[Pages 298-314]
For this our heart is faint; for these things our eyes are dim. (Lamentation V 17)
Necrology List from the Yizkor Book of Wyszogrod
Translated by Ada Holtzman zl
We ask pardon if God forbid, we omitted some names or the names were
not correctly spelled. This list was made from the memory and after so many
years this could happen.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M |
N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Agrodnik Bejla
Agrodnik Estera
Agrodnik Jscha
Agrodnik Kalman
Agrodnik Lajbel
Agrodnik Moshe and his wife
Agrodnik Moshe, his wife and 3 children
Agrodnik Szmuel Meir
Agrodnik Tczarne and her 3 children
Agrodnik Zalman and his 2 daughters
Ajzenberg Fajga
Ajzenberg Falja
Ajzenberg Hana
Ajzenberg Israel
Ajzenberg Jakob
Ajzenberg Pesach
Akawiecz Aron Ber his wife and 4 children
Akawiecz Jacob Dawid
Akawiecz Kejla and her 4 children
Albert Hersz Lajb
Albert Jcheskel
Albert Jeoszua and his wife
Albert Ljbe
Albert Rywka
Albert Shejndel
Albert Szlomo
Albert Szlomo and his wife
Albert Toybe
Albert Yehuda
Apelbaum Arie his wife and 2 children
Apelbaum Cirel Jtta
Apelbaum Hinda Chaja
Apelbaum Tuwia
Argib and Azriel and his wife
Argib and Manja
Asz Chawa Pesje and her children
Asz Jacob Dawid his wife and children
Asz Yosel
Baran Ester Fajga and her children
Baran Jerachmjel
Baum Abram
Baum Brejna
Baum Carke
Baum Chaim
Baum Chaja
Baum Elazar
Baum Etie
Baum Etke
Baum Fajge and Her Daughter
Baum Gitel
Baum Hana
Baum Henich
Baum Henje and Her Children
Baum Hodys
Baum Izak Jacob
Baum Jankel
Baum Jantcze
Baum Jehudit and her daughter
Baum Jenkel with his wife and children
Baum Joel
Baum Josil
Baum Malka
Baum Mendel
Baum Mendil and his Wife
Baum Miril
Baum Moshe
Baum Moshe Icchak and his Children
Baum Moshe Lipa
Baum Natan his Wife and Children
Baum Racze
Baum Racze and Her Children
Baum Rehawia (Szemesz)
Baum Rehawia and his Wife
Baum Rojze
Baum Simcha
Baum Sinai Mordechai
Baum Solje
Baum Szalom
Baum Szimek
Baum Szmuel
Baum Toybe and Her Children
Baum Tuwia
Baum Waftcze
Baum Yehuda Lajb and his Wife and Children
Baumgold Gawriel
Baumgold Libe
Benzoim Aszer
Benzoim Blime and her children
Benzoim Butsze
Benzoim Ester and her husband
Benzoim Ester Rachel abd her child
Benzoim Hana Rasza
Benzoim Herszel, Ryfka Eidel and their 3 children
Benzoim Jokil, his wife with a child
Benzoim Miriam
Benzoim Moshe
Benzoim Wolf and his wife
Benzoim Yosef and his wife
Benzoim Yosil
Berliner Abramele his wife and children
Berliner Jtsze Ber
Berliner Rewen, his wife and 2 children
Bilgoraj Abram
Bilgoraj Abram Jecheskel
Bilgoraj Abramele
Bilgoraj Bracha and her daughter
Bilgoraj Chaim
Bilgoraj Chana
Bilgoraj Chunes and his wife and children
Bilgoraj Dwora and her 4 children
Bilgoraj Efrat
Bilgoraj Jacob
Bilgoraj Jankele
Bilgoraj Jehudit
Bilgoraj Malka her husband and children
Bilgoraj Miriam and her 2 daughters
Bilgoraj Moishe'le
Bilgoraj Nache
Bilgoraj Rachel Lea and her 5 children
Bilgoraj Ryfka
Bilgoraj Sara
Bilgoraj Sara Brejna
Bilgoraj Sime
Bilgoraj Szalom and his wife and 3 children
Bilgoraj Szalom and his wife and 4 children
Bilgoraj Szlomo Zalman
Bilgoraj Szmuel and his wife and 5 children
Bilgoraj Tuwia
Bilgoraj Tuwia and his wife and 2 children
Bilgoraj Zecharia
Bilgoraj Zysel
Birenholc Fajge and her 3 children
Birenholc Welwel
Birenholc, Rabbi, Jsaschar
Bohl Icchak and his wife
Bohl Machil
Bohl Masze
Bomberg Meir his wife and children
Bratman Frajdel
Bratman Gerszon his wife and two children
Brawerman Basze, her husband and children
Brawerman Ester Fajge and her children
Brawerman Hana
Brawerman Herszel
Brawerman Machil
Brawerman Majer, his wife and 5 children
Brawerman Rafel
Brawerman Sara and her two children
Brawerman Simcha
Bressler Mordechai Menasze and his wife
Briz and Gdalya Moshe
Briz and Tuwia his wife and child
Brodman Blime
Brodman Fajga Tircza
Brodman Moshe
Brodman Rachel and her husband Abram Naches and their three children
Brodman Yosef
Brzezawski Moshe
Brzezawski Sara
Brzezawski Toybe
Brzezawski Yosil
Buchner Brajna
Buchner Cyril
