institutions, private libraries, and organizations in Chicagoland |
A Look at Cook
Chicago Daily News Photos 1902-1933
Chicago Genealogical Society
Chicago Historical Society
Chicago Streets
Chicago Sun-Times: Online
Tribune Historical Archive
Chicago Tribune: Online
Genealogy Group of Northern Illinois (CAGG-NI)
Family History Centers
Illinois Genealogical Research (Mollx)
Illinois State Genealogical Society
Newberry Library
Proquest (Illinois

A Look at Cook
Description of Resources:
Finding aids and maps for Federal Census 1870-1930. |

Chicago Daily News Photos 1902-1933

Chicago Genealogical Society
P. O. Box 1160
Chicago, IL 60690-1160
Phone: 773-725-1306
Website: |
Chicago & Cook County
Genealogical Record Lookups
Description of Resources:
Cynthia provides a service by doing lookups at a
local Family History Center. She provides
very fast and inexpensive responses. Most of the records are early vital records
held at the Wilmette FHC.
Access to records and fees:
The fees are a fraction of what it would cost if
ordered through Cook County Vital records. Once you receive the records,
you simply mail her a personal check.

Historical Society (now ChicagoHistoryMuseum)
(formerly Chicago Historical Society)

Chicago Streets
Description of
Dan Niemiec
of POINTers in Person (Chicago North) has created an excellent website for
dealing with Chicago street name changes and those Chicago streets that no
longer exist.

Chicago Sun-Times: Online

Chicago Tribune: Online
(death notices page)
Description of
Obituaries/death notice and news articles searchable on-line back to January
Access to records and fees:
Some records only accessible by paying $2.95 per document. Can charge
to credit card. They also have fee schedules by the month or year.

Tribune Historical Archive
Website: Chicago Tribune
Historical Archive (via Library subscriptions only)
Description of
versions of these complete on-line copies of the Chicago Tribune are
Newsbank ( offers
a subscription website that has two search windows. The one on the left
searches transcribed death notices and allows you to specify a specific
year and also allow you to add an additional text search to narrow down
the results. It returns in text format the death notices for individuals
who meet the criteria. The window on the right allow for search of the
complete newspaper. The project is evolving and while it currently covers
(1860-2000) there may be some gaps and you
cannot use it for a conclusive search of the Chicago Tribune.
2. ProQuest provides a scanned version
of the Chicago Tribune (1890*-1984) via its Proquest Historical
Newspapers service. These are searchable by entering the text you are
searching. Be sure to read the "Search Tips" to aid your
search. The results are adobe acrobat (pdf) files. If you are searching
for death notices the results of your search will be the complete list
of notices for a specific day. It contains a complete copy of the
newspaper including ads and images.
* While the collection's title
indicates that it starts in 1890, we have been able to find articles as
early as 1849.
Access to records and fees:
Accessible at public libraries mentioned above at no charge.

Genealogy Group of Northern Illinois (CAGG-NI)
Description of
Meetings held the third Saturday of each month at the Schaumburg Township
Library at 10:30 a.m. Website contains information on all programs and a guide to the resources in the
local libraries.

