranos, from about 1630, but when war broke out between England and Spain in 1656 Antonio Rodrigues Robles successfully petitioned the Courts that as a Jew, although of Spanish birth, he was not to be regarded as an enemy alien. Once Robles was allowed to remain in England it was not long before his co-religionists 'came out of the closet'. They formed a Jewish community, worshipping and conducting itself according to the Sephardi rite.

When the first Ashkenasi Jews came to this country after 1656 they worshipped with the Sephardi community in small houses near Dukes Place, London, and when they died they utilized the Sephardi cemetery in Mile End which had been opened in 1657. As their numbers grew, the Ashkenasim established their own minyan and, according to Cecil Roth in his The Great Synagogue, London (the classic work on which any Anglo-Jewish history of this period must heavily rely), formed an organized community in 1690.

When Jewish communities later began to establish themselves in the first half of the eighteenth century in Provincial towns, often their first act of communal organization, even before building a synagogue, was to purchase land for a cemetery.1 In London, however, they first built for themselves a synagogue, but continued to rely upon the Sephardim to bury their dead.

The Sephardi authorities became anxious about the number of tudescos, as they called their Ashkenasi brethren, who were being buried in their cemetery, especially, perhaps, the number of poor dead who were a charge on their communal funds.

On 11 January 1692/32 David Penso, parnas of the Sephardim, called the attention of the Mahamad (its governing body) to 'the many tudescos who are at present in this city and increase every day' and they resolved to inform the Ashkenasim that they had to get their own cemetery within six months, for after that time only Ashkenasim who had paid their Burial Tax (finta de Bethahaim) would be buried. The six month ultimatum came and went, the Ashkenasim appear to have done nothing to secure a cemetery of their own, but no doubt pressure was maintained, and in 1695/6 a separate Burial Society (Hevra Kaddisha) was established. This was the forerunner of the present day United Synagogue Burial Society, which arose from an amalgamation of this and later the Burial Societies of the Hambro' and New Synagogues.3

The most prominent Ashkenasi in London at this time was Benjamin Levy who had arrived about 1669. He was the son of Moses Levy, a wealthy merchant of Hamburg. He was one of the twelve Jews out of 124 men licensed to practise on the Royal Exchange. Levy was endenizened in 1688, was one of the original Subscribers to the Bank of England and a figure of importance in the financial world. He was a member of the Sephardi congregation and, exceptionally, granted all the privileges of membership, including burial.

Benjamin Levy, acting from the highest motives of disinterest, for his own burial rights were secure, bought from Captain Nathanaiel Owen a plot of garden-land contiguous to the Sephardi cemetery in Mile End on 2 February 1696 (Old Style) or 2 February 1697 (New Style) on a lease for 999 years, at a peppercorn rent, for £190. The following day an Indenture was signed and sealed whereby Owen left £105 on mortgage.4 When Levy's (second) wife died in the spring of 1704 she was buried in this cemetery, and it is fitting that when he died a few months later he was laid to rest next to her. No doubt an impressive monument was raised, but all trace of it has disappeared, and the great community which he virtually founded is ignorant of the precise spot in which he was laid to rest.

By the middle of the eighteenth century it was necessary to purchase a further plot immediately adjacent. This was in Three Colt Yard which subsequently became Colt Yard and eventually, the present name, Alderney Road.

On Sunday 9 July 1939 Chief Rabbi Dr J. H. Hertz consecrated a Memorial Stone to commemorate the Founders, Rabbis and Lay Leaders of the Anglo-Jewish community in its early years.5 Dr Cecil Roth gave an address in which he brought to life the events of yesteryear:

A feature of the Cemetery in the old days was a sort of wheeled sentry-box, which was moved about the ground and from which new graves were watched for some nights after a burial had taken place., as a precaution against the activities of the so-called 'Resurrection men' who supplied Medical Schools with corpses for dissection. Members of the Congregation, in pairs and armed with blunderbusses, took turns to perform this cold and rather gruesome duty, and in the records of the Synagogue there are preserved rosters of the roll of duty 'for the guarding of the House of Life'.6

Roth continued by drawing attention to that delicacy of feeling which has characterised the United Synagogue Burial Society from its earliest days that:

Up to a time within living memory, all the near relatives attending a funeral were supplied with black "mourners' cloaks". These continued to be worn throughout the week of mourning, covering up any deficiency of dress, and thus, in accordance with true Jewish sentiment, protecting the feelings of the poor.

In this God's Acre lie the mortal remains of many of the founders and prominent members of the London Ashkenasi community. Here lie:

Benjamin Levy (founder of the Askenasi community, died 1705) and his second wife (died 1704);

Moses Hart (built at his sole expense the nucleus of the Great Synagogue, died 1756);

Elias Levy (AJ11, a benefactor of the Great Synagogue) and his wife

Judith Levy (AJ10, daughter of Moses Hart, an eccentric known as the Queen of Richmond Green, benevolent donor to the reconstruction of the Great Synagogue which was destroyed on 11 May 1941, died 1803 in her ninety-eighth year);

Aaron Hart (who died in the service of the community after nearly half a century of devoted service, 1709 - 1756, and was the first Chief Rabbi of England);

David Tevele Schiff (AE18, second Chief Rabbi of England, served 1765 - 1791);

The Baal Shem of London, Rabbi Hayim Samuel Jacob de Falk (AF1, 1708-82). The massive chest monument of the Baal Shem, the Cabbalist and mystic, familiar with Cagliostro, has become a place of pilgrimage largely for the Chassidic community of London. Every week two or three of the faithful keep vigil at his grave, on Tisha B'Av a crowd of several hundred come to pray and invoke the memory of England's most famous wunder Rebbe;

Another former Chief Rabbi's name, Hart Lyon, is also mentioned in this ground inasmuch as his son, Rabbi Saul Berlin (d. 1794), ended his troubled life within these shores. The original inscription has long been illegible, but a commemorative plaque has been affixed to the wall nearby (AQ22).

Here, too, were buried Joseph Eliahu HaCohen D'Azevedo, a Sephardi worthy who died in 1705, and whose inscription in 1939 was the oldest then legible; the benevolent Aaron Franks, who was one of the founders of the Board of Deputies of British Jews; Isaac Franks (d. 1734) who left an annuity for the 'keeper of the ground' (see CT1); Naphtali Franks, who collaborated with Sir John Fielding in correcting some of the 'inner city' problems which then confronted London; Phila, daughter of Aaron Franks, who married Moses Franks. She was one of the beauties of her day and her portrait was painted both by Gainsborough as well as by Reynolds. The latter also painted her husband in 1761 for a fee of £21.

Illustrious Jewish physicians are buried here: Hart Wesssels (d. 1767); Nathan Mitchell (d. 1785); Hayyim ben Meshullam Bondi of Prague, whose tombstone proclaims the traditional Jewish epithet for a doctor of medicine, Rophe Bar, Pure Doctor (BH4, d. 1794); and probably also Meyer Low Schomberg, physician to the Great Synagogue, who was the father of the naval officer who covered Wolfe's landing at Quebec.

Most of these names are recorded by Lysons in his Environs of London (1795). He adds Abraham Franks, 1748, Jacob Hart, Gent. of New York, 1785, Joseph Levy, merchant, 1722, Sarah Phillips, aged 90, 1733, Judith Joseph, aged 90, 1771, Michael Adolphus, Esq, 1785, Naphtali Hart Myers, Esq, 1789, Lepy Reuben, aged 95, 1787. He also refers to 'Solomon Shiph, chief Rabbi', 1792.

Lysons, himself, noted that 'in the cemetery of the 'Dutch' (as he calls the Ashkenasim) Jews the rows are not kept so regularly, and the tombs resemble more those in our burial grounds'. Indeed, Mr Charles Tucker suggests that when a stone or chest tomb was needed, the family went to a stonemason who supplied memorials for churchyards and picked out what most closely matched their needs from what the mason had in stock. This would account for the wide variety of typical eighteenth century funereal motifs on the stones:- the grave-digger's tools and the hour glass (AH20, AN3, AN4, AQ5, CH5, CH7, CM1); skull and crossbones (AQ5, AQ7, CA6, CE2, CE4); curtains and ribbons, coffins, cut trees (AA11, AA12, AN8, AQ5, AQ6, CT3); cherubs and possibly dancing men (AL1, CM1); possibly flowers (AG4); as well as specifically Jewish motifs such as the priestly hands raised in benediction (AG16, AL1, BD3, BH8, CK6) and the ewer and basin of the Levites (AF9, AN3, AN6, CB7).

Only one or two examples of East European tombstone motifs are now extant though there may well have been more at one time: a pair of hares (AL1) and an open book (CM1). There is nothing remotely like the extensive folk art depicted in D. Goberman, Jewish Tombstones in Ukraine and Moldova (Moscow, 1993).

A notable addition to our knowledge of eighteenth and early nineteenth century London Jewish life is to be found on some tombstones. Apparently, Jewish Friendly Societies not only gave money to their members when they were sick or when sitting shivah but also erected tombstones (AQ19, BA1, BH5, BE1, BF8, BG2, CK8) for them. There was even a women's Jewish Friendly Society (BC7).

Unfortunately, acid rain and London's traditional atmosphere wreak havoc with tombstones. Cecil Roth writing to the Secretary of the United Synagogue in 1935 lamented that 'monuments perfectly recognisable thirty years ago have now decayed beyond recognition'. Regular visitors to the ground can see the stones disintegrating before their very eyes. Would that this work had been done a hundred years ago! A few inscriptions of outstanding people have been preserved in external sources, but for the most part they have disappeared for ever. One would like to know what the Baal Shem inscribed on his wife's tomb which Lysons declared to be 'so composed thatit has puzzled the most learned Rabbis', the tomb itself was not identifiable in 1903 when Chief Rabbi Dr H. Adler lectured to the Jewish Historical Society of England on the Baal Shem of London.

Today, the cemetery is like an oasis in a world of bustle and modernity. It is beautifully kept by the United Synagogue and it radiates an atmosphere of peace and tranquillity.

This cemetery, and the adjoining one of the Sephardim, are not only part of the history of English Jewry, but are now part of the history of England.


Ashkenasim = Jews emanating from Central or Eastern Europe.

b = Buried;

bat = Daughter of;

ben = Son of;

bnd = Buried next day;

bsd = Buried same day;

Heb = Hebrew;

HK = Hevra Kaddisha [= Holy Society];

KK = Kehillah Kedoshah [= Holy Community];

KZ = Kohen Zedek [= righteous priest];

NM = New Moon;

Sephardim = Jews emanating from Spain & Portugal or North Africa.

SGL = Segan Leviyah [= Levitical excellence, ie. a Levite];

Sh"Z = Shaliach Zibbur [Reader or Cantor];

TNTzBH = May his/her soul be bound up in the bond of eternal life.

YZV = May his Rock and Redeemer preserve him.

ZL = Zichrono liveracha [= May his memory be for a blessing].

ZTzL = May the memory of the righteous be for a blessing.

[? followed by English date = The weekday stated in Hebrew on the stone does not correspond with the day and Hebrew month and year, or there is some other doubt about the English date;

Small capitals = Material in small capitals appears on the stone in English.

... ... = word/s which are no longer legible;

Inscriptions where nothing remains except for formal beginnings or endings ("Here lies" or "TNTzBH") have been omitted.

All measurements of tombstone dimensions are in centimetres.


A1 KK Kenesset Israel

United Synagogue

Alderney Road Cemetery

This stone is a testimony that here are buried some of the founders, Rabbis and Lay Leaders of KK Ashkenasim, London, in ancient years, including:

P"M R. Benjamin HaLevi

P"M R. Moses ben Naphtali

Rabbi Aaron ben Naphtali, Av Beth Din

P"M R. Elijah ben Benjamin HaLevi

The philanthropist, Madam Yetta wife of the aforesaid R. Elijah

Rabbi David Tevele ben Zalman KZ, Av Beth Din

The Kabbalist, Rabbi Samuel ben Rabbi Raphael

Within this cemetery lie the mortal remains of the founders, lay leaders and rabbis of the Ashkenazi community in this country among them being

BENJAMIN LEVY (died 1705) who in 1696 acquired for use as a Jewish cemetery the ground facing this memorial

MOSES HART (died 1757) who in 1722 caused to be erected at his sole expense, the first permanent place of worship for the congregation of the Great Synagogue

AARON HART (born 1670) first Chief Rabbi of the Ashkenazi Jews of this country 1709 - 1756

ELIAS LEVY (1703 - 1750) son of the above mentioned Benjamin Levy and a benefactor of the Great Synagogue

JUDITH LEVY 1707 - 1803 widow of Elias Levy and daughter of Moses Hart who bore a large part of the cost of the construction in 1790 of the present Great Synagogue

DAVID TEVELE SCHIFF Chief Rabbi 1765 - 1791

SAMUEL FALK (died 1782) The "Baal Shem of London"

T' N' Tz' B' H'

[Commemmorative stone laid at the time of the special service in 1939].

AA11 (A tree within the letters Peh Tet).

AA12 (A tree above the letters Peh Nun).

AA13 5555 [=1795].

AA14 [?] [ben] Abraham Hatzaran. Died Sunday 9 Heshvan 5545 [? 24 October 1784] and buried the next day.

AA19 5524 [= 1764].

AA23 Abraham Ab[?] [?] Eliezer the famous [?] ?Hois ?Kalish ZTzL. She died and she was buried on Sunday [?] Adar 5545 [=1785] Aged [?] years of her old age.

AA25 (A double stone, no legible inscription).

AB8 5541 [= 1781].

Aged 66 Years.

AB9 ... Shabbat Kodesh Sivan and bnd on Sunday [?] Sivan 5541 [= 1781].

AB18 Here lies the worthy, modest woman of valour, the elder Mrs Gutla, as her name so she was, bat the late Yehiel, wife of late Jacob. She died and was buried on the eve of the holy Sabbath [= Friday] 7th day of Passover in the year TNTzB [= 5542] [= 16 April 1782], aged 82 years.

AC8 (Inscription hard to read, the left side of the headstone is badly weathered. Lines 2 to 9 are in Hebrew, lines 11 to 16 are in English).

AC9 [?] wife of [?]. died Sunday 13 Tishri 5534 [= 30 September 1773].

AC14 Here lies the praised woman, her husband praised her all the days of her life. Her doors were open to the poor and needy. Provision she gave to strengthen weak hands with no strength. Her lamp was extinguished in the night and she died before her time. [?] Her years amounted to 28. She was the esteemed woman Esther wife of Abraham Hamburger YZV. She died Wednesday night 8 Shevat and was buried on its morrow Thursday 8 Shevat 5537 [= 16 January 1777]. TNTzBH.

Aged 28.

AD12 Hebrew illegible.

A[?] Y[?].

AD13 Here lies the woman [?] bat Israel, wife of Joel. She died Saturday night and was buried on its morrow 3 Kislev 5530. [= November/December 1770].

Aged 7[?] Years.

AD29 Here lies. Beneath this stone lies the esteemed woman, precious and upright, all her days the commandments of the Lord she kept and the righteousness of the Lord she observed, and her soul longed for the fear of the Lord, she is the lady Yettla wife of the late Isaac HaLevi of Streltz

(The stone is broken at this point).

