ONLINE NEWSLETTER (No. 5/2006 - May 2006)
Editor: Fran Bock
In 2002, Ruth Wilnai traveled to her grandfather’s birthplace in Ivenets, Belarus. Among her many impressions was a strong sense of the poor condition of the Jewish cemetery, symbolic of the destruction of Jewish life and culture in the region. The idea of cleaning and restoring the cemetery percolated for a couple of years, while resources could be collected for the project. Last year the plan came to fruition when Ruth received from Yuri Dorn, head of the Belarus Jewish religious community and President of the Union of Religious Congregations of Belarus, a list of identifiable names from the tombstones. The list is displayed at the end of her article.
We thank Ruth Wilnai for her efforts to preserve the Jewish heritage of Belarus, and all those who assist and support these projects.
© This article is copyrighted by Ruth Wilnai.
Reprinting or copying of this article is not allowed without prior permission from the copyrightholders.
Hints of Jewish Life — What I Found in Ivenets
by Ruth Wilnai
When I told my family in Israel about my plans to visit Rakow in Belarus, the birthplace of my mother's family, their reactions were mixed. My cousin Michal wanted immediately to join us, while my cousin Nava rejected the idea of going to Belarus, saying her father would never have wanted to go back there.
"His childhood memories were dark and unhappy" she said.
Michal turned out to be an expert about the family history of our parents and grandparents in Belarus.
"If you go to Rakow, you should also go visit Ivenets. Ivenets is the town where our grandfather, David Lifshitz, was born. You should also go through Wolma. Wolma is where my grandfather, Yehuda Lifshitz, was born."
I had never heard about Ivenets and Wolma before the discussion with my cousins. I added the two Shtetls to my list.
In June 2002, my husband Amos, my sister Ora, and I went to Belarus. Our guide’s name was Galina. In the afternoon of our second day in Belarus, we walked through the narrow streets of Ivenets.
We walked up a small sandy hill, covered with green weeds, to the cemetery in Ivenets. Only a few tombstones still stood. Most of the tombstones had collapsed and were buried in the sand long ago. A dirt road crossed the cemetery field. There was no fence around the cemetery. Only small wooden homes stood on the border of the cemetery. We could barely read the inscriptions on the tombstones. The place was deserted.

The narrow road led us toward the synagogue of Ivenets. We looked ahead and saw a double-storied building standing wall-to-wall with a one-story building. Today the structure no longer serves as a synagogue. Today it is a disco hall and cinema for young people. The building looked neglected and dirty. Here and there graffiti stained the outside walls. I walked around the disco hall trying to find a hint of its old meaning.

A special engraved wood column on the corner of the house seemed to be trying to tell us old story: "The house was a distinguished one not a simple one."

With the image of the column filling our minds we entered the hall, a big neglected and deteriorated room. Red, purple paper covered the tall walls. I continued to search for the past. My eyes scanned the walls for unique signs and there it was. The wallpaper on one of the walls had worn out to reveal a layer underneath it. A faint yellow crown and maybe Hebrew letters, Gimel, Dalet, appeared, again telling us: "The house is a distinguished one not a simple one."
No smile crowned our faces when we stepped out the door.

Galina continued to lead us through a short trail between the small huts. Gray wooden fences on both sides of the footpath, behind them there were green vegetable gardens. At the end of the short path, a couple named Kantarovich welcomed us to their home.
Josif Ilych Kantarovich told us that he is originally from Rakow. When he was a child, he went to the Heder there. During WWII, he walked from Wolma to the Urals, about 600 kilometers. There he worked and received many medals. Kantarovich's wife, a small gray haired woman, her dress printed with purple and pink flowers, was from the non-Jewish Baranovskaya family. She was born in Ukraine and lived and worked for a while in Germany

She was quietly proud of having a home with Jewish character. Proudly, she pointed at the big-built in oven "It is a Shabbat's oven."
