Submitted by Lois Jolson; Edited by Ada Holtzman |
Vishogrod History, Description and Values |
Jewish Vishogrod |
H. Rabin |
3 |
Vishogrod, Town of Schools |
N. Sokolov |
7 |
The Vishogrod Synagogue |
David Dawidowicz |
9 |
I Remember |
Bella Gutman (Zawierucha) |
12 |
A Purim-Day in Vishogrod |
Haim Aaron Grodsdorf |
15 |
An episode (Related by David Lipman) |
Haim Aaron Grodsdorf |
15 |
The Holocaust |
I Fought Out My Life by Myself |
Yitshak Pasterniak |
16 |
From the Diary |
Natan Daicz |
20 |
With Mengele |
G. Zalcberg |
24 |
The Manager of the Moscow Synagogue from Vishogrod |
A. Holender |
28 |
Haim Joseph Holender of Blessed memory |
M. Zilbershtein |
29 |
Dynasties and Personages in Vishogrod |
The Lipman family |
N. Daicz |
30 |
The Zilbershtein Dynasty |
N. Daicz |
31 |
My Grandfather, R. Pinhas Levine of Blessed Memory |
H. Levine |
33 |
Yoske Levine of Blessed Memory |
N. Daicz |
35 |
The Last Rabbi of Vishogrod |
M. Walfish |
37 |
Avraham Meir Krongrad of Blessed Memory |
P. Milineck |
39 |
Liberation Movements |
The Society of Vishogrod in America |
M. Zilbershtein |
41 |
The Zionist Center |
D. Lipman |
42 |
Zionism in Vishogrod |
M. Zilbershtein |
43 |
Beithar and the Youth Movements in Vishogrod |
H. Levine |
46 |
The Cultural Condition in Vishogrod in 1906 |
G. Lichtenshtein |
48 |
TOC translated by Ada Holtzman zl |
Association of the Wyszogrod Community in Israel (Foundation & Activities) |
5 |
Gratitude of the Editor to the Wyszogrodians |
6 |
Wyszogrod the Town (History and Values) |
Wyszogrod Sources and in the Wyszogrod Book |
H. Rabin |
9 |
Wyszogrod, Town of Batei Midrash Religious Schools |
N. Sokolov |
14 |
Historical Review |
A. Pelz |
16 |
The Wyszogrod Synagogue
David Dawidowicz |
17 |
Rabbis of Wyszogrod (collected by A. Pelz) |
N.Y. Deutsch |
19 |
In the Storms of the Holocaust (Survivors' Testimonies) |
List of the Deceased Before the Holocaust, as
Submitted by the Relatives |
22 |
Wyszogroders in the Ghettoes |
Natan Daicz |
23 |
On the Way to the Gas Chambers |
Natan Daicz |
32 |
Cruel also in Dying |
Natan Daicz |
36 |
Remember, person of Wyszogrod |
Natan L. Daicz |
39 |
A little boy in the days of horrors |
Abraham Icchak Popowski (the grandson of Chana Itta Knepelmacher) |
40 |
Letters without addressee (to Fejgele) |
Herszel (Cwi) Noiman |
47 |
With Mengele |
G. Zalcberg (Nejdet) |
50 |
A Bar Mitzva boy fights for his survival |
Zecharia Prusak |
55 |
Mauthhausen - Auschwitz - Berlin |
Z. Bilgoraj |
58 |
Wandering with Wyszogroders |
Aron Iser Bilgoraj (Paris) |
59 |
They do not leave also the dead in peace |
From A. Pelz |
61 |
From the first days |
A. Pelz (from Neta Puterman) |
62 |
Dynasties and Personages in Wyszogrod |
The Life of Nahum Sokolov (parts from an article) Dates in N. Sokolov biography |
I. Grinboim |
65 |
My Grandfather, R. Pinhas Levine of Blessed Memory |
H. Levine |
68 |
R' Chaim Aharon Ferszt |
N. B. Rahim |
70 |
R' Mosze Gurfinkel (R' Mosze Jakob Wolf's) |
H. Rabin |
71 |
R' Pinchas Hodes's |
A. Pelz |
72 |
R' Mosze Jakob Wolf's |
A. Pelz |
73 |
Avraham Meir Krongrad of Blessed Memory |
P. Milineck |
75 |
My father of blessed memory, in my memories and my brother |
Towa Krinka (Krongrad) |
76 |
My father and my grandfather of blessed memory |
Abram Wizwieski |
77 |
R' Ichel Gerszt |
P. Milineck |
79 |
The Paths of Liberation |
Beithar and the Youth Movements in Vishogrod |
H. Levine |
83 |
The Mizrachi in Wyszogrod |
P. Milineck |
85 |
Agudat Israel |
P. Milineck |
86 |
The Movement of Tzeirei Agudat Israel - List
of Members in the 30s |
Natan Yehuda Ben Sinai |
90 |
Agudat Israel |
A. Pelz |
91 |
Our Dead in The State of Israel |
The last from the Buki family (Szmuel who did not fear death) |
95 |
Szlomo Blusztein (Among the first immigrants from Wyszogrod)
Szlomo Blustein (from the archive of Kfar Malal) |
H. Levine |
96 |
Mosze Michal Zychlin (Man) of blessed memory |
H. Levine |
97 |
To the personality of Chanoch Blustein of blessed memory |
Y. Presman, lieutenant colonel - commander of the military police |
98 |
Chanoch Blustein of blessed memory Born 1927 killed on Tishrei 20,1950 (19.10.1949) |
M. S. W. |
98 |
Cwika Mann of blessed memory |
Dina |
99 |
Collection (at the end of the book) |
A wedding in Wyszogrod |
A. Pelz |
101 |
A message from the editorial board |
103 |
My Uncle S. Jolson |
Lois Jolson |
104 |
TOC translated by Pamela Russ |
Editor's Foreword |
109 |
A Few Words for the Editor |
110 |
Organization of ex-patriots of Wyszogrod (report) |
111 |
Financial report from the council |
114 |
Thank you to the editor |
115 |
Wyszogrod the City (History, Description, Economy)
Jewish Wyszogrod |
Ch. Rabin |
118 |
What I remember of Wyszogrod |
D. Lipman |
123 |
With Wyszogrod in my heart |
Y. from Wyszogrod |
124 |
My hometown Wyszogrod |
M. Wolman |
126 |
Nature's beauty and creativity |
M. Walfish |
128 |
Wyszogrod in another person's eyes |
Harav Reb Z.Eilenberg |
130 |
Livelihoods in Wyszogrod |
N.L. Daicz |
131 |
A fragment of Jewish reality |
R. Glatstein |
135 |
Market and market days |
N.L. Daicz |
137 |
Horror and Destruction (Survivors' Narratives) |
Wyszogroders in the ghettoes |
N.L. Daicz |
141 |
On the way to the death camps |
153 |
Murder also by their own killing |
160 |
Remember, a Jew from Wyszogrod |
N.L. Daicz |
164 |
Notes from hell |
H. Neuman |
165 |
With Wyszogroders in difficulty |
Y. Shlossberg |
170 |
From ghetto to ghetto |
Ch. Futerman |
174 |
I Fought Out My Life by Myself |
Y. Pasternak |
175 |
One of many |
Tz. Fuks |
179 |
Sixteen years in Nazi hands |
Z. Prusak |
181 |
I left for Berlin |
Z. Bilgoraj |
185 |
The invasion |
Ch. Levin |
188 |
My last day in Wyszogrod |
G. Cohen-Dekelbaum |
189 |
The beginning of the end |
M. Walfisz |
190 |
It begins |
Z. Zawierucha-Gutman |
191 |
My mother's last letter |
Z. Zawierucha-Gutman |
193 |
From Christian to Christian |
E. Hollender |
195 |
