the former

Gateshead United Hebrew Congregation

(Prest Street Synagogue)

Gateshead, Tyne and Wear




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Congregation Data


Gateshead United Hebrew Congregation(ii)

Alternative Name:

Prest Street Synagogue(iii)


79 Prest Street, Gateshead.(iv)

The synagogue consisted of a flat above a shop.(v)


The congregation was reported to have been formed by a splinter group from the main Gateshead Hebrew Congregation (at Redheugh Bridge Road) in about 1904 (or 1902), who disagreed with the Eliezar Adler's somewhat dictatorial leadership of the community and the congregation's ultra-orthodoxy. They were led by M. Granz and H.S. Myers.(vii)

A level of hostility continued between the two congregations and in early 1908 a dispute arose between them regarding two sifrei torah and other religious items, the case being brought to the Gateshead County Court for hearing on 3 April 1908. After the Board of Deputies heard of the dispute, its president, David Lindo Alexander KC, was invited to arbitrate  on the matter, to avoid further public attention, and the award was made in favour of the Prest Street congregation, with each party paying its own costs.(viii)

As further evidence of animosity between the two congregations, see the letters from each of them to The Jewish Chronicle in 1910.(ix)

Final Status:

The congregation continued until the mid 1920s.(x)


Ashkenazi Orthodox

Affiliation and Relationship with Chief Rabbi:

A congregation was unaffiliated but under the aegis of the Chief Rabbi.

The congregation tended to be looked upon by the Chief Rabbi as the legitimate representative of the Gatehead, probably due to the Redheugh Bridge Road congregation's unwillingness to accept his jurisdiction.

Possibly from its existence and certainly by 1910, it was the only Gateshead congregation recognised by the Chief Rabbi and represented at the Board of Deputies.(xi) During its time, it was also the only Gateshead congregation authorised by the Chief Rabbi to have a Secretary for Marriages.(xii)

Ministers & Readers:  (To view a short profile of a one whose name appears in blue - hold the cursor over the name.)

Rev. Hermann Abrahams - reader from about 1905 until 1906.(xvi)

Rabbi Mendel J. Berman (or Behrman) - minister in 1905/6.(xvii)

Rev. Morris Brown - reader from 1906 until about 1909(xviii)

Rev. Jacob Caplan (or Kaplan) - from about 1910 until 1924(xix)

Lay Officers of the Congregation:

Unless otherwise stated, the following data has been extracted from Jewish Year Books.(xxii)


1905-1906 - H.S. Myers

1906-1909 - M.L. Krawitz(xxiii)

1909-1910 - C. Zuckerman

1910-1912 - M.L. Krawitz(xxiv)

1912-1913 - J. Rothfield

1913-1922 - M. Stein

from 1922 - H.S. Myers


1905-1906 - A. Shwan

1906-1908 - H.S. Myers(xxv)

1908-1909 - M. Stein(xxvi)

1909-1910 - W. Ernstone

1910-1912 - J. Rothfield(xxvii)

1912-1914 - Joseph Cohen

1914-1917 - M. Kranz

from 1917 - J. Feldstein

Hon. Secretaries

1905-1906 - D. Davis

1906-1907 - J. Manof(xxx)

1907-1908 - H. Levene(xxxi)

1908-1909 - H. Zuckerman

1909-1910 - G.H. Rothfield

1910-1911 - A. MendelsohnS. Hockerman

1911-1912 - S. Zuckerman(xxxii)D. Kranz

1912-1913 - D. KranzMoses Summerfield

1913-1915 - J. Summerfield

1915-1917 - J. Feldstein

1917-1922 - H.S. Myers

from 1922 - M. Myers


Online Articles and Other Material
relating to this Congregation



on Third Party Websites

For additional material, see Gateshead Jewish Community home page


Notes & Sources
( returns to text above)

  • (i) Reserved.

  • (ii) The congregation had clearly adopted this name by 1908, as this was the official name given to the congregation in a 1908 court award, a copy of which can be viewed at Prest Road Synagogue on the UNEJH website. Use of the word "United" possibly followed the incorporation of another small Gateshead congregation (there had been a congregation meeting in Milling Street until about this time).  The name first appeared in Jewish Year Books only from the 1913 edition.

  • (iii) This is the name by which the congregation is generally referred to, for example, in The Jewish Communities of North-East England by Lewis Olsover, 1980, Book Two, Chapter One ("Olsover") and press reports.

  • (iv) This is listed as the address of the congregation in Jewish Year Books from 1905/6.

  • (v) Olsover, p.226.

  • (vi) Reserved.

