51°45' / 18°05'
Translation of
Sefer Kalish
Published by the Israel-American Book Committee
Tel Aviv 1964
Project Coordinator
Notes: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Kalisz (1964)
Most of the articles in this book appear in The Kalish Book (1968)
although the order
of the chapters differ, and additionaly, the translations of the titles and authors may vary.
JewishGen, Inc. makes no representations regarding the accuracy of
the translation. The reader may wish to refer to the original material
for verification.
JewishGen is not responsible for inaccuracies or omissions in the original work and cannot rewrite or edit the text to correct inaccuracies and/or omissions.
Our mission is to produce a translation of the original work and we cannot verify the accuracy of statements or alter facts cited.
The Town and its Inhabitants | ||
Memorial Stones | Baruch Tal | 5 |
A Town of Blessed Memory | Dr. Shaul Zalod | 8 |
The Jews - Harbingers of Industry and Commerce in Kalisz | 23 | |
The Manufacturing of Lace and Embroidery | 26 | |
The Professional Movement | Yitzhak Kaltcevski | 28 |
The Sound of Machines | Shimon Horontchik | 32 |
1904-1920 | Peretz Walter | 36 |
Our Town | Leon Solnik | 39 |
Institutions and Associations | Alim | 41 |
The Odzjalobi Bank | Dov Zilonka | 44 |
Five Years of Community Work | Y. M. Haber | 45 |
The Hospital | A. Even-Tov | 46 |
Linat Tzedek [charity sleeping quarters for the needy] | 49 | |
30 Years of the Linat Tzedek Activity | M. Warshawski | 50 |
The 30th Anniversary of Linat Tzedek | 51 | |
The Opening of the Pharmacy | 52 | |
A visit at the Home for the Aged | A. R. | 54 |
Do not Forsake Me in the Time of Old Age | M. Davidovitch | 55 |
A Jewish Kindergarten | 56 | |
The Committee for the Aid of Jewish Refugees from Germany | Eng. S. Sintchevski | 57 |
Belaszki | 60 | |
Belaszki 1920-1957 | A. E. Kafeman | 63 |
Stawiszin | Shraga Engel | 64 |
The Religious Life in Town | Rav Dr. Meir Schwarzman | 65 |
The Press in Kalisz | 65 | |
The Sons of Kalisz and the Bearers of its Name | Yosef Milner | 66 |
Magen Avraham [Avraham Gombiner] | Moshe Feinkind | 67 |
Notes on the History of Magen Avraham | Shmuel Zvi Weltsman | 69 |
The Great Torah Scholar R'Abele Charif | Mordechai Weiss | 69 |
A Living Soul | M. Kalishay | 71 |
The Rav Yehezkel Lifshitz | A.K. | 72 |
Torah and Prayer | Arie Bornstein | 74 |
Kalisz's Cantors | A. Kratijenski | 75 |
I Remember them | Y. D. Wagensberg | 77 |
In the Yeshiva | Shlomo Yehiel Nobel | 79 |
The Anniversary of the Eruv in Kalisz | M. Ben-Menachem | 79 |
The Pogrom in Kalisz 5638 [1878] | M. Menachemay | 80 |
The Blood Libel in Kalisz | Chenski | 81 |
The Social and Cultural Life | ||
The Hibat Zion Movement in Kalisz 50 Years ago | S.Z. Weltsman | |
The Young Men of Zion | Eliezer Birnbaum | 85 |
The Poalei Zion Left Movement | L. K. | 86 |
The Jugend [Youth] Organization | L. Makowski | 86 |
My Work with Poalei Zion in Kalisz | Chaim Brand | 87 |
The United Party | S. Bejzvinski | 89 |
The Hashomer Hatza'ir Movement | Shaul Zalod | 89 |
The Bund | Y. Kaltchevski | 92 |
The Zionim Klaliyim [General Zionists] Organization | Z. B. | 92 |
Poalei Agudat Israel | P. A. | 95 |
The Poalei Zion Party | Yissachar Kot | 97 |
The Time I was a Member of Poalei Zion | Yakov Bienstock | 97 |
The Youth of Zionim Klaliyim | Gershon Wrotzlavski | 98 |
Hechalutz | S. R. | 99 |
The Lamif'al Kibbutz in Kalisz | Adzja | 99 |
Beitar | H. B. | 101 |
Hehalutz Hamizrahi and Hashomer Hadati Movements | Binyamin Zvieli | 102 |
In the Spanish War 1936-1939 | 102 | |
Seeking the Right Road | Chaim Stein | 103 |
