These Illinois Cemeteries are beyond Chicagoland.
This webpage is still under development. If you have any information about the
cemeteries in the following communities, please email

Hebrew Burial Grounds of
Corner of Morris Avenue & Veteran's Parkway
Bloomington, IL
Inquiries to:
Moses Montefiore Congregation
102 Robinhood Lane
Bloomington, IL 61701
Phone: 309-662-3182
Fax: 309-664-6016
Description of Resources:
There are approximately 350 Jewish burials here dating back to 1875. There
continue to be burials here.
Access to Records and Fees:
The records are partially computerized with a list of the names of everyone
buried here. There are a number of Jewish organizations and groups buried here.


Mount Hope Cemetery
611 East Pennsylvania Avenue
Champaign, IL 61820
(history, maps, and names of individuals buried here)
Inquiries to:
Sinai Temple
3104 W. Windsor Road
Champaign, IL 61822
Phone: 217-352-8140
Description of Resources:
Basic information on the 316 burials made prior
to November 1999 has
been uploaded to the Jewishgen Online Worldwide Burial Registry
(JOWBR) with 246 photos of headstones.
Access to Records and Fees:
These can be accessed via the link above
after registering on where JOWBR is housed. A more current
listing of burials and entombments (364 as of May 2006) is available as a PDF
document containing the history of the cemetery, maps, and information about the
individuals interred there. This document can be downloaded from the Sinai
Temple link above.
Less detailed information about Jewish burials in the Illinois towns of
Danville, Mattoon, and Urbana is also be available from the Sinai Temple
Cemetery committee.

Spring Hill Cemetery
301 E. Voorhees
Danville, IL 61832
Inquiries to:
S. Mervis
2001 N. Logan Avenue
Danville, IL 61832-1621
Phone: 217-446-9255
Fax: 217-431-3224
Description of Resources:
There are approximately 250 Jewish burials in Blocks 20 & 20A. The
earliest burial is 1906 and they continue through the current year. members of
Temple Beth El and Congregation Anshe Knesset Israel are buried here.
Access to Records and Fees:
S. Mervis is the cemetery overseer and has a complete inventory of the names
of individuals buried here. Please contact her at the address above.


Dodge Grove Cemetery

Pleasant Grove Memorial Park
On Old 12 between
Carbondale and Murphysboro
Phone: 618-687-1145
Fax: 618-687-1391
Mailing Address:
31 Memorial Drive
Murphysboro, IL 62966
Description of Resources:
There are about 30 Jewish burials with no
non-Jewish burials in the Beth Judea Section of the cemetery. This section is 1
of 17 sections in Pleasant Grove Memorial Park.
Access to Records and Fees:
The The records are not computerized. Contact the
cemetery for inquiries.

Peoria Hebrew Cemetery Association
2807 W. Heading
Peoria, IL 61604
Phone: 309-691-8054
Mailing Address
c/o Stella Griminger
6839 N. Fox Point Drive
Peoria, IL 61614
Description of Resources:
Access to Records and Fees:
The records are not computerized. Contact the
cemetery for inquiries.
Rock Island

Rockford Hebrew Cemetery
Mailing Address
1723 Grant Ave
Rockford, IL 61103
Phone: 815-965-1924 or 815-399-5497
Description of Resources:
Rockford Hebrew Cemetery is a small cemetery located on
Rockford's west side. Auburn Street west to Logan Street [the street that
runs along the east side of St. Mary's Catholic Cemetery], turn north, go
to the end of the road, curve right, Rockford Hebrew Cemetery is on the
left side. It is a small cemetery established around 1915. There
are about 300 burials which continue today.
Access to Records and Fees:
The records are not computerized. Contact the
cemetery for inquiries.

Oak Ridge Cemetery
1441 Monument Avenue
Springfield, IL 62702
Phone: 217-789-2340
Fax: 217-789-2338
Description of Resources:
The cemetery is over 150 years old and is the second most visited cemetery
in the United States containing the remains of Abraham Lincoln. There is both an old
(dating to 1865) and new Jewish section. The total number of Jewish burials is
over 1500.
Access to Records and Fees:
The records are computerized. Contact the
cemetery for inquiries.