Buchner Hana Rajzel and her threee daughters
Buchner Hirsz
Buchner Izik (Itzhak)
Buchner Lajb and his daughter
Buchner Meir
Buchner Mordechai and his wife
Buchner Sala and her two children
Buchner Szymon
Buki Abram Szaja (Flam) and his wife and children
Buki Icchak Dawid
Buki Moshe
Buki Rywka and her children
Buki Sara
Buki Szmulek
Buki Toybe and her 3 children
Buzszniczki Hana Szifra
Buzszniczki Kejla Ryfka
Buzszniczki Moshe and his wife and children
Buzszniczki Szlomo Lajb and his daughter
Bzezawski Beyla Raca and her daughter
Bzezawski Simcha, his wife and two children
Bzezawski Yosel and his wife and two children
Bzezawski Zecharya
Bzezina Chaim
Bzezina Eli (Eliahu)
Bzezina Hewtcze
Bzezinski Blume
Bzezinski Hersz Tuwia
Bzezinski Jachet
Bzezinski Rachel
Bzezinski Rojze Hogre
Bzezinski Yosel
Capnik a brother and a sister
Chenczinski Cwia and 3 children
Chenczinski Moshe
Chmiel Abraham Jehoszua wife and 2 children
Chmiel Chaja Yehudit, husband and child
Chmiel Itcze Hersz his wife and children
Chmiel Itczele
Chmiel Majncze
Chmiel Moshe
Chmiel Rojze
Chmiel Szaja Eyzik
Cwejghaft Golda
Cwejghaft Gutman
Cwejghaft Hana
Cwejghaft Meir
Cwejghaft Moshe Dawid
Cwejghaft Szmuel Lajb
Daicz Abram Chaim
Daicz Abram Icchak
Daicz Aron Eliezer
Daicz Baruch
Daicz Bluma
Daicz Bracha
Daicz Brajne Machle
Daicz Cirel Channa
Daicz Cirel Ryfka
Daicz Ester
Daicz Fajwel
Daicz Gerszon
Daicz Golda
Daicz Hirsz Tuwia snd his wife
Daicz Hynda Chajca
Daicz Icchak
Daicz Icchak Jakob
Daicz Israel
Daicz Israel Gdalya
Daicz Jakob
Daicz Lajb Jakob
Daicz Lea
Daicz Machil, Rabbi
Daicz Mindel Lea
Daicz Nachman and his wife
Daicz Natan
Daicz Rachel
Daicz Ryfka and her child
Daicz Sara
Daicz Sara daughter of Szmuel Grosman
Daicz Sinai
Daicz Szajna Miriam and her 2 children
Daicz Szajne Fajga
Daicz Szajne Sara
Daicz Szmuel
Daicz Sznajdel
Daicz Yachet
Daicz Yehudit
Daicz Yosef
Daicz Yudel his wife and 2 children
Dancyger Elka and her daughter
Dancyger Isreal his wife and 2 children
Dancyger Szymon his wife and 2 children
Diam and Chaja and her 2 children
Diamand Cipa and her 2 children
Diamand Icchak and his wife and children
Diamand Jakob Ber and his wife
Diamand Mirel her husband and children
Diamand Moshe Lajb
Diamand Nachman his wife and daughter
Diam and Yosef (Yosecek)
Diamand Yosel son of Hersz Baruch, his wife Canna and their children
Diner Blumtcze and her 2 children
Diner Chaim
Diner Jankel one son and 2 daughters
Dreksler Chaim Mordechai his wife and 3 children
Dreksler Dawid his wife and 2 children
Dreksler Herszel
Dreksler Mendel Meir his wife and 2 children
Dreksler Moshe Jecheskel his wife and 2 children
Dreksler Szlomo and 2 daughters
Dreksler Welwek and his wife
Drobner Meir
Drobner Sara, a daughter and her husband with 2 children
Dzrzedzszic Golda
Dzrzedzszic Hersz Lajb
Dzrzedzszic Rafel Mordechai
Dzrzedzszic Sara
Dzrzedzszic Simcha
Dzrzedzszic Szlomo
Elbojm Chaja
Elbojm Dwojra
Elbojm Hana
Elbojm Mordechai
Elbojm Moshe
Elbojm Rachel
Elbojm Sara
Elsner Abraham Icchak
Elsner Chaja
Elsner Dwojra Jascha
Elsner Juda
Elsner Mindel
Felz Ester Cypora
Felz Jakob Jehuda
Felz Kalman
Felz Szajndel
Ferszt Ajzik
Ferszt Baruch
Ferszt Chaja
Ferszt Haimel
Ferszt Meir Yosel and 2 daughters
Ferszt Mendil and his wife
Ferszt Racze and her sons
Ferszt Szimon
Finkelsztejn Dawid
Finkelsztejn Haim Rafal
Finkelsztejn Hana
Finkelsztejn Mechel his wife and 2 children
Finkelsztejn Miriam Cwia
Fiszbejn Hinde
Fiszbejn Itcze Meir
Fiszbejn Nute Noach and his wife
Flam Aszer
Flam Chaja
Flam Etie
Flam Hajke
Flam Hana Ryfka
Flam Hersz Jakob
Flam Herszel his wife and children
Flam Mordechai Mendel his wife and children
Flam Szmuel Natan
Flam Yochewet
Fliderblum Hudes Nene her husband Zajnwel and a sister
Fliderblum Szmuel and his wife
Flum Shmuel Nusn
Flum Wolf
Friedman Abraham
Friedman Ajdel
Friedman Czarne
Friedman Gittel
Friedman Herszel and his wife
Friedman Jehoszua
Friedman Lea
Friedman Malka
Friedman Shlomo
Friedman Yecheskel his wife and children
Fuks Ajzik
Fuks Moshe his wife and 5 children
Fuks Taube
Galek Chana Miriam
