Gateshead Jewish Community

Gateshead, Tyne and Wear





Press Reports on the Gateshead Jewish Community from 1856 - 1911

Compiled by Harold Pollins


Jewish Chronicle, 18 January 1856, page 452

Subscriptions to JC. Mr Joseph, Grove House, Bensham, Gateshead, to 31 December 1855.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 January 1873 page, 605

Newcastle. Two congregations.
'We first call upon our Newcastle brethren to unite in a thoroughly Jewish spirit for the sake of their community and their Faith; and then we shall call on our brethren everywhere to support the United congregation of Newcastle and Gateshead in their efforts to erect a Synagogue and a School'.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 March 1892, page 17

Board of Deputies authorised the President to certify to the Registrar-General Mr A. Mosenthal as Secretary for Marriage Registration purposes at Gateshead Synagogue, this being the first appointment.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 July 1892, page 16

The Chief Rabbi examined the Jewish children of Gateshead.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 April 1893, page 17

AGM of Gateshead Congregation. Elected for ensuing year: President, K. Tenenbaum; Treasurer Harris Bell; Hon Sec Marcus Rosenthal

Jewish Chronicle, 26 June 1896, page 17

Board of Deputies. Letter from Registrar-General regarding an irregular marriage at Gateshead. The parties had given notice to the local registrar of intention to marriage which was conducted by an official of a London chevra, but not registered by a certified registrar for Jewish marriages. One of the parties had been previously married and had obtained a get abroad but had not been divorced legally, thus a prosecution might result.
Resolved: to communicate with the parties to point out the consequences of their action.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 November 1899, page 12

Newcastle. Rabbi Y.M. Sandelson of Newcastle and Gateshead had a special service on 12 November. £5 collected for the Northumberland and Tyneside Reservists’ Fund. Rev Mr Goldwater of Gateshead has volunteered to collect weekly subscriptions in aid of the same fund.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 June 1900, page 31

Chief Rabbi's Pastoral Tour. On Thursday 24 May arrived at Newcastle. In the afternoon he visited Gateshead. He preached on ‘Congregational unity and peace'. 'There had recently been a secession from the congregation on the part of several families, and these have acquired a room where they worship by themselves The Chief Rabbi drew up an agreement which is to form the basis of a reconciliation between the two bodies, and it is to be hoped that this will result in a lasting peace among the members of this small community'.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 December 1901, page 30

A Zionist reading room has been established at 47 Milling Street under auspices of the local Zionist Society. Open very evening from 7 o’clock. Rev M. Rosenbaum of Newcastle lectured before the members of the Society, presided over by Mr Kranz.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 January 1902, page 30

Rev L. Muscat of Sunderland delivered a lecture on Zionism to the Gateshead Hebrew Literary Society

Jewish Chronicle, 4 July 1902, page 24

Special service at the synagogue, Redheugh Bridge Road, and prayers for the recovery of the King by Rev Goldwater.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 August 1902, page iv

Naturalisations in July
Eliezar Adler, 3 Elysium Lane, Gateshead

Jewish Chronicle, 10 October 1902, Page 28

Naturalisations in September
Harris Bell, 31 Askew Road, Gateshead

Jewish Chronicle, 6 March 1903, page 26

For several years the Jewish community of Gateshead has been split into several sections each worshipping in small rooms, not suitable for their purpose. Many of these dissensions, unable to provide for the needs of a congregation, have had to depend on the neighbouring congregation of Newcastle. Recent efforts by the Chief Rabbi and Rev M. Rosenbaum of Newcastle to solve differences. Some success now after meeting on Sunday presided over by Mr Lotinga, President of Newcastle, whereby two parties have agreed to join forces and there is hope that a third will join them. Mr Max Rubenstein of Dundalk, Ireland, has promised a donation of £75 towards a building fund of the synagogue it is proposed to erect. Rubenstein is visiting relatives in Gateshead. His offer has been accepted and a donation list has been opened, and upwards of £100 raised in addition to Rubenstein’s.
There are about 70 families in Gateshead, mostly very poor.
Trustees: Mrs Rubenstein, Rev M. Rosenbaum, Messrs M. Lotinga, N. Shurman, H. Shulman, J. Goldwater, E. Adler, and H. Bell.
Building Committee consists of the above Trustees plus G. Goldwater and K. Tenenbaum.
Chairman of Committee, E. Adler, Treasurer and Hon Sec, Rev. M. R osenbaum, Auditor Rev Y.M. Sandelson.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 August 1903, page 24