On top of the closet stood a unique breadbox, shaped as a tiny home with red windows surrounded by sophisticated decoration. Kantarowicz's wife brought it down and described its details.

While Josif Ilych Kantarovich told us a little about his life the atmosphere in the small, well-kept home, became warmer. His wife served us fruit juice and Josif Ilych told us that he wished to be a Rabbi or a cantor. Soon he started singing in his deep elegant voice. His body moved, filled with emotions, his red face glittered like the light of a fire. His hands waved with the rhythm. An image of a chorus's conductor, he stood in front of our eyes. His wife accompanied him in a very modest, quiet whisper. Together they were like the Red Army Choir, singing "Victory Day" to mark the victory over Nazi Germany.
The Victory Day
(Translated from Russian by Genndy Pasechnik)
The Victory Day, it was so distant then,
Like a coal waning in a dying-out fire.
There were burnt dust-covered miles…
We spared no efforts to hasten that day.
That Victory Day
Smelled with gunpowder,
A feast with graying temples,
Joy with tears in one's eyes.
The Victory Day!
The Victory Day!
The Victory Day!
All day long our Motherland kept awake
Before steel furnaces;
All day long we fought a difficult struggle –
We spared no efforts to hasten that day
Hello, mom, not all of us have returned…
How I'd like to run barefoot over the early dew!
We have crossed half of Europe, half of the globe,
We spared no efforts to hasten that day.
The visit in Ivenets left a tender spot in our heart for the Kantarovich couple but on our way to leave the town Ivenets, we stopped by its valley of the death, an area where the 800 Jewish people of the Ghetto of Ivenets' were slaughtered and buried.

On our way, Galina told us: "People used to say that on hot days, long after the murder and the burial, the earth of the mass graves was shocked. The earth trembled and emitted clouds of steam among the tall tree toward the skies."
It was already late in the afternoon. The sun was going down. The sight of the grave, tall trees around, wild weeds, black engraved memorial board, heavily marked our memory with a symbol of the destruction of Jewish life.

To remember the dear faces of the men, women and children who were murdered, see the following web page:
I am not the first one to tell about a visit to Ivenets. Josef Rubinstein visited Ivenets in 1997 and reported about his visit in the following link: Scroll down the page to the entry for Ivenets. The cemetery location and its status are detailed in Rubinstein's report.
Florette Lynn visited Ivenets in September 2005 and I am sure she will share her experience with us.
Ivenets' Yizkor book tells us about the synagogue and the Jewish customs in the town:
About two years ago, I started to negotiate with Yuri Dorn, head of the Belarus Jewish community, about Ivenets cemetery. Our immediate goal was to lift and clean the tombstones, to take a clear photo of each one of them, to make a list and a map of the cemetery's tombstones.
Josef Rubinstein and I supported the project.
In the middle of November 2005 I received from Yuri Dorn a CD with 347 photos of tombstones, a list of the inscriptions and a map of the cemetery. About 54 tombstones could not be deciphered.
We thank Yuri Dorn and his organization for performing the project.
The earliest tombstone is from 1812:
Simha the son of Yakov
שמחה ב״ר יעקב
שנת תקע״ב

The most recent tombstone is from 1940:
Noah the son of Leibush Zhivenyaz
26 Tishrey 1940
נח ב״ר לײבוש זיועניאץכ״ו
בתשרי שנת ת״ש

About half of the tombstones are from the period of the years 1860 – 1900.
At the end of the current project, the cemetery was cleaned up. During the clean up new tombstones were found. About 40 tombstones were found in the Eastern part of the cemetery. About 30 tombstones were found in two areas where local residents now live. About 20 tombstones were used as a foundation for a woodshed standing not far from the cemetery.

We hope that recovering and deciphering the newly found tombstones will be performed in the spring of 2006.
A meeting is scheduled between Yuri Dorn's organization and Ivenets' Mayor to discuss the preservation of the cemetery by the town.
A future goal, which cost more money, is to fence the cemetery. A plan for constructing the fence already exists. There were efforts in the past to raise money for the fence, but they failed.