Galek Jancze his wife and children
Galek Lajzer
Gerszt Ryfka
Gerszt Yosel
Gezundhejt Jokil
Gezundhejt Sara and children
Gilari Malka and her children
Gilari Moshe Abram
Glasznik Bejle
Glasznik Chaja Citel
Glasznik Ester Hunde
Glasznik Fojgel
Glasznik Hirsz Yoske
Glasznik Race
Glasznik Ryfka
Gmach Aba Meir his wife and children
Gmach Alte Chaja
Gmach Ester
Gmach Gdealya
Gmach Jacob
Gmach Lajbusz
Gmach Markus
Gmach Melech
Gmach Miriam Rajzel and her children
Gmach Zyssa and his daughter
Gold Moshe Tuwia and his wife
Goldberg Abram and his wife
Goldberg Chana Brejna and her 3 children
Goldberg Dwora
Goldberg Ester Jachet and her 2 children
Goldberg Fajge
Goldberg Fiszel
Goldberg Henje
Goldberg Itcze Meir
Goldberg Jecheskel
Goldberg Mendil his wife and children
Goldberg Moshe
Goldberg Ozer Meir
Goldman Arie
Goldman Bejle
Goldman Chaja Feiga
Goldman Chana Ciril
Goldman Hajnech
Goldman Israel
Goldman Jakob Moshe
Goldman Jente and her 2 daughters
Goldman Jona his wife and child
Goldman Lea
Goldman Lea her husband and their children
Goldman Moshe Dawid
Goldman Natan
Goldman Sara
Goldman Szimon
Goldman Szlomo
Goldman Tuwia
Goldstein Beril and his wife Jehudit
Golewski Lajbel
Golewski Sara and her children
Gorman Herszel
Gorman Moshe Jacob (Gricer) his wife and daughter
Gorman Szmuel
Gotfarb Hendil and his children
Gotfarb Juda Lajb
Gotfarb Mindel
Gotfarb Sznajdel
Gotfarb Tojbe
Gotsztat Slowa
Grosdarf Ezra
Grosdarf Herszel
Grosdarf Jacob his wife and daughter
Grosdarf Menasze his wife and 3 children
Grosdarf Ryfka
Grosman Abram Hirsz and his wife
Grosman Aron and a child
Grosman Ber
Grosman Chaim
Grosman Chaim Icchak his wife and 3 children
Grosman Dwora
Grosman Hinda ryfka
Grosman Icchak
Grosman Icchak Mordechai
Grosman Machil his wife and 3 children
Grosman Masze and her husband
Grosman Menachel and his wife
Grosman Menasze his wife and 4 children
Grosman Nache
Grosman Nachele
Grosman Rafel Kalman
Grosman Sara
Grosman Szajne Judith and her husband Pinchas
Grosman Szmuel
Grosman Sznajdel
Grundwald Aba his wife and 2 children
Grundwald Abrahamke his wife and 2 children
Grundwald Dawid his wife and child
Grundwald Efraiim his wife and 3 children
Grundwald Moshe
Grundwald Pessie and her daughter
Grundwald Szlomo Zalman
Grynbaum Ester her parents, her daughter and her husband Abraham Hirsz and their 3 children
Grynbaum Fiszel
Grynbaum Icchak and his daughter
Grynbaum Israel Icchak his wife and child
Grynbaum Jankel
Grynbaum Mendel
Grynbaum Sara
Grynbaum Shalom and his wife
Grynbaum Szifra Malie and her 2 daughters
Gryner Jankel his wife and child
Grziwacz Abram his wife and children
Gurfinkel Bejle
Gurfinkel Bejle
Gurfinkel Cesza
Gurfinkel Chaja
Gurfinkel Chaja Rojse
Gurfinkel Dwora
Gurfinkel Fella
Gurfinkel Frajdel
Gurfinkel Jacob Wolf
Gurfinkel Jacok Wolf his wife and child
Gurfinkel Jona
Gurfinkel Jsser his wife and children
Gurfinkel Meir (moehl) his wife and children
Gurfinkel Meir Machil
Gurfinkel Mendel
Gurfinkel Moshe
Gurfinkel Sara
Gurfinkel Szlomo
Gurfinkel Yehoshua his wife and 3 children
Gurfinkel Yosel
Gutgold Alter
Gutgold Blima Lea and her daughters
Hamburger Abram Yosef
Hamburger Dwora
Hamburger Szymon
Hecht Abram Hersz
Hecht Chana Chaja and her children
Helerman Abram and his 2 daughters
Helerman Azriel and his children
Helerman Bracha
Helerman Israel
Helmer Henech his wife and children
Herman Israel his wife and children
Hochbaum Golda
Hochbaum Jakob
Hochbaum Machel
Hochbaum Szmulek
Holcdorf Aron
Holcdorf Cipa
Holcdorf Rajzel and a child
Holcdorf Ryfka
Holcdorf Sara Hinda
Holender Aron Zelig
Holender Bynem
Holender Chaim
Holender Chana
Holender Chana Lea
Holender Cjwia
Holender Dwora
Holender Dwora (Gmach)
Holender Frajda
Holender Icchak
Holender Icchak Jakob
Holender Israel his wife and a child
Holender Israelek
Holender Itcze
Holender Itta
Holender Itta and a child
Holender Jakob his wife and 3 children
Holender Jente
Holender Lea
Holender Mendel
Holender Mindel
Holender Miriam
Holender Moshe (Rakower)
Holender Moshe Mordechai
Holender Moshe Wolf his wife and a child
