The Kalish Book
(Kalisz, Poland)

51°45' / 18°05'

Published by the Israel-American Book Committee

Tel Aviv 1968



Project Coordinator

Judy Wolkovitch


Our sincere appreciation to Genia Hollander
for typing up the English text to facilitate its addition to this project.

Our grateful thanks to Sondra Ettlinger
for obtaining the pictures to be included in this translation.


This is “The Kalish book”,
Published by the Israel-American Book Committee; Tel Aviv 1968 (E 329 pages)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Kalisz (1968)

Purchase details for a printed copy of this translation can be found at

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Members of the Publication Committees    
Foreword The Editorial Committee 7
Yizkor   8
Memorial Stones Baruch Tall 10
History of the Jews in Kalish Dr. N.M. Gelber 15
The Men of the City
The City of Blessed Memory Dr. S. Zalud 57
Jews in the commerce and industry of Kalish Stefan Frenkel 72
The Lace Industry K. C. 76
The Trade Union Movement I. Klechevski 78
Our City Leon Solnik 83
Five Years of Communal Work. 1931-1936 J. M. Heber 85
Blaszki B. C. 86
Stawiszin Shraga Engel 89
Religious life in the City Rabbi Dr. Meir Schwartzmann 90
The “Magen Abraham” Moshe Feinkind 91
The Gaon Reb Abbele Harif Mordechai Weiss 94
Rabbi Hayyim Eliezer Wachs M. Kalishai 96
Rabbi Ezekiel Liebshitz A. K. 98
Torah & Prayer Aryeh Bornstein 100
The Cantors of Kalish E. Krotianski 101
In the Yeshiva Shlomo Yehiel Nobel 104
The Jubilee of the Eruv M. Ben Menahem 105
A Pogrom in Kalish in 5638 (another version) M. Menahemai 106
A Blood Libel in Kalish Hanski 107
Kalish as a Family Name Joseph Milner 108
The Jewish Press of Kalish A. K. 110
1904-1920 Peretz Walter 111
The Clattering Machines Simon Horonchik 115
The Beginnings of the Century Morris Walter 121
Society & Culture
The Jewish Political Parties   125
Seeking for the Way Hayyim Stein 131
The “Lamifal” Training Kibbutz in Kalish Edzia 133
Cultural Life Meir Packentraeger 135
Cultural Activities. 1918-1939 S. Baum 136
'Turn un Sport Verein' Isaac Klecz 138
Rowing Club K.W.30 Pinczewski 139
The Budgetary session of the Kehilla Council, 1930 M. M. 140
Results of Elections to the Kehilla Council, 1936 A. K. 144
The Jewish Hospital Dr. P. Beatus 145
A Decade
Kalish in 5687   149
Kalish in 5688   152
Kalish in 5689   156
Kalish in 5690   159
Kalish in 5691   161
Kalish in 5692   163
Kalish in 5693   166
Kalish in 5694   168
Kalish in 5695   170
Kalish in 5696   172
The Final Years
The Attacks on the Market Dealers in Grodzisk K. W. 179
The Dreadful Fate of the Market Travellers A. Avenavitz 180
Competition M. Warshawski 182
The Only Way Out Yedidia 183
Kalish Miniatures Baal-Davar 185
My City S. Rubin 186
On the Bridge of Kalish Observer 188
During the First World War Katriel Stein 189
On the Island L. Shurek-Halevi 190
The New Year M. Packentreger 194
The Ninth of Av in 1914 H. Solnik 196
My Eyes Perceive You Meir Packentreger 198
Daily Life Gershon Wroclawski 198
Oppenheim House Benjamin Zvieli 200
The Old Bridge in Kalish Joseph Sieradzki 201
The Café Goers J. Holz 203
We Are Taking Steps Alexander Poznanski 205
19, Ciasna Street I. Holz 207
N°3. Nova Street Bluma Wroclawski 208
A Lag Ba'Omer March M. B. 209
Lag Ba'Omer Rambles Roshem 211
The Herzl Assembly at a Hashomer Camp Bar-Saba 212
The Gymnasium Micia Jedwab–Katsir 214
The Jewish Theatre and Amateur Groups W.K. 215
Hehalutz S.R. 217
Map of the City   218
The City Remains Solitary Baruch Tall 219
The Organization of Immigrants from Kalish & District in Israel   222
The Committee of Kalish Landsleit in Jerusalem   229
The Kalish Landsleit organization in Haifa   231
Mission to Poland, 1946 Joseph Arnold 232
The Story and Activities of the Non–Partisan Relief in the U.S.A.   236
Kalish Immigrant Societies in the U.S.A. Kalman Aronovitch 242
Kalish Townsfolk in Australia   248
The Holocaust
The End of the Community Dr. Moshe Gross (Henryk Zeligowski) 251
Kalish, Kosminek and the Camps Wolf Lassman 275
Kalish in August 1939 and After From the Ringelblum Archives 281
Some Figures S. Glicksman 287
Kalish in May, 1962 Abraham Milgrom 288
The Finish Dov Zielonka 289
My Dream Halina Liebeskind 293
Those Who Fought Back
Joseph Kaplan   296
Adek Boraks   301
Jacob David Sitner   305
Abraham Diamant   306
Zerah Silberberg   308
Temkin   311
Israel Shari   312
Misha Adelstein   313
Yossele Goldshmidt   313
Yehiel Tenzer   314
Kalish Women in the Resistance – Vitka Kempner Hava Shurek 315
Hannah Aronovitch-Rackman Hava Shurek 317
Rivka and Vera Shurek Hava Shurek 317
Yizkor   318
The Roll of Honour   320
Kalish Book Committees in U.S.A. and Israel   328
The tale of Kalish closes here unended   329
Kalish Jews Day by Day between pages 64-65
The Face of Kalish City between pages 176-177
The English version, prepared by I. M. Lask, was completed and printed on the Eve of Passover 5678 (1968).


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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
Emerita Yizkor Book Project Manager, Joyce Field z”l
Contact person for this translation Judy Wolkovitch
This web page created by Lance Ackerfeld

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Updated 15 May 2021 by LA