AE11 Here is buried the old man, the chazan [?] ...

AE18 Here lies. A desirable treasure is buried here. A sprinkler [priest] the son of a sprinkler [priest]. Our master, our teacher, the lamp, the great gaon, famous, perfect in merit and good characteristics, lamp of Israel, the mighty hammer, the right hand pillar, Rabbi David Tevele the Priest, may the remembrance of the holy, righteous man be for an everlasting blessing, ben the late Rabbi Zalman Schiff KZ, ZTzL, disciple of the Rabbi, the gaon, author of Shev Ya'acov ZL and the Rabbi, the gaon, author of Pnei Yehoshua ZL, of those born and judges of KK Frankfurt on Main. He meditated continually in the Torah of the Lord, and was expert in the chambers of the Torah. He knew the six orders of the Mishnah by heart, and at his knees disciples, the lamps of the world, were raised, for the sake of truth he issued judgement and executed Torah. He was elected here in our community as Rabbi and Teacher, and he bore the burden of Rabbinical office for twenty seven years with outstanding grace. He planned the future to lead the ignorant in the ways of uprightness, and rebuked them with bruises of love. For those near and far he was an advisor. He expounded the words of the Torah in the Beth HaMidrash, True Torah was in his mouth with a sweet, golden tongue, and the Responsa of the gaon, the author of the Noda BiYehudah ZL. They testified about him as to his pleasant deeds. He left life on Monday, 23 Kislev [= 19 December 1791] and was buried on the 24th thereof in the year 5552. TNTzBH.

(line 2: Mazeh ben mazeh. A Rabbinic expression based on Numbers 19;21, meaning a scholar the son of a scholar [Berachot 28a] See AQ22, below).

AF1 Here is interred [SAMUEL JACOB CHAYIM] an aged and honourable man, a great personage who came from the East, an accomplished sage, an adept in Cabbalah, the learned Rabbi Samuel, son of the learned Rabbi Raphael of blessed memory.

His name was known to the ends of the earth and distant isles.

During the forty years that he resided here he uplifted the banner of the Law and of Divine Worship.

He studied and kept the Law, the Commandments, and Statutes.

At the time of his decease he devoted all his possessions - a great substance - among many different charities.

For the merit hereof may the Creator of the heavens and the Founder of the globe Bind up his soul in the Garden of His Eden with the other righteous men.

And may He grant him the privilege of arising at the Resurrection with the other dead of Israel, whom He will hereafter raise up.

He departed with a good name on Thursday the fourth of the month of Splendour, ie Iyyar (17th April) and was buried with honour and with mourning on the morrow, Friday, the twentieth day of the Omer, 5542 A. M. (April 18, 1782).

May his soul be bound up in the bond of life!

[The above translation is taken from TJHSE V (1908), 169.]

AF1(2) Samuel Falk.

[A small footstone. Mr Charles Tucker suggests that it was probably erected towards the end of the nineteenth century, perhaps for the 1887 Exhibition.]

AF9 Here lies an upright man, he performed all his deeds ... Jacob ... Jacob went all the way of the land. He died Sunday and was buried on Monday ... [55]11. TNTzBH.

AF10 Here lies [?] [?ben] the gaon Samuel, author of Bet Shemuel [?] [?], he went to his everlasting rest Sunday 4 Iyyar [= 10 May 1751] and was buried on Monday 5 Iyyar 5511. TNTzBH.

AF17 Here lies the woman ... [?] Meir ?Bark [?] [die]d ... and was buried on that day, 5513 [= 1753].

AG3 Here lies tender in years, a child of delights, Aaron Isaac ben his honour Gershon, charity warden of KK London, died Tues 19 Sivan 5551 [= 21 June 1791] and was buried on the morrow, aged 5 years and 11 months, to the order of 'And Isaac went out to meditate in the field' [Genesis 24;63]. TNTzBH.

Aet. 5 Years & 11 Months.

AG4 Inscription barely legible.

AG10 Here lies a woman [?] bat Benjamin wife of Baruch Leib [?], died and buried on Friday, the eve of the holy Sabbath, [?] Shevat ?5536 [= ?1776].

AG13 Here lies the worthy woman Mrs Leah Sarahle wife of late Liberman [?]. Died and buried Thursday 1st day Rosh Hashanah 550[?6] or 55[?10] [= 1745 or 1749].

(Note that the funeral took place on the first day of Rosh Hashannah. This would imply that the coffin maker, if indeed a coffin was used, the gravediggers and the pall bearers were all Gentiles as Jews are forbidden to act in these capacities on the first day of any Festival).

AG15 [?] bat [?] wife the notable Solomon ben Abraham ?Libri ZTzL. She died Saturday night and was buried on its morrow Sunday 22 Shevat 550[6 or 5510] = [1746 or 1750]. TNTzBH.

AG16 Here lies ... and the honoured Menahem [?Mendel] ben Uri ?Libri died ?23 Nisan, Isru Hag [Pesah] 55??. TNTzBH.

(Priestly hands).

AH20 [Original inscription] 'Dan is a lion's whelp that leapeth forth from the Bashan' (Deut. 33;22). Here lies: 'Dan will judge his people' (Genesis 49;16) ...


[Later added plaque] Here lies Lazarus Simon 20 Sivan 5525 [= 20 June 1765] Aged 49. TNTzBH.

AH21 [Original inscription] Here lies the worthy, upright woman, the crown [of her husband] Margoliot bat the late Naphtali, wife of the P"M & noble Lezer Goslar ... TNTzBH.

Here lieth the body of M. L. Pearl Simon ... of the late Lazarus Simon departed this life on Friday the 2[nd] day of May in the year of the creation 55[?4]8. In the 88[th] year of her age.

[Later added plaque] Here lies Pearl Simon wife of Lazarus Simon 2nd March 1788. Aged 87. TNTzBH.

AJ1 Here lies the woman ... the crown of her husband, she walked ... until the day of her death in the way of righteousness Mrs Brinitz bat [?] [wife of] [?] ben the late Joseph who died with a hoary head on the holy Sabbath and was buried on Sunday 26 Kislev in the year 'Go to your house ...' (2 Samuel 14;8). TNTzBH.

AJ6 No inscription, but see illustration.

AJ9 Son of Elias & Judy Levy

(Broken stone, with English inscription only remaining).

AJ10 Judith Levy

(Footstone with English name. Hebrew illegible).

AJ11 P"M Eli Levi

Elias Levy

(Elias Levy on headstone as well as footstone).

AJ16 Here lies the body of Gitlan Mosses wife of (YDHI) Simon Lazarus who departed this life on [?] Aged 72.

(Added English plaque says) Gitlan Mosses / wife of Simon Lazarus / 21st Kislev 5498 / Aged 72. TNTzBH. [= 14 December 1738].

AJ17 Here lies the body of Mr Simon Lazarus [wh]o died on the 1st day of Adar in ye [?] [?] creation of ye world 5485 in ye 74th year of his age. (Around the stone originally).

(Added plaque says Simon Lazarus / 1st Adar 5485 / Aged 73.

[= 14 February 1725]

AJ19 Here lies the girl in her childhood by name Reizcha bat Jacob ben Zvi died and was buried on Thursday 12 Tevet 5553 [= 27 December 1792]

Aged 6 years & 6 Months.

AJ20 Here lies the child madam Heva bat Jacob Levi died Wednesday the eve of Rosh Hodesh Tammuz 5552 [=? Tues 19 June 1792], and was buried on Rosh Hodesh Tammuz. The days of her life were 18 months.

AK4 Inscription illegible, good illustration of skull, hour glass, etc.

AK5 Here lies the child Benjamin Woolf ben Michael Fuerth. Born 23 Sivan 5551 [= 25 June 1791], died Saturday night and was buried Sunday 20 Tevet 5552 [= 14 January 1792].

AK6 Here lies the suckling child, tender to his father and to his mother and tender in years, he lived two years and 4 months. Moses Leib ben Eisak Fuerth. He died and was buried on Thursday 5 Ellul 5552 [= 23 August 1792].

AK7 Here are buried these two sisters. The child Breindla bat Joseph who died Tuesday and was buried on Wednesday 24 Tishri [= 10 October 1792]

and the child Miriam bat Joseph died on Sunday and was buried on Monday 18 Kislev in the year 5553 [= 3 December 1792].

AL1 (No legible inscription, but a crown, Priestly hands, two cherubs and two hares).

AL2 [?] died Sunday 24 Nisan and buried Monday 25th 5551 [?= Thurs 28 May 1791].

AM4 ... The late Trever Abraham ... [?in Rica of Lithuania] died with a good name on Monday and was buried the next day Tuesday 22 Sivan 5484 [= 24 June 1724].

(The oldest legible inscription).

AM8 Here lies the modest and pious woman, all her days she walked in the path of the upright, the commandments of the Lord she kept, pleasant she was in her deeds, Sarah wife of Judah Leib ben Nathan Dehn. She died Friday [?28] Adar II and was buried on Sunday the 30th thereof 5554 [= 28 March 1794] aged 78 years.

(There is no 30 Adar II, but Sunday 28 Adar II was the 30th of March, so the writer of the inscription may have mixed the Jewish and secular dates).

AN4 (Illustrations: crossed palm-branches, coffin, grave-diggers' tools).

AN6 ... died Wednesday and was buried the next day ... 11 Av 5551 [= Thursday 11 August 1791].

AN8 Illustration of a tree.

AN12 ... Samuel ben Abraham died and was buried Thursday eve of New Moon S[ivan] 5556 [= ?Mon 6 June 1796].

Sam... Y... aged 7[?] Years.

AN13 ... with a good name aged [?]3 years, died and was buried on Friday, 2 Tamuz 5589 [= 3 July 1829].

AO2 ... ...

... M... ...urry died 24 Dec... 5563 Aged ... Years.

AO6 Here ... Frumat bat Nitziah died and was buried ...

AO8 ... An upright man, ... Torah and Prayer ... his name was known by many Jacob Zabbish SGL, Shammash & Ne'eman of KK ?Jethro [?London]. With the living and thew dead he ... lovingkindness and truth. He died ? Tevet and was buried on the ?2nd day of New Moon Shevat 5532 [= 6 January 1772]. TNTzBH.

AO9 ... ... with a good name [died Thurs b] Fri, eve of Sabbath, 1st day New Moon Adar 5555 [?Thurs 19 Feb 1795]. TNTzBH.

Aged 70 Years.

(The 5,000 is given in spite of the abbreviation Lamed, Peh, Koof).

AO10 ... 5555 [= 1795].

AP3 Here lies 'Jacob was a simple man' (Genesis 25;27) and upright, all his days he walked in goodly ways, and performed lovingkindness to the poor and needy, from afar and near, he was Yokav [= Jacob] ben Abraham KZ. And the days of Jacob were eighty-two years. He died and was buried on Thursday 11 Shevat 5556 [= 21 January 1796]. TNTzBH.

AP4 Here is buried a worthy woman Mrs Keila wife of Simon Fuerth. She died Sunday and was buried Monday New Moon Shevat 5556 [= 11 January 1796]. TNTzBH.

Aged 82 Years.

AQ5 (Illustration: skull and crossbones, hourglass, gravediggers' tools (pick and shovel), crossed palm branches, ribbons with tassels. The end stone has probably been replaced upside down. AQ6 similar to AQ5, elevation 1 also replaced upside down).

AQ7 (The Illustration is in the same style as AQ5 and AQ6, with the addition of drapes representing the stage on which humans 'strut and fret their hour').

AQ11 Here lies the worthy and upright woman ... Mrs Rebecca [?Rivla] bat David, wife of Moses b[en] the late Hayyim who went to her eternal rest Friday 17 Shevat [= 6 February 1795]. She was seventy five years old, and was buried with a good name on Sunday ... Shevat 5555. TNTzBH.

Aged 75 Years.

(Abbreviation P"N used for a woman).

AQ12 Here is buried the worthy woman Mrs Leah bat [?] wife of [?] [?ben] the late Zvi, she died and was buried with a good name Friday 2nd day New Moon Adar 5555 [= 20 February 1795]. TNTzBH.

AQ13 ... ... Aged 71 Years.

AQ15 ... Sarah wife of ... [?5556] [= ?1796], aged 42. TNTzBH.

AQ16 Here is buried a worthy woman, all her days she walked in the righteous path, the commandments of the Lord she kept, she is Rosa bat Levi ?wife of Simeon Chait [?Tailor]. She died Monday 23 Tevet [= 4 January 1796] and was buried on its morrow 24 Tevet 5596. TNTzBH.

AQ19 Here lies. Beneath this stone is buried an upright, a proper and faithful man, he is destined for eternal life, Naphtali Hirtz ben Feivel. He died with a good name aged seventy six years in his old age and was buried Sunday 22 Tevet 5556 [= 3 January 1796]. TNTzBH.

(There are two Hebrew letters Het Shin to right of the Peh Nun {the abbreviation for 'here lies'} and Resh Tzaddi to left. It is not a standard abbreviation and I do not know what it represents. Perhaps Hevrat Shas, Rodfei Zedakah).

AQ22 (A plaque on the wall says:)

The Tombstone of Rabbi Saul Berlin son of Hart Lion Chief Rabbi 1756-1764

(The following Hebrew inscription is quoted in C. Duschinsky, The Rabbinate of the Great Synagogue, London, 1756 - 1842 (OUP, 1921), p. 73. The translation is by B. Susser. Words or phrases in round brackets are in brackets in Duschinsky.

Here lies

The great Rabbi, famous (wonderful) ...

(?Uprooter of mountains), sweet calamus, tenai ...

For good that he spoke until this day ...

He was the Provider of the Generation, a sprinkler son of a

sprinkler1 Morenu HaRav Rabbi

Saul ZTzL the son of Morenu our Rabbi

The Prince of God in our midst (?PH)

Morenu the Rabbi Zvi Hirsh, may the Merciful One guard and

bless him ...

Av Bet Din and head of the Yeshivah of KK Berlin, may our city

be rebuilt, Amen,

... light ... (my father)

Morenu the Rabbi Solomon, Av Bet Din, of our community,

... ... ...

The righteous trusts in the Lord, ...

Perished (?Nazir) the Jews on the (23rd)

Heshvan '555 [= 16 November 1794].


[1. A sprinkler son of a sprinkler = Mazeh ben mazeh. A Rabbinic expression based on Numbers 19;21, meaning a scholar the son of a scholar (see Berachot 28a). See AE18, above].

Duschinsky also translates Saul Berlin's will which was published in Orient. Litbl., 1844, pp. 712 - 13, in which the following paragraph occurs:

The following I ask for myself: no garment which I have upon me shall be taken away, just as they find me, they shall bury me in some forest, or in any place they find, only it shall be far away from the graves of other people. And I ask everybody whose heart has been touched by the fear of God, not to talk behind my coffin on account of my having asked for this, for he cannot know the reason for this stipulation; however, even those who speak blamingly about me, shall be forgiven - only if they do as I ask).

AQ23 Here lies the pleasant and beloved girl Rachel Hayya bat Abraham ben Ozer, she died in the night and was buried on Tuesday 16 Iyar 5555 [= 5 May 1795]. TNTzBH.

Aged 3 Years.