The amalgamation of the late Chevrah Agdath Achim and Chevrah Kadisha into one body, henceforth called the Beth Hamedrash Chevrah Kadishah was effected at a meeting on Sunday at 1 Milling Street. Elected: President, J.Goldwater; Treasurer, M.L. Krawitz; Hon Sec M. Erenstone; Committee, Y.M. Krantz, L. Zucker, H. Getzel, N. Taylor, B. Halpern and L.Manelberg. Trustees, M. Krantz, E. Goldwater and L. Zucker.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 May 1904, page 26

Chief Rabbi’s Pastoral Tour. Arrived at Gatehead where met by Rev L. Matthews, President H.S. Myers and H. Bell. In the evening he examined the Hebrew Classes and preached to a large congregation in Yiddish. He exhorted the members to adopt the English mode of life to cause chillul hashem

Jewish Chronicle, 26 May 1905, page 12

Board of Deputies. More on the irregular marriage.
The parties had correctly given notice of intention to marry. Bride’s mother moved to a different place where the marriage took place. The Marriage Acts say that the marriage must take place at the location in the notice; if married at another place the marriage was null and void. It was necessary to consider the matter in case it was advisable for the couple to remarry to ensure the legitimacy of any issue.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 June 1905, page 13

The Board of Deputies adhered to its decision not to appoint the marriage secretary suggested by the congregation, the choice not being approved by the Chief Rabbi.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 October 1905, page 31

At the Prest Street Synagogue services were conducted by Rev H. Abrahams assisted by Mr M. Kranz who was Baal Tokeah.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 October 1905, page 24

Jacob Hahn, musical director of the Marlborough Theatre, Holloway, is to take up a similar position at the New Theatre, Gateshead.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 December 1905, page 34

Mr M. Kranz of Gateshead gave a lecture at the Zionist Hall, Liverpool. [This was soon after his daughter married a man from Liverpool]

Jewish Chronicle, 29 December 1905, page 30

Service at the Prest Street Synagogue was conducted by Rev B. Abrahams. Rabbi M.J. Berman delivered a sermon.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 January 1906, page 34

Villiers Street Synagogue, Sunderland, had a Siyum. During supper there were speeches by people including Rabbi Behrman of Gateshead.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 January 1906, page 35

Naturalisations in December
George Henry Myers, 60 Derwentwater, Gateshead.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 March 1906, page 40

Annual meeting of the congregation at the Synagogue Chambers, 79 Prest Street. H.S. Myers in the chair. Elected: President, M.L. Krawitz; Treasurer, H.S. Myers; Hon Sec, J. Manof; Committee, H. Barshatzky, M. Kranz, A. Beer, I. Cohen, M. Kronman, J. Cohen, H. Mark. Auditors, N.H. Shulman an N. Taylor. Rev H. Abrahams, Minister of the congregation was elected Secretary for Marriages.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 March 1906, page 16

Board of Deputies. Marriage Secretary (unnamed) approved

Jewish Chronicle, 18 May 1906, page 39

Last Sunday a Siyum of the Tractate Pesachim was held. Rabbi M.J. Berman delivered the discourse. After supper addresses delivered by J. Cohen of Sunderland, M. Saltman of South Shields, and E. Adler of Gateshead.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 July 1906, page 36 ‘The Children’s Corner’

