Book to the Martyrs of Wyszogrod

(Wyszogród, Poland)

52°23' / 20°12'

Translation of Wyszogrod, sefer zikaron le'kedoshei

Edited by: H. Rabin, former residents of Vishogrod

Published in Tel-Aviv, 1971


Project Coordinator

Ada Holtzman z”l

This is a translation from: Wyszogrod, sefer zikaron le'kedoshei; Wyszogrod, book to the martyrs of Wyszogrod,
ed. H. Rabin. Tel Aviv, former residents of Vishogrod, 1971 (H,Y,E, 316 pages).

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Submitted by Lois Jolson; Edited by Ada Holtzman
Vishogrod History, Description and Values
Jewish Vishogrod H. Rabin 3-6
Vishogrod, Town of “ Schools” N. Sokolov 7-9
The Vishogrod Synagogue David Dawidowicz 9-11
I Remember Bella Gutman (Zawierucha) 12-14
A Purim-Day in Vishogrod Haim Aaron Grodsdorf 15
An episode (Related by David Lipman) Haim Aaron Grodsdorf 15
The Holocaust
I Fought out my life by myself Yitshak Pasterniak 16-19
From the diary Natan Daicz 20-24
With Mengele G. Zalcberg 24-28
The manager of the Moscow synagogue from Vishogrod A. Holender 28-29
Haim Joseph Holender of Blessed memory M. Silbershtein 29
Dynasties and Personages in Vishogrod
The Lipman family N. Daicz 30-31
The Silbershtein dynasty N. Daicz 31-32
My grandfather, R. Pinhas Levine of Blessed Memory H. Levine 33-35
Yoske Levine of Belssed Memory N. Daicz 35-37
The Last Rabbi of Vishogrod M. Walfish 37-39
Avraham Meir Krongrad of Blessed Memory P. Milineck 39-40
Liberation Movements
The Society of Vishogrod in America M. Zilbershtein 41
The “ Zionist Center” D. Lipman 42
Zionism in Vishogrod M. Zilbershtein 43-45
Beithar and the Youth Movements in Vishogrod H. Levine 46-48
The cultural condition in Vishogrod in 1906 G. Lichtenshtein 48


Translated and edited by Ada Holtzman z”l

Association of the Wyszogrod Community in Israel
(Foundation & Activities)
Acknowledgment and a Message by the Editor   6
Wyszogrod the Town (History and Values)
Wyszogrod Sources and in the Wyszogrod Book
(History and Data)
      Notes and an Introduction
      The beginning of the settlement in Wyszogrod
      Economic Life and Professions
      Community, judging and organization
H. Rabin 9
Wyszogrod, Town of “ Batei Midrash“ Religious Schools
(from “ The Napoleon in the Ghetto”)
N. Sokolov 14
Historical review A. Pelz 16
The Wyszogrod Synagogue
(from: “ Synagogues in Poland and their Destruction”, Mosad Harav Kook and Yad Vashem, Jerusalem 1960)
David Dawidowicz 17
The Rabbis of Wyszogrod (collected by A. Pelz)
      R' Dudl Burstein
      In Warsaw (R' Naftali Spiwak)
      The Community
      The religious personnel
      Rabbi R' Aszer Kamac
      Rabbi R' Jakob Dawid Biderman
      Rabbi R' Jecheskel Biderman
      Rabbi R' Jakob Dawid Biderman
N. L. Daicz 19
In the Storms of the Holocaust (Survivors' Testimonies)
List of the Deceased Before the Holocaust, as Submitted by the Relatives   22
Wyszogroders in the Ghettoes
      1.9.1939 06:00
      A day after Yom Kippur
      November 1939
      Winter 1939 (the last session with the Rabbi of Wyszogrod)
      Kislev 20, 5700 (December 2nd, 1939)
      Eyar 8, 5700 (May 16th, 1940) - preparing the Ghetto
      Av 9, 5700 (August 13th, 1940)
      Eve of Yom Kippur 5701 (October 11th, 1940)

      The Ghetto in Wyszogrod
      Av 9, 5701 (August 2nd, 1941)

