The Community of Tarnobrzeg-Dzikow
(Tarnobrzeg, Poland)

50° 35' / 21° 41'

Translation of Kehilat Tarnobrzeg-Dzikow

Edited by: Yaakov Yehoshua Fleisher

Published in Tel Aviv, 1973


Project Coordinator and Translator

Gayle Schlissel Riley z”l

Donated translations

Alfred Kinbaum

The translation of this list is made possible by Dr. Harry Greenfeld of Los Angeles
& Nachum Kornfield of New York.

This is a translation from: Kehilat Tarnobrzeg-Dzikow (Galicia ha-ma-aravit)
The community of Tarnobrzeg-Dzikow, Western Galicia Editor: Yaakov Yehoshua Fleisher, Tel Aviv, 1973

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Prayer at a Spouses Resting Place
Tarnobrzeg Memorial Book (Yiskor)
Go, Behold and See the Sorrow of My Heart,
Destroy the Non Believers Who Recognize the Lord,
I Shall Remember
Yacov Fleisher
The People of the Book
Introduction Yacov Fleisher
From Surrounding Villages
Selected pictures
Partial translation of the book


Chapter 1
History of the City and Congregation of Jews The Story of the Town and Her Jews
Tarnobrzeg Excerpts from the Polish Records Shmuel Shlar 19
Foundation of the Town Tarnobrzeg
(According to Historical Sources )
Yacov Fleisher 21
Of the Jews in Tarnobrzeg Yacov Fleisher 26
The Holy Ones -Action of the Blood Libel City Yacov Fleisher 29
City Plan The Market and Main Streets Yacov Fleisher 34
Center of the City Shul, Study Hall, The Old Cemetery Yacov Fleisher 37
“Ha Ruklis” Yacov Fleisher 45
Tarnobrzeg The Story of the Town Translated from Fleisher Shmuel Shaller 48
The Study of the Holy Ones Chaim Veinman 50
The Rucklis Yacov Fleisher 53
The Shul and Study Hall Yacov Fleisher 58

Chapter 2
Five Generations of Rabbis Teachers in Dzikow Five Generations Dzikower Rabbis and Teachers
Rabbis and Teachers of Dzikow
Introduction to Religious Leaders in Tarnobrzeg
Yacov Fleisher 61
Rabbi Naphtali Zvi Mehrufahitz
Rabbi Eliezer Horvitz
Yacov Fleisher 62
Rabbi Eliezer Horvitz First Admor House of Dzikow Yacov Fleisher 66
Rabbi Herril Horvitz The Second Admor in Dzikow Yacov Fleisher 74
Rabbi Naphtali Chaim Horvitz Yacov Fleisher 80
Rabbi Yecheil Mefucheinezah, Rav Toviah from Memaiden
Rav Ahron Mebitish and Rav Ariel Merimnov
Yacov Flisher 84
3rd Generation Rav Yehushaleh Horvitz Yacov Fleisher 86
4th Generation Rav Alter Horvitz
Yechatzkil Ahleyhu Horvitz
Yacov Fleisher 96
The Younger Rav Chaim Menachem David
Horvitz End of Affair
Stories of Drikow's deceased 'Admors' of Blessed Memory
Yacov Fleisher

David Schlissel



Rav Moishe Arishnis The Baker
Father in Law of the Cantor
Yacov Fleisher 113
A Pious Man who Holds up the Redeemed S. Rutstein 116
The Grandfather Moishe Arishnis
Becomes the Sandomeirzer Rabbi related by marriage
Hershel & Kyla Knobler 118
Rabbis of the 5th Generation Yitzchok Gootvein 120

