Zvhil Novograd-Volynskiy
(Novohrad-Volyns'kyy, Ukraine)

50°36' / 27°37'

Translation of Zvhil-Novogradvolinsk

Edited by: A. Ori, M. Bone

Published by the Association of former residents of Zvhil and surroundings, 1962 (H,Y,E)


This is a translation from: Zvhil-Novogradvolinsk, Zvhil Novograd-Volynskiy
Editors: A. Ori, M. Bone, Association of former residents of Zvhil and surroundings, 1962 (H,Y,E)


  1. The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Zvihil
  2. A translation of the book into Russian may be found at: and

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Hebrew Section

Translated by Sara Mages

Title Page The association of former residents of Zvhil and the surroundings  
Greetings to S. Z. Zetzer    
A letter M. Ribolov  
A Prayer S. Z. Zetzer 9
A. Introduction to the city
Zvhil – Novohrad Volynski Azriel Uri 13
Zvhil and the towns and villages around it Dr. Yakov Levi 33
The “Telner” [home owners] Synagogue Yonatan Schlain 49
Synagogues; Banks Dov Berenstein 58
Memories Bella Beretz-Kingman 61
My city Zvhil B. Adiri 65
B. Scholars, Hassidim and Men of Action
Torah, Hassidut and “Haskalah” Mordechai Buna (Bieber) 69
Zvhil - the Hassidut city M.S. Geshuri 71
(R' Moshe; R' Yehiel Michel; R' Mordchai'le)
Images from the past S. Z. Zetzer 74
(R' Pesach Kutman; R' Zushia Redzwiller; Cowardliness)
Personalities and Experiences Azriel Ori 78
(R' Mordchai'le, R' Shlomke'le, R' Yoel Sharyn, R' David Bezalel, David Robinfin, A. Ludwipol, S. A. Pen, S. Z. Zetzer, A. Teshskis, Y.Y. Wahl, E. Brachman, Dr. Torgowitz, Dr. Kingsberg, Dr. Ostrowski, A. Arbetman, Leib Rotenberg, and more)
Rabbi Simcha Kupchtik Rabbi Tzvi Nahor- Kupchtik 91
My grandfather R' Moshe Shmuel Eliyahu Sade-Lavan 93
R' Alter the judge Y. Schlain 94
Rabbi Isaiah Ben-Zion Baru Abraham Baru 96
R' Yeshaya-Fishel the judge M. Bone 98
HaRav R' Gershon-Yoel Sade-Lavan M. Bone 99
HaRav R' Y.Y. Korff M. Bone 100
My father R' Bunem-Zev, ritual slaughterer M. Bone 101
R' Pinya Leibushos; R' Avraham Shapira M. Bone 103
R' Moshe Avraham'ks; R' Pinya Avraham'ks M. Bone 104
R' Tuvia Scharbrout M. Bone 105
My Father Reb Moshe Dlugach Batya Dlugach 106
R' Ben-Zion Hoffman Ajzik H. 107
My father R' Moshe Berenstein Dov Berenstein 108
C. Mordechai Zev Feierberg and his friends
Feierberg (poem) Yakov Fichman 111
M. Z. Feierberg S. Z. Zetzer 113
Feierberg in Slavuta'd summer camp Yisrael Berman 122
Feierberg as a thinker and a visionary M. B. 125
S. Z. Zetzer – the recluse Dr. A. Mokdoni 128
Y.Y. Wahl Prof. S. Helkin 130
Yitzchak Bieber M. Bone 132
Someting about Yitzchak Bieber G. Kressel 134
D. Authors and Poets
Yehiel Ravrabi S. Z. Shazar 139
Yehiel Ravrabi Dov Krivitsky 145
Menachem Ribolov Yohanan Tversky 147
The uncrowned ambassador M. Bone 149
In the returned light (poem) Yitzchak Lamdan 151
Yitzchak Lamdan Yohanan Tversky 152
Yitzchak Lamdan (meetings) E. Uri 157
Dr. Yakov Levi M. Bone 160
In memory of Shmuel Schlain M. Bone 164
Shmuel Miller Yakov Glatstein 167
Shmuel Miller (the story of his life) E. Uri 168
S. Miller – pages from the book “Dor Ha'midbar M. Bone 169
Sound (poem) Y. Y. Sigal 172
E. A Person and his Home
My father's home E. Uri 175
My family's culture Nachum Bieber 178
A Zionist home M. Bone 181
The Zionist corner M. Bone 184
A socialist home M. Bone 185
A city in the fog; Family (poems) Natan Levana 187
Father Chana Schlain-Slonim 189
The great rabbi R' Yoel Scharin–the genius R' Yerachmiel Kumin 193
R' Zev the ritual slaughterer R' Yerachmiel Kumin 194
Ajzik Arbetman Y. Schlain 195
Zalman Brul Y. Schlain 200
Yakov Ben-Meir M. Adir- Rudnitsky 202
Rachel Brunfenshom-Meliar Chana Schlain-Slonim 203
Binyamin Goldman M. B. 205
Yitzchak Schlain-Stern Chana Schlain-Slonim 206
R' Dov Anzelowitz M. Bone 208
Dr. A.M. Goffman (Man) Y. S. 210
Ben-Zion Argov Sara Argov 211
Asher Brzenbaum N. L. 214
From Zvhil to Jerusalem A. Z. Ben-Yishai 215
Yisrael Szipensky Y. Z. 219
My brother Shmuel B. Adiri 220
Sara the Rabbi's oldest daughter M. B. 221
Eliyahu Rotenberg E. Uri 222
Bebatzia Ullman Chana Schlain-Slonim 224
Shlomo Goz Y. S. 225
R' Baruch Trombowolski M. Bone 227
The brothers Pinya and Leibush Weisberg M. B. 228
F. Zvhil - The towns around it
My birthplace Baronovka Moshe Shmueli 231
Baranovka Arye Blobstein 242
Baranovka Yaffa Perlmutter 244
Rohachiv Hirsh Rosenfeld 245
Polona - A Town Near Zvhil Eliayahu Kreinerman 253
Pulin Yaakov Ben–Dov 256
My ruined town Moshe Nobelman 257
Horodnitza B. V. 258
G. The slaughter in 5679 [1919]
The pogroms in Zvhil in 5679 M. Bone 263
The pogroms in Zvhil in 1919 Dov Anchilowitz 267
The escape from Zvhil in 1919 Miriam Kleinfeld-Zukin 269
How Were We Saved During the 1919 Disturbances? Batya Dlugach 271
Kamennyy Brod A. Y. V. 272
Memories B. Haklait 273
Novohrad-Volyns'kyy (Zvhil) P. Mermer 274
Hana – the porter and Kaschok Bella Stavit 276
Mordechai Shmuelik from the “The underworld” E. A. 279
H. The Holocaust and after it
Zvhil in its decline M. Bone 283
Zvhil in the years 1920-1945 M. Gildenman 286
The partisan detachment of Diadia Misha M. Kahanovich 292
The destruction of Zvhil E. Uri 295
The annihilation of Baronovka's Jews Arye Blubstein 295
The attack on the German garrison Moshe Gildenman 299
Zvhil Mendel Man 302
Told by partisan Simcha Gildenman E. Uri 304
I. The Heroes of the Independence War
Menachem Ritzman Yakov Ritzman 309
Menachem Ritzman Yisrael Horowitz 311
From Menachem's diary   311
In memory of Eliezer Lipa Casspi-Zilberman David Casspi 314
Yosef Duchna - collection from “Yizkor” 315
Yehusua Wiseman Zev Wiseman 316
J. At the conclusion of the book M. Bone 321
K. Supplements
Zvhil 100 years ago   341
Zvhil's rabbi and president of the court 200 years ago Mendel Bieber 342
Zionists in prison and in trial in Tsarist Russia M. Bone 343
With the publication of the book Shmuel Kaplan 345
At the opening of the book
1. Welcome!    
2. The experiences of S. Z. Zetzer during his first steps in Israel    
3. S. Z. Zetzer Y.Y. Wahl  
4. Map of the district    
5. City's map prepared by Yonatan Schlain    
Yiddish Section

