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[Page 215]

I. Eternal Light

[Page 216]

We will Remember

The natives of Zgierz – men, women and children, who were tortured and murdered in sanctification of the Divine Name by the German Enemies and their assistants, may their names be blotted out.

May G-d remember them for the good, and may their souls be bound in the bond of eternal life, and their rest be forever under the wings of the Divine Presence with all the martyrs of Israel.

With deep emotion, we recall the Jews of Zgierz who were so cruelly destroyed along with their families.

We also recall and perpetuate the memory of all those who left us during later years.

[Page 217]

In memory of our dear wife, mother and grandmother

Sarah Eisenberg


Daughter of Eliahu and Miriam Abramowicz
Died 4 Shevat 5733 – 1973 in Bat Yam

May her memory be blessed!

The perpetuators:
Husband Alexander Eisenberg
Daughters Rachel and Nathan Avi-Dan and family
Mira and Shalom Shapir and family


In memory of our dear husband, father and brother

Avraham Bornstein


The son of Yerachmiel and Freda
Born in Zgierz, 1911
Died on August 16, 1977 in Bat Yam

May his memory be blessed!

The perpetuators:
Wife Mina Bornstein (nee Przytyk)
Daughter Freida-Layaha Bornstein
Sister Miriam Bornstein and family in the United States
Cousin Alta-Ita Kurtz and family of the United States

[Page 218]

In eternal memory of our dear parents, grandfather and grandmother
Our father Reb David Baum the son of Reb Shmuel Avraham (Abba) of blessed memory of Zgierz. A fearer of Heaven and lover of his fellow, who performed acts of charity and benevolence, clean of hands and pure of heart. Died in Tel Aviv, first day of Passover, Sabbath 15 Nissan, 5745 (1985).

  Our mother Rachel Baum the daughter of Reb Naftali Dov and Chava Nechama Rotenbach of blessed memory of Łódź. Noble of spirit, fearing Heaven, and all her ways were peaceful. Died in Tel Aviv, 29 Tevet 5718 (1958).

Our grandfather Reb Shmuel Avraham (Abba) Baum of Łódź, the son of Reb Yosef of blessed memory, an upright, pure, and pious man. Died in Tel Aviv, 19 Kislev 5702 – 1942.

  Our grandmother Keila Hena Baum of Zgierz, daughter of Reb Elchanan of blessed memory. A woman of valor and many deeds, her hand was open to all in need. Died in Tel Aviv, 2 Kislev 5704 -1944.

May their memories be blessed! May their souls be bound in the bonds of eternal life.


Daughters, sons and families in Tel Aviv.

[Page 219]

In memory of my husband

Shmuel Leib Gotthelf


son of Nathan and Vicha
Died in Hadera, September 5, 1979

May his memory be blessed!

His wife Mania Jakubowicz-Gotthelf of Hadera.


In memory of my dear wife

Dorka Goldstein


Daughter of Ernestina and Bernard Sziker
Born in Poddębice near Łódź in 1897
Died in Tel Aviv, January 20, 1983

May her memory be blessed!


Husband Peretz Goldstein

[Page 220]

In memory of my dear wife

Mrs. Miriam Gliksman


Daughter of Yechiel Margolis
Died first day of Sukkot 5745 – 1984 in the United States


Husband Shlomo Gliksman, Miami Beach, United States

[Page 221]

A memorial candle to our dear aunt

Hela-Chaya Hofstein


Daugter of Reb Moshe Eliezer and Roiza
Died in Tel Aviv, 1976
May her memory be a blessing!


She was born in Zgierz, and left the city at a young age for Germany to assist her older sister Idit and her husband Gedalia Weisbaum with their two young daughters. When the Nazis came to power in 1933, the family escaped to Holland. Hela, the aunt as she was called by all of them, became the decisive personality. When the Germans invaded Holland, the entire family went underground. Hela, with her special talents to forge connections, knew how to find hiding places, to bring “food” to the house, and to lead the family. The sister and brother-in-law were captured in 1943 and deported to Auschwitz. The aunt Hela continued to take care of the children that remained.