Annie Bell of Gateshead wrote letter in Yiddish

Jewish Chronicle, 27 July 1906, page 38

Special meeting of Beth Hamedrash, Gateshead. K. Tenenbaum in chair. Thanks were expressed to Dr T. Morrison Clayton Medical Office of Health for Gateshead for his kind services to a poor Jewess who was suffering from leprosy while inmate of the fever hospital. ‘Although the greatest physicians in the North ordered a special diet, Dr. Clayton permitted her to have kosher prepared food’.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 September 1906, page 32

Meeting of the Newcastle Jewish Travellers’ Association held on Sunday in Gateshead, Max Erenstone in chair. Resolution passed urging Jewish travellers in Gateshead to support the Association.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 September 1906, page 42

At Newcastle, services at the New Synagogue, Corporation Street, was conducted by Rev L. Keppell assisted by a choir and Mr I Morreau of Gateshead.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 October 1906, page 31

Service at South Shields, St Thomas’s Hall, were conducted by Mr Erenstone of Gateshead and Mr W. Samp of South Shields.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 October 1906, page 26

Annual meeting of Milling Street Synagogue. Elected: President, M. Erenstone; Treasurer, S. Summerfield; Hon Sec J Summerspitz; Committee, B. Halperin, J. Goldwater, B. Goldwater, H. Getzels.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 October 1906, page 32

Chatan Torah
Chatan Bereshit
Gateshead (Beth Hamedrash)
E. Adler
H. Bell
Gateshead (Milling Street)
B. Goldwater
H. Berkovitz

Gateshead (Prest Street) 
H.S. Myers
M. Kronman

Jewish Chronicle, 19 October 1906, page 28

Services were conducted at the Beth Hamedrash by E. Adler., at Milling Street by E. Goldwater, and at Prest Street by Rev H. Abrahams.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 October 1906, page 28


Chatan Torah
Chatan Bereshit
Gateshead (Beth Hamedrash)
E. Adler
H. Bell

Gateshead (Milling Street)
J. Goldman
S. Summerfield

Gateshead (Prest Street) 
H. Barchatzky
Y.M. Kranz

Jewish Chronicle, 16 November 1906, page 36

Edinburgh. At meeting of the Dalry Congregation Rev H. Abrahams of Gateshead was elected Hazan, Shohet, and Mohel.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 November 1906, page 35

Meeting of Milling Street synagogue. Rev E. Goldwater elected shohet. Sunday last a Siyum was held at which Rabbi Berman preached. Supper was provided by the Beth Hamedrash.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 December 1906, page 37

Rev M. Franklin of Newcastle and Rev M [Moses] Brown of Gateshead assisted by a choir in the synagogue, Prest Street.
President M.L. Krawitz.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 January 1907, page 29

At the 3rd social evening of the series of the Newcastle Jewish Literary and Social Society there was included a performance by the Gateshead West End Musical Party.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 February 1907, page 21

Moses L. Krawitz has been appointed Marriage Secretary for Gateshead.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 April 1907, page 27

Annual meeting of the Hebrew Congregation at the Synagogue, Prest Street. Elected: President, M.L. Krawitz; Treasurer, E.M.Stein, Secretary, H. Levene; Committee, A. Beer, H. Barshatzky, J. Cohen, Y.M. Kranz, M. Kranz, J. Levene, and H.S. Myers.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 May 1907, page 33

Arthur S. Joseph has been elected to represent Gateshead at the Board of Deputies.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 June 1907, page 11

Letter from Akiba M. Bell, 56 Redheugh Terrace, replying to a letter. ‘We Jews firmly believe that the miracles mentioned in the Bible have happened’.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 September 1907, page 16

Inter alia, Gateshead has acquired an additional synagogue.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 February 1908, page 24

The Gateshead community has been granted burial facilities at the new Newcastle burial ground, at North Gosforth.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 May 1908, page 6