Translated by Tina Lunson

Introduction Committee of the Zvhil Society in Israel 7
Zvhil (Novograd-Volynsk) Y. Uri 9
Zvhil and her Near Environs Dr. Yankev Leyvi 30
Thoughts and Pictures Sh. Ts. Zetser 45
The Zvhil Youth and Their Part in the Cultural Movement B. Melamed 51
Surrounding Towns
Our Small Town Ratchev Hirsh Rosenfeld 53
Baranovka, My Birthplace Moshe Shmueli 66
Horodnitse Binyumin K”ts* 77
My Little Town Kamenbrod and Zusman's Factory Eta Hofman 80
My Little Town Kamenbrod Mina Sumliar 83
My Town Ratchev Harry Bronfman 86
My Ruined Town Meyshe Nobelman 88
M. Z. Fayerberg
M. Z. Fayerberg and His Era Sh. Ts. Zetser 91
Literati and Activists
Sh. Ts. Zetser Sh. Leshtsinski 100
Yitskhak Biber Mordkhe Buna (Biber) 101
Folksy Personalities in Zvhil E. Uri 103
My Father [illegible] Zev of blessed memory Mordkhe Buna (Biber) 118
Eliahu Rotenberg E. Uri 120
Mr. Ayzik Arbetman Yonatan Shleyen 124
My father Ayzik Arbetman Nekhame Arbetman 131
Shleym'ke Guz Yonaton Shleyen 132
Zvhil and Its Environs (“Dor ha'midbar”) Sh. Miler 136
Those Fallen in the War of Independence in Medinas Yisroel
Menakhem Reytsman Yankev Reytsman 175
Yehosha Vaysman Dovid Vaysman 176
Eleyzar Lipa Kaspi-Zilberman Dovid Kaspi 178
Yoysef Dukhna * * * 179
The Events of 1919
The Pogroms in Zhvil in 5679 – 1919 Mordkhe Buna (Biber) 181
The Pogroms in Zvhil in 1919 Menashe Segal 187
Zvhil in 1918-1919 Pinkhas Medvedik 193
The Events in Zvhil Zalman ben Asher Sapian 196
Destruction and Extermination
Zvhil in the Years 1920 to 1941 Meyshe Gildenman 200
The Nazis in Zvhil Khaye Rozenshteyn- Firkis and her daughter, Miriam 211
Zvhil Mendl Man 215
The Hitler Era in Baranovke Arye Blavshteyn 217
In the Zshitomir Region   218
The Partisan Detachment of “Dyadye Misha” Y. Kohanovits 223
Documents and Pictures
Zvhil 100 Years ago B. Arshavski 229
Historical Description of Orphans' House Number 4 230
List of pages with photos
Y. Y. Sigal Mendl Man A175
Sh. Miler Sh. Lerner A176
Dor ha'midber by Sh. Miler Y. Shrayer A177

* Also written out as Kats or Katz, an abbreviation for “koen ha'tsedek”, the priestly family


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