Holender Rafel Yosef and his wife
Holender Rozszka
Holender Szmuel Mordechai his wife and a child
Holender Szyfra and her 3 daughters
Holender Toybe
Holender Yosel his wife and 4 children
Homan Lajbel
Homan Moshe his wife and a daughter
Hot Dobra and her children
Hot Herszel
Hozman Aron his wife and 2 children
Jakubowicz Abraham
Jakubowicz Hana
Jakubowicz Moshe Jakob
Jakubowicz Shajndel
Jawecz Avramcze
Jawecz Chawa Laja
Jawecz three daughters
Jelen Manie (Weingart)
Jelen, bank bookeeper
Jentes Abraham
Jentes Chaja
Jentes Ische
Jentes Meir
Jentes Moshe and wife
Jentes Perl
Jentes Sara
Jentes Wolf, wife and children
Joelson Herszel
Jzraelewicz Abraham, Cantor, and his wife
Jzraelewicz Chaja
Jzraelewicz Chancze
Jzraelewicz Hana Jsche
Jzraelewicz Hinda Laja
Jzraelewicz Icchak
Jzraelewicz Jakob Meyer
Jzraelewicz Nussen
Jzraelewicz Szaulke
Jzraelewicz Tuwia
Jzraelewicz Zecharja
Kac Chajke and her children
Kac Chawa
Kac Freyde
Kac Hencze
Kac Jehoszua and his wife
Kac Szmuel
Kadecki Golda
Kadecki Jehoszua
Kadecki Jochewet
Kadecki Lajbel and his wife
Kalwariski Abraham
Kalwariski Frymet
Kalwariski Hene and her children
Kalwariski Joel
Kalwariski Lajbel
Kalwariski Lea and her children
Kalwariski Rafal Yosef
Kalwariski Tauba
Karp Herszel
Karp Itcze his wife and children
Karp Itzhak his wife and children
Karp Moshe and his wife
Karp Wolf
Kejzman Ester
Kejzman Gitel and her children
Kejzman Josef and his children
Kejzman Lajbisz
Kejzman Sara
Kejzman Symcha
Kirszenbaum Herszel
Kirszenbaum Hinda Chaja and her children
Kirszenbaum Hodes
Kirszenbaum Iczyk
Kirszenbaum Malka
Kirszenbaum Meir and his wife
Kirszenbaum Nachman
Kirszenbaum Symcha, Rabbi
Kirszenbaum Zelig his wife and children
Kirszteyn Itte
Kirszteyn Mendel
Klein Bracha
Klein Etta Rojze
Klein Itcze
Klein Jakob
Klein Juda Luzer
Klein Rita
Klein Yosel
Klejnbart Itte and her child
Klejnbart Szmuel Dawid
Klejnbart Yehonatan
Klejnman Abraham
Klejnman Abraham Icchak, Rabbi, wife and children
Klejnman Aharon Luzer
Klejnman Bajla
Klejnman Chaim Gedalia his wife and children
Klejnman Chaja Debra
Klejnman Chajka
Klejnman Channa
Klejnman Cywia
Klejnman Ester Channa
Klejnman Ester Hogre
Klejnman Jakob Mordechai
Klejnman Kalman his wife and children
Klejnman Meir
Klejnman Melech
Klejnman Moshe Mendel his wife and children
Klejnman Rajzel
Klejnman Sara Bejla
Klejnman Yehuda Hersz and 2 daughters
Knaster Elchanan his wife and children
Kohen Becalel
Kohen Bejle
Kohen Chaja Eydil daughter of Lejbel Menyes and her husband Israel, her daughter Chana Malka
Kohen Chana Malka
Kohen Henech
Kohen Lejbel
Kohen Lejbel
Kohen Noach
Kohen Rabbi Yerechmiel Dawid
Kohen Rachel Laja
Kohen Ryfka Peseles
Kohen Sara Nena
Kohen Szejndel
Kohen Yachet
Kohn Bina
Kohn Chana Lea and her children
Kohn Ester and her children
Kohn Ester Jachet and a son
Kohn Eydil and a child
Kohn Fyszel and his wife
Kohn Fyszel Machil
Kohn Henech
Kohn Icchak Jakob his wife and six children
Kohn Jechiel Moshe
Kohn Meir
Kohn Menachem
Kohn Mordechai
Kohn Moshe Lejb
Kohn Nene
Kohn Rajzel
Kohn Ruwen his wife and children
Kohn Sala
Kohn Sara and her sons
Kohn Szmuel Lajb
Kohn Yosel
Kopenhagen Adasz
Kopenhagen Blume and her children
Kopenhagen Jakob
Kopenhagen Lajbel
Kopenhagen Malka
Kopenhagen Masze
Kostas Chaim Simcha and a sister
Kostas Jehoszua his wife and children
Kostas Lajbel his wife and children
Kostas Pinchas his wife and 2 daughters
Koszik Abram Icchak
Koszik Estert Jachet her husband and children
Koszik Hanna Necha
Koszik Hodes
Koszik Lajbesz
Koszik Neta
Koszik Rachel Lea her husband and children
Kowalski Lerer his wife (Sznajderowna)
Kozak Icchak his wife and children
Kramazsz Luzer and his wife
Kronenberg Herszke
Kronenberg Jankel
Kronenberg Sinai Meir
Kronenberg Wytel
Krongrad Abram Meir
Krongrad Abram Meir
Krongrad Channa
Krongrad Efraim Fyszel
Krongrad Eydel her husband Zysze and a child
Krongrad Icchak
Krongrad Jtte
Krongrad Menachem
Krongrad Raszka
Krongrad Raszka
Krongrad Sara
Krongrad Szlomo Lajb
Krongrad Zysze
Kroy Baruch and daughter
Kroy Joel Lipe his wife and children
Kroy Lea
Kroy Moshe