AQ24 Here lies Mrs Rachel Hitzel wife of the Gaon Morenu the Rabbi Nathan Adler HaCohen. She was gathered on 17 Sivan 5613 [= 23 June 1853].

Henrietta wife of Revd Dr N. M. Adler, Chief Rabbi, died 23 June 5613.

BA1 Here lies Moses ben Meir who went to his everlasting rest, died and was buried Monday 4 Adar 5552 [= 27 February 1792] [In a semi-circle around the top of the stone:] Erected by Hevra Kaddisha Ahavat Ahim [= The Holy Society of Brotherly Love. See BG5, BH5].

BA2 Shevat 5552 [= Jan/Feb 1792].

BA3 ... ... The honour of the king's daughter is within [Psalm 45;14]. ?2 Adar 5554 [= Sunday 2 February 1794].

BA6 Here lies ... ... Israel ben [?Jacob] from Hamburg. Died Saturday ... Kislev 5552 [= December 1791].

BA7 Here lies the bachelor tender in years Moses ben Elijah Gubitz, he went to his everlasting rest on Friday 24 Tevet 5554 [= 27 December 1793]. TNTzBH. Aged 16 Years.

BA9 Here lies an upright man who walked in the good [way] Nathan ben Yehiel who died with a good name on Saturday night and was buried the next day Sunday 26 Kislev 5554 [= Sat 30 November 1793]. TNTzBH.

BA10 Here lies an upright man Abraham ben Nathan ZL who died Sunday 5 Tevet 5551 [= 12 December 1790], buried Tuesday 7 Tevet. TNTzBH.

BA11 ... ... Tevet 5554 [= December 1793]. TNTzBH.

BA12 Here lies the precious woman, modest and proper like Sarah, Rebecca and Rachel, she bestowed good all her days, and she strengthened the hands of the poor and needy, all her conduct was private and in uprightness in the fear of the Lord, Mrs Gitla wife of Judah ben Simha Levi. She died and was buried Wednesday 6 Av 5555 [= 22 July 1795].

BA13 Here lies Judah Leib ben Isaac who died and was buried Tuesday 13 Shevat 5554 [= 14 January 1794]. TNTzBH.

BA16 Wife of Solomon ?ben Jacob.

BA17 Here is buried the wife of Elimelech ben Moses Hellin ZL with the breaking of loins and tears of eyes, with a cry of wailing her children and husband wept for her. She died Friday 10 Heshvan 5556 of Creation [= 23 October 1795]. 43 years were the days of the years of Sarah Deborah. TNBHTz [sic].

[In a semi-circle around the top of the stone:] A precious woman, modest and proper, Sara Deborah.

BB2 ... ... died Adar 5554 [= March 1794]. Aged 26.

[Illegible English name & date.]

BB4 ... ... died Shevat 5555 [= March 1795].

BB7 ... ... died Monday and buried Tuesday 20 Shevat 5554 [= 20 January 1794].

BB8 ... ... [Chronogram Genesis 33;18 which, if fully used, = 1811].

BC1 Here lies Leib ... ... died Saturday 11 Heshvan 5553 [= 27 October 1792] and buried on the morrow Sunday 12 Heshvan.

Aged 31 Years.

BC3 Twins

[right side] BC3a Here lies the child Moses ben Hayyim Weg died and was buried Wednesday eve of New Moon Adar 5552 [= 22 February 1792]. TNTzBH.

[left side] BC3b Here lies the child [HaYeled!] Beila bat Hayyim Weg died and was buried Sunday 13 Tevet 5552 [= 8 January 1792]. TNTzBH.

BC4 Here lies [?Abraham] Baruch ben ... died 25 Adar 5552 [= 9 March 1793] and was buried on its morrow, Sunday. TNTzBH. And it came to pass the days of his life were 54 years.

Abraham Bowley Row died 25th ... Aged 54 Years.

BC7 Here is Buried: For these my eyes grow dim, for the death of Sarah Gitla wife of Peretz Levi. And the years of the life of Sarah were 56 years. She was buried with a good name on Wednesday 19 Heshvan 5555 [= 12 November 1794].

[In a semi-circle around the top of the stone:] From the HK Segulot Nashim [= From the Holy Society of Treasured Women].

BC8 Here lies: one who walked in the way of the goodly, Jacob Moses ben Moses Simon Hamburger who died ... and was buried on its morrow Friday 28 Heshvan 5555 [= 21 November 1794]. TNTzBH.

BC9 Here is buried Hinla wife of G[ershon] SGL from KK Linitz, aged .... All her d[ays] she walked in the path of the upright. She died Sunday the morrow [of Yom Kippur 11 Tishri] [= 5 October 1794] and was buried on its morrow 12 Tishri 5555. TNTzBH.

BC10 Here ... David ben Jacob (Yod, Aleph, Kaph, Yod, Khaf) died with a good name Wednesday 8 Tevet 5544 [= 21 December 1784] and buried Friday, aged a saged 75 years. TNTzBH.

M[.] David Jacob [...].

BD3 ... ... Hayyim ... buried ?Wednesday 10 Adar I 5551 [= ?Monday 14 February 1791].

(Priestly hands)

BE1 Passer-by! Look upon my calamity at this time; and gave judgement yesternight (Genesis 31;42). Yesterday I went about, and now I lie down. My time has passed, and I have forgotten yesternight. In memory of an esteemed bachelor the honourable Moses Joseph ben Jacob ZL died and buried Wednesday 20 Kislev 5553 [= 5 December 1792]. TNTzBH.

[In a semi-circle around the top of the stone:] Shomrei Emunim [a Friendly Society (whose name is based on Isaiah 26;2, 'Open ye the gates, that the righteous nation that keepeth faithfulness may enter in').

BE2 Tuesday 19 Kislev 5553 [= 4 December 1792].

BF1 Here is buried a precious woman who walks in the upright way Mrs Zifreitz bat Asher Hirtz. She died on the holy Sabbath and was buried Sunday 13 Tevet 5553, aged seventy four. TNTzBH.

(= the only Sunday 13 Tevet in the 555s was in 5552 [= 8 January 1792] and 5555 [= 4 January 1795]).

BF3 ... ... Iyyar 5553 [= May 1793].

BF5 ... ... [he] died Friday 6 Sivan 5553 [= 17 May 1793].

Aged 35 Yea..

BF6 Here lies an upright man Moses ben Abraham Sh"Z. He died with a good name on Monday and was buried on Tuesday [?14] Adar 5552 [= ?Monday 5 March 1792].

Moses ?Alexander / Aged [?3]1 Years.

BF7 Solomon [?] ben Joseph [?] Dov ... ...

(an axe chopping down a tree).

BF8 The burial place: Jacob was a perfect man, his transactions were perfect. Is he not he who is called Coppel ben Aaron ZL. He died as Sabbath began 2 Ellul 5553 [= 9 August 1793] and was buried on Sunday 3 Ellul, in the 34th year of his life. TNTzBH.

[In a semi-circle around the top of the stone:] Hevrat Shomrei Emunim [see BE1, BG2].

Jacob Aaron / Aged 34 Years.

(The Hebrew abbreviation for 'as Sabbath began' is Heh, Caf, which stands for hachnasat callah, ie 'as the bride enters'. In Talmudic times we are told that on the Sabbath eve Rabbi Hanina used to sing, 'Come and we will go out to meet the Bride, the Queen!' (Baba Kama 32a-b). From the 16th century Psalms 95 - 99, and 29 were added as a Psalmic preface together with the poem Lecha Dodi Likrat Callah - Come my friend to meet the Bride. This poem, set to innumerable tunes, was composed by Rabbi Solomon HaLevi Alkabets, a member of the kabbalist coterie in sixteenth-century Safed. In 18th century English synagogues, this addition to the prayers was often accompanied by musical instruments and a full choir, especially at the dedication of a synagogue or some other notable occasion).

BF9 Here lies ... ... who was amongst those who listen to the Torah, rising early to prayer and attending evening prayers, Meir ben Jacob ZL He died and was buried on Monday 4 Ellul [?].

(Chronogram is Bila HaMavet Lanetzah (Isaiah 25;8), but marks indicating date are no longer legible [cf CR2]).

(See entry no. 86 in Great Synagogue Burial Register, which states that he was Myer Jacob, pencil maker, of Cable Street, Rosemary Lane, who died 12 August 1793 and was buried in the Orchim Regel [ie the tongue of ground listed as the 'B' section]).

BG1 Here lies an upright and proper man, Abraham ben Uri HaCohen of Hichburg. Died on Tuesday 19 Ellul 5553 [= 27 August 1793] and buried on Wednesday. TNTzBH.

BG2 Here lies Judah ben Aryeh ZL. His soul ascended to on high, on the eve of the holy Sabbath, 22 Ellul 5553 [= 30 August 1793], and was buried close to 'the bride's entry' [ie onset of Sabbath]. In his 37th year.

[In a semi-circle around the top of the stone:] Hevrat Shomrei Emunim [see BE1, BF8].

(The chronogram for his age is based on 2Kings 23;17).

BG3 Here is buried the worthy woman Mrs Hannah [or Henna] wife of Jacob ben C[?F]eivel ZL who died 2nd day Rosh Hashanah 5554 [= 8 September 1793] and was buried on the Fast of Gedaliah. TNTzBH.

BG4 Here lies ... ... died [in the midst of] his days with a good name 1st day Succot ?5552 [= 13 October 1791] and was buried on its morrow [2nd day Yom Tov!] with great honour. TNTzBH.

(The chronogram is Beyosher Leivav (Ps 119;7). If all letters are used they add up to 5552).

BG5 Here lies Abraham ben Jacob died Saturday night and was buried on Sunday 3rd day Hanukkah 5554 [= 1 Decemebr 1793].

[In a semi-circle around the top of the stone:] HK Ahavat Ahim

(See BA1 above, and BH5 below).

BH2 Here is buried a woman of worth, Mrs Sarala wife of Yom Tov called Lipman ben Uri Cohen, and continually ....

BH3 ... ... buried [?] Passover 5552 [= April 1792].

BH4 Here lies an upright man, fearing God and H[ea]ven, ... Hayyim ben Meshullam Bondi ZL, Pure Doctor of Prague, aged fifty four years when he died on Monday 19 Adar 5554 [= ?Wednesday 19 February 1794] and was buried on its morrow. TNTzBH.

BH5 Here lies an upright man who walked in the goodly way, Wolf ben Meir who died and was buried on Monday 18 Adar 5552 [= 12 March 1792]. TNTzBH.

[In a semi-circle around the top of the stone:] Erected by HK Ahavat Ahim.

(See BA1, BG5 above).

BH7 ... ... who died with a good name Monday ?28 Nisan 5554 [= ?28 April 1794] and was buried New Moon [or ?28] Iyyar [= ?30 April or 28 May 1794].

Here lies the Body of / Mr Joseph Levy. Who / departed this Life April / 5 5554; Aged 34 Years.

BH8 Here lies an upright and proper man ... ... Baruch ben David HaCohen died aged 75 years on the first day of Passover [?5502] [= ?April ?1742] and was buried with a good name on the Fast of the Second day.

(Priestly hands; Chronogram from Job 5;26, 'Thou shalt come to thy grave in ripe age'. All the letters add up to '806, which gives an impossible date, but distinguishing year marks are unclear).

BH9 Here lies the upright man Gabriel ben Samuel HaLevi died on the holy Sabbath 23 Adar 5552 and was buried on Sunday 24 Adar [= Sunday 18 March 1792]. TNTzBH.

BH10 ... the worthy woman, wife of Moses [ben] ... KZ. She died Friday aged 25 years and was buried [?] Adar II 5554 [= March 1794]. TNTzBH.

BH11 Here is buried a worthy woman who all her days [walked] in the upright path, Eve (Hava) wife of R. Nathan Melamed [Teacher] and subsequently wife of Ber Marshan. She died on Thursday 13 Tevet 5553 [= 29 December 1792] and was buried on Friday. The years of her life were 64 years. TNTzBH.

(The grammatical form of 'buried' is masculine!)

BH12 Here is buried the virgin M[istress] Heneli Sarah bat Moses from Lohzin. She died and was buried on Sunday 19 Tevet 5554 [= 22 December 1793]. TNTzBH.

CA1 Here lies the upright man who walked in the goodly way, he rose early and stayed late to the sound of Torah and Prayer. Lezer [= Eliezer] ben Zelig Rachmonus who died with a good name 1 Shevat 5544 [= 24 January 1784] and was buried on its morrow 2 Shevat. TNTzBH.  Aged 77 years.

CA2 Here lies the upright man amongst (the generous), who walked in the goodly way ... was in faithfulness and he went to his everlasting world with a good name, Zvi ben Judah Chait (?Tailor) who died at night 26 Shevat 5544 [= 18 February 1784] and was buried on the morrow on Thursday 27 Shevat. TNTzBH.

CA3 Here is buried the worthy, modest woman ... wife of ?Joseph ?Hamburger who died on the holy Sabbath 29 Shevat 5544 [= 21 February 1784] and was buried on Sunday New Moon Adar. And they [!] died at the time of her childbirth. TNTzBH.   Aged 31 Years.

CA4 Here ... who walked in the goodly way all his life ... Joseph ben Abraham who died ... Heshvan 5532 [= November 1771] and was buried on the ?26th thereof. TNTzBH.   Aged 52 Years.

CA5 Here lies a worthy and proper man who walked ... all his days Nathan ben Hayyim ZL, Shu"b [ie Shochet uBodek] of the KK of ... who died with a good name Thursday 5 Adar ?5544 [= ?27 February 1784] and was buried on the morrow Friday, the eve of the holy Sabbath thereof. TNTzBH.   (There is a two word chronogram: 'You have pre-empted Eden'. If the second word is disregarded and the whole of the first word counted then it totals '544. The chronogram seems to indicate that he died young).

CA6 Hannah Haya bat ....

(Skull & crossbones).

CA9 Here lies ... and he came from Hamburg he was buried with a good name New Moon Adar II 5472 [= 6 March 1742]. TNTzBH. And his days were ? (? 'And his days were few' (Psalm 109;8). 'And he shall not see good' (Jeremiah 17;6).  (The chronogram is 'When you lie down You will guard him' (based on Proverbs 6;22).

CA10 ... Shtekermel ... bat Abraham wife of Abraham ? D..Shentzer died Sat... 9 Ellul and was buried in the year ... TNTzBH.  (Chronogram appears to be from Genesis 28;22, 'And this stone which I have erected as a memorial' but the dots indicating the year are no longer legible. Flower motif).

CA11 Here lies an upright and proper man, the noble ... Isaac Isaac [Eizak] ben Shneour [?ZL or ?LEVI] died at the outgoing of the Sabbath 9 Adar 5532 [= 13 February 1772] and was buried on Sunday.   [In a semi-circle around the top of the stone:] And Isaac went out to meditate in the field (Genesis 24;63).   (Motif of a bird, or more likely, an ewer, indicating a Levite. The second 'Isaac' was probably meant to represent the German form of the name, Eizak).

CB2 ... ... died Tevet 5545 [= Dec 1784/Jan 1785].

CB4 ... ... Moses ... Tender in years ... 5514 [= 1754].

CB6 ... ... 5544 [= 1784].

CB9 ... bat Jacob [?wife of] Abraham ben Simon died and was buried on Monday 11 Kislev 5539 [= 30 November 1778]. TNTzBH. Aged 40 Years.