I thank my daughter Sigal Tzur, my sister Ora Kuller and David Fox for reading and drawing my attention to correct details.
I thank my husband Amos Wilnai, Ora Kuller and David Fox for the photos.
I thank Bruno Mir for finding the text of Red Army Victory Song.
I thank Genndy Pasechnik, Tel Aviv University for translating the Victory Song into English.
Below you will find the list of names on the tombstones:
Sarah the daughter of Shlomo-Zalman
שרה ב״ר שלמה זלמן -
Abraham the son of Shmuel
אברהם ב״ר שמואל -
אברהם -
Hana-Feyga daughter of Shalom
נה פײגע ב״ר שלום -
Sarah the daughter Shmuel
שרה ב״ר שמואל -
Sholem the son of Herz
שולם ב״ר הרץ -
Izhak-Ayzik the son of Chaim
יצחק אײזיק ב״ר חײם -
Hana-Ita the daughter of Menahem-Mendel-Yehuda
חנה איטה ב״ר מנחם מנדיל יהודא -
Haya-Golda the daughter of Meir
חיה גאלדע ב״ר מאיר -
Izhak-Ayzik the son of Yosef
יצחק אײזק ב״ר יוסף -
Efraim-Zeev the son of Yehuda
אפרם זאב ב״ר יהודא -
Of Chaim Pesah
חיים פסח -
Yosef the son of Abraham
יוסף ב״ר אברהם -
-ב״ר חײם -
Mordehay the son of Mendel
מרדכי ב״ר מענדיל -
Rivka the daughter of Moshe
רבקה ב״ר משה -
Hana the daughter of Izhak-Herz
חנה ב״ר יצחק הרץ -
Yehizkel-Zvi the son of Zeev
יחיזקאל צבי ב״ר זאב -
Abraham the son of Izhak
אברהם ב״ר יצחק -
Mordehay the son of Yehoshua
מרדכי ב״ר יהושע -
Moshe-Reuven the son of Shaul
משה ראובן ב״ר שאול -
Shlomo the son of Mordehay
שלמה ב״ר מרדכי -
Rasya the daughter of Reuven haLevi
ראשי ב״ר ראובן הלוי -
Izhak the son of –
יצחק ב״ר - -
Dina the daughter of –
דינה ב״ר - -
Moshe the son of Shimeon
משה ב״ר שמעון -
Beyla the daughter of Reuven
בײלא ב״ר ראובן -
Reuven the son of Zalman
ראובן ב״ר זלמן -
Sarah the daughter of Kopil
שארה ב״ר קאפל -
Of Reuven
ב״ר ראובן -
Sarah the daughter of Eli
שרה ב״ר אלי -
Sarah the daughter of Shabtay
שרה ב״ר שבתי -
Sarah the daughter of Yosef
שרה ב״ר יוסף -
Hana the daughter of Yosef
חנה ב״ר יוסף -
Shalom the son of Moshe
שלום ב״ר משה -
Sarah the daughter of Yosef
שרה ב״ר יוסף -
Dvora the daughter of Moshe
דבורה ב״ר משה -
Rivka the daughter of Faybish
רבקה ב״ר פײװיש -
ב״ר שאול -
Shalom the son of Chaim
שלום ב״ר חײם -
Kopil the son of –
קאפל ב״ר- -
Yosef the son of Mordehay
יוסף ב״ר מרדכי -
Dobe the daughter of Mordehay-Zvi
דובע ב״ר מרדכי צבי -
Izhak the son of Zalman
יצחק ב״ר זלמן -
Feyga the daughter of Moshe
פײגע ב״ר משה -
Fishke daughter of Yakov
פישקע ב״ר יעקב -
Meir-Pesah the son of Lipman
