ONLINE NEWSLETTER (No. 9/2001 - 15. August 2001)
Editor: Elsebeth Paikin, Copenhagen, Denmark
The editorial staff: Lori Miller, Estelle Nemoy
Copyright © Micheline Gutmann
BREGMAN families in Pinsk
by Micheline Gutmann
There were probably several BREGMAN families in Pinsk The origins may be different. The word bregman means marsch. The river, which crosses the town, is called the Pripet and the surroundings are very marshy.
I am a descendant of Dobrushka BREGMAN who married Mosche VISSOTSKY (see My Vissotsky Family Of Pinsk (Belarus SIG Online Newsletter No. 3/2001)).
![]() Maurice VISSOTSKY |
![]() Berthe VISSOTSKY |
What route could they have taken to come to France? I was told that other cousins took the train.
Thanks to the JewishGen Family Finder (JGFF), I found a cousin, Joel NOVAK, a descendant of Chana (Anna) BREGMAN. He knows from his grandmother that there were 16 BREGMAN siblings.
Since he knew of the American branch of the Vissotsky family, we could find how we are connected.
Until now, we know of 8 of the siblings, but with very few details about some of them. They went from Pinsk to France, as my branch, or to USA as Joel's. Some descendants are now also in England and some in Israel.
Also thanks to JGFF, Sadie SIMON, née BREGMAN, the daughter of Yudel BREGMAN found my address. At that moment she was a marvelous old lady of 92 years writing wonderful letters. She died recently at 96. My cousin Denise, née JASELMAN, then still alive (she died a few months ago), remembered when Yudel and his wife Golda SAFFER left Pinsk in 1914. Denise was only 5 years old. She always kept photos in spite of the war, in spite of all the damages done by the war (her husband has been deported). An exchange of photos could give the proof that we were related with Sadie.

A photo of Denise shows Sadie before she left Pinsk, with her little brother. Sadie wrote that she remembered her uncle, the very religious Rabbi SAFFER who went to Israel. She met him in New York. Her mother had two other brothers -- Mendel and another one who was a bookbinder.
In New York, she also met her uncle Shimon VISSOTSKY, who was so good with her. She came to Paris in 1962, but she did not know where to look for her family! Jewish genealogy was not yet born !
We heard of some other BREGMANs, in Canada, in the USA, and in Israel. We don't know if they are connected. Curiously, we found the same first names.
David told me:
"My father Solomon BREGMAN was born in Pinsk in 1895. His family moved to Vilna a year later, and he moved to Montreal in 1920. There is a large BREGMAN family in Montreal, who all trace back to the Matriarch, my father's auntie, the Bobeh Bluma. Her children were Julius, Solly, and Moses, all BREGMANs. I have a lot of information on their children ...".
Solomon's father could be Meier. For the moment, we cannot find a relation.
Julius -- many BREGMANs have this first name in their family -- was Yudel or Joseph.
David told me that Jonathan OGUR's grandfather was Benjamin BREGMAN who was born in Pinsk in 1875 and arrived to New York in 1900.
I corresponded with Arlyn KERR who recently wrote:
"My grandfather was Isaac BREGMAN, born about 1888 in Pinsk, son of Mordecai (Morduch) BREGMAN (born about 1860) and Dobe Taran (or Shmolewit). There were nine other children, and they all moved to Baranovichi about 1900. The only other sibling names I know are Solomon (childless, I think) and Dora (who had children Harry and Edward in the US, with the BREGMAN surname, but I can't trace them). All the others were apparently killed in Baranovichi."
We could not find any relation. Arlyn sent me a lot of information obtained through Oleg Perzashkovich especially a part of a census of 1894. Also a voter list in 1912. In spite of this interesting information, it is quite impossible to recognize my family.