Chapter 3
Active in Holiness Active Leader's in the Town Tool's of Holiness
Head of the Congregation Society of People
In Dzikow, Teachers of the Torah Yacov Fleisher 125
Rabbi Shimon Hertz
The Teacher who Instructs the Elders
David Youst 127
The Rabbinical Judge, Rav Shimon Hertz
The Teacher Rabbi Rav Yosef Shepel
Who succeeded in Dzikow
Yacov Fleisher
Yacov Fleisher
Memories from the House of my Grandfather
Rav Shmuel Youst
David Youst 131
Shochet & Moshgeioch of the Town
Rabbi Yitchuk Heaqesh Shucas
Yitzchok Gutvein 133
Leader of Congregation in Tarnobrzeg Yacov Fleisher 134
Rav Leibish Eckstein David Weisler 138
Rav Pinchas Keirshenbaum Yosef Brendman, USA
Rav Yzrms Vah Har & Rav Chaim Laufer
Founders of the Foundation & Leaders Society of Good Deeds in Tarnobrzeg
Yacov Fleisher 139
Rav Vslvaleh Schlissel Yitzchok Gutvein 140
Rav Hershel Veingil National Popular Leader Yacov Fleisher 141
Rav Shalom Koren Yacov Fleisher 143
Chazan Rav Yosef Zvi Hersch Yacov Fleisher 145
Rav Ayleih Shemesh Yacov Fleisher 148
Rav Moishe Shemesh Shmuel Shlar 150

Chapter 4
Movements Organizations Institutions
Zionism in Tarnobrzeg Shmuel Shlar 153
Zionism History in Our City David Schlissel 155
Zionist Movements in our City David Youst 157
Yisrael Association (Aguda) Yacov Fleisher 159
Bais Yacov Girls School Yacov Fleisher 161
Association of Young Israel Yacov Fleisher 162
Hashomer Hadati Shmuel Shlar 166
Zionists and All Kinds of Memories of the Town Zecil Brunomen Sheinmaan 169
Girls and Women in Zionist Binah Sheller 171
Development of Zionist
Movments in Our Town Organization
Hadassa Finkelstein 172
Establishment of Akiva Binah Binder Lebish Nussbaum (house of) 176
Bank Lodovi Binah Binder 177
Lashomer Hatzair Shahner Nussbaum- Shechar 178
The City and Home of My Family Binah Barmnar Nussbaum 179
The Library Dramatic and Sports Associations Shmuel Shlar 180
The Dramatic Circle of Poale Zionist Kehelah Knabler 183
Chaim Sheller- The Individual
In Charge of Zionist Affairs
Binah Sheller 185
Dr Freizman Prominent in Zionist Affairs Sofeyah 186
There is the Land, From the Book, "Young Moishe" 187
My Heart is in the East, from Zionist Poems of Rav Yehuda Halevi 187
The Light of the Redemption From the Book "Vision of the Redemption"
Harav Kook
Rabbi Akiva From The Talmud Gemorah Makos (plague) 188

Chapter 5
The Past Present Memories
Enjoyment Life Joys Encircled
Important Gentlemen Learned Scholar Yacov Fleisher 191
Rav Moishe Eliezer David Weisler 194
Rav Issac's son-in-law Yacov Fleisher 194
Rav Yehoshua Meier David Weiler 198
Rav Ephraim, Hebrew School teacher Yacov Fleisher 199
Rav Yackel Nuchess( Rubenstein) Yitzbok Gutwein 200
A Torah Scholar Yacov Fleisher 201
Prayer Leader in the Study Hall Yacov Fleisher 203
Hebrew Melodies customs of Dzikow, Yacov Fleisher
The Great Congregation Cantor Rav Pinyeh Kirshenbaum Yacov Fleisher 208
Rav Nissin Youst (From series: Dzikow melodies) Yacov Fleisher 209
Yom Kipper in our Town Yacov Fleisher 210
Times and Happenings Menachem Dole 214
The Path Road Yacov Fleisher 215
Anti-semetic Killers David Weisler 218
The Sabbath Banquet Murder Yacov Fleisher 219
How Sheinengar imposed on the Town and Police David Weisler 220
The Attitude to Jews in Poland,
Before the Out Break of WWII
Menachem Dole 220
The Status of Jewish Youth Before WWII
Memories of the House of Study
Yacov Fleisher
Shmuel Shlar
Of the Shtetle Dzikow Esrhem Rubenstein 227
To Bake Matzohs Yacov Fleisher 229
Memories of WWI
First Chapter of the Book "Keor Yachell"
Binah Sheller
Yehuda Yeri
The Town Before the War Yacov Fleisher 238