מאיר פסח ב״ר ליפמן -
Braha the daughter of Avigdor
ברכה ב״ר אביגדור -
Malka daughter of Baruh
מלכא ב״ר ברוך -
Simha the son of Yakov
שמחה ב״ר יעקב -
Pesya daughter of Abraham
פסיה ב״ר אברהם -
Yehuda-Leyb the son of Tuvin
יהודא ליב ב״ר טואבין -
Rivka the daughter of Faibish
רבקה ב״ר פײויש -
Elikum the sun of Tuvin
אליקום ב״ר טובין -
Ar’e-Leyb the son of Avigdor
אריה ליב ב״ר אביגדור -
Moshe the son of Noah Nahum
משה ב״ר נח נחום -
Freyda the daughter of Dov-Beer
פרײדע ב״ר דוב בער -
Yehiel-Mihl the son of Faibish
יחיאל מיכל ב״ר פײװיש -
Shmuel the son of Yehuda-Leyb
שמואל ב״ריהודא ליב -
Hana the daughter of Ziskin
חנה ב״ר זיסקין -
Meir-Abraham the son of Yakov Rolnik
מאיר אברהם ב״ר יעקב ראלניק -
Faybish the son of Meir
פיװש ב״ר מאיר -
Eliezer the son of Hirz Sheyf
אליעזר ב״ר הירץ שיף -
Hoda the daughter of - -Mendel
האדע ״ר- מנדיל -
Israel Ever the son of Meir
ישראל עװר ב״ר מאיר -
Zvi the son of Mordehay
צבי ב״ר מרדכי -
Zeyta the daughter of Yehoshua
צײטע ב״ר יהושע -
Israel the son of Izhak Kaz
ישראל ב״ר יצחק כ״ץ -
Yedidy the son of Yosef Kuznez
ידידי ב״ר יוסף קוזנעץ -
Eshke the daughter of Yehuda-Leib
עשקע ב״ר יהודא ליב -
Yehuda-Leib the son of Shimeon
יהודא ליב ב״ר שמעון -
Nehem’ya the son of Ar’e
נחמיה ב״ר אריה -
Fruma-Beila the daughter of Moshe
פרומע בײלה ב״ר משה -
Abraham the son of Tuviya
אברהם ב״ר טוביה -
Pesy the daughter of Tuviya
פעשי ב״ר טוביה -
Moshe the son of Shlomo
משה ב״ר שלמה -
Reytha the daughter of Moshe
רײזה ב״ר משה -
Golde the daughter of David
גאלדע ב״ר דוד -
Basya the daughter of Izhak
באשע ב״ר יצחק -
Faibish the son of Abraham-Zvi Kin
פײוש ב״ר אברהם צבי כין -
Kopil the son of Yehuda
קאפיל ב״ר יהודא -
Ziv’ya the daughter of Israel
ציבי ב״ר ישראל -
Nehama the daughter of Menashe
נחמה ב״ר מנשה -
Dinka the daughter of Yosef
דינקע ב״ר יוסף -
Feyga-Reyzil the daughter of Yehiel-Mihl
פײגה רײזיל ב״ר יחיאל מיכל -
Hava the daughter of Chaim
חוה ב״ר חײם -
Zvi the son of Eli
צבי ב״ר אלי -
Yoel the son of Aharon
יואל ב״ר אהרן -
Ester the daughter of Meir
אסתר ב״ר מאיר -
Reythil the daughter of Leib
רײזיל ב״ר ליב -
Mar’yashe the daughter of Yehiel
מראשע ב״ר יחיאל -
Hana-Feiga the daughter of Meshulem Kaz
חנה פײגע ב״ר משולם כ״ץ -
Dobe the daughter of Yakov
דאבע ב״ר יעקב -
Sarah the daughter of Moshe
שרה ב״ר משה -
Toibe-Lebe the daughter of Nisan
טעיבע ליבע ב״ר ניסן -
Koyfman the son of Chaim haLevi
כויפמאן ב״ר חײם הלוי -
Shlomo the son of Ar’e
