Book to the Martyrs of Wyszogrod

(Wyszogród, Poland)

52°23' / 20°12'

Translation of Wyszogrod, sefer zikaron le'kedoshei

Edited by: H. Rabin, former residents of Vishogrod

Published in Tel-Aviv, 1971


Project Coordinator

Ada Holtzman z”l

This is a translation from: Wyszogrod, sefer zikaron le'kedoshei; Wyszogrod, book to the martyrs of Wyszogrod,
ed. H. Rabin. Tel Aviv, former residents of Vishogrod, 1971 (H,Y,E, 316 pages).

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Submitted by Lois Jolson; Edited by Ada Holtzman
Vishogrod History, Description and Values
Jewish Vishogrod H. Rabin 3
Vishogrod, Town of “Schools” N. Sokolov 7
The Vishogrod Synagogue David Dawidowicz 9
I Remember Bella Gutman (Zawierucha) 12
A Purim-Day in Vishogrod Haim Aaron Grodsdorf 15
An episode (Related by David Lipman) Haim Aaron Grodsdorf 15
The Holocaust
I Fought Out My Life by Myself Yitshak Pasterniak 16
From the Diary Natan Daicz 20
With Mengele G. Zalcberg 24
The Manager of the Moscow Synagogue from Vishogrod A. Holender 28
Haim Joseph Holender of Blessed memory M. Zilbershtein 29
Dynasties and Personages in Vishogrod
The Lipman family N. Daicz 30
The Zilbershtein Dynasty N. Daicz 31
My Grandfather, R. Pinhas Levine of Blessed Memory H. Levine 33
Yoske Levine of Blessed Memory N. Daicz 35
The Last Rabbi of Vishogrod M. Walfish 37
Avraham Meir Krongrad of Blessed Memory P. Milineck 39
Liberation Movements
The Society of Vishogrod in America M. Zilbershtein 41
The “ Zionist Center” D. Lipman 42
Zionism in Vishogrod M. Zilbershtein 43
Beithar and the Youth Movements in Vishogrod H. Levine 46
The Cultural Condition in Vishogrod in 1906 G. Lichtenshtein 48


TOC translated by Ada Holtzman z”l

Association of the Wyszogrod Community in Israel (Foundation & Activities)   5
Gratitude of the Editor to the Wyszogrodians   6
Wyszogrod the Town (History and Values)
Wyszogrod Sources and in the Wyszogrod Book H. Rabin 9
Wyszogrod, Town of “ Batei Midrash“ Religious Schools N. Sokolov 14
Historical Review A. Pelz 16
The Wyszogrod Synagogue David Dawidowicz 17
Rabbis of Wyszogrod (collected by A. Pelz) N.Y. Deutsch 19
In the Storms of the Holocaust (Survivors' Testimonies)
List of the Deceased Before the Holocaust, as Submitted by the Relatives   22
Wyszogroders in the Ghettoes Natan Daicz 23
On the Way to the Gas Chambers Natan Daicz 32
Cruel also in Dying Natan Daicz 36
Remember, person of Wyszogrod Natan L. Daicz 39
A little boy in the days of horrors Abraham Icchak Popowski (the grandson of Chana Itta Knepelmacher) 40
Letters without addressee (to Fejgele) Herszel (Cwi) Noiman 47
With Mengele G. Zalcberg (Nejdet) 50
A Bar Mitzva boy fights for his survival Zecharia Prusak 55
Mauthhausen - Auschwitz - Berlin Z. Bilgoraj 58
Wandering with Wyszogroders Aron Iser Bilgoraj (Paris) 59
They do not leave also the dead in peace From A. Pelz 61
From the first days A. Pelz (from Neta Puterman) 62
Dynasties and Personages in Wyszogrod
The Life of Nahum Sokolov (parts from an article) Dates in N. Sokolov biography I. Grinboim 65
My Grandfather, R. Pinhas Levine of Blessed Memory H. Levine 68
R' Chaim Aharon Ferszt N. B. Rahim 70
R' Mosze Gurfinkel (R' Mosze Jakob Wolf's) H. Rabin 71
R' Pinchas Hodes's A. Pelz 72
R' Mosze Jakob Wolf's A. Pelz 73
Avraham Meir Krongrad of Blessed Memory P. Milineck 75
My father of blessed memory, in my memories and my brother Towa Krinka (Krongrad) 76
My father and my grandfather of blessed memory Abram Wizwieski 77
R' Ichel Gerszt P. Milineck 79
The Paths of Liberation
Beithar and the Youth Movements in Vishogrod H. Levine 83
“The Mizrachi” in Wyszogrod P. Milineck 85
“Agudat Israel” P. Milineck 86
The Movement of “ Tzeirei Agudat Israel” - List of Members in the 30s Natan Yehuda Ben Sinai 90
“Agudat Israel” A. Pelz 91
Our Dead in The State of Israel
The last from the Buki family (Szmuel who did not fear death)   95
Szlomo Blusztein (Among the first immigrants from Wyszogrod)
Szlomo Blustein (from the archive of Kfar Malal)
H. Levine 96
Mosze Michal Zychlin (Man) of blessed memory H. Levine 97
To the personality of Chanoch Blustein of blessed memory Y. Presman, lieutenant colonel - commander of the military police 98
Chanoch Blustein of blessed memory Born 1927 killed on Tishrei 20,1950 (19.10.1949) M. S. W. 98
Cwika Mann of blessed memory Dina 99
Collection (at the end of the book)
A wedding in Wyszogrod A. Pelz 101
A message from the editorial board   103
My Uncle S. Jolson Lois Jolson 104