BREGMAN Descendants
1 BREGMAN (first name unknown)
1-1 BREGMAN Marie born: .... Pinsk
married to DOBGEWITZ Jossel
1-1.1 DOBGEWITZ Merduck Maurice born: 15/03/1869 Pinsk died: 09/01/1933 Paris 18
married to STEIMANN Louise born: 11/12/1877 Pinsk
- 1-1.1.1 DOBGEWITZ Georges born: 03/11/1896 Pinsk
- 1-1.1.2 DOBGEWITZ Marie born: 08/04/1902 Paris married to ROSCOFF Raymond
- 1-1.1.3 DOBGEWITZ Henri born: 19/07/1904 Paris died: 1997 Paris married to HERBET Simone
- 1-1.1.4 DOBGEWITZ Charles born: 16/09/1906 Paris
- 1-1.1.5 DOBGEWITZ Jeanne born: 25/05/1909 Paris
- 1-1.1.6 DOBGEWITZ Simone married to WILLENBERG Jacques born: 1909
1-1.2 DOBGEWITZ Berthe born: Pinsk
married before 1894 Paris
to SCHNEIDER Charles
- 1-1.2.1 SCHNEIDER Fille born: 1894
- 1-1.2.2 SCHNEIDER Hélène born: 1896 Paris died: 1975 married to BARNETT Louis Lewis born: 1885
- 1-1.2.3 SCHNEIDER Jeanne born: 1900 Paris died: 1993 Tel-Aviv (IL) married 1929 Paris to LATCHIVER Henri
- 1-1.2.4 SCHNEIDER Simon born: 1901 Paris died: 1986 Paris married 1923 Paris to LOBRY Loure
1-1.3 DOBGEWITZ Esther born: 1870 Pinsk died: 1930 Paris
married to KAHN Israel
- 1-1.3.1 KAHN Max born: 1901 Paris died: 1959 Paris 17
1-1.1 DOBGEWITZ Merduck Maurice born: 15/03/1869 Pinsk died: 09/01/1933 Paris 18
married to STEIMANN Louise born: 11/12/1877 Pinsk
married to DOBGEWITZ X
- 1-2.1 DOBGEWITZ Marie
1-3 BREGMAN Leie
married to JASELMAN Moshe Der Radivine died: before 1883 Pinsk
1-3A.1 JASELMAN Mordush born: 1859 Pinsk died: 1949 Sartrouville (78) Boulanger
married to VISSOTSKY Rivka Sara born: 1868 Pinsk died: 1936 Sartrouville (78)
- 1-3A.1.1 JASELMAN Felix born: 1884 Pinsk died: 05/04/1929 Versailles (78) Entrepreneur Peinture married to SZWEIG Helene born: 1876 Varsovie (PL) died: 1940 Lavelanet (09)
- 1-3A.1.2 JASELMAN Henri born: 1888 Pinsk died: 04/06/1971 Paris 16 Fourreur married Paris to JARACHEWSKI Berthe born: 31/08/1890 Paris 18 died: 02/10/1980 Paris 16 Fourreur
- 1-3A.1.3 JASELMAN Simon born: 1894 Pinsk died: 1939 Paris Fourreur married 1920 Paris to MALESKEVITCH Eleonor born: 1900 Vilna (LIT) died: Auschwitz (PL)
- 1-3A.1.4 JASELMAN Mindle born: 1895 Pinsk died: 1929 Pinsk married to ALPER died: 1944 Paris Tailleur
- 1-3A.1.5 JASELMAN Judel Jean born: 21/02/1896 Pinsk died: 13/05/1953 Paris Fourrure married 25/01/1925 Paris to GLASS Pauline born: 29/11/1907 Paris 12 died: 23/02/1979 Saint-Mandé (F94)
- 1-3A.1.6 JASELMAN Paul Wolf born: 1898 Pinsk died: 1965 Horloger
- 1-3A.1.7 JASELMAN Bashevé born: 05/04/1902 Pinsk died: 28/07/1980 Sartrouville (78) married Pinsk to FRYDMAN Velvel born: 16/03/1898 Plotniska (PL) died: ../03/1943 Auschwitz (PL)
- 1-3A.1.8 JASELMAN Bashé born: 1908 Pinsk died: 1965 Sartrouville (78) Fourreur
- 1-3A.1.9 JASELMAN Denise born: 30/03/1909 Pinsk Fourreur married to KAMIENSKI Israel born: 05/05/1901 Pinsk died: 1943 Auschwitz (PL) Fourreur married to VISSOTSKY Mosche born: 1836 Pinsk died: 1917 Pinsk Menuisier
1-3B.2 VISSOTSKY Shimen born: 1883 Pinsk died: (USA)
married to STAROVINSKI Rebecca Belke born: Turov Pinsk (BIE)
- 1-3B.2.1 VISSOTSKY Figuel Fay died: 1997 married to GORDON N
- 1-3B.2.2 VISSOTSKY Ann born: .... Pinsk died: 1960 married to DUNOCH ?