Kroy Mota
Kruk Chanch
Kruk Cypora
Kruk Gitele
Kruk Icchak his wife and a child
Kruk Jecheskel his wife and a child
Kruk Jehoszua
Kruk Jente
Kruk Machel his wife and a child
Kruk Szlomo
Kruk Szmuel Lajb
Krzeczanowski Abraham
Krzeczanowski Szyfra
Kuperman Beyle
Kuperman Fajger Myrel
Kuperman Moshe
Kuperman Myndel
Kuperman Rojzszke
Kuperman Sala
Kwaszne Abram
Kwaszne Fajga Myrel
Lawenczki Dwojra
Lawenczki Gittel
Lawenczki Hana Fejga
Lawenczki Icchak
Lawenczki Josef
Lawenczki Mindel
Lawenczki Reuwen Haim
Lawenczki Szajndel
Lawenczki Szlomo Juda
Lawenczki Toybe
Lawenczki Yekutiel
Lewin Abraham
Lewin Abraham
Lewin Abraham
Lewin Fayga Lea
Lewin Fayga Lea
Lewin Fyszel
Lewin Haim
Lewin Hana Ryfka
Lewin Hana and her child
Lewin Hannania
Lewin Henje
Lewin Hillel wife and child
Lewin Hinde Pesie
Lewin Manele
Lewin Masze
Lewin Miriam
Lewin Moshe
Lewin Moshe Yechiel
Lewin Pinchas
Lewin Ryfka
Lewin Sara Lea and her 7 children
Lewin Szejndel
Lewin Toybe
Lewin Wolf
Lewin Yoske and wife
Lewin Zelda
Lewin Lea
Lewin Yona (Yontcze)
Lichtensztein Abraham and daughter
Lichtensztein Abraham Haim
Lichtensztein Aszer
Lichtensztein Chancze
Lichtensztein Chawa
Lichtensztein Cipora
Lichtensztein Ester Yachet
Lichtensztein Fajwel his wife and a son
Lichtensztein Fajwel Meir
Lichtensztein Haim
Lichtensztein Haim Aron
Lichtensztein Herszel
Lichtensztein Kajle
Lichtensztein Kajle
Lichtensztein Lea
Lichtensztein Machel
Lichtensztein Machel, wife and children
Lichtensztein Mindel and her three daughters
Lichtensztein Nache and daughter
Lichtensztein Perec
Lichtensztein Racze
Lichtensztein Rafal Jonas
Lichtensztein Rojze
Lichtensztein Szewa
Lichtensztein Szmuel Hersz
Lichtensztein Szmuel Mendel wife and children
Lichtensztein Szmuel Yosel
Lichtensztein Toybe
Lichtensztein Yehoszua
Lipman Abraham
Lipman Beyla Malka (mother of Dawid)
Lipman Manie
Lipman Rachel
Lipman Szashe
Lipsker Abraham
Lipsker Beyla
Lipsker Beyla Mindel
Lipsker Blume
Lipsker Chaja
Lipsker Herszel
Lipsker Itcze Dawid
Lipsker Kalman his wife with 4 children
Lipsker Manie and a child
Lipsker Moshe
Lipsker Rayzel and her mother
Lipsker Sara Miriam
Lisser Awigdor
Lisser Gutcze
Lisser Hana
Lisser Herszel
Lisser Itcze, his wife with two children
Lisser Jakob
Lisser Jecheskel
Lisser Jeudit
Lisser Mordechai
Lisser Szmuel Moshe his mother in law Malka Royt and 2 sisters
Litman Feyga
Litman Nache
Litman Rachel Lea
Litman Yankel
Litman Yosel
Lubas Icchak, wife and children
Lubas Moshe
Lubas Szewa
Lubin Fejge
Lubin, Teacher of Righteousness, Rabbi Dawid Cwi
Markus Chaja
Markus Henye
Markus Szaul
Markus Szimon
Markus Yehoshua
Maskal Morris
Meirsdorf Arie Mordechai
Meirsdorf Chana Itte
Meirsdorf Chawa Rrachel
Meirsdorf Dawid Herszel
Meirsdorf Ester
Meirsdorf Tirza
Meyzel Malka and her child
Meyzel Moshe
Moskal Chaja
Naszelski Cipe
Naszelski Daniel
Naszelski David Meir
Naszelski Efraim
Naszelski Feige
Naszelski Frymet
Naszelski Icchak and his wife
Naszelski Joel
Naszelski Joel his wife and children
Naszelski Lipe
Naszelski Mendil and his wife
Naszelski Mindel
Naszelski Reuven his wife and 4 daughters
Naszelski Sara
Natan Cirel Ryfka
Natan Hinde
Natan Jachet
Natan Libe Nache
Natan Pinchas
Natan Ryfka Lea and her husband Moshe
Natan Szmuel
Natan Zecharya
Nejman Alter
Nejman Efrat
Nejman Ester Hunde
Nejman Hana
Nejman Hana Peril
Nejman Nache
Nejman Pessie
Nejman Pinie
Nejman Szejndel
Nejman Taube
Paczecha Fejge
Paczecha Gitel
Paczecha Hanan
Paczecha Pesie and 2 daughters
Papier Ester
Papier Hana
Papier Natan
Papier Shlomo Yosil
Papier Taube
Pasternak Beinisz
Pasternak Cesza
Pasternak Fradel
Pasternak Jankel
Pasternak Lajzer
Pasternak Ryfka
Pasternak Yoel
Popowski Arie
Popowski Baruch Ezriel
Popowski Eliahu
Popowski Sara
Popowski Yosel Dawid
Popowski Zeev
Prager his wife and children
Prawda Blima
Prawda Fajwel
Prawda Herszel his wife and children
Prawda Szmuel
Prusak Azriel
Prusak Bajle
Prusak Bajle
Prusak Chaja
Prusak Chaja Malka
Prusak Dwora
Prusak Fajge
Prusak Frajde
Prusak Frajdel Rjsze and their children
Prusak Herszil his wife and a child