CB10 Here lies ..fir bat A... wife of ... ben Moses. Died and was buried on Monday 1st ol Hamoed Pesach 5545 [= 28 March 1785]. TNTzBH.

CB11a [Here is] buried ... in her death she was not separated from him ... ...

CB11b A perfect man ... his deeds he performed in faithfulness. ... his soul was accepted in the Garden of Eden, Moses ben Nehemiah died ... --

CD1 Here is buried the worthy and modest woman, a crown of splendour to her husband, Merlo bat Aaron Falk from KK Amsterdam wife of Eliezer Lipman ben Solomon Falk she died and was buried on the eve of the holy Sabbath 15 Sivan 5575 [= 23 June 1815] with a great good name. In the year 'And he refused to be comforted' (Genesis 38;35). TNTzBH.

CD4 ... ... died Monday 4 Adar I in the year 'You will receive in mercy' ?5532 [= ?9 March 1772]. TNTzBH.   (From the chronogram he might have been a cantor).

CD6 Here is buried the worthy, modest and precious woman, a wife of worth, the crown of her husband Sarah bat Eliezer wife of Jacob Benjamin Ze'ev Frankel died Sunday and was buried the 1st of Menahem Av 5545 [= ?Friday 8 July 1785]. TNTzBH. This stone was erected, re-cut, & restored to its place at the expense of the worthy bachelor, her son Abraham, after 50 years, Thursday 23 Menahem Av 5604 [= 8 August 1844].

CD7 ... 50 ... this [sto]ne Thursday 23 Menahem ....

(Remains of companion stone to CD6, both of which are replaced by CD8, although the date of CD6 does not correspond with CD8).

CD8 (Jacob) Benjamin Ze'ev ben Menahem Mendel

Sarah bat Eliezer

Benjamin Wolf Franklin - Sarah Franklin / married August 28th 1765 / died /January 15th 1785 - April 11th 1785.   (This stone duplicates CD6 & CD7, although the date of death does not correspond with CD6).

CD9 ... ben Abraham Chait [?Tailor] died with a good name Wednesday 27 Menahem (Av) 5545 [= 3 August 1785] and was buried on its morrow. TNTzBH.

CD12 Here lies an upright ... man ... the b[?achelor] the Torani Uri Shraga Feivish ben R. [M]oses ZL from the state of Shleiya died and went to his eternal world Thursday 22 Tevet ?5516 [= ?26 December 1755]. TNTzBH.

CD13 ... ...N[?] M[?] / [w]ho died the ... of Octo[?] 178[?] / Aged ... Years.

CE2 (Engraving at the top of the stone includes a skull & crossbones, an hour glass).

CE4 Joseph ben Jo[?] ZL died and was buried 8 Tevet 5515 [= 22 November 1754]. TNTzBH.   (Skull & crossbones).

CE5 Here lies and is buried the upright man amongst the princes, who went in the goodly way, is he not the great chorister Abram ben Tovi' from KK Bohemia [Pim]. He died with a good name on the night of the holy Sabbath 1st day of New Moon Adar 5534 [= 25 January 1774] and was buried on Sunday 2nd Adar [= 27 January 1774. TNTzBH.   Aged 63 Years.

CE6 ... ben Moses Judah died on the holy Sabbath and was buried on Sunday the eve of the Festival 5 Sivan 5534 [= 27 May 1774]. TNTzBH.

CF2 Here lies a woman of valour S[arah] Shenkeler bat Judah wife of Zvi ben ?Eizak died on the holy Sabbath ... and was buried on Sunday 5535 [= 1775]. TNTzBH.

CF3 [M]eir ben Abraham ... ...

CF4 Here lies a perfect and upright man, Simon ben Leib Bira died Wednesday 1st day New Moon Ellul and was buried on the morrow ... ... TNTzBH.

CF5 Here is buried the upright woman, all her days she walked in the way of uprightness and charity ... our mother Sarah, Mrs ?Sheoka bat Jacob ...

CF7 Here lies / a woman of worth, charity she performed / like Abigail, all her days she walked in the way of / the upright, the commandments of the Lord she observed, the modest [?]   [At top of stone] And Rachel died.

CF10 ... ?Zvi ?Lim wife of Solomon went to her eternal rest, died and was buried the 1st day New Moon Iyyar ...

CF11 ... fifty years Judah ... Samuel ZL from ?Ichri /?Michaele died and was buried with a good name 3 Iyyar 55[?3]8 [= ? 10 May 1778]. TNTzBH.

S[acr]ed to the Memory of the late Livy [?Levy] Samuel [?]il ?Moher of S. Catherines [wh]o departed this life on the ... of ... of his age. He rest ... r God ... In [?]ine Husband a[?] dear Faithful Friend lies sleeping here.   (For Levy Samuel, 1788, vd Roth, Great Synagogue, p. 167).

CF12 HaYashish [= a worthy bachelor] Abraham ben Joel died and was buried Monday ... Tevet ?5504/?5604 [= ?December 1743/1843]   aged 72 years. TNTzBH.

CF13 Here lies the upright man, whose deeds were proper, he was ?Shazar/?Ozer ben Zvi from KK ?Livni he died and was buried on the eve of the holy Sabbath 12 Iyyar [in the year 'He will destroy death forever, and the reproach of His people shall He remove from off all the earth, for the Lord hath spoken' (Isaiah 25;8). TNTzBH.   (The marks on the letters indicating the year in the chronogram are no longer legible).

CF14 Here lies the bachelor HeHaver Issachar Behr ben Nathan from ?Odessenya ... from his youth he went in the upright way, He learned much Torah and Mishnah, ... died Sunday 22 Sivan 5519 [= 27 May 1759]. TNTzBH.

CF15 Here is buried ... a worthy, precious and modest woman, the crown of her husband, ... [she did him] good all the days of her life, Mrs ... ... wife of Meir ben Aaron. She died and was buried on Wednesday 17 Ellul 5519 [= 20 September 1759]. TNTzBH.

CG3 Here lies ... ben Judah ?Leib. He died on the holy Sabbath 2 Tevet [= 23 December 1786] and was buried on Sunday 3 Tevet 5547. TNTzBH.

CG5 ... ... buried Monday 4 Shevat 5547 [= ?Tuesday 23 January 1787]. TNTzBH.   ... died ....

CG6 Here lies an upright man amonst the princes, who walked in the goodly way, Lipman ben Uri ?Biz who died with a good name and was buried on Monday the eve of New Moon Nisan in the year 'He walked in the upright way'. TNTzBH.   (But the letters of the chronogram verse are unmarked).

CH1 ... ben Abraham ... died Thursday ... Iyyar .... TNTzBH.   (But the letters of the chronogram verse are unmarked).

CH4 Here lies a God fearing man who lived ... Moses Myers ben Judah ZL who died with a good name on Wednesday 12 Adar I 5537 and was buried on its morrow on the 13th thereof [= 19 February 1777]. TNTzBH.   [At top of stone:] Moses ... [Age]d ... Yea[?].

CH5 Here lies Abraham ... ... TNTzBH.   (Clear motif of an hourglass).

CH6 Here lies ... ... wife of Reuben ?Hamki she died with a good name on Saturday [= ?18 Sept 1784] and was buried on Sunday ?4 Tishri 5545. TNTzBH.

CH7 Here is buried the precious woman, all her days she walked in the upright way, the commandments of the Lord she observed like our mother Sarah, Mrs Minkela bat Israel, Mrs Bini wife of Eliezer ben Baruch. She died Monday 22 Av 55[?4]7 [= ?22 August 1787] and was buried on Tuesday 23 Av. TNTzBH.

Here lie[?] ... the body of / Mix[?] the wife of Lazarus Barrow / [w]ho departed this life [age]d 65 Years.

CH8 ... the soul of Jacob his congregation/ and the angels of peace overcame him/ Yakob [= Jacob] ben Solomon died Wednesday 26 Heshvan in the year 'He who pursues peace shall find Life' (Proverbs 21;21) 5548 [= 7 November 1787].

CI1 Here is buried ... Sarah wife of the late Isaac ben Mordecai, called Isaac Nemin died and was buried aged 84 years the eve of the holy Sabbath 23 Tishri 5548 [= 5 October 1787]. TNTzBH.   ... the Wife of Isaac ... Years.   (23 Tishri is Simchat Torah!).

CI2 Here lies the worthy, modest and pious woman, a wife of valour, Miriam wife of Moses Shochet bat Eliezer Manes died and was buried on Thursday 28 Sivan 5552 [= ? Mon 18 June 1792]. TNTzBH.

CI3 Here lies the pure soul ... ... Jacob the SH"UB [= Shochet uBodek] ben ?Harbon ... ....

CI6 Here lies an upright and proper man ... ?Mer [?Behr] ben Isaac ZL died and was buried the eve of the holy Sabbath ?12 Tevet 5544 [= ?6 January 1784]. TNTzBH.   (At top in a semi-circle:) Tombstone ....

CJ1 Your desire was in the commandments. How beautiful were thy steps (Cant. 7;2). My daughter, blessed art thou saith thy brother (Ruth 3;10). Come in Peace, go to thy place. Return O perfect one to (the Rock who) hewed thee. Daughters are dressed in sackcloth at thy parting, because Miclah wife of Yekutiel is taken, she was a princess, the crown of her husband, she sacrificed her life for her husband and was buried on the 13th of the month Eytanim [= Tishri, see I Kings 8;2] in the year 'You gathered amongst the lilies' (Cant. 6;2) 5539 [= 4 October 1778], aged 64 years of her life. TNTzBH.   (Around the stone is:) Here lies the Body of Miclah the wife of Cossel Jonas who died Sepr 4th am 5539 Aged 64.  (The Hebrew 13 Tishri 5539 was 4 October 1778, whereas the English says 4 September!).

CJ2 Here lies the upright man ... who walked in the way of the good all his days Zvi ben Naphtali who died Wednesday 1st day New Moon Iyyar 5545 and was buried on its morrow the 2nd day of New Moon Iyyar [= ? Sun 10 April 1785; in 1788 1st day Iyyar was a Wednesday]. TNTzBH.

CJ3 ... ben Judah ... in her old age, Sunday ... and was buried on Monday 18 Sivan 5545 [= ? Friday 27 May 1785, but if the 5545 in the Hebrew reading is a misreading of 5548 then the date was Monday 23 June 1788]. TNTzBH.

CJ4 ... buried ... with a soul ... she walked in the upright way all the days of thy life, at the resurrection of the dead ... [?the bachelor] Wolf ben Abraham Tautlich from Ratberg SGL, who died and was buried on Friday the eve of the holy Sabbath the eve of New Moon Tevet 5539 [or 5531] [= 17 December 1778] [or = 15 December 1770]. TNTzBH.

CJ5 Here is buried a worthy woman ... ?Nenche ?Rachel bat Tibel wife of Zissel Kori[?] died and was buried on Wednesday ...

CJ7 Here lies the worthy, modest, and precious woman, all her days whe walked in the upright way, the commandments of the Lord she observed, Mrs Sheina bat Reuben Hamburger wife of Baruch Benedit ben Esloy. She died and was buried on Monday 1st day New Moon Tammuz 5539 [= 26 May 1779]. TNTzBH.

CJ9 Here is buried the precious woman Rebecca Claudia bat Zvi wife of Itsca [Isaac] Shnof of Hamburg died on the Holy Sabbath and was buried on its morrow Sunday 17 Sivan 5523 [= 8 June 1763], when the days of her life were 24 years. TNTzBH.  (At the top of the stone:) Motif of Cherub and two trumpets, and, possibly some books.

CK1 Here lies an upright and proper man, he walked in his perfection all his days, Ziskind ben Eliezer, he died on the Holy Sabbath 4 Av 5532 [= 15 July 1772] and was buried on Sunday 5 Av. TNTzBH. ...ed 38 [?58] [? year]s.

CK2 Here is buried ... Meir ?Abe ben ... he passed away tender in years ... and was buried Thursday 27 Av 5525 [= 25 August 1765] ... TNTzBH.

CK3 Here lies ... she died Sunday eve of New Moon Tevet 5552 [= 25 December 1791] and was buried Sun 19 Tevet 5552 [? 14 January 1792, which was a Saturday!]. TNTzBH.

CK6 (at top of the stone: Priestly hands).

CK8 Here is buried a worthy woman, a wife of valour, Mrs Miriam bat David from KK Hamburg wife of Meir ben Moses Isaac died and was buried with a good name on Monday 20 of the month of Kislev 5549 [= 1 December 1788], and the years of her life were two and seventy. TNTzBH.

CL3 Here is buried and hidden away an upright man amongst the generous, who all his days walked in the way of the goodly, Elijah ben Mordecai ZTzL died and was buried with a good name on Sunday 5 Adar 5541 [= 2 March 1781]. TNTzBH.   Aged 95 Years.   This stone was erected at the expense of ... wife of Nathan ... HaCohen.   [At top of stone in two semi-circle lines:] 'And Elijah went up by the gate of Heaven (2K 2;11): & Mordecai went out from before the king' (Esther 8;15).

Her[e] lieth ... ..AS MOR... / wa[s] erected By hi[s] ... / Daughter R....

CL7 Here lies ... ... of his old age ... died and was buried Monday ... Nisan 5549 [= ? 6 April 1789]. TNTzBH.

CL8 Here lies ... ... Isaac ... ?ben ?Meshek Shammash of KK Picha [?Bohemia] died and was buried Wednesday eve of New Moon Adar 5549 [= 25 February 1789] aged 71 years of his old age.

CM1 Here lies a generous man he walked in perfection, his deeds were in holy work, ... in the way of the goodly, ... amongst them that rise early in the morning and stay in the night to the Torah and Prayer ... strengthens himself as a lion and swift as an eagle, A[?] ... Hilman died and was buried with a good name aged 62 years on Thursday 20 Heshvan in the year 'Will he have his delight in the Almighty?' [= 55[2]6] (Job 27;10). With a proper rest you will rest in Thy midst ... you will guard his soul. TNTzBH.   (At the top of the stone:) Hourglass, open book, cherub (or skull & crossbones).

CM2 ... 11 Kislev 55[?]. TNTzBH.   Aged 53 Years.

CM3 Here is buried the woman Mrs Treinela bat Moses wife of Lipman ben Joseph died Saturday night and was buried Sunday 17 Tevet 5541 [= 14 January 1781]. TNTzBH.   Aged 56 Years.

CM4 Here lies HaYashish ... ben M... Hamburger died aged 55 years on Thursday 16 Ellul 5523 [= 5 August 1763 and was buried the same day. TNTzBH.

CM5 ... all her deeds ... were like our mother Sarah, the woman Sarah bat Elk[?anah] wife of Moses ...el who went to her eternal world on Tuesday 2 Adar 5541 [= 27 February 1781] and was buried on Wednesday. TNTzBH.

CM6 Broken headstone, illegible except for abbreviation TNTzBH & Aged 73.

CM7 Here lies an upright and proper man Hayyim ben Samue[l] and was buried Monday 5 Iyyar 5541 [= 10 May 1781]. TNTzBH.