The daughters made aliya to the Land after the war, and Hela began to search for the son with whom contact had been lost, until she found him. She concerned herself with his education. She endured difficulties to provide an honorable livelihood for herself and for the lad. She was also a support for the entire family. In consideration of her deeds in the Dutch underground, Queen Juliana granted her Dutch citizenship after the war as a token of sublime humaneness.


Children of his sisters; Chaya Hecht, nee Weisbaum, and family
Pesia Rosenthal, nee Weisbaum, and family
Dan Weisbaum and family

[Page 222]

A memorial candle to our dear parents


Our mother Tzila Harpazi daughter of Berl and Chaya Celnik.

Born in Zgierz,, June 30, 1914 – died in Negba September 20, 1975.

Our father Tzvi Harpazi, son of Kalman and Leah Goldberg.

Born in Włocławek, October 15, 1912 – died in Negba October 9, 1975.

To our grandfathers and grandmothers who perished in the Holocaust – a candle to their memory.

Our parents made aliya to the Land of Israel in 1934,
and were among the founders, builders, and defenders of Kibbutz Negba.

May their memories be a blessing!


Son Ehud and Adina Harpaz and family
Daughter Anat and Yaakov Maor and family
Daughter Leah Harpazi

[Page 223]

In memory of our dear parents, grandfather and grandmother

Celina Widislawski nee Messing


Perished in Auschwitz camp, August 1944.

Yaakov Widislawski son of Reb Chaim Leib
Perished in Łódź Ghetto, 1941.

May their memories be a blessing!


Their only daughter Marisha Cohen, who survived thanks to mother's sacrifice
Son-in-law Adam son of David Cohen, Melbourne, Australia
Granddaughter Celina Peleg nee Cohen, and children, Justin and Anton, Melbourne Australia
Granddaughter Jane Korman nee Cohen, her husband Yoram Korman, and their children Yasha, Sonia, and Jasmin, Moshav Ishi near Jerusalem.

[Page 224]

In memory of our dear husband and father

Yehuda Leib (Leibush) Weinstein


Son of Shalom and Leah of blessed memory.

A faithful, generous worker on behalf of the community.

Died in Tel Aviv, 10 Av 5636, August 6, 1976.

May his memory be a blessing!


His wife Yehudit Weinstein nee Librach
Son Meir Weinstein and family

[Page 225]

In memory of our dear

Rachel Weisbrot


Daughter of Reb Avraham Petachia and Freidel Finkelstein
Born in Zgierz
Died in Russia on September 7, 1984

May her memory be a blessing!


Her sisters Sarah Bernstein nee Finkelstein and husband Leibel, of the United States
Rivka Eichler nee Finkelstein and family of the United States
Her daughter Irina Kapol nee Weisbrot and family of Russia
Her son Izik Weisbrot and family of Russia

[Page 226]

In memory of our dear husband, father and brother

Shmuel the son of Hershel and Ester Wegman


Grandson of Reb Fishel Bunim of blessed memory Hollander,
the shochet [ritual slaughterer] of the city of Zgierz.

Born in the city of Łódź in 1909, active in the Hechalutz Hamerkazi movement – made aliya in 1930,
did a great deal for the arriving Chalutzim [pioneers] as they arrived in the Land.

Died in the city of Brookline Massachusetts, United States, in the month of Av 5745 – August 1945.

May his memory be a blessing!


His wife Sonia Wegman, daughter of Reb Nachum Mordechai Pros of blessed memory
Daughter Naomi Kirshstein, nee Wegman, and husband Harvey
Brother Shlomo Wegman and family, United States

[Page 227]

A memorial candle to the Zajdel Family

Our father Reb David Zajdel the son of Shlomo of Kaluisz, died in 1923 in Poland.