שלמה ב״ר ארי -
Leya the daughter of Yakov
לאה ב״ר יעקב -
Abraham the son of Chaim
אברהם ב״ר חײם -
Rivka the daughter of Eli
רבקה ב״ר אלי -
Israel-Aharon the son of Meshulem
ישראל אהרן ב״ר משולם -
H’ena the daughter of Moshe
חײענה ב״ר משה -
Musya Maza the daughter of Shalom
מושע מצע ב״ר שלום -
Kreyna-Leya the daughter of Shlomo
קרײנע לאה ב״ר שלמה -
Masya the daughter of Abraham
משע ב״ר אברהם -
Haya the daughter of Mordehay
חײה ב״ר מרדכי -
Israel-Shmuel the son of Moshe
ישראל שמואל ב״ר משה -
Izhak the son of Eli
יצחק ב״ר אלי -
Yehithkel-Chaim the son of Moshe
יחיזקל חײם ב״ר משה -
Tuv’ya the son of Izhak
טוביה ב״ר יצחק -
Feya-Rasya the daughter of Mihl-Moshe
פאיה ראשע ב״ר מיכל משה -
Sarah the daughter of Izhak Ovseevich
שרה ב״ר יצחק אװסיאװיץ -
Sarah the daughter of Meshulem
שרה ב״ר משולם -
Masya the daughter of Zvi-Dov
מאשה ב״ר צבי דוב -
Zvi-Dov the son of Yedidi
צבי דוב ב״ר ידידי -
Zeidna the daughter of Yakov
צעדנע ב״ר יעקב -
Yosef the son of Gershon Rolnik
יוסף ב״ר גרשון ראלניק -
Hana-Toybe Kuznets the daughter of Zvi-Hirsh
חנה טובע קוזנעץ ב״ר צבי הירש -
Rishke the daughter of Yakov
רישקע ב״ר יעקב -
Feiga- - the daughter of Shlomo
פײגע - ב״ר שלמה -
Sarah the daughter of Yakov
שרה ב״ר יעקב -
Haya the daughter of Yosef
חיה ב״ר יוסף -
Leya Kuznets the daughter of Israel-Shmuel
לאה קוזנעץ ב״ר ישראל שמואל -
Eliezer the son of Shraga
אליעזר ב״ר שרגא -
Nahum the son of David haKohen
נחום ב״ר דוד הכהן -
Shmuel the son of Yakov Golub
שמואל ב״ר יעקב גאלוב -
Ben’yamin the son of Zeev-Wolf
בנימין ב״ר זאב װאלף -
Rivka the daughter of Gotlib
רבקה ב״ר גאטליב -
Izhak the son of Shazar
יצחק ב״ר שזר -
Feiga the daughter of – Eli
פײגע ב״ר- אלי -
The daughter of Shlomo
בת ר׳ שלמה -
Kalman the son of Shlomo
קלמן ב״ר שלמה -
נתן -
Moshe the son of Zvi
משה ב״ר צבי -
Haya the daughter of Elieyther
חײ ב״ר אליעזר -
Feiga the daughter of Mordehay
פײגע ב״ר מרדכי -
Mihl-Moshe the son of Asher
מיכל משה ב״ר אשר -
Sarah-Feigel the daughter of Aharon
שרה פײגיל ב״ר אהרן -
Malka the daughter of Zvi
מלכה ב״ר צבי -
Shifra the daughter of Moshe
שפרה ב״ר משה -
Simha the son of Mordehay
שמחה ב״ר מרדכי -
Yosef the son of Yakov
יוסף ב״ר יעקב -
Moshe-Zvi the son of Eli
משה צבי ב״ר אלי -
Abraham - -
אברהם- - -
Masya the daughter of David
מאשה ב״ר דוד -
מנחם -
- משה -
Haya –
חײה - -
Toibe the daughter of Yosef
טויבע ב״ר יוסף -
Rivka the daughter of Yakov
רבקה ב״ר יעקב -
Hana the daughter of Shlomo
