- Wachstein, Bernhard. Die Grabinschriften Des Alten
Judenfriedhofes in Eisenstadt (The Grave Inscriptions of the Old Jewish Cemetery in
Eisenstadt). Wien: Holzhausen 1922. (G)
- Wachstein, Bernhard. Die Inschriften Des Alten Judenfriedhofes in
Wien. 2 Vol. (G)
See also: Hungary.
- Beilinsohn, Moshe Eliezer. Megilat Yukhsin, Shlomei Emunei Yisrael. Odessa, 1863,
1890’s. (H)
A series of booklets providing very detailed genealogical material for
mainly Belarus rabbinical families. Arranged as coded lists or as box
charts. Since the author included all the members of a family known to
him, this is a valuable source not only for rabbis, but also for their
non-rabbinic descendants. A rare and exceedingly valuable source which may
be difficult to locate. Principle families include Heilprin, Luria,
Beilinson, Katz, Maharal
of Prague, Raskin, Gunzburg, Mirkin, Rozenberg, Reichenstein, Dubnov,
Tumarkin, Vilda, Kisin, Alexandrov, Margolis, Simchovitch, Ettinger,
Brauda, Sirkin, Frumkin, Kazarnovsky, Freides, Zeitlin. [Comment by Chaim
Freedman, F1]
- Berman, S. Mishpakhot K"K Shklov. Shklov, 1936. (H)
- Tombstones in Shklov, Belarus, listed by surname with some additional notes about the families.
[Comment by Chaim
Freedman, F1]
- Deych, Genrich Markovich. Sinagogi, Molitvenne
Doma i Sostoyashchie pri nikh Dolzhnostne Litsa v Cherte
Evreiskoi Osedlosti i Guberniyakh Kurlyandskoi i Liflyandskoi
Rossiiskoi Imperii 1853-1854 (Synagogues, Prayer Houses
and their Employees in the Pale of Settlement and Kurland and
Livonia provinces of the Russian Empire, 1853-1854). New York:
published privately, 1992. (R)
- Eisenstadt, Benzion.
Rabbanei Minsk Vekhakhameiha. Vilna, 1899. Jerusalem, 1969.
Biographical and genealogical
material about rabbis and prominent people in Minsk. [Comment by Chaim
Freedman, F1]
- Eisenstadt, Israel Tuvia, Daat Kedoshim
(Knowledge of the Holy Ones). St. Petersburg, Russia: J. Berman
& Co., 1897-98.(H)
- This
work was written as a memorial to the two famous martyrs,
Yisrael Zak and Tuviah Bachrach, who were burned at the
stake in Rossinoi, Belarus, in 1660. Essentially they were
the ancestors of the families Zak and Bachrach, while the
book covers other major families. [See complete comment in
the Family Genealogies
- Feinstein, Arye Leib. Ir Tehillah. Warsaw, 1885. Jerusalem, 1968.
- Community history of Brisk, lists of notables divided by century, rabbinical
compositions, legislation pertaining to the Jews. Correspondence between the author and other prominent authorities about specific biographical or genealogical details. [Comment by Chaim
Freedman, F1]
- Friedenstein, S.E. Ir Gibborim. Vilna, 1880,
Jerusalem, 1969.
Biographical and genealogical
material about rabbis and prominent people in Grodno. [Comment by Chaim
Freedman, F1]
- Karlinsky, Rabbi Khaim. Harishon Leshoshelet Brisk. Jerusalem, 1984.
- Biography of the first rabbi of the Brisk dynasty, Rabbi Yosef Dovber Halevy Soloveitchik. Includes material about his family and other prominent personalities in the Litvak Yeshivah world. [Comment by Chaim
Freedman, F1]
Markovitch, Moshe. Shem Hagedolim Hashlishi. Vilna, 1910.