Jewish Cultural Life | Meir Pakntreger | 104 |
Cultural Activities and Institutions 1918-1939 | S. Baum | 105 |
The Borochov School | Lea Chmilewski | 107 |
The High-School | Micia Yedwab-Katzir | 109 |
The Jewish Theater and the Group of Amateur Fans | Z. K. | 110 |
YIVO and the Geographical Society | Zalman Kaplan | 112 |
The Gymnastics and Sports Organization | Yitzhak Kalcewski | 113 |
The Sailing Club K.W. 30 | S. Pincewski | 116 |
Reports of a Decade | ||
Kalisz in 5687 [1927] | 119 | |
1928 | 121 | |
1929 | 124 | |
1930 | 126 | |
1931 | 128 | |
1932 | 130 | |
1933 | 132 | |
1934 | 134 | |
1935 | 135 | |
1936 | 136 | |
The Last Years | ||
Results of the Elections to the City Council in 1927 | 142 | |
Teach your Children a craft | A Rubin | 142 |
The Competition | M. Warshawski | 143 |
Livelihoods | Ben-Gershon | 144 |
It is a Sin | M. Warshawski | 144 |
The Ruins of a Town | M. Warshawski | 145 |
Hanuka Money | 146 | |
The Budget Meeting of the Community Council 1930 | 146 | |
Results of the Community Council Elections 1936 | 149 | |
The Jewish Hospital | Dr. P. Beatus | 150 |
Help, while there is still Time!! | Y. K. | 152 |
The Cry for Help of the Small Businesses | K. H. | 152 |
The Bloody Assault on the Merchants at the Fair | K.W. Bagrodzisk | 153 |
The Terrible Fate of the Visitors at the Fair | A. Avnevicz | 154 |
The Desperate Situation of the Merchants and Peddlers in Kalisz | P. Weisskal | 155 |
That your Brother may Live with You | A Resident of Kalisz | 156 |
There is Just One Way Out | Yedidya | 157 |
Let us Continue on our Way | Litay | 158 |
Images of Kalisz | Ba'al Davar | 159 |
My Town | S. Rubin | 160 |
On the Bridge in Kalisz | An Observer | 161 |
I am not at Home | B. Ch. | 162 |
Until When Shall we Wait? | Yakov Litman | 163 |
The Etrogim [Citrus Fruits] from Israel | Rav Yehezkel Livschitz | 163 |
The Herzl Commemoration Assembly in the Shomer Camp | Bar-Saba | 164 |
The Lag Ba'omer Outing | M. B. | 165 |
The Lag Ba'omer Outings | The Note-Taker | 167 |
Our Community - to the Contrary | Shabtay Buki | 167 |
Rosh Hashana [the New Year] 5692 [1931] | S. K. | 168 |
The Donation Collectors | S. B. | 169 |
At A Jewish Wedding | R'Yakov Meshulam | 170 |
A Visit at the Halutzim [pioneers] | Ch. M. | 171 |
Memories | B. K. | 171 |
The last Sounds | Y. Kaltchevski | 173 |
At the Beginning of the Century | Moris Walter | 176 |
The Days of the First World War | Katriel Stein | 178 |
Fears and Livelihood | Wolf Tzibusch | 179 |
The Herem [excommunication] of the Benei Brit organization | 180 | |
On the Island | L. Sorek Halevy | 181 |
Rosh Hashana [the New Year] | M. Packentreger | 183 |
Tish'a BeAv in those days | H. Solnik | 185 |
Tales from those Days | Dr. Y. Klinger | 186 |
A Funeral is Passing | S. B. | 187 |
Coffee Houses and their Guests | Y. Holtz | 187 |
My Eyes are Seeing You | Meir Packentreger | 189 |
Experiences of the Way of Life | G. Wroclawski | 189 |
Venice in Kalisz | Yoshe"r | 190 |
The Old Bridge in Kalisz | Y. Sheradzki | 191 |
Nova Street 3 | Bluma Wroclawski | 193 |
Tziasna Street 19 | Y. Holtz | 194 |
The Old Woman | S. Z. | 195 |
The Oppenheim House | B. Zvieli | 196 |
A Kitchen for the Soldiers | 197 | |
How we Began Acting | A. Poznanski | 198 |
Language and Folklore | Z. Kaplan | 199 |
Malke'le | Y. M. | 199 |
The Town in Solitude | B. Tal | 201 |
The Organization of Former Residents of Kalisz & Surroundings | 203 | |
The Activity of the Kalisz Olim Committee in Jerusalem | 208 | |
The Organization of Former Residents of Kalisz in Haifa | 210 | |
A Mission to Poland 1946 | Y. Arnold | 211 |
General Relief - Organization of Former Kalisz Residents in USA | Kalman Aronowitz | 219 |