חנה ב״רשלמה -
Haya the daughter of Aharon
חײ ב״ר אהרן -
Leib the son of Moshe
ליב ב״ר משה -
Yehiel-Mihl the son of Benyamin
יחיאל מיכל ב״ר בנימין -
Shmuel the son of Menahem
שמואל ב״ר מנחם -
Izhak the son of Elieyzer
יחק ב״ר אליעזר -
Moshe the son of Yosef-Yakov
משה ב״ר יוסף יעקב -
Yakov the son of Baruh
יעקב ב״ר ברוך ברוך -
Yehiel the son of Moshe
יחיאל ב״ר משה -
Sarah-Zirra the daughter of Abraham-Leib
שרה צירה ב״ר אברהם ליב -
Ita-Leya the daughter of Aharon
איטע לאה ב״ר אהרן -
Moshe-Yona the son of Reuven Sagalovich
משה יונה ב״ר ראובן סאגאלאװיץ -
Reuven the son of Noah haLevi
ראובן ב״ר נח הלוי -
The son of Moshe
ב״ר משה -
Mina the daughter of Nahum
מינע ב״ר נחום -
Eliezer the son of Izhak
אליעזר ב״ר יצחק -
Fruma the daughter of Eliezer
פרומע ב״ר אליעזר -
Esther the daughter of Asher
אסתר ב״ר אשר -
Zvi the son of Aharon
צבי ב״ר אהרן -
Israel the son of Izhak
ישראל ב״ר יצחק -
Maryashe the daughter of Aharon
מראישע ב״ר אהרן -
Zera the daughter of Izhak-Efraim
צרע ב״ר יצחק אפרים -
Hanoh the sun of –
חנוך ״ר- -
Moshe –
משה- -
Zeev the sun of Zvi
זאב ב״ר צבי -
Esther the daughter of Meir
אסתר ב״ר מאיר -
Rina the daughter of Abraham
רינע ב״ר אברהם -
Dvora the daughter of Eliyahu
דבורה ב״ר אליהו -
Leya the daughter of Zvi
לאה ב״ר צבי -
Haya –
חיה -
Zadok the son of Zerah
צדוק ב״ר זרח -
Abraham the son of Zvi
אברהם ב״ר צבי -
Yehuda the son of Shmuel
יהודא ב״ר שמואל -
Baruh-Abraham the son of Aharon
ברוך אברהם ב״ר אהרן -
Dvorka the daughter of Natan
דבורקע ב״ר נתן -
Etka-Gita the daughter of Eli
עטקה גיטה ב״ר אלי -
Mir’yam the daughter of Meshulem-Faybish haKohen
מרים ב״ר משולם פײביש הכהן -
Riva the daughter of Zvi
רבה ב״ר צבי -
Esther-Hasya the daughter of Asher
אסתר חשע ב״ר אשר -
Natan the son of Asher
נתן ב״ר אשר -
Moshe-Gilel the son of Yehuda-Leyb
משה הלל ב״ר יהודא ליב -
Moshe –
משה -
Yehuda the son of Yehiel
יהודא ב״ר יחיאל -
Rivka the daughter of Shimshon
רבקה ב״ר שמשן -
Leya the daughter of Izhak
לאה ב״ר יצחק -
Yakov the son of Ar’e
יעקב ב״ר ארי -
Daniel the son of Moshe
דאניאל ב״ר משה -
Rivka the daughter of Moshe
רבקה ב״ר משה -
Keyla the daughter of Zvi
קײלא ב״ר צבי -
Beyla-Dvora the daughter of Aharon-Zelig
בײלא דבורה ב״ר אהרן זעליג -
Sarah-Zira the daughter of Izhak-Aythik
שרה צירה ב״ר יצחק אײזיק -
Haya the daughter of Abraham
חײ ב״ר אברהם -
Bat’ya - the daughter of Yehuda
בתי - ב״ר יהודא -
Relya the daughter of Izhak
רעלא ב״ר יצחק -
