ONLINE NEWSLETTER (No. 1/2004 - January 2004)
Editor: Fran Bock
Dr. Oleg Perzashkevich is an associate professor at the Belarusian Polytechnic Academy and the Belarusian State University, who has provided the Belarus SIG with valuable historic data about the Jews of Belarus, as well as name lists which are on our SIG website. He is also the Director of the Minsk Historical Genealogy Group, and has done private genealogical research at the archives of Belarus for a number of people, guiding them on tours to their ancestral shtetls.
Last year, we published Dr. Perzashkevich's papers on archival sources in Belarus, presented at the IAGS 2002 conference in Toronto. This year we are pleased to publish the paper he presented at the 2003 conference in Washington, DC.
The Belarus SIG is grateful for the permission granted by Dr. Oleg Perzashkevich to publish his paper here.
Copyright © 2004 Belarus SIG and Dr. Oleg Perzashkevich
Reprinting or copying of this article is not allowed without prior permission from the copyrightholders.
Archival Holdings in Belarus:
Regional and District Holdings According to
Chronological Period
by Dr. Oleg Perzashkevich
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