Prusak Itcze (Lajzszerak) his wife and their children
Prusak Jakob
Prusak Jehoszua
Prusak Libe
Prusak Masze
Prusak Moshe
Prusak Pesach
Prusak Pinchas
Prusak Rachel
Prusak Rajszje
Prusak Ryfka and her husband Shlomo Cohen
Prusak Sara her husband Lajbel Cohen and their child Aba
Prusak Szajne Ryfka and her children
Prusak Szalom
Prusak Szmuel
Prusak Szmuel Lajb
Prusak Tuwia Dawid
Prusak Yehudit
Prusak Yojnes
Prusak Yosef
Puterman Abraham his wife and children
Puterman Abram Baruch
Puterman Baruch Mordechai
Puterman Bejla and her children
Puterman Blime
Puterman Brajne
Puterman Czarne
Puterman Ester
Puterman Ester Frejda and her 3 children
Puterman Ester Jachet and a child
Puterman Frajde Itte
Puterman Haim
Puterman Haim Ber
Puterman Hana
Puterman Hendl
Puterman Hersz Lajb
Puterman Herszel
Puterman Herszel, Ratman and his wife, Julsons' daughter
Puterman Hinde
Puterman Hinde and a daughter
Puterman Icchak
Puterman Israel
Puterman Jachet
Puterman Jakob
Puterman Jakob (Mark) his wife and a son
Puterman Jehoszua
Puterman Kaufman
Puterman Lajbel
Puterman Lea and 3 children
Puterman Malka
Puterman Malka Itte
Puterman Moshe
Puterman Moshe
Puterman Natan
Puterman Perel
Puterman Polcze and two daughters
Puterman Sara
Puterman Sara Bejla
Puterman Simcha
Puterman Simcha his wife and children
Puterman Tuvia
Puterman Wolf
Puterman Yehudit
Puterman Zajnwel
Puterman Zalman
Puterman Zecharia
Rajchman Abraham Yosef and his wife
Rajchman Efraim
Rajchman Fajga and her children
Rajchman Fyszel
Rajchman Hersz Jakob
Rajchman Libe
Rajchman Raca and her children
Rajchman Szmuel Moshe
Rok Aba
Rok Berl
Rok Dwora
Rok Perl Rok Liba
Rok Szajna Hynde
Rok Szalom
Rok Zecharia
Rotbard Binyamin
Rotbard Czerna
Rotbard Dawid
Rotbard Hynda Chaja and her daughters
Rotbard Lea
Rotbard Nachman
Rotbard Szymon
Rotszteyn Adas
Rotszteyn Icchak
Rotszteyn Nastie
Rozen Abraham
Rozen Herszel and his wife
Rozen Kejle and her children
Rozen Malie and her children
Rozen Meir
Rozen Szmuel
Rozenberg Alta
Rozenberg Dwora
Rozenberg Ester
Rozenberg Godel and his wife
Rozenberg Haim
Rozenberg Henich
Rozenberg Jankel
Rozenberg Mordechai and his wife
Rozenberg Moshe
Rozenberg Perl
Rozenberg Rachel Lea
Rozenberg Symcha and his wife
Rozenberg Szaul
Rozenblum Alte
Rozenblum Fajge
Rozenblum Rachel
Rozenblum Szlomo Joel
Rozenblum Taube
Rozenfeld Abraham
Rozenfeld Abraham Jakob
Rozenfeld Aharon
Rozenfeld Baruch
Rozenfeld Bejle
Rozenfeld Chaja and her children
Rozenfeld Cipa and her 3 children
Rozenfeld Cirel Channa
Rozenfeld Dawid Hirsz
Rozenfeld Fajge Lea her husband and 4 children
Rozenfeld Fajge Rachel and her 2 children
Rozenfeld Hene
Rozenfeld Hugra her husband and 3 daughters
Rozenfeld Israel
Rozenfeld Jakob
Rozenfeld Kajle
Rozenfeld Lea
Rozenfeld Miriam Basze
Rozenfeld Moshe Melech
Rozenfeld Moshe Mordechai
Rozenfeld Pessach
Rozenfeld Sara
Rozenfeld Sara her husband and a child
Rozenfeld Szaul
Rozenfeld Szmuel
Rozenfeld Taube
Rozenfeld Tuvia
Rura Becalel
Rura Binyamin
Rura Chaja
Rura Ester Ryfka
Rura Jerucham
Rura Micael
Rura Mordechai
Rura Natan Meir, Rabbi
Rura Nechama
Rura Reuwen
Rura Sara
Rura Symcha
Rura Szmuel Lajb
Rusak Abraham Icchak
Rusak Bina
Rusak Icchak
Rusak Motyl and her 2 daughters
Rusak Rachel
Rusak Ryfka
Rusak Szmuel Mordechai
Saliman Josel and his wife
Saliman Sara
Sapier Ciwia
Sapier Jehudit
Sapiersztejn Ester
Sapiersztejn Moshe and his wife
Sapiersztejn Szmuel Juda
Saraniak Fawisz
Saraniak Hana Szifra
Saraniak Mordechai
Sczwarc Berl
Sczwarc Frajde
Sczwarc Golda
Sczwarc Heszka
Sczwarc Jachle
Sczwarc Jakob Arie
Sczwarc Jecheskel
Sczwarc Myndel
Sczwarcberg Channa Liba and her husband Moshe Lodemacher and their children
Sendrowicz Laibl
Sendrowicz Flum Chava
Sendrowicz Shmuel Nusn
Sendrowicz Berl
Sokolow Jehoszua
Sokolow Rachel and her 2 children
Spiwak Dwora and her husband
Spiwak Lajbel
Spiwak Mordechai his wife and children
Spiwak Rabbi Naftali, the illustrious Rabbi, blessed be the memory of the Zadik
Spiwak Sara and her husband
Stein Bejle and her children
Stein Jankel
Stein Lea
Stern Azriel his wife and chilrden
Stern Channa Sara and her son
