The B•R•I (Belarus Records Inventory)

To find your town or district's records in the Belarus Records Inventory, you need to start on the Records in the B•R•I. This defines the type of record.

To find the Detailed Inventory for your Town and Districts of Belarus, click on the type of record you wish to search. This takes you to an explanation of how the database was created and if you scroll down it takes you to your town or district.

OR, if you are already on the JewishGen Search for your Ancestors, scroll down to the type of records you wish to search: Revision Lists or Vital Records.

An Explanation of the Records in the B•R•I

Below is the contents from the Belarus Revision List database. Note at the far right the link to the Detailed Inventory.

The Detailed Inventory link opens to a description of current status of each time period and source. This Detailed Inventory link takes you to the B•R•I Inventory.

The Detailed inventory opens to a new screen. This enlarged view maintains a table for one town in one District. Note below two columns from the town, Antopol, in the Kobrin District of Grodno Gubernia. These two extracted columns for Antopol break down Status of records for Census 1784, 1806, 1811, 1850 1853 as shown below. Note that Details in blue indicate a hyperlink to further information.

An Explanation of Detailed Inventory

Searches can be done by town, uyzed (district), gubernia (province) and type of record. If you click on the "details" link in the search results the following information is given:
