Gallery of Scientists
 Lev Berg Lev Berg was born on March 14, 1876 in Bendery to Semen Berg, a notary, and Klar...
 Isaak Bersuker Isaak Bersuker was born on February 12, 1828 in Kishinev to Borukh. He is Profes...
 Leonid Bronfman Leonid Bronfman was born in 1932 in Kishinev to Izrail. He is a mechanical engin...
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 Leonid Dechtiar Leonid Dechtiar was born in 1924 in Tiraspol. He was a mechanical engineer. Scie...
 Alexander Frumkin Alexander Frumkin was born on October 24, 1895 in Kishinev to Naum Frumkin, insu...
 Israel Gokhberg Israel Gokhberg was born on August 23, 1928 in Tarutino to Tsudik and Haya Gokhb...
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 Avraam Granot Granot (Granovskiy) Avraam was born on June 19, 1890 in Floreshty to Moses Grano...
 Benjamin Gruenberg Benjamin Charlize Gruenberg was born on August 15, 1875 in Novoselitsa to John G...
 Boris Katz Boris Katz was born in Kishinev. He is a principal research computer scientist a...
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