      Our Ghetto in Nowy Dwor
      Summer 1942
      Tuesday 26.10.1942
      Thursday 9.12.1942
      Saturday 11.12.1942
      Sunday 12.12.1942
      Monday 13.12.1942
Natan Daicz 23-31
On the Way to the Gas Chambers
      Monday 13.12.1942
      Wednesday 15.12.1942

      Buna Camp

      Again Birkenau
      Purim 1943

      The Latrine Group
Natan Daicz 32-36
Cruel also in Dying
Natan Daicz 36-38
Remember, person of Wyszogrod Natan L. Daicz 39
A little boy in the days of horrors
      Again in Wyszogrod
      In Czerwinsk
Abraham Icchak Popowski (the grandson of Chana Itta Knepelmacher) 40-47
Letters without addressee (to Fejgele)
      Slupia Nowa 10.4/41
      Thursday 6.3./41
      Slupia Nowa 12.4/41
      Wyszogrod June 1941
Herszel (Cwi) Noiman 47-49
With Mengele
      The monster Dr. Mengele
      How Jews were burnt
      The revolt of the Jews in Auschwitz - Birkenau
G. Zalcberg (Nejdet) 50-55
A Bar Mitzva boy fights for his survival
      Slupia Nowa
      Wyszogrod again
      In Nowy Dwor
      The last deportation
Zecharia Prusak 55-57
Mauthhausen - Auschwitz - Berlin Z. Bilgoraj 58-59
Wandering with Wyszogroders Aron Iser Bilgoraj (Paris) 59-61
They do not leave also the dead in peace From A. Pelz 61
From the first days A. Pelz (from Neta Puterman) 62
Dynasties and Personages in Wyszogrod
The Life of Nahum Sokolov (parts from an article) Dates in N. Sokolov biography I. Grinboim 65-67
My grandfather, R. Pinhas Levine of Blessed Memory H. Levine 68-69
R' Chaim Aharon Ferszt N. B. Rahim 70
R' Mosze Gurfinkel (R' Mosze Jakob Wolf's) H. Rabin 71-72
R' Pinchas Hodes's A. Pelz 72
R' Mosze Jakob Wolf's A. Pelz 73-74
Avraham Meir Krongrad of Blessed Memory P. Milineck 75-76
My father of blessed memory, in my memories and my brother Towa Krinka (Krongrad) 76-77
My father and my grandfather of blessed memory Abram Wizwieski 77-79
R' Ichel Gerszt P. Milineck 79
The Paths of Liberation
Beithar and the Youth Movements in Wyszogrod H. Levine 83-84
“The Mizrachi” in Wyszogrod P. Milineck 85
“Agudat Israel” P. Milineck 86-87
The Movement of “ Tzeirei Agudat Israel” - List of Members in the 30s Natan Yehuda Ben Sinai 90
“Agudat Israel” A. Pelz 91
Our Dead in The State of Israel
The last from the Buki family (Szmuel who did not fear death)   95
Szlomo Blusztein (Among the first immigrants from Wyszogrod)
Szlomo Blustein (from the archive of Kfar Malal)
H. Levine 96-97
Mosze Michal Zychlin (Man) of blessed memory H. Levine 97
To the personality of Chanoch Blustein of blessed memory Y. Presman, lieutenant colonel - commander of the military police 98
Chanoch Blustein of blessed memory Born 1927 killed on Tishrei 20,1950 (19.10.1949) M. S. W. 98
Cwika Mann of blessed memory Dina 99
Collection (at the end of the book)
A wedding in Wyszogrod A. Pelz 101-102
A message from the editorial board   103-104
My Uncle S. Jolson Lois Jolson 104
List of the Holocaust martyrs of the Jewish Community of Wyszogrod, Poland 1939 -1945   298
List of the Deceased after the Holocaust   314
A message from the editorial board   103-104
Captions: Images from Wyszogrod    
Lists from Yiddish part
     Mlodziszyn - Necrology
     Yeshivot Bucher
     Our Wyszogrod Committees

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