TOC translated by Pamela Russ
Editor's Foreword 109
A Few Words for the Editor 110
Organization of ex-patriots of Wyszogrod (report) 111
Financial report from the council 114
Thank you to the editor 115
Wyszogrod the City (History, Description, Economy)
Jewish Wyszogrod Ch. Rabin 118
What I remember of Wyszogrod D. Lipman 123
With Wyszogrod in my heart Y. from Wyszogrod 124
My hometown Wyszogrod M. Wolman 126
Nature's beauty and creativity M. Walfish 128
Wyszogrod in another person's eyes Harav Reb Z.Eilenberg 130
Livelihoods in Wyszogrod N.L. Daicz 131
A fragment of Jewish reality R. Glatstein 135
Market and market days N.L. Daicz 137
Horror and Destruction (Survivors' Narratives)
Wyszogroders in the ghettoes N.L. Daicz 141
On the way to the death camps 153
Murder also by their own killing 160
Remember, a Jew from Wyszogrod N.L. Daicz 164
Notes from hell H. Neuman 165
With Wyszogroders in difficulty Y. Shlossberg 170
From ghetto to ghetto Ch. Futerman 174
I Fought Out My Life by Myself Y. Pasternak 175
One of many Tz. Fuks 179
Sixteen years in Nazi hands Z. Prusak 181
I left for Berlin Z. Bilgoraj 185
The invasion Ch. Levin 188
My last day in Wyszogrod G. Cohen-Dekelbaum 189
The beginning of the end M. Walfisz 190
It begins Z. Zawierucha-Gutman 191
My mother's last letter Z. Zawierucha-Gutman 193
From Christian to Christian E. Hollender 195
With Wyszogrod in the wanderings A.A. Bilgoraj 196
Sanctification of God's name, in Moscow E. Hollender 198
Personalities and Portraits
Harav Reb Naftali Szpivak M. Walfisz 201
With Nachum Sokolov M. Turkow 203
Gershon Epstein newspaper article 205
Yosef Yitzchak Epstein (Y. Monicz) Ch.R. 207
Yoske Levine of Blessed Memory N.L. Daicz 208
The Lipman family N.L. Daicz 210
The Zilbershtein dynasty N.L. Daicz 213
Everyone's friend A. Peltz 215
Reb Chaim Aaron (Kotzker) Fersht A. Peltz 217
Reb Lipa Wiezbinski A. Peltz 219
Family Grosman Ben Sinai Daicz 220
My encounters with M.M. Zhichlyn B. Gutman 221
A merchant businessman B. Zawierucha-Gutman 223
Avraham Walfisz (Fishele) R. Glatstein 224
Kalman Ogrodnik M. Walfish 226
In memory of the martyrs P. Krongrad 227
My parents Sh.A. Krongrad 229
The feather-woman and her grandchild Y. Hecht 231
Reb Moshe Yaakov Taub Deutch-Walfisz 232
Family memories Ch. Gemach 233
Faces from back home G. Cohen-Dekelbaum 235
Family Lichtenstein D. Lipman 236
Chaim Yosef (Herbert) Holender M. Zilbershtein 237
A representative group M. Walfisz 238
The teacher Biezhunski L. Szczofe 241
Yisroel Yeshiye Grosman D. Grosman-Israelski 242
Memories B. Kahn 242
Societies in Wyszogrod (Movements, Institutions, Activities)
Our Wyszogrod Committees 243
The great synagogue N.L. Ben Sinai 245
The study halls and the houses of prayer Ben Sinai Daicz 248
The Society of Vishogrod in America M. Zilbershtein 250
The Wyszogrod representatives in America 251
Our Wyszogroder in Argentina M. Ogradnik 252
Zionism in Vishogrod M. Zilbershtein 253
The “Merkaz Hatziyonim” [Zionist Center] D. Lipman 257
The Zionist youth in Wyszogrod A. Rotbart 258
Movements and goals M. Walfisz 259
120 years of workers N.L. Daicz 268
Dear youth mistakes A. Szczafe 273
Amshinov in Wyszogrod Sh. Weingart 275
Cheders, religious teachers, schoolteachers Nosson Leib-Mottel 275
The Cultural Condition in Vishogrod in 1906 G. Lichtenstein 279
A town of workers and small merchants Y. Kwaszne 280
Wyszogrod (Memories, Episodes, Folklore)
A town to remember H. Grosman 283
Memories of my hometown G. Cohen-Dekelbaum 284
I Remember B. Zawierucha-Gutman 285
Youth B. Gutman 287
From my old memories Sh. Weingart 289
Fishel Krongrad's yahrzeit Sh. Weingart 290
People's strength in Wyszogrod N.L. Daicz 291
Great Wyszogrod days A. Peltz 292
A Purim in Wyszogrod Ch.A. Grosdorf 296
From Wyszogrod folklore M. Walfisz 297
List of the Wyszogrod Martyrs 298
List of the Wyszogrod Deceased 314
Captions: Images from Wyszogrod
Lists from Yiddish part
     Mlodziszyn - Necrology
     Yeshivot Bucher
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