Biographies of 277 rabbis
whose names begin with Alef. Concentrates mainly on Lithuanian and Belarus
rabbis, for many of whom this
may be the only source of information. Rabbi Meir Wunder advised that a large manuscript of the author’s work is held by
the manuscripts department of the National Library, the Hebrew University,
Jerusalem, Israel. [Comment by Chaim
Freedman, F1]
- Rabinowitsch, Wolf
Zeev. Hasidism in Pinsk and Karlin. (H,E)
- Manuscripts of the Stolin Genizah, pledge of allegiance by the disciples of
the Ari and Rabbi Hayyim Vital (1575), Sefer Ha-Tsoref, by
Rabbi Yehushua Heshel Tsoref, and a map of Lithuanian
Hasidism. Genealogical tables of the Karlin, Lishei and Berezna and Horodok dynasties, and musical scores of Hasidic melodies.
Includes an extensive bibliography. In the Hebrew section: rabbis of Karlin and Pinsk,
pp. 299-366; additions to Jewish Halakha by the Pinsk and Karlin rabbinic dynasties, pp.
367-406. [Comment by Ellen
- Zinowitz, M. Mir: Toldot Yeshivat Mir (The History of Mir Yeshiva). Tel Aviv, 1981.(H)
- A history of the development of the famous Belarus Yeshiva of Mir. Includes considerable biographical material about the scholars who ran the yeshiva and many who attended. [Comment by Chaim
Freedman, F1]
See also: Lithuania, Poland.
Balaban, Majer. Dzieje Zydow w Krakowie I na Kazimierzu. Krakow, 1912.
- A very detailed history of the Krakow community with many genealogical charts of famous medieval rabbinical families.
[Comment by Chaim
Freedman, F1]
- Biber, M. Mazkeret Gedolei Ostroah. Berdichev, 1907.
Jerusalem, 1968. (H)
- Biographical and genealogical material about rabbis and prominent people
in Ostroah.
[Comment by Chaim
Freedman, F1]
Buber, Salomon (1827-1906). Anshei Shem. Krakow, 1895.
Biographical and genealogical
material about rabbis and prominent people in Lwow (Lviv, Lemberg). [Comment by Chaim
Freedman, F1]
- Buber, Salomon (1827-1906). Kiryah Nisgava: hi ha-`ir
Zolkva, rabaneha, ge'oneha, hakhameha, parneseha, u-manhigeha,
shemot ha-sefarim asher hibru. Krakow, 1903. Jerusalem, 1968.
- Biographical and genealogical material about rabbis and prominent
people in Zolkiew. [Comment by Chaim
Freedman, F1]
- Index includes references to the following families: Bloch,
Heilperin, Horowitz, Krantz, Landau, Margaliot, Meisels,
Orenstein, Rapaport, and Wahl. [F2]
- Dembitzer,
Rabbi Chayim Natan. Klilath
Yofi. Krakow, 1888. (H)
- Deych, Genrich Markovich. Sinagogi, Molitvenne
Doma i Sostoyashchie pri nikh Dolzhnostne Litsa v Cherte
Evreiskoi Osedlosti i Guberniyakh Kurlyandskoi i Liflyandskoi
Rossiiskoi Imperii 1853-1854 (Synagogues, Prayer Houses
and their Employees in the Pale of Settlement and Kurland and
Livonia provinces of the Russian Empire, 1853-1854). New York:
published privately, 1992. (R)
- Friedberg, B. Lukhot Zikaron. Frankfurt am Main,
1904. (H)
Biographical and genealogical
material about rabbis and prominent people in Krakow. Considerable material on Krakow appears in
P. H.
Wettstein’s books. [Comment by Chaim
Freedman, F1]
- Gross, S.Y. and Y. Yosef Kohen/Cohen, eds. Sefer
Marmarosh; mea ve-shishim kehilot kedoshot be- yishuvan u-ve-hurbanan
(The Marmaros book; in memory of a hundred and sixty
Jewish communities). Tel Aviv: Beith Marmaros, 1983. Second
slightly expanded edition, 1996 (H,Y,E)
Kohen-Tzedek, Yosef. Shem Ve-She'erit (Name and
Remainder). Krakow, 1895. Jerusalem, 1968. (H)
- Biographical and genealogical material about rabbis and prominent
people in Przemysl. [Comment by Chaim
Freedman, F1]
- Rosenstein, Neil. The Unbroken Chain: Biographical
Sketches and Genealogy of Illustrious Jewish Families from the 15th-20th century.