CN1 Here is buried the worthy woman, 'modest in her speech, her deeds were pleasant, she walked in the upright way'. A wife of valour Mrs Edel bat David of Kelin, of family Masat Benjamin died with a good name and was buried 11 Iyyar in the year 'She kept the commandments of the Lord' [= 5541] [= 16 May 1781]. TNTzBH.   (PT within Magen David).

CN4 Here is buried the woman ... bat ...zadok Shochet died with a good name Thursday 2 Kislev in the year 'in the commandments of the Lord she kept' [= 5542] [= 19 November 1781] and was buried on Friday, its morrow, on the eve of the Holy Sabbath. TNTzBH.   Aged 70 Years.

CN5 Here lies and is buried an upright man amongst the princes, who walked in the goodly way Meir ben To[?cho] [?Tobiah] who went to his eternal rest with a good name on Thursday 25 Shevat 5546 [= ? Tues 24 January 1786] and was buried on that day. TNTzBH.   Aged 53 Ye[ars].

CN6 Here is buried the worthy woman, modest in her speech, her deeds were pleasant, a wife of valour, Ken[?] [?wife of] Jacob bat Jacob Sofer of Le...z died on the Holy Sabbath and was buried on its morrow on Sunday [or 1st day of] New Moon in Hanukkah 5543 [= December 1782]. TNTzBH.

CN7 Here lies an upright man amongst the princes, in the goodly way ... Jacob ben Judah Gissenheim died and was buried Wednesday eve of New Moon Adar II 5559 [= 6 March 1799]. TNTzBH.   (What looked like '7 Adar' must be 'VeAdar' ie Adar Sheni).

CN8 Here lies ... who walked in the goodly way ... ?Abfalk ?ben Leib who died with a good name Monday 1[?] Tevet and was buried on ... 'he walked in the upright way' [indeterminate year]. TNTzBH.

CO1 ... Jacob ben Aaron died and was buried on Sunday 26 Tevet 5542 [= 13 December 1781]. TNTzBH.

CO2 ... aged 65 years of her old age. Blumbak bat ... Leib of Y..ochna wife of Meir Reboya who died with a good name Sunday 22 Ellul 5529 [= 4 August 1769] and was buried on its morrow. TNTzBH.

CO3 Here lies an upright and proper man ... all his days ... Abraham ben Uri Shraga died Sunday 9 Shevat in the year 'and Abraham returned to his place' [= 5530] [=3 February 1770] and was buried on the tenth of Shevat. TNTzBH.  (Chronogram from Genesis 18;33).

CO4 ... ... children's children to her children ... bat Abraham ZL wife of Meir Bebar[?] died and was buried with a good name Tuesday 24 Shevat 5542 [= 8 February 1782], she lived 88 years. TNTzBH.

CO5 ... Judah Leib ben Samuel Sani [?Sunny / SGL] died Friday on the eve of the Holy Sabbath 4 Nisan in the year 'For God took him, and the child was no more' (Genesis 5;24). TNTzBH.   Aged 9 years.   (Chronogram is based on Genesis 5;24 but the year letters are indeterminate).

CP1 Here lies the man Moses ben ... Shochet ... from ?Rardom died with a good name 24 Tammuz in the year 'Behold you lie down (Deut. 31;16) and will arise (Deut. 34;10) [= ?5549] [=? 20 February 1789]. TNTzBH.   (At the top of the stone between the letters Peh, Nun, are engraved the Priestly hands.  The chronogram is based on Deut. 31;16 and 34;10, and if all the letters are used they amount to '549 and the date would be as given).

CP2 Here lies ... 'a woman of worth who may find' (Prov. 31;10)... Yettla bat Asher wife of M[?] Moses who passed away, she died in childbirth, ... Wednesday 17 Iyyar in the year 'a harbinger' [= 5542] [= 11 May 1782] and was buried on its morrow. TNTzBH.   (Motif of tree, perhaps with an hourglass behind or being cut down by an axe).

CP3 Here lies a man ... who fears God ... in his mouth ... he is Moses ... ?Asher ... of ?Shulda died with a good name on the eve of the Holy Sabbath ... [11 Sivan 5542 = 4 June 1782] and was buried on Sunday 13 Sivan in the year ' a harbinger' [= 5542]. TNTzBH.

CP6 Here is buried the woman ... who died Monday 28 Sivan in the year 'Thou shalt come to thy grave in ripe age (Job 5;26) [= 5502] [= 17 June 1742] and was buried on 29 Sivan. TNTzBH.   (The chronogram letters are clearly delineated although the continuation of the second word is unclear).

CQ1 Here lies a Jew! a Jew! ... Moses ben Menahem ?Keevash / ?Boyars who was gracious to the poor, his dealings were in faithfulness, he died on Wednesday 8 Tevet 5531 [= 25 December 1770] and was buried on Friday on the eve of the Holy Sabbath 10 Tevet. TNTzBH.   (At the top of the stone: Priestly hands).

CQ2 Here is buried the woman Mrs Gittela wife of Eisik (Isaac) ben Joseph died 5 Shevat and was buried on Monday 5531 [= January 1771]. And she lived ninety years. TNTzBH.   Aged 90 Years.   (The Hebrew for her age is somewhat strange).

CQ3 Abraham returned to his place (Genesis 18;33). Here is buried an upright man amongst the princes, who walked in the goodly way ... Torah and Kabbala. He was one of those who rise early in the morning and stay late in the night, Abraham ben Moses [from] Atziplotz who died and was buried on Monday 5 Heshvan 5542 [= 24 October 1781]. TNTzBH.

CR1 (A stone which is tantalizing difficult to read. Unusually, it gives the community from whence a woman emanated).

CR2 Here lies ... ... Isaac ben Issachar of KK Einhorn (?Einhoven) died on the evening of the Holy Sabbath 18 MarHeshvan and was buried on Sunday 19 MaHeshvan 'He will destroy Death for ever' (Isaiah 25;8) [= 5513] [= 27 October 1752]. TNTzBH.

CS2 ... ... Esther told [not] her birthplace (Esther 2;20). The virgin, tender in years, Esther bat Hayyim, died and was buried Sunday 1st day New Moon MarHeshvan in the year 'The good and the upright' [= 5543] [= 8 October 1782]. TNTzBH.

CT1 [At the top of stone in a semi-circle:] At this stone the guard is guarded.  [Inscription:] Nathan ben Mordecai Ire-land who guarded the resting place of the righteous who are buried here for 50 years. Died on the Holy Sabbath and was buried on Sunday 5 Shevat 5555 [= 24 January 1795] aged 84 years. TNTzBH.

CT2 ... ... buried Thursday 2 Shevat 5555 [= 22 January 1795]. TNTzBH

CT3 Here lies ... Israel ... died and was buried on Thursday 20 ... 5554. TNTzBH.   (At the top of the stone there is a tree).

CU1 Here lies [A]br[aham] ben Eliezer died and was buried Friday the eve of the holy Sabbath 11 Shevat 5555 [= ? Saturday 31 January 1795]. TNTzBH.   [Aged] 66.

CU2 Here is buried the worthy and modest woman Me[?] bat Eliezer Hertz wife of Wolff died on Sunday and was buried on Monday 4 Shevat 5554 [= Sunday 5 January 1794]. TNTzBH.

CV1 Here is buried ... ben Leib Bath ... ... TNTzBH.



Amsterdam CD1

Atziplotz CQ3


Bath CV1

Berlin AQ22

Bohemia CE5

?Bohemia, ?Picha CL8


Einhorn CR2

?Einhoven CR2


Frankfurt on Main AE18

Fuerth AK5, AK6, AP4


Gissenheim CN7


Hamburg BA6, CA9, CJ9, CK8

?Hellin BA17

Hichburg BG1


?Ichri/?Michaele CF11

Ire-land CT1


Le[?]z CN6

Linitz BC9

Lithuania AM4

Livni CF13

Lohzin BH12

London AG3, AO8


?Michaele/?Ichri CF11

?Odessenya CF14


Picha [?Bohemia] CL8

Prague BH4


?Rardom CP1

Ratberg CJ4

?Rica, Lithuania AM4


Sani [?Sunny] CO5

Shleiya CD12

?Shulda CP3

Streltz AD29


Weg BC3a, BC3b




A[?] [?] Hilman CM1

Aaron ben Naphtali, Rabbi, Av Beth Din A1

Aaron father of Jacob CO1

Aaron father of Merlo Falk wife of

Eliezer Lipman ben Solomon Falk CD1

Aaron father of Jacob, called Coppel, Jacob Aaron BF8

Aaron Isaac ben Gershon, charity warden of London AG3

Aaron, Jacob BF8

Abfalk? ben? Leib CN8

Abraham CH5

[Abraham?] Baruch ben [?] BC4

[A]br[aham] ben Eliezer CU1

Abraham ben Jacob BG5

Abraham ben Joel CF12

Abraham ben Moses [from] Atziplotz CQ3

Abraham ben Nathan BA10

Abraham ben Ozer father of Rachel Hayya AQ23

Abraham ben Sarah bat Eliezer wife of

Jacob Benjamin Ze'ev Frankel CD6

Abraham ben Simon husband of [?] bat Jacob CB9

Abraham ben Uri HaCohen of Hichburg BG1

Abraham ben Uri Shraga CO3 Abraham Bowley Row BC4

Abraham D[?]shentzer husband of Shtekermel [?] bat Abraham CA10

Abraham father-in-law of Meir Bebar[?] CO4

Abraham father of [?] CH1

Abraham father of [?] Chait [Tailor?] CD9

Abraham father of Joseph CA4

Abraham father of [M]eir CF3

Abraham father of Moses ShZ, BF6

Abraham father of Samuel AN12

Abraham, father of Shtekermel [?] wife of

Abraham D[?]shentzer CA10

Abraham father of Wolf? Tautlich from Ratberg SGL CJ4

Abraham Hamburger husband of Esther AC14

Abraham Hatzaran father of [?] AA14

Abraham KZ father of Yokav [Jacob] AP3

Abram ben Tovi' from Bohemia [the great chorister] CE5

Adler, Henrietta wife of Revd Dr N. M. Adler, Chief Rabbi AQ24

Adler, Revd Dr N. M. husband of Henrietta AQ24

Adler, Nathan, HaCohen husband of Rachel Hitzel AQ24

Alexander?, Moses BF6

Amsterdam, Merlo bat Aaron Falk from, wife of

Eliezer Lipman ben Solomon Falk CD1

Aryeh father of Judah BG2

Asher father of Yettla wife of M[?] Moses CP2

Asher Hirtz father of Zifreitz BF1

Atziplotz CQ3

Barrow, Lazarus CH7

Baruch, [Abraham?] ben [?] BC4

Baruch ben David HaCohen BH8

Baruch Benedit ben Esloy husband of Sheina bat

Reuben Hamburger CJ7

Baruch, father of Eliezer husband of Bini CH7

Baruch Leib husband of [?] bat Benjamin AG10

Bath CV1

Bebar[?], Meir, son-in-law of Abraham CO4

Behr, Issachar, ben Nathan from Odessenya? CF14

Behr? [Mer?] ben Isaac CI6

Beila bat Hayyim Weg (twin child) BC3b

Benedit, Baruch ben Esloy husband of Sheina bat

Reuben Hamburger CJ7

Benjamin father of [?], wife of Baruch Leib [?], AG10

Benjamin HaLevi A1

Benjamin, Masat, family of CN1

Benjamin Wolf Franklin CD8

Benjamin Woolf ben Michael Furth, the child AK5

Benjamin Ze'ev, Jacob, Frankel CD6

Ber, see also Behr

Ber Marshan second husband of Eve (Hava) BH11

Berlin, Rabbi Saul ben Chief Rabbi Hart Lion AQ22

Bini wife of Eliezer ben Baruch CH7

Bira, Leib father of Simon CF4

Blumbak bat [?] Leib of Y..ochna wife of Meir Reboya CO2

Bohemia, Abram ben Tovi' from, [the great chorister] CE5

Bondi?, [Dr] Hayyim, ben Meshullam, of Prague BH4

Bowley, Row, Abraham BC4

Boyars?, Moses ben Menahem CQ1

Breindla bat Joseph, the child AK7a

Brinitz bat [?] [wife of] [?] ben Joseph AJ1

Ceivel?, father of Jacob husband of Hannah [or Henna]

