The Navigation System
We urge you to become familiar with our site’s navigation system.
The Belarus SIG Icon will always take you Home.
We assume that a visitor’s main objective will be a SIG SEARCH: search for surnames. If you know the name of your town, then start with the description of each Gubernia, its regions and Districts and a list of major towns on the Communities tab.
The Navigation section is an overview of SIG activities: Welcome details SIG history; What Geographical Areas do we Cover tells you places—what’s inside and what’s outside the changing Belarus borders over time; SIG Projects gives you the latest on District Groups and how to Search the B•R•I. We ask you to Donate, and Volunteer.
The Get Started section includes hints, guides and links to the genealogical process. InfoFiles and FAQs expand your view. Hint: A pedigree chart or hourglass tree will help you keep your focus (names and dates) as you search the SIG for ancestors. We encourage you to interact with each other through our discussion group, social media, and our new Help Desk.

When your ancestors are no longer here to tell their story interactions with other researchers may shed light and insight and help make connections. Another researcher may have a part of your story.
We hope that, along with new records, we can continue to bring the flavor of life, Jewish customs, history and human aspirations to you through stories and personal travel. You will find these research tools under Record Sources. This is our most extensive section of primary and secondary sources. Be sure to check out the B•R•I and the searchable inventory of records for your town.
The Belarus SIG is a part of JewishGen’s vast network of people and records. We encourage you to use the bottom toolbar for JewishGen’s search engine, to check JewishGen’s resources and to view the Yizkor Book or KehilaLinks for your town.