New York: CIS Publishers, 1990. 2 Vols. (E)
- Teumim, Kh. Z. Zikaron Larishonim.
Kolomea, 1914. Jerusalem, 1969.
and genealogical material about rabbis and prominent people in Kolomea. [Comment by Chaim
Freedman, F1]
- Wettstein, Feivel Hirsch (1858-1924). Divrei Chefetz.
- Wettstein, Feivel Hirsch (1858-1924). Dvarim Atikim Mipinkasei hakahal bekrako lekorot
Israel vechachamav, rabanav umanhigav bePolania bichlal ibekrako
bifrat. Krakow, 1900. (H)
- Wettstein, Feivel Hirsch (1858-1924). Letoldot gedolei
Israel. Warsaw, 1904. (H)
Wunder, Meir. Meorei
Galicia: Encyclopedia
Lekhakhmei Galicia (Encyclopedia of Galician Sages). Vol. 1-5. Jerusalem:
The Institute for the Commemoration of Galician Jewry, 1978-1997. (H,E) (in
Hebrew, with a table of contents in English)
Five volumes of extensively
detailed genealogies of Galician rabbinical families, arranged
alphabetically by surname. Most family sections include a genealogical
chart. For prominent rabbis of each family biographical material is
included, in particular rabbinical compositions, responsa
correspondence and photographs. Updated information of current
generations. Many sources quoted for each family as well as extensive
bibliography. This impressive and scholarly work is the most extensive
and reliable source of rabbinical genealogy written in the twentieth
century. [Comment by Chaim
Freedman, F1]
- See also:
- Yodlov, Yitskhak Shlomo. Sefer Yikhus Belz (The Lineage Book of
the Grand Rabbis of Belz). Jerusalem: Machon l’Toldoth Ha-Chasiduth, 1984.
- Zunz, Y.M. Ir Hatzedek. Krakow, 1874. Jerusalem, 1970. (H)
- Biographical and genealogical material about rabbis and prominent people in
Krakow. [Comment by Chaim
Freedman, F1]
See also: Poland.
- Duckesz, Eduard (Dukkes, Yehezkel) (b. 1868). Ivah le-moshav.
Krakow: Verlag des Herausgebers, E. Gräber, 1903-8.
Hamburg: A. Goldschmidt, 1908. Vol. 1-2. (H,G)
- Hebrew title: Ivah le-moshav: kolel toldot
ha-rabanim she-yashvu `al kise ha-rabanut shel shalosh
kehilot A.H.V., Altona, Hamburg, Vandsbek : `im 24
temunot ve-tsiyurim / me-et
- German title: Iwoh lemoschaw: enthaltend Biographien
und Grabstein-Inschriften der Rabbiner der drei Gemeinden
Altona, Hamburg, Wandsbeck ... mit Anmerkungen von
Salomon Buber, Lemberg.
- Volume 2 is entitled: Khakhmei Ahw.
- A history of the communities Altona, Wandsbeck and Hamburg. [Comment by Chaim
Freedman, F1]
- Horowitz, Mordekhai. Rabbanei Frankfurt. Jerusalem,
1972. (H)
- Biographies of selected rabbis of Frankfurt am Main, selected tombstone inscriptions, quotes from the Gedenkbuch and other community records. [Comment by Chaim
Freedman, F1]
- Loewenstein, Leopold. Beiträge zur Geschichte der Juden in Deutchland, II Nathanael Weil, J.
Frankfurt am Main: Kauffmann, 1898. (G)
- Rosenstein, Neil. The Unbroken Chain: Biographical
Sketches and Genealogy of Illustrious Jewish Families from the 15th-20th century.
New York: CIS Publishers, 1990. 2 Vols. (E)
- Schwab, Hermann. Khakhmei
Ashkenaz: A Concise Record of the Life and Work of Orthodox
Jewish Scholars of Germany from the 18th to the 20th Century.
London: Mitre Press, 1964. (E)
See also: Researching
Rabbis at the Center for Jewish History: Leo Baeck Institute. 