of Chicago

Family History Centers (FHCs)
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (The
Mormons) plays a major role in the collection, storage, and distribution
of genealogical information throughout the world.
Their main repository, the Family History Library, is located in Salt
Lake City, Utah. Through their
genealogical programs they have amassed more than 2 million rolls of microfilm
and over a half million microfiche. These
include virtually every type of record available and includes records from all
around the world. These resources are
made available to the public and are not restricted to members of their church. Their catalog is now available on their website at Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
In addition, they have established a system of branch
libraries, called Family History Centers, which now number over 1600 in 57
countries. A number of these Family
History Centers are located in the Chicago metropolitan area. These FHCs are allowed to order (on loan) microfilms and microfiche from
the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, which can then be viewed in the
local center. In addition, the FHCs
have a number of microfilms on permanent loan which are of special interest to
Chicago researchers. We will list here only the resources that are available at
the local centers on permanent loan.
The centers have irregular hours and thus you should call first.
Wilmette FHC
2727 Lake Avenue
Wilmette, IL 60091
Phone: 847-251-9818
This is the oldest and largest
center in the Chicago area.
Description of Resources:
Death Records:
1871-1933 Chicago Death Record
Index (film)
1871-1916 Cook County Death
Index (fiche)
1878-1915 Chicago Death Certificates (film)-all
1916-1947 Chicago Death Certificates-all
1878-1909, 1914, 1906-1922
Cook County Death Certificates-over half
Marriage Records:
1871-1916 Chicago Marriage
Index (film)
1871-1920 Chicago Marriage
Licenses (film)-all through 1916
Birth Records:
1871-1915 Chicago Birth
Register (film)
1878-1915 Chicago Birth Certificates (film)-all
1871-1948 Chicago Delayed
Birth Certificate Index
1896-1933 Births Northwestern
Memorial Hospital: Chicago
1871-1916 Cook County Birth
Record Index (fiche)
4. Census Records:
1880 Federal
Census CD)-Complete index
Census Index
(Cook County) film
Ancestry on-line subscription -1920, 1930 all states.
Naturalization Records:
6. Hamburg Departure
Covers departures for 1855-1921. Each film of the index
covers a 2-6 month period.
7. World War I draft records:
Have maps helping you
determine which draft board the individual belonged to.
Access to Records and Fees:
Copies at the center are 25 cents per page. If you need to request an item
from Salt Lake
City, the fees are as follows at the Wilmette FHC:
30 day loan
$5.75 per film
60 day loan (additional
30 days)
$5.75 per film
Indefinite loan
(additional after 60 days) |
per film
Microfiche $1.50 per order
An order consists of:
-several fiche with consecutive numbers having the same title
-several fiche with one number which are listed as being part of the same set
of fiche (i.e., Fiche 1 out of 2, etc.)
The orders generally take 1-2 weeks to arrive from Salt
Lake City.
If it is not convenient for you to go to the center,
provides a fast and economical service to obtain records.
Buffalo Grove FHC
15 Port Clinton Road
Buffalo Grove, IL 60090
Phone: 847-913-5387
Hyde Park FHC
5200 S. University Avenue
Chicago, IL 60615
Phone: 773-493-1830
Schaumburg FHC
1329 W. Schaumburg Road
Schaumburg, IL 60193
Phone: 847-885-4130
Heights Library also serves as a FHC to order materials.

Genealogical Research (Mollx)
Description of
Molly Kennedy works out of Springfield, IL (the state capital) and
provides a very reasonable service to records in the state archives. She
will obtain death certificates, marriage records, state census,
obituaries/death notices, and other records. See her website for exact
list of records available and her fees. She has recently started a
rudimentary transcription of the 1865 Illinois State Census.
Phone: 302-566-5871
(death certificates)
(birth certificates)
Description of Services:
Genlighten is an independant group of genealogists who have access to various
repositories containing microfilm and other genealogical records. You can enter
a request and pay a nominal fee by credit card and receive an electronic copy of
the document.
State Genealogical Society