- 1-3B.2.3 VISSOTSKY WILSON Louis born: .... Pinsk
- 1-3B.2.4 VISSOTSKY Shiné Shirley born: 1913 Pinsk married to POST Nat
- 1-3B.2.5 VISSOTSKY Mosche Morris born: 1922 Pinsk married to CRUZ Mirna alive
1-3A.1 JASELMAN Mordush born: 1859 Pinsk died: 1949 Sartrouville (78) Boulanger
married to VISSOTSKY Rivka Sara born: 1868 Pinsk died: 1936 Sartrouville (78)
1-4 BREGMAN Machlé born: .... Pinsk
married to WOLINSKY Judel born: 05/10/1871 Pinsk Imprimeur à Pinsk et à Vienne
1-4.1 WOLINSKY David born: 1870 died: 1938
married to HARBUZ Rachel
- 1-4.1.1 WOLINSKY Pierre Peretz born: 1900 Pinsk died: 21/01/1945 Allemagne married 06/10/1928 Vitry-sur-Seine (94) to WILLENBERG Ida born: 27/07/1907 Paris 12 died: 1983
- 1-4.1.2 WOLINSKY Marcelle born: 21/02/1902 died: 01/06/1943 Auschwitz married to PIPER Nathan born: 1895 died: 1981
- 1-4.1.3 WOLINSKY Simon born: Paris
- 1-4.1.4 WOLINSKY Lazare born: 1904 Paris died: 2000 USA married to Ruth
1-4.2 WOLINSKY Mindla Margaret born: 30/05/1890 Pinsk
married 18/07/1912 Paris 11
to HILDEBRANDT Maurice Moise born: 27/08/1888 Piaseczna ? Fourreur
- 1-4.2.1 HILDEBRAND George
- 1-4.2.2 HILDEBRAND Marcel
- 1-4.3 WOLINSKY Sichka
1-4.1 WOLINSKY David born: 1870 died: 1938
married to HARBUZ Rachel
1-5 BREGMAN Doba Dobrouchka born: 1848 Pinsk died: before 1883 Pinsk
married to VISSOTSKY Mosche born: 1836 Pinsk died: 1917 Pinsk Menuisier
1-5.1 VISSOTSKY Rivka Sara born: 1868 Pinsk died: 1936 Sartrouville (78)
married to JASELMAN Mordush born: 1859 Pinsk died: 1949 Sartrouville (78) Boulanger
- 1-5.1.1 = 1-3A.1.1 JASELMAN Felix born: 1884 Pinsk died: 05/04/1929 Versailles (78) married to SZWEIG Helene born: 1876 Varsovie (PL) died: 1940 Lavelanet (09)
- 1-5.1.2 = 1-3A.1.2 JASELMAN Henri born: 1888 Pinsk died: 04/06/1971 Paris 16 Fourreur married Paris to JARACHEWSKI Berthe born: 31/08/1890 Paris 18 died: 02/10/1980 Paris 16 Fourreur
- 1-5.1.3 = 1-3A.1.3 JASELMAN Simon born: 1894 Pinsk died: 1939 Paris Fourreur married 1920 Paris married to MALESKEVITCH Eleonor born: 1900 Vilna (LIT) died: Auschwitz (PL)
- 1-5.1.4 = 1-3A.1.4 JASELMAN Mindle born: 1895 Pinsk died: 1929 Pinsk married to ALPER died: 1944 Paris Tailleur
- 1-5.1.5 = 1-3A.1.5 JASELMAN Judel Jean born: 21/02/1896 Pinsk died: 13/05/1953 Paris Fourrure married 25/01/1925 Paris to GLASS Pauline born: 29/11/1907 Paris 12 died: 23/02/1979 Saint-Mandé (F94)
- 1-5.1.6 = 1-3A.1.6 JASELMAN Paul Wolf born: 1898 Pinsk died: 1965 Horloger
- 1-5.1.7 = 1-3A.1.7 JASELMAN Bashevé born: 05/04/1902 Pinsk died: 28/07/1980 Sartrouville (78) married Pinsk to FRYDMAN Velvel born: 16/03/1898 Plotniska (PL) died: ../03/1943 Auschwitz (PL)
- 1-5.1.8 = 1-3A.1.8 JASELMAN Bashé born: 1908 Pinsk died: 1965 Sartrouville (78) Fourreur
- 1-5.1.9 = 1-3A.1.9 JASELMAN Denise born: 30/03/1909 Pinsk Fourreur married to KAMIENSKI Israel born: 05/05/1901 Pinsk died: 1943 Auschwitz (PL) Fourreur