BG3 Chait [Tailor?], Simon, husband of Rosa bat Levi AQ16

Chait [Tailor?], [?] son of Abraham CD9

Chait, Judah, father of Zvi CA2

Claudia, Rebecca, bat Zvi wife of

Itsca [Isaac] Shnof of Hamburg CJ9

Cohen, Uri, father of Lipman (Yom Tov) husband of Sarala BH2

Coppel, alias Jacob, ben Aaron, Jacob Aaron BF8

Cossel Jonas, vd Yekutiel CJ1


David ben Jacob, David Jacob BC10

David father of Rebecca [Rivla?] wife of

Moses b[en] Hayyim AQ11

David from Hamburg, father of Miriam

wife of Meir ben Moses Isaac CK8

David HaCohen father of Baruch BH8

David of Kelin of family Masat Benjamin, father of Edel CN1

David Tevele, Rabbi, ben Zalman Schiff KZ A1, AE18

Deborah, Sarah, wife of Elimelech ben Moses Hellin BA17

Dehn, Judah Leib ben Nathan, AM8

Dov, Joseph [?], father of Solomon [?] ben BF7

D[?]shentzer, Abraham, husband of Shtekermel [?] bat Abraham CA10

Edel bat David of Kelin, of family Masat Benjamin CN1

Einhorn CR2

Eisik, see also Isaac

Eisik Furth father of Moses Leib AK6

Eisik (Isaac) ben Joseph husband of Gittela CQ2

Elias and Judy Levy, son of AJ9

[Elias], Elijah, ben Mordecai CL3

Elias Levy AJ11

[Eli?]AS MOR[decai?], stone erected by wife? of

Nathan [?] HaCohen CL3

Eliezer ben Baruch husband of Bini CH7

Eliezer ben Baruch, vd Barrow, Lazarus CH7

Eliezer father of [A]br[aham] CU1

Eliezer father of Sarah wife of

Jacob Benjamin Ze'ev Frankel CD6

Eliezer father of Ziskind CK1

Eliezer Hirtz father of Me[?] wife of Wolff CU2

Eliezer (Lezer) ben Zelig Rachmonus CA1

Eliezer Lipman ben Solomon Falk husband of

Merlo bat Aaron Falk CD1

Eliezer Manes [Manasseh?] father of

Miriam wife of Moses Shochet CI2

Elijah ben Benjamin HaLevi A1

Elijah [Elias] ben Mordecai CL3

Elijah Gubitz father of the bachelor Moses BA7

Elimelech ben Moses Hellin husband of Sarah Deborah BA17

Elk[anah?] father of Sarah wife of Moses [?]el CM5

Esloy, father of Baruch Benedit husband of

Sheina bat Reuben Hamburger CJ7

Esther bat Hayyim CS2

Esther wife of Abraham Hamburger AC14

Eve (Hava) wife of 1) Nathan Melamed and 2) Ber Marshan BH11

Falk, Eliezer Lipman ben Solomon CD1

Falk, Merlo, daughter of Aaron wife of

Eliezer Lipman ben Solomon Falk CD1

Falk, Samuel [Jacob Hayyim] ben Raphael de AF1

Feivel?, father of Jacob husband of Hannah [or Henna] BG3

Feivel father of Naphtali Hirtz AQ19

Feivish, see Uri Shraga CD12

Franklin, Benjamin Wolf CD8

Franklin, Sarah CD8

Frumat bat Nitziah AO6

Furth, Eisik, father of Moses Leib AK6

Furth, Michael AK5

Furth, Moses Leib ben Eisik AK6 Furth, Simon husband of Keila AP4


Gabriel ben Samuel HaLevi BH9

Gershon father of Aaron Isaac, AG3

G[?ersh]on [John?] SGL from Linitz husband of Hinla BC9

Gissenheim, Jacob ben Judah CN7

Gitla, Sarah, wife of Peretz Levi BC7

Gitla wife of Judah ben Simha Levi BA12

Gitlan Mosses wife of Simon Lazarus AJ16

Gittela wife of Eisik (Isaac) ben Joseph CQ2

Gubitz, Elijah, father of the bachelor Moses BA7

Gutla bat Yehiel wife of late Jacob AB18

Hamburg CJ9, CK8

Hamburger, Abraham, husband of Esther AC14

Hamburger, [?] ben M[?] CM4

Hamburger, Jacob Moses ben Moses Simon BC8

Hamburger?, Joseph?, husband of [?] CA3

Hamburger, Reuben, father of Sheina wife of

Baruch Benedit ben Esloy CJ7

Hamburger, Sheina bat Reuben, wife of Baruch Benedit

ben Esloy CJ7

Hamki?, Reuben, husband of [?] CH6

Hannah Haya bat [?] CA6

Hannah [or Henna] wife of Jacob ben C[Ph?]eivel BG3

Harbon? father of Jacob the Sh"UB CI3

Hart Lion, Chief Rabbi, father of Rabbi Saul Berlin AQ22

Hatzaran, Abraham, father of [?] AA14

Hava, vd Heva

Hayya, Rachel, daughter of Abraham ben Ozer AQ23

Hayyim BD3

Hayyim ben Meshullam Bondi? [Dr] of Prague BH4

Hayyim ben Samue[l] CM7

Hayyim father of Esther CS2

Hayyim father of Nathan Shu"b [i.e. Shochet uBodek] CA5

Hayyim, father of Moses husband of

Rebecca [Rivla?] bat David AQ11

Hayyim Weg father of Beila BC3b

Hayyim Weg father of Moses BC3a

Hellin, Elimelech ben Moses husband of Sarah Deborah BA17

Heneli Sarah (Miss) bat Moses from Lohzin BH12

Henna [or Hannah] wife of Jacob ben C[Ph?]eivel BG3

Henrietta wife of Revd Dr N.M.Adler, Chief Rabbi AQ24

Heva bat Jacob Levi AJ20

Hichburg, Abraham ben Uri HaCohen of BG1

Hilman, A[?] [?] CM1

Hinla wife of G[?ersh]on [John?] SGL from Linitz BC9

Hirtz, Asher, father of Zifreitz BF1

Hirtz, Eliezer, father of Me[?] wife of Wolff CU2

Hirtz, Naphtali, ben Feivel AQ19

Hitzel, Rachel, wife of Nathan Adler HaCohen: AQ24


Ichri?/Michaele?, [?] Judah [?] Samuel from CF11

Ire-land, Nathan ben Mordecai CT1

Isaac, see also Eisik

Isaac, Aaron, ben Gershon, charity warden of London AG3

Isaac ben Issachar of Einhorn CR2

Isaac ben Mordecai, called Isaac Nemin husband of Sarah CI1

Isaac (Eisik) ben Joseph husband of Gittela CQ2

Isaac father of Behr? [Mer?] CI6

Isaac father of Judah Leib BA13

Isaac father of [Mer?], Behr? CI6

Isaac [?] ?ben ?Meshek, Shammash of

Picha? [Pim? = Bohemia?] CL8

Isaac HaLevi of Strelsk husband of Yettla AD29

Isaac Isaac [Eisik] ben Shneour of Sh[?] CA11

Isaac [Itsca] Shnof of Hamburg husband of

Rebecca Claudia bat Zvi CJ9

Isaac, Moses, father of Meir husband of

Miriam bat David from Hamburg CK8

Isaac Nemin (Isaac ben Mordecai) husband of Sarah CI1

Israel ben [Jacob?] BA6

Israel father-in-law of Joel AD13

Israel father of Mrs Minkela CH7

Issachar Behr ben Nathan from Odessenya? CF14

Issachar father of Isaac of Einhorn CR2

Itsca [Isaac] Shnof of Hamburg husband of

Rebecca Claudia bat Zvi CJ9


Jacob ben Aaron CO1

Jacob ben C[Ph?]eivel husband of Hannah [or Henna] BG3

Jacob ben Judah Gissenheim CN7

Jacob ben Solomon CH8

Jacob ben Zvi husband of Reizcha AJ19

(Jacob) Benjamin Ze'ev ben Menahem Mendel CD8

Jacob Benjamin Ze'ev Frankel husband of Sarah bat Eliezer CD6

Jacob called Coppel ben Aaron, Jacob Aaron BF8

Jacob, David BC10

Jacob father-in-law of Abraham ben Simon CB9

Jacob father of David BC10

Jacob? father of Israel BA6

Jacob father of Meir BF9

Jacob father of Moses Joseph BE1

Jacob? father of Solomon BA16

Jacob father of Sheoka? CF5

[Jacob Hayyim], Samuel, ben Raphael de Falk, AF1

Jacob, husband of Gutla bat late Yehiel AB18

Jacob husband of Ken[?] bat Jacob Sofer of Le[?]z CN6

Jacob Levi father of Heva AJ20

Jacob Moses ben Moses Simon Hamburger BC8

Jacob the Sh"UB ben Harbon? CI3

Jacob father of Abraham BG5

Jacob [Yokav] ben Abraham KZ AP3

Jacob Zabbish SGL AO8

Joel father of Abraham CF12

Joel, husband of [?] bat Israel AD13

[John?] G[?ersh]on SGL from Linitz husband of Hinla BC9

Jonas, Cossel, vd Yekutiel CJ1

Joseph [?] Dov father of Solomon [?] BF7

Joseph ben Abraham CA4

Joseph ben Jo[?] CE4

Joseph father-in-law of Brinitz AJ1

Joseph, father of Isaac (Eisik) husband of Gittela CQ2

Joseph, father of Lipman husband of Treinela bat Moses CM3

Joseph, father of Eisik (Isaac) husband of Gittela CQ2

Joseph, father of the child Breindla AK7a

Joseph, father of the child Miriam AK7b

Joseph? Hamburger? husband of [?] CA3

Joseph Levy BH7

Joseph, Moses, ben Jacob BE1

Judah ben Aryeh BG2

Judah ben Simha Levi husband of Gitla BA12

Judah father of [?] CJ3

Judah father of Jacob Gissenheim CN7

Judah father of Moses Myers CH4

Judah father of S[arah] Shenkeler wife of Zvi [?] CF1

Judah father of Zvi Chait (Tailor?) CA2

Judah Leib ben Isaac BA13

Judah Leib ben Nathan Dehn husband of Sarah AM8

Judah Leib ben Samuel Sani [Sunny?] CO5

Judah Leib? father of [?] CG3

Judah, Moses, father of [?] CE6

Judith Levy AJ10

Keevash?, Moses ben Menahem CQ1

Keila wife of Simon Furth AP4

Kelin CN1

Ken[?] bat Jacob Sofer of Le[?]z [wife? of] Jacob CN6

Kori[?], Zissel, husband of Nenche? Rachel? bat Tibel CJ5

KZ, often giving surname

Katz, Cohen (and derivatives), AE18; AP3; BH10


Lazarus Barrow CH7

Lazarus Simon husband of

Pearl Simon, Margoliot bat Naphtali AH21

Lazarus Simon, Lezer Goslar AH20

Leah bat [?] wife of [?] [ben?] Zvi AQ12

Leah Sarahle wife of late Liberman AG13

Leib [?] [?] BC1

Leib father of [?] Bath CV1

Leib Bira father of Simon CF4

Leib, [?], of Y..ochna father of Blumbak

wife of Meir Reboya CO2

Leib father? of Abfalk? CN8

Leib, Judah, ben Isaac BA13

Leib, Judah, ben Samuel Sani [Sunny?] CO5

Leib, Judah, Dehn, ben Nathan AM8

Leib?, Judah, father of [?] CG3

Leib, Moses, father of Eisik Furth AK6

Levi father of Rosa wife of Simon Chait [Tailor?] AQ16

Levi, Jacob father of Heva AJ20

Levi, Peretz, husband of Sarah Gitla BC7

Levi, Simha, father of Judah husband of Gitla BA12

Levy, Elias AJ11

Levy, Elias and Judy, son of AJ9

Levy, Joseph BH7

Levy, Judith AJ10

Levy, Judy and Elias, son of AJ9

Levy? [Livy] Samuel [?]il Moher? CF11

Lezer Goslar, Lazarus Simon AH20

Liberman husband of Leah Sarahle AG13

Linitz BC9

Lion, Hart, Chief Rabbi, father of Rabbi Saul Berlin AQ22

Lipman ben Joseph husband of Treinela bat Moses CM3

Lipman ben Uri [?] CG6

Lipman, Eliezer, ben Solomon Falk

husband of Merlo bat Aaron Falk CD1

Lipman (Yom Tov) ben Uri Cohen husband of Sarala BH2

Lithuania AM4

Livni? CF13

Livy [?Levy] Samuel [?]il Moher? CF11

[Manasseh?], Eliezer Manes, father of Miriam wife of Moses Shochet CI2

Manes [Manasseh?], Eliezer, father of Miriam wife of Moses Shochet CI2

Margoliot bat Naphtali, Pearl Simon wife of

Lazarus Simon AH21

Marshan, Ber, second husband of Eve (Hava) BH11

Masat Benjamin, family of CN1

Me[?] bat Eliezer Hirtz wife of Wolff CU2

Meir Abe? ben [?] CK2

Meir Bebar[?] son-in-law of Abraham CO4

Meir ben Aaron husband of [?] CF15

[M]eir ben Abraham CF3

Meir ben Jacob BF9

Meir ben Moses Isaac husband of

Miriam bat David from Hamburg CK8

Meir ben To[cho?] [Tobiah?] CN5

Meir father of Moses BA1

Meir father of Wolf BH5

Meir Reboya husband of Blumbak bat [?] Leib of Y..ochna CO2

Melamed, Nathan husband of Eve (Hava) BH11

Menahem father of Moses Keevash? CQ1

Menahem [Mendel?] ben Uri [?] AG16

Menahem Mendel father of (Jacob) Benjamin Ze'ev CD8

Mendel, Menahem, father of (Jacob) Benjamin Ze'ev CD8

[Mendel?], Menahem, father of Uri [?] AG16

Mer? [Behr?] ben Isaac CI6

Merlo bat Aaron Falk from Amsterdam wife of

Eliezer Lipman ben Solomon Falk CD1

Meshek?, father? of Isaac [?]