Our mother Rachel Leah Zajdel


daughter of Reb Leibel and Feiga Rivka Harun, died on 8 Tammuz 5696 (1936) in Tel Aviv.

Our sister Kresil-Naava Joskowicz, daughter of Reb David and Rachel Leah Zajdel.
Died on 26 Kislev 5731 – 1971 in Givatayim.

Our brother-in-law Moshe Shmuel Joskowicz,
died on August 1, 1969 in Givatayim.

Our brother Shlomo Zajdel the son of David and Rachel Leah.
Died on 12 Kislev 5734 – 1973 in Karkur.

Our sister-in-law Krula Zajdel nee Birnbaum.
Died 3 Shevat – 1979 in Karkur.

May their souls be bound in the bonds of eternal life.


Lipshia Gelfman-Reuveni nee Zajdel and family
Avraham Zajdel
Moshe Zajdel and family

[Page 228]

In eternal memory of my dear family

My grandfather Reb Avraham Zisha Turcinski the son of Zeev Yehuda of blessed memory,
died in Zgierz prior to the war.

My grandmother Yehudit Turczinski nee Radogowski,
perished in the Łódź Ghetto, 15 Sivan, may G-d avenge her blood.

My mother Hendel Turcinski, daughter of Reb Chaim Dowzinski of blessed memory of Izbica.
Died on 9 Kislev in Zgierz, prior to the war.

My sister Tzipora (Potcza) and her husband Motel Blofarb, and their children.
Perished in the Łódź Ghetto during the Holocaust.

My sister Hinda Chaya and her husband Yehuda (Leibish) Szwarc, and their son.
Perished in the Łódź Ghetto during the Holocaust.

My brother Zeev Yehuda (Wolf Leib) Turcinski, son of Reb Yaakov Meir.
Died in Zgierz in 1933.

May their souls be bound in the bonds of eternal life.


Yisrael Yitzchak and his wife Miriam Turcinski, Holon

[Page 229]

In memory of my family who perished in the Holocaust

My grandfather Reb Avraham Yaakov Jankelewic.

My grandmother Sara Lea Jankelewic

They perished in Zgierz.

My father Reb Yisrael Yitzchak Zajdorf


son of Reb Aharon Shimon and Miriam Rachel.
Died 10 Iyar 1980 in Beni Brak.

My mother Rivka Zajdorf nee Jankelewic.
Perished in the Holocaust in 1942.

My brother Reb Chaim David Zajdorf, son of Yisrael-Yitzchak and Rivka.
Perished in the Holocaust in Pozna&324;.

My sister Sara-Liba Zajdorf, daughter of Yisrael-Yitzchak and Rivka.
Perished in the Łódź Ghetto in 1942.

My sister Feiga Lea Zajdorf daughter of Yisrael-Yitzchak and Rivka.
Perished in Auschwitz during the Holocaust.

My aunt Mrs. Perl Brandes, nee Jankelewic, her husband and family.
Perished in the Łódź Ghetto.

My uncle Reb Pesach Jankelewic, the son of Avraham Yaakov, and family.
Died in the United States.

My uncle Reb Wolf Jankelewic, the son of Avraham Yaakov, and family.
Perished in the Łódź Ghetto.

My uncle Reb Shimon Jankelewic, son of Avraham Yaakov and family of Aleksander.
Perished in the Holocaust.

My uncle Reb Yitzchak Jankelewic, son of Avraham Yaakov and family.
Perished in the Holocaust.

May their souls be bound in the bonds of eternal life.


Yosef Leib Zajdorf and family
Guta-Tova Wirzbinski, daughter of Yisrael Yitzchak Zajdorf, and family

[Page 230]

In Memory of my dear grandfather and grandmother

The Torah scholar and Hassid, Reb Mordechai Yaakov Mondry.


And his wife Mrs. Reizel Mondry of Warsaw.