1-5.2 VISSOTSKY Maurice born: 07/03/1871 Pinsk died: 1935 Paris Tailleur,fourreur
married [1] ? ../06/1891 Paris to MOCH Elise born: 24/01/1858 Bischheim (67) died: 10/03/1905 Paris 9- 1-5.2A.1 VISSOTSKY Thérèse Olga born: 23/03/1892 Paris died: 15/09/1893 Paris
- 1-5.2A.2 VISSOTSKY Jacques born: 16/02/1894 Paris died: 25/09/1915 Guerre 1914-1918
- 1-5.2A.3 VISSOTSKY Simon born: 28/06/1895 Bischheim (67) died: 09/01/1973 Nice (06) Ingenieur ECP,fourreur married to VERNOUILLET Marcelle born: 31/01/1902 Paris 14 died: 26/12/1993 Boulogne-Billancourt (92)
- 1-5.2A.4 VISSOTSKY Georges born: 17/11/1896 Paris died: 14/08/1911 Le Crotoy (80)
- 1-5.2A.5 VISSOTSKY Suzanne born: 31/01/1898 Paris 9 died: 22/01/1960 New-York (USA) married 13/12/1923 Paris 9 to KAPLAN Georges Israel born: 22/11/1897 Paris died: 15/11/1991 New-York (USA) Fourreur
- 1-5.2A.6 VISSOTSKY Marguerite born: 14/08/1901 Le Vésinet (78) died: 30/10/1968 Paris 16 Fourreur
- married [2] to KAUFMANN Frida born: 17/12/1888 died: 19/11/1948
- 1-5.2B.7 VISSOTSKY Paul Nathan born: 01/12/1906 Paris died: 05/04/1942 Bourganeuf (23) Fourreur married to GOTTELAND Marcelle born: 15/08/1910 died: 31/10/1976
- 1-5.2B.8 VISSOT Leon born: 27/08/1908 died: 04/10/1958 Fourreur
- 1-5.3 VISSOTSKY Dobrouchka born: 1873 Pinsk
1-5.4 VISSOTSKY Esther born: 1876 Pinsk died: 21/04/1951 Paris
married to GOLDMANN Aaron
- 1-5.4.1 GOLDMANN Yvette born: ../03/1904 Pinsk Fourreur
- 1-5.4.2 GOLDMANN ; GAUTHIER Simon born: 08/12/1905 Pinsk Fourreur married 1943 Cannes (06) to GASCA Denise born: 20/08/1920
- 1-5.4.3 GOLDMANN Marcel born: 1911
1-5.5 VISSOTSKY Berthe Basia born: 03/02/1877 Pinsk died: 31/03/1964 Paris 16
married p 02/01/1898 Paris 9
to KREKOVITCH Joseph born: 17/09/1875 Paris 4 died: 14/10/1948 Nogent Sur Marne (F94) Tailleur
- 1-5.5.1 KREKOVITCH Isidore born: 06/07/1901 Paris 9 died: 11/07/1901 Paris 9
- 1-5.5.2 KREKOVITCH-RENEL René born: 13/08/1902 Le Vesinet (F78) died: 29/04/1976 Paris 16 Fourreur married [1] 11/02/1937 Paris 16 to WEILL Daisy Cécile born: 27/07/1917 Londres; married [2] 17/07/1953 married to MIDAVEINE Simone Angèle born: 29/06/1922 Paris 14; married [3] Non Marié to SCHNEIDER Marcelle
- 1-5.5.3 KREKOVITCH Elise born: 08/04/1905 Paris 17 died: 19/12/1996 Paris 8 Fourreur married 05/12/1946 Paris 16 to RIVELINE Salomon Charles born: 07/03/1908 Paris 3 died: 17/08/1986 Paris 8 Avocat
- 1-5.5.4 KREKOVITCH Georgette born: 16/09/1906 Paris 17 died: 03/05/1978 Paris 8 Fourreur married 12/09/1935 Paris 16 to MARCUS Robert born: 20/12/1907 Paris 5 died: 27/07/1977 Paris 8 Ingénieur ECP, fourreur
1-5.1 VISSOTSKY Rivka Sara born: 1868 Pinsk died: 1936 Sartrouville (78)
married to JASELMAN Mordush born: 1859 Pinsk died: 1949 Sartrouville (78) Boulanger