D.L. Alexander announced at a Board of Deputies meeting that he was acting as an arbitrator in a dispute between two congregations at Gateshead. The conflict has resulted in two County Court actions, over the ownership of some synagogue appurtenances. There are many petty squabbles in small, provincial communities. To some extent they arise from their isolation, resulting in limited horizons and the encouragement of personal element to assert itself. Alexander proposes a Board of Arbitration but the Beth Din should act as Board of Arbitration.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 June 1908, page 28

Siyum on Mestchet Chullim. Rabbi A. Zukmanski delivered address. Supper provided by the Chevra Torah during which Rev E. Goldwater sang Hebrew songs.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 July 1908, page 32

Meeting held at Redheugh Bridge Street Synagogue to organise a Benevolent Loan Society. Mr A. Chalkin presided. Elected: President, L. Balkind; Treasurer, H. Bell; Joint Secretaries, S. Guttentag and M. Morein; Auditors, M. Krazil and H. Lipman.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 July 1908, page 28

Rabbi A. Zugmanski preached farewell sermon at Redheugh Bridge Road Synagogue prior to his leaving for Poland.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 August 1908, page 24

At meeting of the Gateshead Hebrew Congregation Rabbi Samuel P. Heilpern was elected to fill vacancy left by Rabbi Zugmanski. He had officiated at the Austrian Synagogue, Manchester, since 1903.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 September 1908, page 39

The ladies of the United Hebrew Congregation have presented a red plush marriage canopy, handsomely embroidered, to the Prest Street Synagogue through the instrumentality of Mrs M.L. Krawitz, the President’s wife, who collected the funds and made the chupah. Mr G. Rothfield presented the poles on the occasion of his wedding.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 October 1908, page 3

Meeting presided over by Rev B.N. Michelson, to consider building a new synagogue. Existing synagogues inconvenient.
Resolution passed unanimously: ‘That this meeting, representative of the Jews of Gateshead, recognising that the places in this town devoted to divine worship are incommodious and insufficient, declares its belief that a suitable synagogue is an absolute necessity for the preservation of Judaism in its midst; and that those present bind themselves to utilise every means in their power for the provision of such building’.
Messrs S. Brazill, M. Morein, C. Sugerman and K. Tenenbaum appointed canvassers to collect money in Gateshead. J. Caplin appointed Secretary. Rev B. N. Michelson agreed to be Chairman, temporarily.
[Webmaster's Note: Rev Michelson was at the time minister to the Leazes Park Road Synagogue in Newcastle upon Tyne.]

Jewish Chronicle, 30 October 1908, page 31

Special meeting of congregation held at the Redheugh Bridge Street Synagogue, presided over by J. Goldwater. Resolved: to build and register a place of worship and the services to be conducted in a strict orthodox fashion. Building Committee elected: H. Bell, A.M. Bell, I. Guttentag, B. Goldwater, H. Heilpern, B. Lipman, M. Rosenthal. S. Guttentag (Hon Sec), and the President, Treasurer, and Sec of the Synagogue.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 December 1908, page 32

Rabbi J. Mendelson of Glasgow formerly of Gateshead paid a visit last Saturday when he preached to a large congregation. On Sunday morning he examine the Talmud Torah classes and expressed admiration for their great progress. In the evening a Scroll of the Law was dedicated and Rabbi Heilperin of Gateshead delivered a Talmudical discourse.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 January 1909, page 30

Yearly meeting of the Newcastle & Gateshead Jewish Travellers’ Union was held at the Beth Hamedrash, 12 Villa Place. E. Morris presided. Elected, President, M. Feldman; Vice-president, L. Turner; Treasurer, M. Epstein; Sec, J. Landau; Trustees, E. Hiller and A. Bromberger; Auditors, D. Margulies and D. Rubinstein. Presentation to B. Tettenbaum in recognition of his services to the Union.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 January 1909, page 10

Board of Deputies. ‘It was reported that a synagogue had been established at Gateshead which the Chief Rabbi had refused to certify, and the congregation threatened to conduct illegal marriages. It had been arranged that the marriage secretary of the older synagogue would attend the other place of worship to certify marriages when necessary’.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 April 1909, page 27

Annual meeting of the Redheugh Bridge Street Synagogue. Elected: President, Z. Bernstone; Treasurer, S. Brazil; Secretary, A.M. Bell; Hon Collector, M. Morein; Auditors, S. Guttentag and A.M. Adler; and a Committee.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 May 1909, page 16

Distribution of prizes to pupils attending the Talmud Torah was held at the Redheugh Bridge Street Synagogue. Rabbi S.P. Heilpern presided who said there were 73 attending the classes and 19 of them studied Talmud and Shulchan Orach.
Resolution of the Council of the Redheugh Bridge Road Synagogue, moved by President, Z. Bernstone, congratulating the Chief Rabbi on his 70th birthday.

A siyum was held at the Beth Hamedrash. Rabbi S.P. Heilpern delivered a Talmudic discourse.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 October 1909, page 16

Chatan Torah
Chatan Bereshit
S. Summerfield 
A.M. Bell

Gateshead (United) 
L. Caplan
M. Krantz

Jewish Chronicle, 10 January 1910, page 17

Under auspices of the Redheugh Bridge Road Synagogue a general meeting was held to consider a scheme for building a new Beth Hamedrash. Rabbi S.P. Heilperin presided. E. Adler moved resolution: ‘That this meeting finds the present place of worship inadequate to accommodate all members and pledges itself to erect and maintain a new Beth Hamedrash’.
Elected: Chair, S. Caplan; Treasurer, E. Adler; Hon Sec, S. Guttentag; Asst Sec, M. Morein; Auditors, A.M. Adler and A.M. Bell; and a Committee. Thanks to E. Adler for his generous offer to present a freehold site for the new building.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 March 1910 page 12

Letter: ‘An Appeal for A Beth Hamedrash Building Fund’
Gateshead has Jewish a population of about 100 families. They have a Board of Guardians, a Benevolent Loan Society, a chevra kadisha. A Talmud Study Circle meets every evening. There are 3 teachers and 56 children. For 15 years have felt want of a proper place of worship. A few months ago one of our members offered to defray the cost of the ground on which to build a Beth Hamedrash and a Mikva. We subscribed £70 and have received £35 from people in Manchester through the efforts of our Rav. Rabbi S.P. Heilperin. The cost of building will be £700 and need another £300 to commence building.
(signed) Hirschell Heilperin, 7 Saltwell Placew, Gateshead.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 March 1910, page 12

Letter opposing previous letter. The writer had no authority to write on behalf of the Gateshead Hebrew Congregation, but he has no authority from ’our’ congregation, the only one recognised by the Chief Rabbi and are represented at the Board of Deputies. For the past few years the community has been divided into 2 congregations - ’often more’ - and the congregation that appeals for funds refused to respond to the efforts of the Chief Rabbi and others to establish peace and harmony. Last year D.L. Alexander, President of the Board of Deputies, visited and promised that if the two congregations united he would support erecting a place of worship.
Heilperin, the letter-writer, has only lived in Gateshead for a year.
(signed) B. Halpern, President; H. Redman. Hon Sec; M.L. Krawitz, Secretary for Marriages.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 June 1911, page 17
Annual meeting of the congregation was held at Prest Street Synagogue. Elected: President, M. L. Krawitz; Treasurer, J. Rothfield; Hon Sec, S. Zuckerman; and a Committee. A special School Committee was also elected to supervise the Hebrew Classes.

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List of JCR-UK Articles and Press Extracts by Harold Pollins

Page created: 12 January 2010
Page most recently amended: 17 July 2024

Formatting by David Shulman



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