Died in Łódź prior to the war.

May their souls be bound in the bonds of eternal life.


Their granddaughter Mania Jakubowic-Gotthelf, nee Mondry

[Page 231]

In memory of our dear family

My father Reb Ber-Wolf Mondry, son of Reb Mordechai Yaakov of blessed memory.
Perished in the Łódź Ghetto.

My mother Mrs. Chaya Sara, daughter of Eliezer Cukier,
perished in the Holocaust.

My brother Shmuel Eliahu-Eliasz Mondry, his wife Feiga, nee Lichtensztajn of Łódź, and their son Mordechai Yaakov.
Perished in Łódź.

My sister Sonia-Sheva Antygnus, nee Mondry, her husband Nathan, and daughters Lea and Esther Antygnus.
Perished in Auschwitz.

My brother, the Torah scholar Reb Yisrael-Leib Mondry.
Perished in the Warsaw Ghetto.

His wife Perl, nee Najman, with their four children.
Perished in the Łódź Ghetto.

May their souls be bound in the bonds of eternal life.


Manya Jakubowicz-Gotthelf, nee Mondry
Aharon the son of Eliahu Mondry

In the photo: Eliahu-Eliasz Mondry. Sonia-Sheva Mondry-Antygnus

[Page 232]

In eternal memory

Reb Yisrael Hirsch Jakubowicz


Yenta Jakubowicz


Perished in the Warsaw Ghetto.

May their souls be bound in the bonds of eternal life.


Their daughter-in-law Manya Jakubowicz-Gotthelf

[Page 233]

In memory my dear husband, our father and grandfather

Reb Yaakov Yakir Michowicz


Son of Reb Shalom Dov of blessed memory, born in Zgierz
Died 29 Tevet 5735 – 1975 in Tel Aviv.


The late Reb Yaakov Yakir, son of Reb Shalom Dov Michowicz, was born in the city of Zgierz to a Hassidic family that basked in the presence and court of the Admor the Tzadik of Aleksander of holy blessed memory.

Reb Yaakov made aliya to the Land in 1930. He worked at the most difficult jobs out of love of the land, as a true pioneer. He accepted the difficulties of absorption with love. Despite all the hard suffering, he did everything he could to bring his parents and family to the Land.

Reb Yaakov was one of those who laid the foundations for the weaving industry in the Dan region. Along with his family, he set up a small enterprise. He made every effort to bring religious lads into the business, so that they could earn their livelihoods honorably. Through his hard work to sustain his family members, he established and founded a minyan [prayer quorum] for the Hassidim of Aleksander on HaKishon Street in Tel Aviv. He served as the chief gabbai [trustee] of this Beis Midrash until his last day. He did everything, with literal self-sacrifice, to strengthen and maintain this Hassidic house.

He educated his sons and daughters in that same spirit of Torah with worldly activity.

May his soul be bound in the bonds of eternal life.


His wife Sara Michowicz
Sons Dr. Moshe and Chana Michowicz and family, and Dr. Shalom Dov and Rachel Michowicz and family
Daughters Zahava and Aryeh Hoizler and family, Shoshana and Yehoshua Kula and family.

[Page 234]

An eternal light to my dear husband

Nathan Nakritz


The son of the Hassidic Torah scholar Reb Yitzchak of blessed memory
Born in Zgierz. Died on 25 Shvat 5742 – 1982 in Tel Aviv.


He was the scion of a Hassidic family, and studied in Yeshiva during his youth, where the personality of a lad thirsting for knowledge was forged. However, already at the outset of his path, he also had to bear the yoke of livelihood. He worked in a textile factory.

His aliya to the Land during the 1930s was a result both of straits and personal impetus. In the Land, he was tested with all the tribulations of absorption and acclimatization. He began to forge his path in life in accordance with the desires of his heart and the command of his conscience. From his parental home and it's environment in Zgierz, he brought a deep connection to the spiritual heritage of the nation. From the Zionist movement, he brought an aspiration for the redemption of the nation and mankind. He was chosen as a member of the committee when the activities for the publication of the memorial book for the martyrs of community commenced. He worked on the matter with interest.