Shammash of Picha [Pim? = Bohemia?] CL8

Meshullam Bondi?, father of [Dr] Hayyim of Prague BH4

Michael Furth, father of the child Benjamin Woolf AK5

Michaele?/Ichri?, [?] Judah [?] Samuel from CF11

Miclah wife of Cossel Jonas CJ1

Miclah wife of Yekutiel CJ1

Minkela (Mrs) bat Israel CH7

Miriam bat David from Hamburg wife of Meir ben Moses Isaac CK8

Miriam bat Eliezer Manes [Manasseh?] wife of Moses Shochet CI2

Miriam bat Joseph, the child AK7b

Mix... the wife of Lazarus Barrow CH7

MOR[decai?], [Eli?]AS, stone erected by wife? of

Nathan [?] HaCohen CL3

Mordecai father of Elijah [Elias] CL3

Mordecai, father of Isaac called

Isaac Nemin husband of Sarah CI1

Mordecai father of Nathan Ire-land! CT1

Moses CB4

Moses Alexander? BF6

Moses ben Abraham ShZ, Moses Alexander? BF6

Moses ben Meir BA1

Moses ben Elijah Gubitz, the bachelor BA7

Moses b[en] Hayyim husband of Rebecca [Rivla?] bat David AQ11

Moses ben Hayyim Weg [Vav Vav Aleph Gimel], twin child BC3a

Moses [ben] [?] KZ husband of [?] BH10

Moses ben Menahem Keevash? CQ1

Moses ben Naphtali A1

Moses ben Nehemiah CB11b

Moses ben [?] Shochet [?] from Radom? CP1

Moses [?]el husband of Sarah bat Elk[anah?] CM5

Moses father-in-law of [?]fir bat A[?] CB10

Moses father of Abraham [from] Atziplotz CQ3

Moses father of Treinela wife of Lipman ben Joseph CM3

[M]oses father of Uri Shraga Feivish from the state

of Shleiya CD12

Moses from Lohzin father of Miss Heneli Sarah BH12

Moses Isaac, father of Meir husband of

Miriam bat David from Hamburg CK8

Moses, Jacob, Hamburger, ben Moses Simon BC8

Moses Joseph ben Jacob BE1

Moses Judah father of [?] CE6

Moses Leib ben Eisik Furth AK6

Moses, M[?] husband of Yettla bat Asher CP2

Moses Myers ben Judah CH4

Moses [?] of Shulda? CP3

Moses Shochet husband of

Miriam bat Eliezer Manes [Manasseh?] CI2

Moses Simon father of Jacob Moses Hamburger BC8

Mosses, Gitlan, wife of Simon Lazarus AJ16

Myers, Moses ben Judah CH4

Naphtali father of Margoliot (Pearl) wife of Lazarus Simon AH21

Naphtali father of Zvi CJ2

Naphtali Hirtz ben Feivel AQ19

Nathan Adler HaCohen husband of Rachel Hitzel AQ24

Nathan ben Hayyim Shu"b [i.e. Shochet uBodek] CA5

Nathan ben Mordecai Ire-land! CT1

Nathan ben Yehiel BA9

Nathan Dehn father of Judah Leib AM8

Nathan father of Abraham BA10

Nathan father of Issachar Behr from Odessenya? CF14

Nathan [?] HaCohen's wife? erected stone for

[Eli?]AS MOR[decai?] CL3

Nathan Melamed first husband of Eve (Hava) BH11

Nehemiah father of Moses CB11b

Nemin, Isaac (Isaac ben Mordecai) husband of Sarah CI1

Nenche? Rachel? bat Tibel wife of Zissel Kori[?] CJ5

Nitziah father of Frumat AO6

N[?] M[?] CD13

Odessenya? CF14

?Ozer/?Shazar ben Zvi CD13


Pearl Simon, Margoliot bat Naphtali wife of Lazarus Simon AH21

Peretz Levi husband of Sarah Gitla BC7

Picha? [Pim? = Bohemia?] CL8

[Pim? = Bohemia?], Picha? CL8

Rachel CF7

Rachel Hayya bat Abraham ben Ozer AQ23

Rachel Hitzel wife of Nathan Adler HaCohen AQ24

Rachel?, Nenche?, bat Tibel wife of Zissel Kori[?] CJ5

Rachmonus, Eliezer (Lezer) ben Zelig CA1

Radom?, Moses ben [?] Shochet [?] from CP1

Ratberg CJ4

Rebecca Claudia bat Zvi wife of

Itsca [Isaac] Shnof of Hamburg CJ9

Rebecca [Rivla?] bat David, wife of Moses b[en] Hayyim AQ11

Reboya, Meir husband of Blumbak bat [?] Leib of Y..ochna CO2

Reizcha bat Jacob ben Zvi AJ19

Reuben Hamburger father of Sheina wife of

Baruch Benedit ben Esloy CJ7

Reuben Hamki? husband of [?] CH6

[Rivla?], Rebecca bat David, wife of Moses b[en] Hayyim AQ11

Rosa bat Levi wife of Simon Chait [Tailor?] AQ16

Row, Abraham Bowley BC4


Samuel ben Abraham AN12

Samuel ben Rabbi Raphael A1

Samuel father of [?] AF10

Samue[l] father of Hayyim CM7

Samuel HaLevi father of Gabriel BH9

Samuel [Jacob Hayyim] ben Raphael de Falk AF1

Samuel, Livy [Levy?] [?]il Moher? CF11

Samuel Sani [Sunny?] father of Judah Leib CO5

Sani [Sunny?] CO5

Sarah AQ15

Sarah bat Eliezer CD8

Sarah bat Eliezer wife of Jacob Benjamin Ze'ev Frankel

mother of Abraham CD6

Sarah bat Elk[anah?] wife of Moses [?]el CM5

Sarah Deborah wife of Elimelech ben Moses Hellin BA17

Sarah Franklin CD8

Sarah Gitla wife of Peretz Levi BC7

Sarah (Miss), Heneli, bat Moses from Lohzin BH12

S[arah] Shenkeler bat Judah wife of Zvi [?] CF1

Sarah wife of Isaac ben Mordecai, called Isaac Nemin CI1

Sarah wife of Judah Leib ben Nathan Dehn AM8

Sarala wife of Yom Tov called Lipman ben Uri Cohen BH2

Saul Berlin, Rabbi, son of Chief Rabbi Hart Lion AQ22

Schiff, Zalman father of Rabbi David Tevele KZ AE18

SGL, often giving surname Segal, Levi, Levy, AO8; BC9; CJ4

?Shazar/?Ozer ben Zvi from Livni? CF13

Sheina bat Reuben Hamburger wife of Baruch Benedit

ben Esloy CJ7

Shenkeler, S[arah] bat Judah wife of Zvi [?] CF1

Sheoka? bat Jacob CF5

Shneour father of Isaac Isaac [Eisik] of Sh[?] CA11

Shnof, Isaac [Itsca], of Hamburg husband of

Rebecca Claudia bat Zvi CJ9

Shochet, Moses husband of

Miriam bat Eliezer Manes [Manasseh?] CI2

Shochet, [?]zadok CN4 Shnof, Itsca [Isaac], of Hamburg CJ9

Shraga, Uri, father of Abraham CO3 Shraga, Uri, (the b[achelor?]) ben

[M]oses from the state of Shleiya CD12 Shtekermel [?] bat Abraham wife of Abraham D[?]shentzer CA10 Shu"B = shochet u'bodek, sometimes giving

surname Shub, Shoob, CA5

Shu"b [i.e. Shochet uBodek], Nathan ben Hayyim CA5 Shulda? CP3 ShZ, Moses ben Abraham BF6

ShZ = shliah zibbur sometimes giving surname Shatz, BF6

Simha Levi, father of Judah husband of Gitla BA12

Simon ben Leib Bira CF4 Simon Chait [Tailor?] husband of Rosa bat Levi AQ16

Simon Furth husband of Keila AP4

Simon Lazarus AJ17 Simon Lazarus husband of Gitlan Mosses AJ16 Simon, Moses, father of Jacob Moses Hamburger BC8

Sofer, Jacob, of Le[?]z father of Ken[?] [wife? of] Jacob CN6

Solomon [?] ben Joseph [?] Dov BF7

Solomon [ben?] Jacob BA16

Solomon, father of Eliezer Lipman Falk husband of

Merlo bat Aaron Falk CD1

Solomon father of Jacob CH8

Solomon husband of Zvi? Lim? CF10

Strelsk AD29

Sunny? CO5

Tailor? [Chait], Simon, AQ16

Tailor?, [Chait], [?] son of Abraham CD9

Tailor?, Zvi ben Judah Chait CA2

Tautlich, Wolf? ben Abraham from Ratberg SGL CJ4

Tevele, David, Rabbi, ben Zalman Schiff KZ AE18

Tibel father of Nenche? Rachel? wife of Zissel Kori[?] CJ5

Tovi', father of Abram from Bohemia [the great chorister] CE5

To[cho?] [Tobiah?] father of Meir CN5

Treinela bat Moses wife of Lipman ben Joseph CM3

Trever Abraham [?in Rica of Lithuania] AM4

Uri Cohen, father of Lipman (Yom Tov) husband of Sarala BH2

Uri [?] father of Lipman CG6

Uri [?] father of Menahem [Mendel?] AG16

Uri HaCohen father of Abraham of Hichburg BG1

Uri Shraga father of Abraham CO3

Uri Shraga (the b[achelor?]) ben

[M]oses from the state of Shleiya CD12

Vag, see Weg


Wag, see Weg

Weg Beila bat Hayyim, twin child BC3b

Weg Hayyim BC3a

Weg Hayyim BC3b

Weg Moses ben Hayyim, twin child BC3a

Wolf? ben Abraham Tautlich from Ratberg SGL CJ4

Wolf ben Meir BH5

Wolff husband of Me[?] bat Eliezer Hirtz CU2

Y[?]ochna CO2

Yehiel father of Gutla AB18

Yehiel father of Nathan BA9

Yekutiel husband of Miclah CJ1

Yekutiel, vd Cossel Jonas CJ1

Yetta wife of Elijah ben Benjamin HaLevi A1

Yettla bat Asher wife of M[?] Moses CP2

Yettla wife of Isaac HaLevi of Strelsk AD29

Yokav [Jacob] ben Abraham KZ AP3

Yom Tov called Lipman ben Uri Cohen husband of Sarala BH2

Zabbish, Jacob, SGL AO8

Zalman Schiff KZ father of Rabbi David Tevele AE18

Ze'ev, Jacob Benjamin, Frankel CD6

Zelig father of Eliezer (Lezer) Rachmonus CA1

Zifreitz bat Asher Hirtz BF1

Ziskind ben Eliezer CK1

Zissel Kori[?] husband of Nenche? Rachel? bat Tibel CJ5

Zvi ben Judah Chait (Tailor?) CA2

Zvi ben Naphtali CJ2

Zvi father-in-law of Leah AQ12

Zvi father of ?Ozer/Shazar CF13

Zvi father of Rebecca Claudia wife of

Itsca [Isaac] Shnof of Hamburg CJ9

Zvi father of ?Shazar from Livni? CF13

Zvi [?] husband of S[arah] Shenkeler bat Judah CF1

Zvi? Lim? wife of Solomon CF10

[?] bat [?]zadok Shochet CN4

[?] ben Leib Bath CV1

[?] Judah [?] Samuel from Ichri?/Michaele? CF11

[?] Leib of Y..ochna father of Blumbak wife of Meir Reboya CO2

[?] Shochet father of Moses from Radom? CP1

[?] wife of Solomon [ben?] Jacob BA16



Aaron, Jacob BF8

Abraham, Trever AM4

Abraham Ab[?] [?] Eliezer the famous [?] ?Hois ?Kalish

Abraham Hatzaran


Chief Rabbi N. M. AQ24

Henrietta AQ24



Lazarus CH7

Mix[?]/Bini/Minkela CH7


... bat Abraham CO4

Meir CO4

Benjamin, Edel bat David of Kelin CN1

Berlin, Rabbi Saul AQ22

Bira, Simon ben Leib CF4

Bondi, Hayyim ben Meshullam BH4

Bowley, Abraham, Row, BC4

Boyars, Moses ben Menahem CQ1


Chait, ... ben Abraham CD9

Rosa bat Levi AQ16

Simeon AQ16

Zvi ben Judah CA2



Abraham CA10

Shtekermel ... bat Abraham CA10



Judah Leib ben Nathan AM8

Sarah AM8

Duschinsky, Charles AQ22

Falk, Eliezer Lipman ben Solomon CD1

Merlo bat Aaron Falk CD1

Rabbi Samuel Jacob Chayim A1, AF1

Frankel, Abraham CD6

Jacob Benjamin Ze'ev CD6

Franklin, Benjamin Woolf CD8

Sarah CD8

Fuerth, Mrs Keila AP4

Simon AP4


Gissenheim, Jacob ben Judah CN7


Hamburger, ... ben M... CM4

Abraham AC14

Esther AC14

Joseph CA3

Moses ben Moses Simon BC8

Reuben CJ7

Sheina bat Reuben CJ7

Hamki, Reuben CH6

Hart, Aaron A1

Moses A1

Hatzaran, Abraham AA14

Hellin, Elimelech ben Moses BA17

Sarah Deborah BA17

Hilman, A CM1

Hois, Abraham AA23


Jacob, David BC10

Myer BF9

Jonas, Cossel CJ1

Miclah wife of Cossel CJ1


Kalish, Abraham AA23

Keevash, Moses ben Menahem CQ1

Kori[?], Nenche Rachel bat Tibel CJ5

Zissel CJ5


Lazarus, Gitlan Mosses AJ16

Simon AJ16

Simon AJ17

Levi, Heva bat Jacob AJ20

Jacob AJ20

Judah ben Simha BA12

Mrs Gitla BA12

Peretz BC7

Sarah Gitla BC7


Levy, Benjamin A1

Elias A1, AJ11

Joseph BH7

Judith A1, AJ10

Libri, Menahem Mendel ben Uri AG16

Solomon ben Abraham AG15

Lion, Chief Rabbi Hart AQ22


Manes, Eliezer CI2

Miriam bat Eliezer CI2

Marshan, Ber BH11

Eve BH11

Melamed, Eve (Hava) BH11

Reb Nathan BH11

Moher, Livy Samuel CF11

Moses, M... CP2

Yettla bat Asher CP2

Myers, Moses ben Judah CH4

Nemin, Isaac CI1

Sarah CI1


Noda BiYehudah AE18


Pnei Yehoshua AE18


Rachmonus, Eliezer ben Zelig CA1

Reboya, Blumbak CO2

Meir CO2

Row, Abraham Bowley BC4


Livy [?Levy] CF11


Sani, Judah Leib ben Samuel CO5

Sani [?Sunny] CO5

Schiff, Chief Rabbi David Tevele A1, AE18

Rabbi Zalman AE18

Shev Ya'acov AE18

Shnof, Isaac [Itsca] CJ9

Rebecca Claudia bat Zvi CJ9

Shochet, Miriam, wife of Moses CI2

Moses CI2, CP1

Simon, Lazarus AH20

Lazarus AH21

Pearl AH21

Sofer, Ken... ?wife of Jacob bat Jacob CN6

Sunny, Judah Leib ben Samuel CO5

Susser, Bernard AQ22


Tautlich, Wolf ben Abraham CJ4

Tucker, Charles AF1(2)


Weg, Beila bat Hayyim BC3b

Moses ben Hayyim BC3

Moses ben Hayyim BC3a


Zabbish, Jacob SGL AO8



The Indenture in the possession and at the premises of the United Synagogue 22 Oct 1996, transcribed by B. Susser]

THIS INDENTURE made the second day of Ffebruary Anno Domini 1696 And in the Eighth year of the Raigne of his Majesty King William the Third over England etc Betweene Nathaniell Owen of Mile End Green in the parish of Stebunheath at Stepney in the County of Middlesex Gentleman of the one part and Benjamin Levy of London Merchant of the other part WITNESSETH that the said Nathaniel Owen for and in Consideration of the sume of One hundred and Ninety pounds of Lawfull money of England to him in hand paid at and before the Ensealing and delivery of these presents by the said Benjamin Levy the receipt whereof the said Nathaniel Owen doth hereby Acknowledge, and himselfe to be herewith fully sattisfied Contented and paid and thereof and of every part thereof doth Clearly and Absolutely Acquitt Release and Discharge the said Benjamin Levy his Executors Administrators and Assigns and every of them for ever by these presents Hath Granted Bargained Sold and demised And by these presents Doth fully and absolutely Grant Bargaine sell and demise unto the said Benjamin Levy his Executors Administrators and Assigns ALL that peice or parcel of Ground or Garden, as the same is Enclosed or Encompassed with Brickwalls AND all that messuage or Tenement standing and being at the Northwest corner of the said peice of Garden Ground partly within the said Brickwalls and partly sallying out into the other Garden Ground there adjoining of or belonging to the said Nathaniell Owen As by the Scheame or Ground plan hereunto annexed is more particularly delineated and described which said peice or parcel of Ground and the said messuage or tenement is situate and being att or near Mile End within the parish of Stepney and County of Middlesex aforesaid. And now is or late was in the Tenure or Occupation of John Clements and doth contain in length from the West End of the said messuage along the Northside Wall to the East End of the said Wall Two hundred and three ffeet of Assize little more or less, in Breadth at the East End from the Corner of the Northwall to the Corner of the Southwall One hundred and fifteen feet of assize little more or less In length on the southside from the East End of the Southwall to the West End thereof One hundred and Ninety ffeet of like assize little more or less and in Breadth at the West End from the Corner of the Southwall upp to the side of the House Eighty and ffive ffeet of like assize little more or less. As by the said Scheame or Ground Plan hereunto Annexed may more plainly Appeare. And doth abutt East on a ffeild or Ground of Sir Reginald fforster now in the Occupation of the Widdow Ingram West on other Garden Ground of the said Nathaniell Owen North on a Tenn ffeet Way or Passage in the ffeild called Swann Ffield belonging to Arthur Bayley Esqr

