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Karaganda, Kazakhstan Lists

Introduction by Peter Landé

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This list contains the names of 190 Jews who died at the Karaganda labor camp, or who returned from there in 1946-47.


Karaganda (Qaraghandy), in Kazakhstan, was a Soviet forced labor settlement established in the 1930s and maintained at least until the late 1940s.  These lists, from the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM) [RG 14.053M. reel 10], include the names of Jews who died in Karaganda and Jews who returned from there in 1946-1947.  The lists were provided by the London office of the World Jewish Congress.

These Jews were primarily German and Austrian Jews who fled into the Baltic states fearing Nazi persecution.  They were there when the Russians invaded in 1939 and were sent on to Karaganda, where some died and others survived to return to the countries from whence they had come.  Ironically enough, at the end of the war when the Russians entered Germany, they deported large numbers of German men and women and sent them to the same place where the Jews had previously been, i.e. Karaganda.  There are no known lists of these deportees, and most are believed to have perished under the harsh conditions there.

There are believed to be additional lists of Karaganda Jewish survivors in the International Tracing Service (ITS) collections.  If these can be located, they will be added to this database.

Within this set are also two other short lists of deaths in Russia.  These lists are part of the same source as the Karaganda lists.


This database includes 190 records from the following lists:

List # Description # of Records
List II Additional Jewish Civilians Internees Who Died in the USSR 11
List III List of Jews of the Nisko Transport who Died in Kamensk-Uralsk 8
List IV List of Karaganda Survivors Who Returned to Berlin 69

The fields for this database are as follows (Not all fields of information exist for each list):

  • List #
  • Surname
  • Given Name
  • Maiden Name
  • Date of Birth
  • Place of Birth
  • Age at Death
  • Deported From
  • Date Deported
  • Last Residence
  • Date of Death
  • Father's Surname
  • Father's Given Name
  • Occupation
  • Comments


The information contained in this database was indexed from the files of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM RG 14.053M. reel 10).  The original source of the documents is the London office of the World Jewish Congress.

In addition, thanks to JewishGen Inc. for providing the website and database expertise to make this database accessible.  Special thanks to Warren Blatt and Michael Tobias for their continued contributions to Jewish genealogy.  Particular thanks to Nolan Altman, coordinator of Holocaust files.

Nolan Altman
Coordinator - Holocaust Database
January 2010

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