Chapter 6
Personalities and Gestalt
Important People of the Town Yacov Fleisher 245
Skilled workers of the Town
"The Inteligencia" in Town Tarnobrzeg
Yacov Fleisher
Menachem Dole
The House of My Uncle Yeruchem Nussbaum David Youst 253
The Family of Chaim Yechiel Lichtman Binah Sheller 254
The Rich Ones, Descent Jews and Ordinary Working People David Weisler 255
My Uncle, Rav Alchanan Perlmutter Chana Stockman 260
My Brother David Wesenfeld, Binah Bruner 261
Lipa Freizer
A Gravestone
Yacov Fleisher
Shmuel Sheller
Getle Schwartz and the family of the Rav Berel Schwartz
Friends from the "Heder" study hall
Yacov Fleisher
Yacov Fleisher
Rav Eliezer Rivleh Yitzbok Gutwein 280
Rav Yakutyael Kestenbaum David Yeisler 280
Rav Yoska Miliehka
Yosel Pumps Water Yosel the Water Hayler
Yacov Fleisher
Yacov Fleisher
Rav Arish Katz (Arish the Hunch Back) Yacov Fleisher 285
Freideleh Bean House Yehowshua Kloch 288
Brachalah Fleisher (TheSymbol of Jewish Mothers) Yacov Fleisher 289
Rav Yaacov Bagel David Youst 291
Rav Yitzchok Artin Yacov Fleisher 291
Avraham Yeri (Forest) Yacov Fleisher 293
Doctor Levi The Physician David Veisler 297
Doctor Fobliss and his Wife, Yanehna Shifra Mintel Nussbaum 298

Chapter 7
War Diaspora Calamity
War Wandering and to Perish
Disaster in Dazikow Yacov Fleisher 301
The First Bombing David Veinler 306
In the Days of the Expulsion Shifra Mintel Nussbaum 306
The Revision of the Market Place Chaim Brand
Rueven Weintraub
Chaim Brand
There Returned a Portion of the Jews
Tarnobrzeg, their Lives are Settled
Yehoshua Koloch 309
The Labor Army in the Yard Zvi Grupencal 316
The World has Seen Devorah AvramavHurvitzitz 316
Disaster of the Congregation and the Book of Memorial David Veisler 318
Fast in My Shtetle Dzikow Keila Kanablach 319
She is small town but Pleasant Otherwise Bena Binder Nussbaum 321
Congregation of Grombiv, and it's Destruction Zvi Garfinkel 321
The Jews of Village Setlov Shmuel Shlar 323
This Life in Liquidation, From Gheitz Calamity.
(From my Life Experience in the Time of the Disaster)
Shifra Mentel Nussbaum 324
The Purim Feast in the Ghetto Calamity Shifra Mentel Nussbaum 329
Belzitz- A Short Blink of the Eve Over the Well Know Shmuel Shellar 331
In the "Tigass" Rivka Fleisher 332
Living in exile in Russia Aharon Zvi Kinbaum 333
In the Diaspora in Russia, Line from a Book Shmuel Sheller 334
Experiences from the Garden of Eden,that was Russia Rifka Fleisher 341

Memorial for the Holy Ones that Passed On

A List of the Holy Ones who have Passed on in the Holocaust


From Surrounding Villages

Those who Escaped to Israel and Subsequently passed on
Sons of Tarnobrzeg who died in the Defense of Israel
In Freed Poland Shifra Mentel Nussbaum
Rotvox Sheller (USA)
First Yiskor after the Shoah Yacov Fleisher 362

Chapter 8
Organization of Tarnbrzeg - Dzikow Survivors in Israel

The Organization; The Basis of the Good Deeds
The Basis of the Good Deeds Case
David Schlissel
David Schlissel
The Basis of the Support House Shifra Mentel Nussbaum 370
Activities of the Committee Organization in Israel David Youst 371
Founders and Activist in the Fund Good Deeds Yacov Fleisher 373
Committee Organization Tarnobrzeg in Israel Picture
Holy People Celebrate the Book Yacov Fleisher 375
Pages of Memory and Eternity (Album)
Terror of the Holocaust (Pictures) 379

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