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[Page 433]

Eternal Memorials

Translated by Ron Bresler

Great-grandson of Rabbi Yakkov Zaltzberg

In trembling fear, I proceed to note the headstone on the grave of my father, teacher, and rabbi, Yakkov son of Abraham Zaltzberg, May the Lord have revenge for his blood. Rabbi Yakkov was the living spirit behind every aspect of religious life in the town, and especially in educating the young generation in, “Girls of Agudat Israel” and “Beit Yakkov” - which was dear to him as his own flesh and bones. He saw as his target in life - to enlighten [and guide] those who weren't familiar enough with the ways of Israel. In all his bones, he believed in the restoration of the world, the kingdom of God, and the term “restoration of the world” (TIKUN OLAM) took on a meaning with him, that held the self-reparation of each and every detail (or individual - ambiguous), a fierce war against complacence and arrogance. On the saying of Hazal, “A wise student that was found with stained clothes must die”, he interprets: a leader must act impeccably, for he is at the top and for all to see, and should give account of his expenses.

Indeed, my father was blessed with virtue, and good deeds, which were done humbly and privately, without pretense or exaggeration, and without conspicuousness, a quality he disliked. He was devoted to the study of Torah (this is an expression, probably from Aramaic“lo psak pumei-a me-girsa”, which names the mouth as the organ of study: his mouth never ceased studying). His favorite child, the apple of his eyes, was “Beit Yakkov”. How much energy and health did my father, may he rest in peace, invest in expenses, Judaism and Gentile (the word here is not goim, but AMIM, peoples) classes, Mahshevet Israel, composing poems and historical presentations. I still remember the rehearsals that were done in our home. But his full attention went to “Girls of Agudat Israel”, since the boys studied in Yeshivas and Cheder, while the girls were left alone. He insisted the girls go to school and study as well. Today, we try to implement his spirit and aspirations in the schooling and education of our children.

A difficult task is set before me, after this horrible ruin that befell Jews all over the world, and in our town of Zloczew to erect a headstone on his grave. I don't know where it lies, and cannot say Kaddish over it, as in “velo yada eash et kivro” (and no one knew his grave). All of us who knew him are heartbroken as my father, his wife, and his three children, Feibish the son, and Fromet and Perl the daughters, never came to Israel.

Let these measured, limited, words be a living reminder. And let the birds in the skies be emissaries of Mitzva, to sing over his grave songs that he loved, the singing of the revival of a nation.

Your daughters: Ruda and Hella Zaltzberg

A Memorial Forever

Translated by Michlean Amir

With great pain, we mention our parents:

Itshe Meir and Ester Bresler

Our brother:

Henekh, his wife Hayah, and daughter Beile Gitel

Our uncle:

Hayim Mordekhai Shtupak and family


In great sorrow:

Avraham and Hava Bresler (Breslauer), children and grandchildren

New York


With sadness and pain, we remember our parents:

Avraham and Rude Zaltzberg

Our brothers:

Yaakov Zaltzberg and family, Arie Zaltzberg and wife

Our sisters:

Feiga Pietrykowski and family, Frumet Zaltzberg

Who were killed by the Nazi murderers -

May their names be erased.

In mourning:

Mindel and daughter Rude Petrover and family - in Israel

Hava and Avraham Breslauer and family - New York

Moshe and Rivka Zaltzberg and family - New York


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