Zinkov Memorial Book
(Zinkiv, Ukraine)

49°05' / 27°04'

Translation of
Pinkas Zinkov: Gedenkbukh

Editor: Shmuel Aizenshtadt

Published in Tel Aviv, New York 1966



Project Coordinator

Susan and Shawn Dilles


This is a translation of: Pinkas Zinkov: Gedenkbukh (Zinkov memorial book),
Editor: Shmuel Aizenshtadt, Joint Committee of Zinkover Landsleit in the United States and Israel,
Published: Tel Aviv, New York 1966 (H,Y,E 255 pages)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Zinkov

Purchase details for a printed copy of this translation can be found at http://www.jewishgen.org/yizkor/ybip/YBIP_Zinkov.html

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TOC translated by Yocheved Klausner


Paintings and Photographs 10
Editor's Foreword 11
A Word from the Editor Professor Shmuel Eizenstadt 12
Opening Remarks:
    A Word of the People of Zinkov in Israel 17
    A Word to the Readers of this Memorial Book 18
    Congratulations Dovid Fuks 19
    Our Memorial Book Avrom Rapoport 21
The Geographic Situation of Zinkov and its Public Life
The Town of Zinkov - A Geographical–Historical Survey Chana 27
Zinkov, Our Town (A Historical–Geographical Survey) Chana 30
The Zionist Pioneering Movement in Zinkov Nakhum Yoshpeh 35
The Underground Zionist Activity in Zinkov Yosef Yoshpeh 44
The Street Yisroel Sanis, Roytburd 47
The Synagogue and its Christian Visitors Yisrael Ben–Shachar (Schwarzman) 55
Our Synagogue Borech Laskin 58
The Synagogue Yisro'el Sanis, Roytburd 60
The Self–Defense Organization (Samoobrona) in Zinkov Nachum Yoshpeh 64
The Years 1920–1940 in Zinkov M. G. 70
The First Strike in Our Home Town of Zinkov Moyshe Garber 73
How Nicholas II was Overthrown in Zinkov Moyshe Garber 77
Azi Zecherman's House Yisro'el Sanis, Roytburd 78
Zinkov During the Years of Revolution and the Civil War (1917–1921) Moyshe Grinman 89
Zinkov Before the Destruction: Personal Memories from Home
Memories from My Hometown Zinkov Shmuel Korin 97
Memories of My Home in Zinkov 1900–1930 Yisro'el (Sani's son) Roytburd 100
Memories of My Zinkov Home Yitzchak Frenkel 104
Zinkov, Our Town Moyshe Garber 111
Memories of Bygone Times Y. Ben–David 117
My Childhood in Zinkov Dovid Fuks 120
My Childhood Years in Zinkov Moyshe Grinman 123
The Life and Death of a Jewish Family   124
Zinkov–My Home Town! Shlomo Ben–David (Blinder) 128
Our Town Rivka Katz 131
From the Distant Past: People and Life Moyshe Grinman 133
Short Sketches Avrom Shenkelman (Arke's son) 136
Zinkov Folklore
a. Simchas–Toyre in Zinkov Moyshe Garber 139
b. “Doctor” substitutes in Zinkov –– Royfes Moyshe Garber 141
c. Judges in Zinkov Moyshe Garber 144
d. Our Zinkov Melameds Moyshe Garber 146
e. The Zinkov “Photographer” Moyshe Garber 149
f. The Two Daughters of the Melameds Who Lost Their Way Moyshe Garber 152
Figures of Zinkov
Aharon Shenkelman, My Teacher and Mentor Y. R. 157
Poems Aharon Shenkelman 159
Avrom Shenkelman Y. R. 161
Ya'akov (Yankl) Hasid Yosef ben–David 163
David (Dudi) Blinder Yosef Ben–David 165
Moyshe Sadikov Moshe Ben–Shmuel 166
Yitzchok Itzikzon (Isaacson) (may his memory be for a blessing) Moyshe Ben–Shmuel 167
Pessie Shraybman Moyshe ben–Shmuel 168
Sima (Leybe's daughter) Moyshe Ben–Shmuel 169
Izya Baytlman Moyshe Ben–Shmuel 170
Rokhl (Rachel) Kuzminer Khayele Klassik 172
The Destruction of Zinkov
The Destruction of Zinkov, as related by Yehudit Weissblatt–Loyfer Y. R. 175
Regards from Postwar Zinkov – from letters to Moyshe Grinman Leonid 196
The Return to Zinkov Excerpts from letters 198
The Scream Y. Ben-Shachar (Shvartsman) 200
A “Lamentations” Poem on the Destruction of Zinkov Y. Ben–Shachar (Shvartsman) 201
The Cry for Help 202
On the Ocean Billows Chana 203
Beyle Yoshpeh 207
Yekhiel–David (Khilik), son of Nakhum Yoshpeh (may his memory be for a blessing) 208
Eliezer Shvartsman (may his memory be for a blessing) 209
Fanny Yoshpeh–Grabelski (may her memory be for a blessing) 210
Aharon and Necha Frenkel (may their memory be for a blessing) 211
Yosef Vartsman (may his memory be for a blessing) 211
Veli Zaltzman (may her memory be for a blessing) 211
Aharon Shenkelman, his wife Yenta, and their daughter Sarah (may their memory be for a blessing) 211
Aba (son of Moshe) Nesis (may his memory be for a blessing) 212
Zev Nesis (may his memory be for a blessing) 212
Polya Goldenberg, neé Fayerman (may her memory be for a blessing) 212
Mendl Vaysman (may his memory be for a blessing) 213
Moshe Gornik (may his memory be for a blessing) 213
Rachel Raydman and her son Ya'akov (may their memory be for a blessing) 213
Mendl Kurtzman (may his memory be for a blessing) 214
Shlomo (son of Yekhiel) Shapiro (may his memory be for a blessing) 214
David Feldman (the carpenter) (may his memory be for a blessing) 214
Dov (Berl) Soliternik (may his memory be for a blessing) 214
Sonia Yoshpeh (may her memory be for a blessing) 215
Shimon Saliternik (may his memory be for a blessing) 215
Malkaleh (may her memory be for a blessing) 215
Natives of Zinkov in America
Borech (Benny) Laskin - Founding the Zinkov Society 219
Erecting the Monument 222
The Erection of the Monument
The Monument Borech Laskin 224
Our Memorial and Protest Meeting Moyshe Garber 226
Remember what the Amalekites did to you! Moyshe Grinman 230
My Outcry of Pain Avraham Rappaport 231
Fence Dedication 233
To All Natives of Zinkov! 234
With Thanks and Acknowledgment 235
The List of Volunteers 236
List of Donors to the Zinkov Memorial Book 238
In the U.S. and Other Countries 238
English Section
Foreword The Committee 3
Protest and Condemnation Morris Garber 4
Zinkov Morris Garber 8
Externiks Morris Garber 12
In Memoriam   15


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Contact person for this translation Susan and Shawn Dilles
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