Newberry Library
60 West Walton
Chicago, IL 60610
Phone: 312-255-3512
Fax: 312-255-3658
(to submit questions)
Website: (dedicated to genealogical records)
Description of
Birth, Death Records:
Illinois Death Index
Cook County Birth Index
Cook County Death Index
2. Chicago City Directories:
1839-1870 (irregular)
1871-1917 (every year)
1923, 1928/29
Chicago criss-cross directories 1952, 1953, 1955
3. Federal Census:
1790-1850 All states
1860-1880 select states
1900-1920 Illinois
Book indexes through
Some book and CD-ROM indexes
for 1860
CD-ROM indexes for all
states in 1870
The 1880 National Index and
Census CD-ROM set
1880 Soundex for select
Soundex index Illinois
for 1900-1920.
4. Cemetery Records:
Records of Waldheim and
Forest Home; Microfilm ca;; # 1215
(need more detail)
5. Cook County Voter Registration:
1888-1892 registrations
Chicago Daily News 1879-1935
Chicago Tribune 1849-1872,
1928-1939, 1940-1964
Gazetteers and Maps:
Cohen, Chester G.,
Shtetl Finder:Jewish Communities in the 19th and early 20th
centuries in the pale of settlement of Russia and Poland, and in Lithuania,
Latvia, Galicia, and Bukovina, with names of residents.
Mokotoff, Gary.
Once We Walked: A guide to Jewish communities destroyed in the Holocaust.
Honorary Street Names (some streets in Chicago have 2 names; the
official name and an honorary name.
Chicago City Directory and Street Guides:
1866, 1870, 1871 1875, 1880, 1885, 1892, 1900, 1910,
1866 City Directory (front section - business-government/organizations
1870 City Directory (front section - business)
1871 Edward's Census
1880 City Directory
Favorite links to other Chicago sites.
Find over 250 historic Jewish Synagogues and locations.
Click on the browse tab-use the down arrow to find
"Synagogues Cllection" and submit.
Immigration &
Naturalization Service Naturalization Index for
and Cook County Naturalizations 1871-1950
Sack, Sallyann Amdur. The Russian consular records index and catalog.
Call # oCS856 J4 S23 1987. Indexes
immigration, passport, visa and related records of citizens primarily between
1917 and 1926.
Germans to America, 1850-1897
(ongoing). Ed. Ira A. Glazier et al.
Wilmington, DE: Scholarly Resources, 1988-. Call # E184.G3
G38 1988 (2nd floor open shelf).
publishers have issued a second series of Germans
to America, covering the 1840s. The Newberry
has volumes 1-4 (Jan. 1840-Oct. 1848) of this series.
Call # E184.G3 G39 (2nd floor open shelf).
Migration from the Russian
Empire: Lists of Passengers Arriving at the Port of New York,
1875-1891. Ed. Ira A. Glazier. Call # E184.R9
M54 1995 (2nd floor open shelf).
Moser, Geraldine. Hamburg
Passengers from the Kingdom of Poland and the Russian Empire:
Indirect Passage to New York, 1855-June 1873.
Landsmen Press, 1996. Call # folio E184.J5 M667 1996.
Names are listed alphabetically and by date.
Sack, Sallyann Amdur. The
Russian Consular Records Index and Catalog. New
York: Garland, 1987. Call # CS856.J4 S23 1987 (2nd floor
open shelf). Indexes immigration, passport, visa, and
related consular records of Russian citizens, primarily between
Filby, P. William with Mary K. Meyer. Passenger
and Immigration Lists Index, plus supplement
volumes (Call # CS68.P636, 2nd floor open shelf). Indexes published
passenger lists (from journals, books, articles) and other
immigration-related records only. Note the code number in
bold after the passenger's name. This code refers to the
published item cited in the front of the volumes, many of which
are available at the Newberry.
Moser, Geraldine. Hamburg
Passengers from the Kingdom of Poland and the Russian Empire:
Indirect Passage to New York, 1855-June 1873.
Landsmen Press, 1996. Call # folio E184.J5 M667 1996.
Names are listed alphabetically and by date.
Morton Allan Directory of
European Steamship Arrivals for the Years 1890-1930 at the Port
of New York and for the Years 1904-1926 at the Ports of New
York, Philadelphia, Boston and Baltimore. New York:
Immigration Information Bureau, 1931. Call # HE945.A2 M678
1931 (2nd floor open shelf). Ships are listed by year,
ship line, and date of arrival.
Access to Records and Fees:
Free and open to the public.

Proquest (Illinois Newsstand)
An online information service.
Description of
Contains articles/death notices from
Chicago Tribune: 1985-present
Chicago Sun-Times: 1985-present
Daily Herald:
Additional Illinois
Access to records and fees:
Available at: Skokie Public Library
Most libraries |