and now in the occupation of sd Widdow Ingram and south partly upon a peice of Ground called the Jews Buriall place And partly on other Garden Ground of or belonging to the said Nathaniell Owen Together with all Trees and plants standing Growing and being in the said peice of Ground or Garden Together with ffree Egress and Regress to and from the said premises by the way and passage therewith used and hereunto of Right belonging Together also with all Lights Easements commons priviledges profitts Commodities and Appurtenances whatsoever to the said Messuage or Tenement and peice or parcel of Ground belonging or in any wise appertaineing or herewith now or heretofore Used Letten Occupyed or Enjoyed And the Reversion and reversions remainder and remainders of all and Singular the said premises with the Appurtenances and all the Rent and Rents and yearly and other profitts of all and Singular the said peice or parcell of Ground Messuage or Tenement and premises and every part thereof Together alsoe with True Coppyes of all such deeds Evidences and Wryteings now in the hands or Custody of the said Nathaniell Owen as Concerne the said hereby bargained promised (Amongst other Estates and Things) The same to be coppyed and written out at the Costs and Charges of the said Benjamin Levy his Executors Administrators or Assigns TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said peice or parcell of Ground or Garden and the said Messuage or Tenement And all and singular other the premises before in and by these presents Granted Bargained Sold and Demised or mentoned or intended soe to be and every part thereof with all and Singular the Rights Priviledges and Appurtenances unto the said Benjamin Levy his Executors Administrators and Assigns from the ffeast day of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary last past before the day of the date of these presents for and dureing and unto the full End and Terme of One Thousand Years from thence next Ensueing and fully to be Compleate and Ended without Impeachment of or for any manner of Wast and with full power to remitt Waste YEILDING and paying therefore yearly and Every year dureing the said Terme unto the said Nathaniell Owen his heirs and Assigns the rent of one pepper Corn onely at the feast day of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Every Yeare (If the same shall be lawfully demanded) AND itt is Covenanted and Agreed by and Between the said partyes to these presents And the said Nathaniell Owen for himselfe his heirs Executors and Administrators Doth Covenant, Grant and Agree to, and with the said Benjamin Levy his Executors and Administrators and every of them by these presents That for as well the Barring of all Dower and Thirds as for the better Corroborateing Strengthning Confirmeing and makeing Good the said Terme and Estate of one Thousand Years of and in the said hereby bargained premises hee the said Nathaniell Owen and Bridgett his wife att the Costs and Charges in the law of the said Benjamin Levy shall and will on this side or before the End of Trinity Terme now next Ensueing by one or more ffyne or ffynes SUR CONCESSITT to be duly Levyed before the Justices of his Majesties Court of Common Pleas at Westminster whereupon proclamation shall be had according to the fforme of this Statute in that case made and provided And the Course of ffynes in such case used Demised and Grant unto the said Benjamin Levy his heirs Executors and Administrators ALL the aforesaid peice or parcel of Ground or Garden and the said Messuage or Tenement and other the premises with their and every of their Appurtenances by such Name and Names and in such sort and manner as the said Benjamin Levy his heirs Executors or Administrators or his or their Councill Learned in the Law shall reasonably Advise or Devise and require TO HAVE AND TO HOLD All the said peice or parcell of Ground or Garden and the said Messuage or Tenement hereditaments and premises with their and every of their Rights Members and Appurtenances unto the said Benjamin Levy his Executors Administrators and Assigns from the ffeast day of the Anunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary last past before the day of the date of these presents unto the full End and Terme of One Thousand Years from thence next Ensueing and fully to be Compleate finished and ended Yeilding therefore Yearly unto the said Nathaniell Owen and his heirs One pepper Corne att the ffeast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (If same be lawfully demanded [)] And the said Nathaniell Owen for himselfe his heirs Executors and Administrators and for every of them doth Covenant Grant and Agree to and with the said Benjamin Levy his Executors and Admins and Assigns and so and with every of them by these presents in manner and forme following (That is to say) that he the said Nathaniell Owen (for and notwithstanding any Act matter or Thing by him Committed Omitted suffered or done to the Contrary) att the time of the Sealing and Executing of these presents Is and standeth lawfully rightfully and Soly seized of and in all and Singular the said Peice or parcell of Ground or Garden Messuage or Tenement and premises with the Appurtenances hereby Granted Bargained Sold & Demised or mentioned or Intended soe to be of and in a Good sure lawfull Absolute Indefeazable Estate of Inheritance in ffee simple to the said Nathaniell Owen his heirs and Assigns for Ever without any manner of Condition Use Lymitation or any other matter Cause or thing whatsoever to alter change Charge Decease Determine or Encumber the same or any part thereof in law or Equity (The choice rent or rents due to the Lord or Lords of whom the premises are holden only Excepted and foreprized [)]AND the said Nathaniell Owen for and notwithstanding any such Act or Thing as aforesaid hath in himselfe full power good right True Tytle lawfull Authority to Grant Bargain sell demise all and Singular the premises aforesaid with the Appurtenances unto the said Benjamin Levy his Executors Administrators and Assigns in manner and forme afore[said] and according to the true meaning of these presents And the said Benjamin Levy his Executors Administrators and Assigns and every or any of them shall and may from time to time and att all times hereafter for and during all the said Terme of One Thousand Yeares hereby Granted lawfully peaceably and Quietly have hold Occupy possess and Enjoy the said peice or parcel of Ground Messuage or Tenement and premises aforesaid with the Appurtenances hereby Granted and Demised or mentioned or Intended to be herein or hereby Granted and Demised and receive Take and Enjoy rents Issues and proffitts thereof to his and their owne proper Use and Behoofe without the Lett Suite Denyall Hindrance Interuption claim or demand whatsoever of or by the said Nathaniell Owen his heirs Executors Administrators or Assigns or any of them or any other person or persons claimeing or to claime by from or under him them or any of them AND that ffree and cleere and ffreely and cleerely Acquitted Exonerated and discharged or by the said Nathaniell Owen his heirs Executors and Administrators well and Sufficiently saved and kept harmless and Indempnyfied of and from all and all manner of former and other Bargains Sales Guifts Grants Leases Mortgages Joyntures Dowers Settlements (Joynture and Dower of the said Bridgett now the wife of the said Nathaniell Owen Uses Wills Intayled Statutes Recognizances Judgements Estates Tythes Troubles Charges Encumbrances and Demands whatsoever had made Committed done or suffered by him the said Nathaniell Owen or by his means default or procurement AND that the said Nathaniell Owen his heirs and Assigns and all other person and persons claimeing or to claime any Estate or Interest of in or to the said peice or parcel of Ground Messuage or Tenement and premises aforesaid or any part thereof with the Appurtenances hereby Demised or mentioned to be Demised) by from or under him the said Nathaniell Owen shall and will at any Time and Times hereafter within the Space of Tenn Years now next Ensueing att the reasonable request Costs and Charges of the said Benjamin Levy his Executors Administrators or Assigns make doe and Execute or cause to be made done and Executed unto the said Benjamin Levy his Executors Administrators or Assigns All such further and other Act and Acts Assurances and Things whatsoever for the further and better Assureing Corroborateing Conveying and Confirmeing of all and Singular the premises aforesaid with Appurtenances unto the said Benjamin Levy his Executors Administrators and Assigns for and dureing all the rest residue and remainder of the said Terme of One Thousand Years as shall be then to come and unexpired as by him or them or his or their Councill Learned in the Law shall be reasonably [here ends the photograph of the Indenture - the original was not available to me].


Indenture relating to Alderney Road, Stepney, at the premises of the United Synagogue - as at 22 Oct 1996. Copied and transcribed by Bernard Susser].

THIS INDENTURE made the third day of ffebruary Anno Dm 1696 And in the eighth year of the reigne of Our Sovereigne Lord William the third by the Grace of God King of England Scotland ffrance & Ireland Defender of the Faith

Betweene Benjamin Levy of London, Merchant of the one part

Nathaniell Owen of Mile End Greene in the parish of Stebunheath at Stepney in the County of Middx Gentleman of the other part

WITNESSETH That for and in Consideration of the Sume of One hundred pounds of lawful money of England to him the said Benjamin Levy in hand at and before the Ensealing and delivery of these presents by the said Nathaniell Owen well and Truly paid The Receipt whereof the said Benjamin Levy doth hereby Acknowledge and thereof and of every Part thereof doth clearly and absolutely Acquitt Release and Discharge the said Nathaniell Owen and his heires executors and administrators and every of them for ever by these presents he the said Benjamin Levy

HATH demised granted and to ffarme letten by these presents doth demise grant and ffarme lett unto the said Nathaniell Owen his Executors Administrators Assigns ALL that Peece or part or parcel of Ground or Garden as the same is Enclosed or Encompassed with Brickwalls and all that Messuage or Tenement Standing and being at the North West corner of the said peece of Garden Ground partly within the said Brickwalls and partly sallying out into other Garden Ground there Adjoining of or belonging to the said Nathaniell Owen which said peece or parcel of Ground and the said Messuage or Tenement is situate and being at or near Mile End within the Parish of Stepney and County of Middx Aforesaid and now is or late was in the Tenure or Occupation of John Clements and doth contain in Length from The West End of the said Messuage along the North side Wall to the East end of the said Wall Two hundred and Three feet of Assize little more or less[,] In Breadth at the East End from the corner of the North wall to the corner of the South wall One hundred and ffifteene ffeete of like Assize little more or less[,] in length on the South side from the East End of the South wall to the West end thereof One hundred and Ninety feet of like assize little more or less And in Breadth at the West End from the corner of the South wall upp to the side of the house eighty and five ffeet of like assize (little more or less) and doth Abut East on a field or Ground of Sir Reginald ffoster now in the occupation of the Widdow Ingram[,] West on other Garden Ground of the said Nathaniell Owen North on a Tenn ffoote Way or Passage in the fields called Swan Fields belonging to Arthur Bayley Esq And now in the Occupation of the Widdow Ingram And South Partly upon a peece of Ground called the Jewes Buriall Place and partly upon other Garden Ground of or belonging to the said Nathaniell Owen Togeather with all Trees and Plants Standing Growing and being in the said peece of Ground or Garden Togeather also with all Wayes, Passages, Lights, Easements, Comons, Comodityes, Priviledges, Proffits and Appurtenances whatsoever to the said Messuage or Tenement and peece or parcell of Ground belonging or in any case Appertaining or therewith now heretofore used Letten, Occupied or Enjoyed And the Reversion and Reversions Remainder and Remainders of all and Singular the said promised with the Appurtenances and all Rent and Rents and Yearely and other proffitts of all and singular the said peece or parcel of Ground Messuage or Tenement and premise and every part thereof Which said peece or parcell of Ground or Garden And the said Messuage or Tenement and premise Abovementioned were by Indenture bearing Date the day next before the day of the Date of these presents made betweene the said Nathaniell Owen of the One part and the said Benjamin Levy of the other part in Consideration of the Sume of One hundred and Ninety pounds of lawfull money of England Granted, Bargained Sold and demised by the said Nathaniell Owen to the said Benjamin Levy for the Terme of One Thousand Yeares commencing from the ffeast day of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary then and now last past att and under the Yearely Rent of a Pepper corne as by the said Indenture Relacion thereunto being had more at large may Appeare

TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said peece or parcel of Ground or Garden And the said Messuage or Tenement and promised hereinbefore mentioned or intended to be herein or hereby Demised with their and every of their rights members and Appurtenances unto the said Nathaniell Owen his Executors Administrators and Assignes from the ffeast day of The Anunciation of The Blessed Virgin Mary last past before the day of the date of these presents until the full End and Terme of Nine hundred Ninety and Nine Yeares from thence next ensuing and fully to be Compleate and Ended without impeachment of or for any manner of Wast and with full power to Remit Wast YEILDING And paying therefore Yearly and Every Year during the said Terme of Nine hundred Ninety and Nine Years unto the said Benjamin Levy his Executors Administrators or Assigns the Rent of One pepper Corn only on the ffeast day of The Annunciation of The Blessed Virgin Mary (if the same Shall be lawfully Demanded)

PROVIDED Alwayes and upon Condition Nevertheless That if the said Benjamin Levy his Heires Executors or Administrators or any of them doe and shall well and Truly pay or cause to be paid unto the said Nathaniel Owen his Executors Administrators or Assigns att or within the Dwelling House of Daniel Shylling Scrivener situate and being in Tower Street London the full Sume of One hundred and ffive Pounds of lawfull money of England in manner and forme following (That is to say) Two pounds and Tenn Shillings part thereof on the ffourth Day of August next coming after the day of the date of these presents And One Hundred and Two pounds ten shillings Residue and in full payment thereof On the ffourth day of ffebruary then next following And which shall be in the Yeare of Our Lord God One Thousand Six Hundred and Ninety Seaven without makeing any Deduction Defalcation or Abatement out of the same or either of them or any part thereof for or in Respect of any Taxes Assesments or other Payments whatsoever imposed or to be Imposed by Authority of Parliament or otherwise howsoever That then and from thenceforth these presents and every Art Matter and Thing herein Contained Shall cease determine and be utterly void Anything herein contained to the contrary thereof in any wise Notwithstanding AND the said Benjamin Levy for himselfe his Executors or Administrators or for every of them doth Covenant Promise Grant and Agree to and with the said Nathaniel Owen his Executors Administrators or Assigns by these presents in manner and forme following (That is to say) That the said Benjamin Levy his Executors or Administrators or Assigns or some of them shall and will well and truly Pay or cause to be paid unto the said Nathaniel Owen his Executors Administrators or Assigns the said Sume of One Hundred and ffive pounds of lawfull money of England At the Place and on the Severall Dayes in the precedent provisoe Expressed for Payment thereof without any Deduction or Abatement out of the same or either of them or any part thereof ffor or in Respect of any Taxes Assessments or other Payment as Aforesaid AND FURTHER That itt shall and may be Lawfull to and for the said Nathaniel Owen his Executors Administrators or Assigns and every or any of them ffrom and After default shall be made of or in Payment of the said Sume of One hundred and ffive pounds or any part thereof contrary to the provisoe hereinbefore mentioned Peaceably and Quietly to Enter into have Hold Occupy Possess and Enjoy the said peece or parcel of Ground or Garden and the said Messuage and Tenement and all of the premises Aforesaid with the Appurtenances And receive and take the Rents Issues and Proffitts thereof to his or their Owne proper Use and Behoofe for and dureing All the rest and residue of the said Terme of Nine hundred Ninety and Nine Yeares as Shall be then so Done and unexpired Without the lett suite Deniall Hindrance Interruption Claim or Demand whatsoever of or by the said Benjamin Levy his Executors Administrators Assigns or any of them or of or by any Other Person or Persons whatsoever And free and Cleare from all Encumbrances whatsoever Committed done or suffered by him the said Benjamin Levy

AND MOREOVER That the said Benjamin Levy his Executors Administrators And all Other Person and Persons Claiming or so claime any Estate Interest or Demand of in or to the said peece or parcell of Ground or Garden and the said Messuage or Tenement and Promised Aforesaid or any part thereof shall and will from time to time and at all times hereafter (from and after breach or default shall be made of or in payment of the said Sume of One Hundred and ffive pounds or any part thereof contrary to the provisoe or Condition herein before mentioned) doe make and Execute or cause to be made done and Executed unto the said Nathaniel Owen his Executors Administrators Assigns All and Every such further and Other Art and Arts Assurances and things whatsoever ffor the further and better Assuring Corroborating Conveying and Confirming of All and Singular the premises Aforesaid with the Appurtenances and Unto the said Nathaniel Owen his Executors Administrators and Assigns for and dureing all the Rest and Residue of the said Terme of Nine hundred Ninety and Nine Yeares as shall be then so Done and Unexpired Discharged of the provisoe or Agreement for Redemption hereinbefore mentioned )[sic] As by him the said Nathaniel Owen his Executors Administrators or Assigns or his or their Councill Learned in the Law Shall be reasonably Advised or Devised and Required

AND LASTLY It is Covenanted and Agreed by and betweene the said Partyes to these Presents That itt shall and may be Lawfull to and for the said Benjamin Levy his Executors Administrators and Assigns to Receive and take the Rents Issues and Proffitts of the said Premises to his and their Owne proper Use and Uses Until Breach or default Shall be made of or in Payment of the said Sume of One Hundred and ffive pounds or any part thereof Contrary to the Above written Provisoe or Condition in that behalfe as Aforesaid IN WITNESS Whereof the Partyes Aforesaid to these present Indentures have Interchangeably Sett their Hands and Seals Dated the day and Yeare first Above written

[Signature & Seal] Nathll Owen


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