Nathan Nakritz devoted special attention to a methodical collection of factual material and testimonies about Jewish life in its fullest until the Second World War, and about the Holocaust years. He was active, a man to whom it mattered, who knew no rest until his final day. He took interest in everything and was noted for his exemplary personal and social sense. Since he had a blessed pen, he excelled in writing journalistic articles on all sorts of communal problems. He did not avert his eye from any small injustice. A man of pure heart and straight path has left us, a man who comported himself with modesty, was dedicated and faithful.

It is sad for the individual and for everyone.

May his memory be blessed!


His wife Guta Nakritz, nee Katz

[Page 235]

In memory of my dear husband and daughter

Leon-Leibish Serebnik


the son of Reb Shimon Henech and Rivka
Born in Zgierz in 1913
Died January 26, 1984 in the United States.

Charna Serebnik, the daughter of Leon and Sara
Died in an automobile accident at the age of 22 in the United States.

May their souls be bound in the bonds of eternal life.


Sara Serebnik and family, United States.


In memory of our dedicated, dear father and grandfather

Moshe-Yaakov Serebnik


son of Shimon and Sheindel of blessed memory.

Born in Zgierz. Died on Friday 26 Cheshvan, October 30, 1975 in Tel Aviv.

May his memory be blessed!


Irka Serebnik
His daughter Aliza Dagan
His daughter and son-in-law Ora and Asaf Weigel
Grandchildren: Anat and Nimrod Weigel

[Page 236]

In memory of our dear wife, mother, mother-in-law, and grandmother

Esther Fisher (nee Schmukler)


daughter of Reb Avraham Leib Shafer of blessed memory,
A native of Vilna
Died 15 Nisan, first day of Passover, 5742 – 1982.

May her soul be bound in the bonds of eternal life.


Her husband Zeev Wolf Fisher
Her son and daughter-in-law Daniel and Tzafrira Shmukler
Her sister Rivka HaLevi
Her grandchildren Yitzchak, Shmuel, and Aryeh Shmulkler


In memory of our dear parents
Aryeh Frugel


son of Reb Yisrael, born on 15 Shevat 1901
Died on 23 Elul 5737 – 1977 in Tel Aviv.

Yafa Sheindel Frugel


nee Bulka-List, born in 1902
Died on 3 Adar I, 5733, February 5, 1973,
in Tel Aviv.

May their souls be bound in the bonds of eternal life.


Sons Pinchas Pereg-Frugel and family
Moshe Frugel and family

[Page 237]

In memory of our dear wife and mother

Sonia Friedman nee Zylberman


Born in Warsaw in 1918.

Died on 10 Tevet 5743 – 1992 in Bat Yam.

Her parents Reb Shaul and Sara Zylberman, and her sisters Tova and Manya Zylberman
Who perished in the Holocaust, may G-d avenge their blood.

May their souls be bound in the bonds of eternal life.


Her husband Avraham and Yaakof Friedman of Israel
Her sons Dr. Emanuel Friedman and family, United States
And Shaul Friedman and family, Israel


In memory of our dear husband and father

Nachum Celnik


son of Berel and Chaya Genendel
Born in Zgierz in 1911
Escaped to Russia during the war
Died on 18 Av 740, July 31, 1980 in Tel Aviv.

May his memory be blessed!


His wife Sara Celnik
His daughter Esther Yasur, nee Celnik and family
His son Dov Celnik and family

[Page 238]

In eternal memory of the Kuperman family

Our father Reb Chanoch Kuperman, the son of Reb Feivel and Tirtza,
perished in the Holocaust in Russia.