Stern Cypora
Stern Judel
Stern Mathys
Stern Pinchas
Stern Sara and her 2 daughters
Stern Sara Jente
Szajer Chaja
Szajer Jente
Szajer Natan
Szajer Sara Ryfka
Szajer Szmuel Zajnwel
Szajer Szyfra
Szajer Tircia
Szajnblum Bejla
Szajnblum Hersz Tuwia
Szajnblum Jankel
Szajnblum Lea tesza
Szajnblum Mathys (Matatyahu)
Szajnblum Nache
Szajnblum Pinchas
Szajnblum Szajndel and her 2 children
Szajnbojm Judel
Szajnbojm Rachel
Szajnman (Meshulam) Szylem his wife and children
Szajnman Alter his wife and children
Szajnman Jecheskel his wife and children
Szajnman Moshe his wife and children
Szczepa Gala and her children
Szczepa Lajbel
Szczepa Masza
Szczepa Moshe
Szczepa Moshe Dudel
Szczepa Ozer
Szczepa Rachel
Szczepa Sara Jente
Szenkman Abraham his wife and children
Szenkman Moshe his wife and children
Szimjenski Abraham
Szimjenski Chawa Rachel and her children
Szimjenski Czesa
Szimjenski Haim
Szimjenski Jascha
Szimjenski Jonas
Szimjenski Wolf
Szja Fradeles his wife and children
Szladow Dawid
Szladow Golda and her 4 children
Szladow Israel his wife and children
Szladow Jechiel Meir
Szladow Jente and her children
Szladow Malka
Szladow Mendel
Szladow Nachele and her daughter
Szladow Sara Jenta
Szladow Symcha
Szladow Symcha and his wife
Szladow Szmuel
Szladow Szymon and his wife and children
Szladow Wolf his wife and children
Szlosberg Abraham
Szlosberg Moshe Mendel
Szlosberg Naftali
Szlosberg Pessie
Szlosberg Rachel Lea
Szlosberg Szprynce
Szmidt Chaja
Szmidt Liba
Szmidt Yosel
Szneider Dwora
Szneider Herszel his wife and children
Szneider Yosef his wife and children
Szpianek Chaja
Szpianek Channa her man Szmuel Zylberberg
Szpianek Ester
Szpianek Hendel
Szpianek Moshe
Szpianek Rachel
Szpianek Sara and her husband Mendel
Szpianek Szmuel
Szpianek Yosef
Szpichler Etie
Szpichler Yosef Dawid
Szpigel Bajrech
Szpigel Frajda and her 2 children
Szpigel Jonas
Szpigel Tekil
Szumacher Rachel and her chilrden
Szumacher Szlomo
Szwarczbard Fradel
Szwarczbard Haim
Szwarczbard Icchak
Szwarczbard Lajbel
Szwarczbard Moshe Hersz
Szwarczbard Sara Miriam
Szwarczhar Elka and her 3 daughters
Szwarczhar Lajbel
Szwarczhar Malka
Szwarczhar Moshe his wife and children
Szwojczkowski Channa sara
Szwojczkowski Machl
Szwojczkowski Szlomo Joel and his wife
Szwojczkowski Yosel
Szwojrcz Dawid and his wife
Szwojrcz Henich his wife and children
Taub Abraham Meyer and his wife
Taub Brajna and children
Taub Channa, her husband and children
Taub Dinaleh and her little children
Taub Hersz Mendel and wife
Taub Icchak Leib
Taub Josef
Taub Mordechai and his wife
Taub Nache, her son and daughter
Taub Pessie
Taub Rachel
Taub Szmuel Machel
Taub Yochewet
Taubenfeld Ester Dina and children
Taubenfeld Moshe Melech
Taubenfeld Orian Fawisz
Tik Haim
Toter Jente
Toter Lajbel
Tryb Fajga
Tryb Gerszon
Tryb Hana
Tryb Hendl
Tryb Mordechai
Tryb Wolf
Wage Abram
Wage Joel
Wage Sara Jente and her children
Wage Szajndel and her 4 children
Wage Szmuel Dawid
Walfisz Aron and his wife Chawa
Walfisz Chaja
Walfisz Henia
Walfisz Hersz Chaim
Walfisz Moshe
Weicman Abram Kalman (Zak) and his wife and children
Weicman Berisz
Weicman Binyamin
Weicman Cirel Lea
Weicman Jona
Weicman Mendel
Weicman Rojze and her children
Weicman Ryfka
Weicman Szmuel Hersz and his wife and child
Wein Abram
Wein Chawa and her children
Weizenberg Baruch Dawid
Weizenberg Chaim Yosef
Weizenberg Fajge
Weizenberg Fajge Rachel
Weizenberg Lajbel
Wejngart Bejla
Wejngart Dwora
Wejngart Israel
Wejngart Lea
Wejngart Moshe
Wejngart Sala
Wejntraub Cipora and 2 children
Wejntraub Dawid
Wierzawinski Baruch Mordechai
Wierzawinski Bracha her husband Yosef and 2 children
Wierzawinski Chaim Moshe
Wierzawinski Chaja Frajda
Wierzawinski Chana Itta
Wierzawinski Eliezer Lipa and wife
Wierzawinski Ester Dwora and her husband Rafel
Wierzawinski Golda and children
Wierzawinski Haszke
Wierzawinski Jachet
Wierzawinski Motel
Wierzawinski Szmuel Yacob
Wierzawinski Yerchniel
Wierzawinski Yosef Dawid
Winter Jecheskel and wife
Winter Sara
Wjarnick Abram Chaim
Wjarnick Menachem
Wjarnick Pessa
Wjdawsky Abram Moshe, Dr.