  • (vii) Olsover, p.226, although he gives 1902 as the date of the split. However, Prest Road Synagogue on the UNEJH website, states that the congregation was established in 1904. Although Olsover states that the Prest Street congregation was formed by a splinter group from the Redheugh Bridge Road congregation, it is possible that in 1904 Redheugh Bridge Road congregation simply split into two congregations, one remaining in (or returning to) Redheugh Bridge Road and the other moving to Prest Street, both claiming to be the rightful heir to the original Redheugh Bridge Road congregation. If the Prest Street congregation's claim is accepted, its date of founding would be 1887. For the earlier years, see the webpage for Redheugh Bridge Road Synagogue.

  • (viii) Olsover, p.232 and Prest Road Synagogue on the UNEJH website, which incudes the first page of the award by D.L. Alexander.

  • (ix) Letters to the The Jewish Chronicle, 4 March 1910 and 18 March 1910.

  • (x) The last listing of the congregation, with officers, was in the Jewish Year Book 1926. The 1927 edition merely states that the synagogue was open only during High Festivals for overflow services. Olsover, p.228, claims that the congregation lost its raison d'être when Mr. Kranz moved to Newcastle, but did not say when. There is an Appendix to Olsover on p.232 relating exclusively to this congregation, which lists members of the congregation "in the 1920 period".

  • (xi) Letter to the The Jewish Chronicle, 18 March 1910.

  • (xii) Jewish Year Book listings

  • (xiii) and (xv) Reserved.

  • (xvi) Mentioned at Gateshead in Jewish Chronicle reports from 13 October 1905 to 19 October 1906, but by December 1906 he had been appointed to a position in Edinburgh, according to report of 16 November 1906, He is listed as reader of the congregation in Jewish Year Books 1905/6 and 1906/7.

  • (xvii) Mentioned in a number of Jewish Chronicle reports (29 December 1905, 5 January 1906, 18 May 1906 and 30 November 1906) although his exact relationship with the congregation is unclear. According to The Sunderland Beth Hamedresh 1889-1999 by D. Taylor and H. Davis, p.127, he was appointed in 1905 and was from Krottingen, Lithuania. He is not listed in the Jewish Year Book.

  • (xviii) Rev. Brown is listed as reader of the congregation in Jewish Year Books 1907/8 through 1910 and is already referred to as officiating in Gateshead in The Jewish Chronicle report of 21 December 1906.

  • (xviii) Rev. J. Caplan is listed as reader of the congregation in Jewish Year Books 1911 through 1926, although he died in 1924.

  • (xx) and (xxi) Reserved.

  • (xxii) Where a person is first listed in a year book as holding a particular office, it has been assumed that his term of office commenced in the year of publication of the relevant year book and that he continued in office until the commencement of office of his successor, unless the office was vacant. Initially year books corresponded to the Hebrew year, and thus ran roughly from autumn of one year - the year of publication - until autumn of the next year. From 1909, year books were published according to the Gregorian year, being published generally towards the end of the year prior to the year appearing in the title of the year book. For example, if an officer is listed in Jewish Year Books 1909 through 1914, it is assumed that he commenced office in 1908 and continued in office until 1914. However, it should be noted that this is only an assumption and, accordingly, his actual years of office may differ somewhat from those shown here. The last officers shown below were listed in Jewish Year Books until 1926. However, the congregation may have become defunct some years earlier and this is why we have not given an end date for the term of office of such officers.

  • (xxiii) M.L. Krawitz's term of office is partly confirmed by the reports of his election as president in 1906 and 1907 (Jewish Chronicle reports of 9 March 1906 and 12 April 1907). M.L. Krawitz was also listed as marriage secretary in Jewish Year Books from 1907/8.

  • (xxiv) M.L. Krawitz's election as president in 1911 is confirmed by The Jewish Chronicle report of 9 June 1911

  • (xxv) H.S. Myers's election as treasurer in 1906 is confirmed by The Jewish Chronicle report of 9 March 1906.

  • (xxvi) Mr. Stein's election as treasurer in 1907 is confirmed by The Jewish Chronicle report of 12 April 1907).

  • (xxvii) J. Rothfield's election as treasurer in 1911 is confirmed by The Jewish Chronicle report of 9 June 1911

  • (xxviii) and (xxix) Reserved.

  • (xxx) J. Manof's election as hon. secretary in 1906 is confirmed by The Jewish Chronicle report of 9 March 1906.

  • (xxxi) The Jewish Chronicle of 12 April 1907 reports the election of H. Levene as hon. secretary of the congregation. However, he is not listed in Jewish Year Books. We have accordingly listed H. Zuckerman as serving from 1908, not 1907 as would be based upon the Jewish Year Book listing.

  • (xxxii) H. Zuckerman's election as hon. secretary in 1911 is confirmed by The Jewish Chronicle report of 9 June 1911

Gateshead Jewish Community home page

Jewish Congregations in Tyne and Wear

Jewish Communities of England homepage

Page created: 18 July 2024
Page most recently amended: 23 July 2024

Research and formatting by David Shulman

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