Our mother Mrs. Reizel Kuperman


daughter of Machla and Reb Yaakov Moshe Wronski,
perished in the Holocaust in Auschwitz.

Our brother Yitzchak Leib Kuperman,
perished in the Holocaust in Russia.

Our brother Avraham Yisrael Kuperman,
died before the war in Łódź.

Our sister Yocheved Kuperman


daughter of Chanoch and Reizel,
perished in the Holocaust in Stutthof.

Our sister Rivka Perl Kuperman


daughter of Chanoch and Reizel,
perished in the Holocaust in Auschwitz.

[Page 239]

{continued from previous page}

Our brothers

Yaakov Moshe Kuperman


son of Chanoch and Reizel

Eliahu Kuperman


son of Chanoch and Reizel
Perished in the Holocaust in Russia.

Our sister, my parents, brother and sister
Feiga Dembinski nee Kuperman {apparently lower left photo}
Her husband Meir, and their children: Leibel, Sara, Yaakov, Moshe, Ezriel, and Tirtza

All perished in the Holocaust.

May their souls be bound in the bonds of eternal life.


Rachel Horn, nee Kuperman, and family
Bat-Sheva Danmark, nee Kuperman, and family
Yehoshua Dembinski the son of Meir and Feiga, and family

[Page 240]

In memory of my husband

Menachem Kirshstein


son of Sara and Shimon David
Born in Zgierz, Iyar 5665 (1905)
Died on 3 Shevat 5742 – 1982 in Givatayim.


He made aliya in 1924. The love of the land, its landscapes, and its people were natural to him. Menachem was known for his uncompromising uprightness, his clear language, his diligence, and his sense of humor. He always knew how to find an appropriate story for every event, and how to blend Hassidic stories with actual events. May his memory be blessed!


In memory of Shmuel (Stan) Kirshstein, son of Menachem and Shoshana, died at age 43 in 1975.

In memory of my brother-in-law Tova Schiff, nee Kirshstein, died on 18 Nisan 5739 – 1979.

And in memory of all Kirshstein family members who perished in the Holocaust.


Shoshana Kirshstein


In memory of my dear, beloved husband

Yisrael Rosenblum


son of Reb Reuven and Sara, nee Wigodni of blessed memory
A native of Łódź
Died on 27 Sivan 5743 – June 8, 1983, in Montreal, Canada.

May his memory be blessed!


His wife Tzesha Rosenblum, nee Fisher
Brothers-in-law Zeev Fisher, Israel
Yaakov and Franka Fisher, Israel
Marisha nee Fisher and her husband Moshe Fishman, Montreal

[Page 241]

Staff Sergeant Yuval Ravid


Killed in an accident in the line of duty on February 28, 1981, when he was only a youth of 20.

He had smiling eyes and the gaze of a fox – this was the image of Yuval from his childhood. Yuval was born on June 27, 1960 to his parents Era and Uri Ravid. He was a grandson of Polia nee Ickowicz and Rafael Katz. From his home, he absorbed the love of the Land of Israel, its landscape, the homeland, the love of his fellow, and social responsibility. He was greatly involved in the life of the group and the country. He studied computers at the Brenner and Ort Technikum in Givatayim. As a student, he excelled at his studies and in his contribution to the social life of the class and the school. He was drafted into the paratroopers in August 1978, and served in the operations division as a division sergeant. He participated in the Movil operation at the Lebanese border in August 1980. Upon his graduation, he delved into philosophy and preached a way of life according to intellect and logic.

May his memory be blessed!


In eternal memory

My father Reb Yosef Baruch Rubin the son of Yerachmiel of blessed memory.

My mother Frimet Rubin nee Reich.

My brothers and sisters Yaakov, Genia, Rivka, Perl, Shmuel, Sara, Esther, and Yenta.

All of whom perished in the Holocaust, may G-d avenge their blood.

May their souls be bound in the bonds of eternal life.


