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Photo captions of the Zgierz Yizkor book (cont.)

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Caption Picture Page
Paula, father Ber, Tova, Rivka, mother Roza, and Yenta Honigstock zgi669as.jpg 669
Dov Bliman and Tove Bliman (nee Honigstock) zgi669bs.jpg 669
Reb Yehuda Aryeh (Leibel) zgi670s.jpg 670
Yosef Meir Haron zgi671as.jpg 671
Avraham Haron zgi671bs.jpg 671
Pessa Wrozelowski zgi674s.jpg 674
Yaakov Mendel and Chana Sara Wechsler zgi678s.jpg 678
Leizer Wechsler zgi679s.jpg 679
Reb Menachem Mendel zgi681s.jpg 681
Eliahu Wronski and Machla Wronski zgi682as.jpg 682
Yosef Orvi-Wronski zgi682cs.jpg 682
The Wronski Family zgi683as.jpg 683
Yaakov Moshe Wronski zgi683bs.jpg 683
Aharon Zeidel and Dina Zeidel zgi685as.jpg 685
David Zeidel zgi685cs.jpg 685
The Zilberberg Family zgi686s.jpg 686
Esther Chaya Togendreich zgi690as.jpg 690
Yaakov Meir Togendreich zgi690bs.jpg 690
The Togendreich Children zgi690cs.jpg 690
Dvora Jozefowitz-Kolski zgi693as.jpg 693
Zisa-Zosia Jozefowitz zgi693bs.jpg 693
Rosa Jakubowicz and Sheindel Jakubowicz Breitbard zgi694s.jpg 694
Mendel Jakubowicz zgi696as.jpg 696
Mendel Jakubowicz zgi696bs.jpg 696

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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
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Updated 15 Sep 2004 by LA