Wjdawsky Sala and her little children
Wojcenwasz Dawid
Wojcenwasz Icchak
Wojcenwasz Itta
Wojcenwasz Jehoszua
Wojcenwasz Masza
Wojcenwasz Mendel his wife and children
Wojcenwasz Rewuen
Wolman Abram
Wolman Aron
Wolman Baruch (biomantcik) and his wife
Wolman Bejle
Wolman Berl and wife
Wolman Chil Meyer (Naftil) and his wife and 3 children
Wolman Dawid
Wolman Eidel
Wolman Jakob
Wolman Jankel and his wife and child
Wolman Mindel and her 3 children
Wolman Moshe
Wolman Szajndel and 2 daughters
Wolman Szmuel Lajzer and wife
Wolman Tyfka
Wolman Yehoszua
Wolman Yudit and her daughter
Zand Dwora
Zand Israel
Zand Jakob Dawid and wife
Zand Michael
Zand Natan
Zajanc Abram Machel
Zajanc Alter
Zajanc Aszer
Zajanc Blimka
Zajanc Dwora Beila
Zajanc Ester Lea
Zajanc Fajga
Zajanc Frajda and a child
Zajanc Gittel
Zajanc Hersz Noach
Zajanc Hinda
Zajanc Israel Mordechai and a son
Zajanc Jakob Lejb
Zajanc Jecheskel
Zajanc Lea
Zajanc Motel
Zajanc Oren Lajb
Zajanc Rachel
Zajanc Rafel
Zajanc Sara
Zajanc Szimon
Zajanc Yoske and 3 daughters
Zajde Chawa and her children
Zajde Meir his wife and children
Zajde Szmuel Jankel
Zajdel Malka and her 2 children
Zajdel Moshe
Zajfman Aron his wife and 2 children
Zalcberg Icchak his wife and children
Zalcberg Jakob Dawid and wife
Zalcberg Keile her husband and children
Zalcberg Sara
Zalcberg Zalman
Zambkowski Frajda and 5 children
Zambkowski Szmuel
Zawirucha Abram
Zawirucha Gdalia and his wife
Zawirucha Malka
Zawirucha Yochewet
Zemel Brajna Ryfka
Zemel Ester and a son
Zemel Ester Sara and 2 children
Zemel Jechiel
Zemel Joel
Zemel Lajbel his wife and children
Zemel Moshe his wife and children
Zemel Szlomo
Zilbersztejn Bracha her husband and children
Zilbersztejn Chaiim
Zilbersztejn Chaja
Zilbersztejn Efraiim
Zilbersztejn Frajda daughter of Sinai Meir
Zilbersztejn Itta
Zilbersztejn Lajzer
Zilbersztejn Moshe
Zilbersztejn Rachel
Zilbersztejn Ryfka
Zilbersztejn Sara
Zilbersztejn Szlomo
Zilbersztejn Szmuel Menasze
Zilbersztejn Yehudit
Zlotnik Abram (Zindlak) his wife and children
Zlotnik Abram his wife and 4 children
Zlotnik Abram Pinkus
Zlotnik Baruch Simcha his wife and children
Zlotnik Chaja
Zlotnik Dwora
Zlotnik Efraim his wife and 2 children
Zlotnik Ester
Zlotnik Haszke and children
Zlotnik Hersz Yosef
Zlotnik Izak Kalman
Zlotnik Kalman
Zlotnik Lajbel
Zlotnik Lea
Zlotnik Machel
Zlotnik Mania
Zlotnik Moshe his wife and 2 children
Zlotnik Ruchcze
Zlotnik Ryfka
Zlotnik Szimon (Zindlak) his wife and children
Zlotnik Szmuel Dawid
Zlotnik Wolf son of Lajbel
Zlotnik Wolf son of Meir Machil
Zlotnik Yankel
Zlotnik Yenkel
Zonabend Chana Miriam
Zonabend Dwora and her husband
Zonabend Golda
Zonabend Rafel Moshe
Zoyer Frajdel
Zychlin Berl
Zychlin Bluma
Zychlin Chana
Zychlin Cirel Lea
Zychlin Haim
Zychlin Hinda
Zychlin Hinda Chaja
Zychlin Itcze Jakob
Zychlin Moshe Machel
Zychlin Sara Lea
Zychlin Szmuel
Zylberbaum Channa
Zylberbaum Chawa
Zylberbaum Frajdel
Zylberbaum Frajdel
Zylberbaum Gittel
Zylberbaum Moshe Yosef
Zylberbaum Rachel and her husband Moshe Yelin
Zylberbaum Szimszon
Zylberbaum Zyssel
Zylberberg Chajka
Zylberberg Elie
Zylberberg Jecheskel
Zylberberg Miriam Lea
Zylberberg Moshe
Zylberberg Perl and 4 children
Translated by Ada Holtzman
a) Soldiers Who Fell in Action
Surname | Given Name | Father |
BUKI | Szmuel | Mosze |
HOLENDER | Szmuel | Gutman |
HECHT | Abraham | Jakob |
MANN (ZYCHLIN) | Cwi | Mosze Machl |
b) Deceased and Mentioned in the Remembrance Assemblies
Surname | Given Name | Father | Maiden name |
BLOSTEIN | Szlomo | Akiwa | |
CWAJGHAFT | Josef | Gutman Tuwia | |
HOCHBAUM | Iska | Cwi Meir | |
KRIMKA | Joel Dawid | Mosze | |
KUPERMAN | Cirel | Icchak Aharon | |
LAZENSKI | Jecheskel | Israel | |
LEWIN | Yosef | Pinchas Halevi | |
LIPMAN | Etta | Nachum | GOLDMAN |
MELINEK | Chawa | Icchak Cwi | |
PASTERNAK | Icchak | Joel | |
SEGAL | Szmuel Zajnwil | Mosze Yehuda Halevi | |
SEGAL | Miriam | Szmuel Zajnwil | |
SKRZYDLA | Jeszajah | Baruch Mordechai | |
SKRZYDLA | Drajzel | Rafael | |
SZULMAN | Jakob | Arie | |
SZWAJRC | Jehoszua | Chaim Icchak | |
TYK | Sara Lea | Szmuel Mosze | |
TYK | Chana Lea | Chaim | SNIR |
ZALCBERG | Chaja Sara | Icchak Eliezer | |
ZYCHLIN | Mosze Machl | Menachem Cwi Mann |
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