- Grinvald/Greenwald, Yekutiel Yuda (1889-1955). Pe’rei Khakhmei
Medinateinu: shem ha-gedolim ve-korot gedole Yisra'el.
Siget: bi-defus A. Koyfman `et Zahn`e, 1910. (H)
- Gross, S.Y. and Y. Yosef Kohen/Cohen, eds.. Sefer Marmarosh;
mea ve-shishim kehilot kedoshot be- yishuvan u-ve-hurbanan (The
Marmaros book; in memory of a hundred and sixty Jewish
communities). Tel Aviv: Beith Marmaros, 1983. Second slightly expanded edition,
1996 (H,Y,E)
- It consists of seven lengthy introductory chapters giving an overview of the
history of the Marmaros region of former Austro-Hungary, followed by shorter
articles of various length about each of the approximately
160 towns in the region which boasted a Jewish population. It is written in Hebrew,
with two of the introductory chapters (on the Holocaust and on the
Jewish lifestyle vis-à-vis the Marmaros region) also having been
translated into Yiddish and English. Two of the introductory chapters deal with the rabbonim of Marmaros,
one including an extensive listing by surname with a short biography
and list of major works, the other an overview of the exchanges that
took place between the rabbonim of Marmaros and the rabbonim of
other neighboring regions (Hungary, Transylvania, Romania, Galicia).
This is besides the information about the various individuals and
religious leaders who lived in each of the various towns and cities
of the region who are mentioned in the various articles on the
individual towns. The book is available for purchase from Beis Marmaros in Tel Aviv,
or should be available in any major collection of yizkor books.
[Comment by Moshe Davis]
- Katzburg,
Avigdor. Ohel Olamim. Jerusalem, 1967. (H)
- Katzburg,
Avigdor. Temunat HaGedolim. Neupest: Bi-defus ha-`orekh
veha-motsi la-or, 1925. (Reprinted Brooklyn: Goldenberg Brothers, 1993.(H)
- Kinstlikher,
Mosheh Aleksander Zosha. he-Hatam sofer u-vene doro: ishim bi-teshuvot
Hatam Sofer . Bnei-Brak: Makhon le-hotsa'at sefarim
'Bene Mosheh,' 1993.
About Rabbi Moses Sofer-Schreiber (Chasam Sofer).
- Kohen/Cohen, Yitshak Yosef (1923-). Khakhmei Hungaria-Vehasifrut HaToranit bah.
Jerusalem: Mif`al Moreshet Yahadut Hungaryah, Mekhon Yerushalayim,
1996-7. (H)
Community and biographic
information. Source recommended by Rabbi Meir Wunder. [Comment by Chaim
Freedman, F1]
Miller, Pinhas. Olamo Shel Aba: sipure zikhronot `al
gedole Torah veha-kehilot ha-kedoshot she-hitkaimu be-Ostriya-Hungaryah
uve-mahoz Transilvanya ve-Romanya. Jerusalem:
Hotsa'at Hod, 1984. (H)
- Schwartz, Pinkhas Zelig. Shem Hegedolim Hashalem Legedolei Hungaria.
Brooklyn, 1958.
- Detailed information on 1,700 rabbis of Hungary, their communities, and compositions. [Comment by Chaim
Freedman, F1]
- Reprint of:
Schwartz, Pinkhas Zelig
ha-Kohen (Zsigmond). Shem ha-gedolim me-erets Hagar.
Paks-Munkacs-Kisvarda, 1913-1915. 3 Vols. (H) (Plus additions from
1918, 1935. Reprinted Brooklyn, 1958)
Shmuel HaCohen. Toldot Geonei Hagar. 1911. (H)
- Schwartz/Shvarts,
Yehuda. Moreshet Rabanei Hungaria: kolel et hageonim mi-Burgenland, Slovakia, Transylvania, Karpatorus
Ve-Marmaros. Haderah: Yad Li-kehilot Transylvania, 1987.
- A book about rabbis of Hungary and other regions, with many photographs.
- Sofer, A.Sh.B. Ketav Zot Zikaron: Pirkei toldot al mishpahat Eger-Sofer.
