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[Page 176]

zgi176.gif Mourning notice from the communal council (in Hebrew and Polish) regarding the murder of Fishel Feldon on June 1, 1925 [13 KB]
Mourning notice from the communal council (in Hebrew and Polish)
regarding the murder of Fishel Feldon on June 1, 1925

{The text of the notice is as follows (line breaks are not exact, due to word order differences in English and Hebrew):
The Hebrew Community Council of Zgierz / expresses from the depths of its heart /
the heavy mourning / over what happened in our town, that suddenly /
a complete family from amongst our people was killed and slaughtered, in a /
very cruel fashion, that had not occurred in such a manner from the time of the founding of our town /
that the lives of five people should be cut off and exterminated / for no fault or sin of their own. /
Alas! How great is this terrible tragedy! / Oh Land, Oh Land! Do not hide the blood that was spilled in this place /
until the blood of those murdered / to the sorrow of our hearts and pain of our souls is avenged. /
On Tuesday, the following were murdered. They were brought to their eternal rest /
on Wednesday the 25th of Sivan, 5685. / Efraim Fishel the son of Yosef Feldon, 70 years old. /
His wife Esther Malka Feldon, 68 years old. / Feldon, 20 years old. / Avraham, 10 years old.}

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[Page 183]

zgi183.gif The regulations of the 'Yagdil Torah' organization (in Russian) [17 KB]
The regulations of the “Yagdil Torah”
organization (in Russian),
which was authorized by the governor in 1912

The heads of the Yagdil Torah Yeshiva were
Rabbi Mendel Noach Koren and
Rabbi Chanoch Ozorkower. (see page 165)

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[Page 185]

zgi185.gif A decree of the Committee for Assistance of the Jewish refugees of Germany [20 KB]
A decree of the Committee for Assistance
of the Jewish refugees of Germany, who were
expelled by the Nazis to Zabonszyn in Poland

The commttee was set up in Zgierz in December, 1938,
as it was in the other cities of Poland.
{Translator's note – I am unable to identify that location.}

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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
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Updated 2 Sep 2004 by LA