Mihal the daughter of Moshe
מיכל ב״ר משה -
Zisya-Malka the daughter of Yakov-Mordehay
זיסא מלכה ב״ר יעקב מרדכי -
Hasya the daughter of Abraham
חסיא ב״ר אברהם -
Zvi the son of Abraham
צבי ב״ר אברהם -
Moshe the son of Zvi
משה ב״ר צבי -
Shlomo the son of Yehuda
שלמה ב״ר יהודה -
Yosef the son of Yoel
יוסף ב״ר יואל -
Mordehay-Zvi the son of Abraham
מרדכי צבי ב״ר אברהם -
Mordehay the son of Dov-Beer
מרדכי ב״ר דוב בער -
Yakov the son of Zvi
יעקב ב״ר צבי -
Shaul the son of Yakov-Zeev
שאול ב״ר יעקב זאב -
Sarah the daughter of Shlomo
שרה ב״ר שלמה -
Frada-Zerna the daughter of Tuv’ya
פראדע צערנע ב״ר טובי -
Zira the daughter of Asher
צירע ב״ר אשר -
Moshe the son of Yakov
משה ב״ר יעקב -
Gita the daughter of Ar’e-Leib
גטע ב״ר ארי ליב -
Zvi-Yehuda the son of Moshe-Noah
צבי יהודא ב״ר משה נח -
Reuven the son of Moshe
ראובן ב״ר משה -
Menahem the son of Yehuda-Leib
מנחם ב״ר יהודא ליב -
Sheina the daughter of Simha
שײנה ב״ר שמחה -
Reizil the daughter of Israel
רײזל ב״ר ישראל -
Faybush the son of Shabnay haLevi
פײבוש ב״ר שבתי הלוי -
Hilel the son of Meir
הלל ב״ר מאיר -
Sheina the daughter of –
שײנה ב״ר - -
Shifra the daughter of Shalom
שפרה ב״ר שלום -
Feiga Malchik the daughter of Eliezer Lipman
פײגע מאלטשיק ב״ר אליעזר ליפמאן -
Leya Shapira the daughter of Israel-Yakov
לאה שאפירא ב״ר ישראל יעקב -
Elke the daughter of Yosef
עלקע ב״ר יוסף -
Dina Reznik the daughter of Asher
דינה רעזניק ב״ר אשר -
Zeev the son of Moshe
זאב ב״ר משה -
Abraham-Izhak the son of Yehuda
אברהם יצחק ב״ר יהודא -
Meshulem-Yakov the son of Yehuda
משולם יעקב ב״ר יהודא -
Yosef the son of David
יוסף ב״ר דוד -
Dreiza the daughter of Yakov
דרײזע ב״ר יעקב -
Malka-Leya the daughter of Yakov
מלכה לאה ב״ר יעקב -
Shifra the daughter of Shalom
שיפרא ב״ר שלום -
Shalom the son of Zvi-Mihl
שלום ב״ר צבי מיכל -
Shimeon the son of David
שמעון ב״ר דוד -
Yosef-Meir the son of Yakov
יוסף מאיר ב״ר יעקב -
Risya the daughter of Leib
רישע ב״ר ליב -
Yahna the daughter of Yedidi
יאחנה ב״ר ידידי -
Liba the daughter of Yehuda-Leib
ליבה ב״ר יהודא ליב -
Sarah Chernin the daughter of Mordehay-Zelig
שרה צערנין ב״ר מרדכי זעליג -
Haya Okun the daughter of Yehuda-Leib
חיה אקון ב״ר יהודה ליב -
Reuven the son of David
ראובן ב״ר דוד -
Zvi the son of Abraham
צבי ב״ר אברהם -
Asher-Shlomo the son of Hilel
אשר שלמה ב״ר הלל -
Asher the son of Yakov
אשר ב״ר יעקב -
ב״ר יצחק -
Gita the daughter of Yehuda
גיטע ב״ר יודה -
Esther-Leya the daughter of Yehoshua-Heshel