Vienna, 1928. New York, 1957. (H) (Reprinted in Bnei Brak, 2001)
About Rabbi Moses Sofer-Schreiber (Chasam Sofer), his family and students.
- Sofer, Shlomo ben A.S.B. Chut Ha-meshulash.
1893. Drohobitz, 1908. Tel Aviv, 1978. Jerusalem, 1981.
About the Munkacs / Sofer-Schreiber family.
M. Magyar Rabbik. ca.1907 (in
M. Even HaMeir. 1907. (H)
See also: Austria, Romania,
Slovak Republic.
- Brisk, Asher Leib. Khelkat Mekhokek. (H)
- This is a published work which contains about 3,000 inscriptions of tombstones of those who are classified
Ashkenazim-Perushim, and who were buried in the 'Old Section' on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem until about 1914. One large Sefardi Block is recorded.
Records the prominent and not so prominent members of the community, often deriving the material from gravestones,
recording selected inscriptions. [Comment by Chaim
Freedman, F1]
Encyclopedia Lekhalutsei
Hayishuv Ubonav (Encyclopedia of the Pioneers of the Yishuv and its
Tel Aviv, from 1947.
Nineteen volumes which
consist of detailed biographies with genealogical information for
about 50,000 people involved with the development and settlement of
Israel. Includes reference to rabbinical ancestry of many entries. [Comment by Chaim
Freedman, F1]
- Frumkin, A. Toldot Khakhmei Yerushalayim. Jerusalem, 1872.
- History and biographies of scholars and rabbis who settled in Eretz Yisrael, particularly in Jerusalem, from the period of the Spanish Expulsion (1492) until the
mid-nineteenth century. The Sephardi and Ashkenazy communities are presented in parallel but separately. Detailed supplementary notes by Eliezer Rivlin assist in the identification of some personalities and add later material. [Comment by Chaim
Freedman, F1]
Gellis, Y.
Lekhakhmei Eretz Yisrael (Encyclopedia of the Scholars of Eretz Yisrael).
- Grayevsky, Pinkhas. Pamphlets with lists of tombstones in
Israel. 1930's. (H)
- A series of pamphlets was compiled in the mid-1930's giving
tombstone lists for Jaffa, Rishon-Letzion, Nes Tziona, Petah Tikvah,
Zikhron Yaakov, Ekron, and the Chabad section of the Mount of Olives.
Record the prominent and not so prominent members of the community, often deriving the material from gravestones,
recording selected inscriptions. [Comment by Chaim
Freedman, F1]
- Lekorot Beit Ha'almin Hayashan BeTel Aviv. (H)
- Burials in the old cemetery of Tel Aviv, covering the period until the mid 30's.
Record the prominent and not so prominent members of the community, often deriving the material from gravestones,
recording selected inscriptions. [Comment by Chaim
Freedman, F1]
Abensur-Hazan, Laurence. Les Pontremoli, deux dynasties rabbiniques en
Turquie et en Italie - Sources et documents (The
Pontremoli, two rabbinic dynasties in Turkey and Italy). préface de Mario
Modiano. Paris: L. Abensur-Hazan, 1997. (F)
- See alphabetical indexes of:
- Bonfil,
Robert. Rabbis
and Jewish Communities in Renaissance Italy. (Translated from Hebrew by Jonathan
Chipman, 1990. paperback 1993). (E)
- Ghirondi, Mordecai Shemuel and Nepi Graziado. Toledot
gedolei Yisrael u-geonei Italiyah. Trieste: Tipografia Marenigh, 1853. (Reprinted
Jerusalem, 1968).
4Information on rabbinical
genealogy published on the Internet may be found separately in the extensive
Links section of the Rav-SIG web site. See: Links
4See also: JewishGen
Yizkor Book Translation Project.
1. All comments by Chaim
Freedman are used with permission from his book, Beit
Rabbanan: Sources of Rabbinic Genealogy.
Petah Tikva, Israel: self-published, 2001.
2. Hundert, Gershon
David. "18th-Century Polish Jewry: Demographic and Genealogical
Problems." Avotaynu:
The International Review of Jewish Genealogy. Winter,
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