With Wyszogrod in the wanderings |
A.A. Bilgoraj |
196 |
Sanctification of God's name, in Moscow |
E. Hollender |
198 |
Personalities and Portraits |
Harav Reb Naftali Szpivak |
M. Walfisz |
201 |
With Nachum Sokolov |
M. Turkow |
203 |
Gershon Epstein |
newspaper article |
205 |
Yosef Yitzchak Epstein (Y. Monicz) |
Ch.R. |
207 |
Yoske Levine of Blessed Memory |
N.L. Daicz |
208 |
The Lipman family |
N.L. Daicz |
210 |
The Zilbershtein dynasty |
N.L. Daicz |
213 |
Everyone's friend |
A. Peltz |
215 |
Reb Chaim Aaron (Kotzker) Fersht |
A. Peltz |
217 |
Reb Lipa Wiezbinski |
A. Peltz |
219 |
Family Grosman |
Ben Sinai Daicz |
220 |
My encounters with M.M. Zhichlyn |
B. Gutman |
221 |
A merchant businessman |
B. Zawierucha-Gutman |
223 |
Avraham Walfisz (Fishele) |
R. Glatstein |
224 |
Kalman Ogrodnik |
M. Walfish |
226 |
In memory of the martyrs |
P. Krongrad |
227 |
My parents |
Sh.A. Krongrad |
229 |
The feather-woman and her grandchild |
Y. Hecht |
231 |
Reb Moshe Yaakov Taub |
Deutch-Walfisz |
232 |
Family memories |
Ch. Gemach |
233 |
Faces from back home |
G. Cohen-Dekelbaum |
235 |
Family Lichtenstein |
D. Lipman |
236 |
Chaim Yosef (Herbert) Holender |
M. Zilbershtein |
237 |
A representative group |
M. Walfisz |
238 |
The teacher Biezhunski |
L. Szczofe |
241 |
Yisroel Yeshiye Grosman |
D. Grosman-Israelski |
242 |
Memories |
B. Kahn |
242 |
Societies in Wyszogrod (Movements, Institutions, Activities)
Our Wyszogrod Committees |
243 |
The great synagogue |
N.L. Ben Sinai |
245 |
The study halls and the houses of prayer |
Ben Sinai Daicz |
248 |
The Society of Vishogrod in America |
M. Zilbershtein |
250 |
The Wyszogrod representatives in America |
251 |
Our Wyszogroder in Argentina |
M. Ogradnik |
252 |
Zionism in Vishogrod |
M. Zilbershtein |
253 |
The Merkaz Hatziyonim [Zionist Center] |
D. Lipman |
257 |
The Zionist youth in Wyszogrod |
A. Rotbart |
258 |
Movements and goals |
M. Walfisz |
259 |
120 years of workers |
N.L. Daicz |
268 |
Dear youth mistakes |
A. Szczafe |
273 |
Amshinov in Wyszogrod |
Sh. Weingart |
275 |
Cheders, religious teachers, schoolteachers |
Nosson Leib-Mottel |
275 |
The Cultural Condition in Vishogrod in 1906 |
G. Lichtenstein |
279 |
A town of workers and small merchants |
Y. Kwaszne |
280 |
Wyszogrod (Memories, Episodes, Folklore) |
A town to remember |
H. Grosman |
283 |
Memories of my hometown |
G. Cohen-Dekelbaum |
284 |
I Remember |
B. Zawierucha-Gutman |
285 |
Youth |
B. Gutman |
287 |
From my old memories |
Sh. Weingart |
289 |
Fishel Krongrad's yahrzeit |
Sh. Weingart |
290 |
People's strength in Wyszogrod |
N.L. Daicz |
291 |
Great Wyszogrod days |
A. Peltz |
292 |
A Purim in Wyszogrod |
Ch.A. Grosdorf |
296 |
From Wyszogrod folklore |
M. Walfisz |
297 |
List of the Wyszogrod Martyrs |
298 |
List of the Wyszogrod Deceased |
314 |
Captions: Images from Wyszogrod |
Lists from Yiddish part
Mlodziszyn - Necrology
Yeshivot Bucher
Our Wyszogrod Committees
131 173 229 243