אסתר לאה ב״ר יהושע העשיל -
Rahel-Leya the daughter of Gershon
רחל לאה ב״ר גרשון -
Rivka the daughter of Chaim-Mihal
רבקה ב״ר חײם מיכאל -
Abraham-Yosef the son of Israel
אברהם יוסף ב״ר ישראל - Sheyna-Kreida the daughter of Izhak-Noah
Asher Izhak the son of Meshulem the son of Avraham
אשר יחק ב״ר משולם ב״ר אברהם -
Yakov-Mordehay the son of Bezalel
יעקב מרדכי ב״ר בצאלל -
Shlomo the son of David
שלמה ב״ר דוד -
Izhak-Leyb the sun of Moshe
יצחק ליב ב״ר משה -
Shmari the son of Shlomo
שמרי׳ ב״ר שלמה -
Eli-Shlomo the son of Meir
אלי שלמה ב״ר מאיר -
David the son of Reuven
דוד ב״ר ראובן -
Elieizer the son of Moshe-Yehuda
אליעזר ב״ר משה יהודא -
Israel the son of Yosef
ישראלב״ר יוסף -
Esther the daughter of Dov-Ber
אסתר ב״ר דוב בער -
Gita the daughter of Shlomo
גיטעה ב״ר שלמה -
Shimke the daughter of Yehuda-Haim
שימקע ב״ר יהודא חײם -
Mashke the daughter of Shmuel
משקע ב״ר שמואל -
Sheyna-Freyda the daughter of David
שײנע פרײדע ב״ר דוד -
Chaim the son of Shalom
חײם ב״ר שלום -
Yakov the son of Chaim
יעקב ב״ר חײם -
חײקין -
Kalman the son of Moshe
קאלמאן ב״ר משה -
Noah the son of Leibush Zhivenyaz
נח ב״ר לײבוש זיועניאץ -
Toybe the daughter of Moshe
טאיבע ב״ר משה -
Sarah the daughter of Benyamin
שרה ב״ר בנימין -
Liba-Reiza the daughter of Shaul
ליבע רײזע ב״ר שאול -
Yehuda-Leib the son of Eli
יהודא ליב ב״ר אלי -
Abraham the son of Yakov Yazkever
אברהם ב״ר יעקב יאצקעװער -
Thelde the daughter of Benyamin
זעלדע ב״ר בנימין -
Moshe the son of Abraham
משה ב״ר ברהם -
Hana-Hasya the daughter of Betuel Yosef Kaz
חנה חסי ב״ר בתואל יוסף כ״ץ -
Hava Zives the daughter of Simha
חוה ציװעס ב״ר שמחה -
Haya the daughter of Shimeon
חײה ב״ר שמעון -
Eshke the daughter of Israel
עשקע ב״ר ישראל -
Abraham the son of Yehuda-Leib Fridlyand
אברהם ב״ר יהודאליב פרידליאנד -
Leib the son of Moshe Rethnik
ליב ב״ר משה רעזניק -
Zvi the son of Mordehay Orlik
צבי ב״ר מרדכי ארליק -
Musya Orlik the daughter of Kalman
מושא ארליק ב״ר קלמאן -
Yakov Shlomo the sun of Shimeon
יעקב שלמה ב״ר שמעון -
Ar’e-Leib the son of Neham. Chernik
ארי ליב ב״ר נחמ׳ צערניק -
Dina-Esther the daughter of Moshe-Mordehay Alperovich
דינה אסתר ב״ר משה מרדכי אלפעראװיץ -
Shalom-Noah the son of Abraham Alperovich
שלום נח ב״ר אברהם אלפעראװיץ -
Shmuel-Aharon the son of Izhak
שמואל אהרן ב״ר יצחק -
Frume the daughter of Abraham Izhak Kaz
פרומע ב״ר ברהם יצחק כץ -
Dvora Rayhelson the daughter of Moshe-Noah
דבורה ראיכעלסאן ב״ר משה נח