1-6 BREGMAN Yudel born: 1862 Lyakovichi, Pinsk (BIE) died: 1944 Chicago (USA)
married to SAFFER Golda born: 1866
- 1-6.1 BREGMAN Esther born: 1887 Pinsk died: 1975 Los Angeles, CA married before 1908 Chicago (USA) to BERMAN Reuven born: 1889 Pinsk died: 1947 Los Angeles, CA
- 1-6.2 BREGMAN Morris Morduck born: 1889 Pinsk married before 1910 Pinsk to NEDITCH Meryl
1-6.3 BREGMAN Rachel Ray born: 1895 Pinsk died: 20/04/1990 Tucson, AZ (USA)
married 04/06/1922 Chicago (USA)
to GRATCH Morris born: 10/05/1896
- 1-6.3.1 GRATCH Barbara born: 17/03/1936 Chicago (USA) married 06/11/1995 Chicago (USA) to FRIEDMAN Marty born: 20/03/1936
- 1-6.3.2 GRATCH Morton born: Chicago (USA) died: ../11/1990 married Chicago (USA) to KISSEL Adeline
- 1-6.4 BREGMAN Salomon Sam born: 18/07/1896 Pinsk
- 1-6.5 BREGMAN Joseph Joe born: 13/12/1903 Pinsk died: 19/02/1984 Los Angeles, CA Illusioniste married 01/08/1924 Chicago (USA) to GORDON Esther born: 15/07/1908 Minsk (BIE) died: 15/12/1984 Los Angeles, CA
1-6.6 BREGMAN Zlatta Sadie born: 03/01/1906 Pinsk
married 25/10/1931 Chicago (USA)
to GRATCH Simon born: 21/12/1902
- 1-6.6A.1 SIMON Jay born: 30/08/1947 Chicago (USA) married 03/05/1992 Phoenix, AZ (USA) to FLATT Sandra born: 01/01/1951 Londres married 04/02/1941 Chicago (USA) to SIMON Robert Red died: 1959 Chicago (USA)
- 1-6.7 BREGMAN Hyman Chaim born: 22/11/1908 Pinsk died: 03/12/1981 Los Angeles, CA married Chicago (USA) to N Ann born: Chicago (USA) died: Chicago (USA)
1-7 BREGMAN Chana Anna born: Pinsk died: (USA)
married 1775 Pinsk
to LEADER Herschel
1-7.1 LEADER Jossel born: 1876
- 1-7.1.1 LEADER Chai Feigel born: Pinsk married [1] to UNKNOWN married [2] to MILSTEIN Morris born: 14/10/1885 Bresthone (Bes) died: ../11/1975 New York Fourreur
- 1-7.1.2 LEADER Herschel 5 enfants et petits-enfants périrent
1-7.2 LEADER Dora born: 1886 Pinsk died: 1953 New York
married Pinsk
to MILSTEIN Morris born: 14/10/1885 Bresthone (Bes) died: ../11/1975 New York Fourreur
- 1-7.2.1 MILSTEIN Rachel born: 29/04/1910 Jersey City (NJ) died: 29/05/1998 Virginia Beach (VA) married to NOVAK Sol born: 21/02/1909 Long Island City
- 1-7.2.2 MILSTEIN Helen born: 30/05/1913 New York died: Delray (FL) married to EISLER Milton born: 13/03/1915 New York died: 10/05/1969
- 1-7.2.3 MILSTEIN Toby married to REITER Carl
1-7.3 LEADER Feigle
married to GOTTLIEB Yossel born: 17/02/1879 Pinsk died: New York
- 1-7.3.1 GOTTLIEB Fanny born: 17/07/1903 New York died: Washington married to HARKAVY Henry born: 19/02/1894 Mir died:
- 1-7.3.2 GOTTLIEB Molly born: USA married to URY Arthur born: USA died: USA
- 1-7.3.3 GOTTLIEB Katie born: New York married to BAROFF Saul
- 1-7.3.4 GOTTLIEB Louis N
- 1-7.4 LEADER Katie born: Pinsk married to BULKIN David
- 1-7.5 LEADER Benjamin Benny
1-7.1 LEADER Jossel born: 1876
1-1 BREGMAN Marie born: .... Pinsk
married to DOBGEWITZ Jossel