Their daughter and sister Chana Fridman, nee Rubin, and family

[Page 242]

In memory of our dear daughter and mother

Miriam Stamler


daughter of Esther and Avraham Gotthelf
Born in Zgierz in 1928,
died on 11 Nisan 5739 – April 8, 1979 in Akko, at the age of 51.

May her memory be blessed!


Her parents Esther and Avraham Gotthelf of Ramat Gan
Her son Pesach Stamler and family of Netanya


In memory of our dear husband, father, and grandfather

Shmuel Asher Rotkowski-Rotkopf


Son of Avraham Dov and Mindel, nee Celnik
Born in Zgierz on October 16, 1909
Died on 16 Kislev 5746, November 29, 1985 in Bat Yam.

May his memory be blessed!


His wife Rachel Rotkowski nee Friedman
His daughter Miriam Ronen nee Rotkowski and family
His daughter Ruth Apelbaum nee Rotkowski and family

[Page 243]

In memory of our family Szapshowicz-Abramowicz

My parents Risha nee Berka and Reb Shlomo Szapshowicz,
died before the Holocaust in Zgierz.

My brothers Ziskind, his wife Sara nee Fontowicz from Żyrardów,
their children Shlomo, Racha, and Chaya,
who perished in the Holocaust.
His son Feivel-Shraga who died in Petach Tikva, Israel, 2 Kislev – November 6, 1975.

Yaakov, his wife Ida-Yehudit, of the family of Rabbi Elberg,
and their children Chaya and Shlomek,
who perished in the Holocaust.

Shamsha, who perished in the Holocaust.

My sisters: Chaya Liba Cohen, nee Szapsowicz, her husband Yosef, and their son Shlomo,
who perished in the Holocaust.

Esther-Etka Reler, nee Szapsowicz,
who died in Afula on March 1, 1974.

My cousin Zeev-Bulek the son of Avraham and Miriam Szapsowicz,
who died in Holon in 1982.

* * *

My parents Mindel nee Postabelski and Eliezer Abramowicz,
who died before the Holocaust.

My sisters Leah Roza Widowski, nee Abramowicz, and their daughter,
who perished in the Holocaust.

Her husband David Widowski,
who died before the Holocaust in Zgierz.

Naomi Gornicki nee Abramowicz, her husband Hirsch and their children,
who perished in the Holocaust.

Chaya Fernbach nee Abramowicz,
who died on June 4, 1981 in Tel Aviv.

Her husband Yitzchak Fernbach,
who died on January 29, 1979 in Tel Aviv.

My brothers Rafael Abramowicz, his wife, their daughters Adela, Manya, and Luba, and their son,
all of whom perished in the Holocaust.

Mordechai Abramowicz, his wife Arna nee Rosenthal in Germany,
who perished in the Holocaust.

Yisrael Hirsch-Herman Abramowicz, his wife Chana-Andza, and their son Izo,
who perished in the Holocaust.

Moshe, who fell in the Polish-Russian war during the period of 1919-1920.

May their souls be bound in the bonds of eternal life.


Franka nee Szapsowicz and Aharon Abramowicz
Yoram Aviram-Abramowicz and family

[Page 244]

In memory of my dear mother and our sisters

{top photo, likely Miriam and Franka}

My mother Miriam-Regina Szerman, daughter of Mordechai and Chaya Kupfer,
perished in Majdanek in 1944.

My sister Franka-Freda Klinowski, daughter of Regina and Avraham Szerman,
a Holocaust survivor, who returned from Russia in 1946.
Died in Nazareth, Israel, on June 20, 1980.

My sister Hela-Chaya Szerman


daughter of Regina and Avraham.

Born in Zgierz. Died at the age of 22 in 1929.

My sister Fela-Feiga Szpic


daughter of Regina and Melech Sibirski, died in Rechovot in 1974.


Chana Librach nee Szerman
And her daughter Ilana Dobkin and family
, Tel Aviv


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