Former Kalisz Residents in Australia | ||
Figures From The Past | 226-246 | |
To the memory of the Fallen in Israel's Wars | 247-250 | |
First volume, article The end of the Town by Moshe Gros (Zeligovski), Hebrew translation, the following errors:
p. 102, the author of the article The Spanish War 1936-1939 is P. K. |
The Town and its Inhabitants | ||
The memory of the Town | Dr. S. Zalow | 258 |
The main industry | A, Sticker | 283 |
The professional movement in Kalisz | Yitzhak Kletchewski | 285 |
The sound of the machines | Shimon Horontchik | 291 |
1904-1920 | Peretz Walter | 297 |
Our town | Leon Solnik | 303 |
Institutions and Associations | Alim | 305 |
The Odjalowi Bank | Dov Zjelonka | 309 |
Five years of community work | Y. M. Heber | 310 |
The Jewish Hospital | A. Even-Tov | 312 |
Linat Tzedek [charity sleeping quarters for the needy] | Alim | 316 |
30 Years of the Linat Tzedek Activity | M. Warshawski | 317 |
A visit at the Home for the Aged | A. R. | 322 |
Do not Forsake Me in the Time of Old Age | M. Davidovitch | 323 |
Children's home Bet Yaakov | 324 | |
The Committee for the Aid of Jewish Refugees from Germany | Eng. S. Sintchevski | 326 |
Belaszki | Y. B. | 329 |
Belaszki 1920-1957 | A. E. Kafeman | 334 |
Stawiszin | Shraga Engel | 335 |
The Religious Life in Town | Rav Dr. Meir Schwarzman | 336 |
The Jewish Press in Kalisz | 337 | |
Personalities with the name Kalisz | Yosef Milner | 338 |
The Magen Avraham [Avraham Gombiner] | Moshe Feinkind | 342 |
Notes on the biography of Magen Avraham | Shmuel Zvi Weltsman | 344 |
The Great Torah Scholar R'Abele Charif | Mordechai Weiss | 345 |
A Living Soul | M. Kalishay | 347 |
Notes on the figure of the Rav R'Yehezkel Lifshitz | A.K. | 349 |
Torah and Prayer | Arie Bornstein | 351 |
Things that I remember | Y. D. Wagensberg | 355 |
In the Yeshiva | S. Y. Nobel | 357 |
The Pogrom in Kalisz 5638 [1878] | M. Menachemay | 359 |
The Blood Libel in Kalisz | M. Chenski | 360 |
The Social and Cultural Life | ||
The Hibat Zion Movement in Kalisz 50 Years ago | Shmuel Zvi Weltsman | 364 |
The Young Men of Zion | Eliezer Birnbaum | 365 |
The Poalei Zion Left Movement | Chava Sorek | 366 |
The Jugend [Youth] Organization | L. Makowski | 367 |
My Work with Poalei Zion in Kalisz | Chaim Brand | 369 |
The United Party | S. Bejzvinski | 372 |
The Hashomer Hatza'ir Movement | Shaul Zalod | 372 |
The Zionim Klaliyim [General Zionists] Organization | Z. B. | 376 |
The Bund | Y. Kaltchevski | 377 |
Poalei Agudat Israel | P. A. | 381 |
The Poalei Zion Party | Y. Kot | 382 |
The Time I was a Member of Poalei Zion | Yakov Bienstock | 383 |
The Youth of Zionim Klaliyim | G. Wrotzlavski | 384 |
Hechalutz | S. R. | 385 |
The Lamif'al Kibbutz in Kalisz | Adzja | 386 |
Beitar | H. B. | 387 |
Hehalutz Hamizrahi and Hashomer Hadati Movements | B. Zvieli | 389 |
Kalisz people in the battle against Fascism in Spain | Y. Keltchevski | 389 |
Seeking the Right Road | Chaim Stein | 391 |
The Jewish Cultural Life in Kalisz | Meir Pakntreger | 392 |
Cultural Activities 1918-1939 | S. Baum | 395 |
The Borochov School | Lea Chmilewski | 396 |
The High-School | M. Yedwab-Katzir | 399 |
The Jewish Theater and Amateur groups | Z. K. | 401 |
The drama section in the Hapoel Sports Club | Y. Tziwasz | 403 |
YIVO and Geography | Zalman Kaplan | 403 |
The Gymnastics and Sports Association | Yitzhak Kalcewski | 404 |
The Gymnastics March | 406 | |
The Sailing Club in 1930 | Eng. S. Pincewski | 407 |
Hakoah sports group | N. B. | 408 |
The Kalisz Statute | Moshe Silberberg | 409 |
Ten Years | ||
Kalisz in 5687 [1927] | 414 | |
Kalisz in 1928 | 417 | |
Kalisz in 1929 | 421 | |
Kalisz in 1930 | 423 | |
Kalisz in 1931 | 426 | |
Kalisz in 1932 | 428 | |
Kalisz in 1933 | 431 | |
Kalisz in 1934 | 433 | |
Kalisz in 1935 | 436 | |
Kalisz in 1936 | 437 | |
The Last Years | ||
Results of the Elections to the City Council in 1927 | 445 | |
Teach your Children a craft | A Rubin | 446 |
The Competition | M. Warshawski | 447 |
Livelihoods | Ben-Gershon | 448 |
It is a Sin | M. Warshawski | 448 |
The Ruins of Kalisz | M. Warshawski | 449 |
Hanuka Money | K. L. | 450 |
At the gates of Jerusalem | Rosa Yakobovitz | 451 |
A Budget Meeting of the Community Council | M. M. | 452 |
Results of the Community Council Elections 1936 | 456 | |
The Jewish Hospital | Dr. P. Beatus | 457 |
Help, while there is still time!! | Y. K. | 459 |
The Cry for Help of the Small Businesses | K. H. | 460 |
The Bloody Assault on the Jewish Small Businesses | K.W. | 461 |
The Terrible Fate of the Visitors at the Fair | A. Avnevicz | 462 |
The Desperate Situation of the Merchants and Peddlers in Kalisz | P. Weisskal | 463 |
That your Brother may Live with You | A Resident of Kalisz | 464 |
There is Just One Way Out | Yedidya | 466 |
Let us go on | Litay | 468 |
A mirror of Kalish | Ba'al Davar | 469 |
My Town | S. Rubin | 471 |
I am not at Home | B. Ch. | 473 |
Until When Shall we Wait? | Y. Litman | 474 |
The Etrogim [Citrus Fruits] from Eretz Israel | Rav Yehezkel Livschitz | 475 |
The Herzl Commemoration Assembly in the Shomer Camp | Bar-Saba | 476 |
The Lag Ba'omer Outing | M. B. | 477 |
The Lag Ba'omer Outings | The Note-Taker | 479 |
To the Contrary | S. Buki | 480 |
At A Jewish Wedding | R'Yakov Meshulam | 483 |
A Visit at the Halutzim [pioneers] | Ch. M. | 485 |
Memories | B. K. | 486 |
The Last accord | Y. Kaltchevski | 488 |
At the Beginning of the Century | M. Walter | 492 |
The First World War | Katriel Stein | 494 |
Fears and Livelihood | Wolf Tzibusch | 496 |
The boycott at home | 497 | |
On the Island | L. Sorek Halevy | 498 |
Rosh Hashana [the New Year] | M. Packentreger | 501 |
Tish'a BeAv 1914 | H. Solnik | 503 |
Tales from Kalisz of bygone days | Dr. Y. Klinger | 505 |
A Funeral is Passing | S. B. | 506 |
Coffee Houses and their Guests | Y. Holtz | 507 |
In front of my eyes | Meir Packentreger | 509 |
The Kalisz way of life | G. Wroclawski | 510 |
Venice in Kalisz | Yoshe r | 512 |
The Old Bridge in Kalisz | Y. Sheradzki | 514 |
Nova Street 3 | Bluma Wroclawska | 516 |
Tziasna Street 19 | Y. Holtz | 517 |
The Old Woman | A group of friends | 518 |
The Oppenheim House | B. Zvieli | 519 |
The problem of the Kitchen for the Soldiers in Kalisz | 520 | |
How we Began Acting | A. Poznanski | 521 |
On the eve of the Shavuot holiday in 1949 | N. Menachamay | 523 |
Regional Yiddish | Zalman Kaplan | 524 |
Malke'le | 525 | |
A list of Kalisz institutions in 1939, arranged by streets | 526 | |
The map of the town | 528 | |
The Town in Solitude | B. Tal | 529 |
Organization of former residents of Kalisz & Surroundings in Israel | 531 | |
The Activity of the Kalisz Olim Committee in Jerusalem | 538 | |
The Organization of Former Residents of Kalisz in Haifa | 540 | |
A Mission to Poland 1946 | Y. Arnold | 541 |
General Relief for Kalisz | 544 | |
Associations of Former Kalisz Residents in USA | Aronowitz | 550 |
Former Kalisz Residents in Australia | 557 | |
Yizkor | 558 | |
Figures From The Past | ||
To the memory of the Fallen in Israel's Wars | 590-597 | |
Yiddish volume, article The end of the Town by Moshe Gros (Zeligovski), Hebrew translation, the following errors:
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