In eternal memory
It is over thirty years since the end of the Hitlerian violence and still today, I can see before my eyes all of their refined methods of murder which they used to kill our people. Like the rest of us, my close relatives were murdered by the German beasts.
My dear father, Shmuel Freundlich, died in Zgierz in 1929. My dearly beloved mother Eidel Freundlich (nee Grinfarb) was murdered in the Lodz ghetto in 1941. My dear and beloved brother Avraham Yaakov Freundlich was murdered in the Lodz ghetto in 1942. My dear and beloved sister Rivka Poznanski, her husband Yechezkel and two children were killed in 1942. My dear and beloved sisters Chele, Masha and Hodes were murdered by the German murderers.
My dear wife Aida (nee Jakubowicz) and delightful children Estusha and Shmuel. My wife's parents, my father-in-law and mother-in-law Itche and Rivka Jakubowicz with their daughters Natasha, Esther, and Paula.
My dear uncles: Shulem Hirsch Goldfarb, with his wife and two children; Isser Dszaliski with his wife (nee Grinfarb) and their daughter Chele Eisen, and Chele's husband Lozer and their two children; Harry Grinfarb, a sincere Jew, died in America in 1973.
My dear and beloved aunt Rachel Rubin (nee Grinfarb) died in America in 1971.
My sisters-in-law Ita Bracha Mindele, Rivkale and their brother Efraim were murdered in the Lodz ghetto.
I will remember my near and dear relatives, victims of the Hitlerian murders, until the end of my life.
We must never forgive the murderers of our people.
Perpetuated by Yosef Freundlich of Haifa, the only survivor, son and brother.
In eternal memory!
Our father Reb Yisrael Frugel the son of Mordechai Leib {upper right photo died in Israel on the seventh day of Passover 5711 (1951)[1]
Our mother Chana Sara Frugel (nee Krimlowski) {upper left photo} died in Israel on the 23rd of Iyar 5713 (1953)
Our sisters: Esther, her husband Wolf Sziwicz and their son perished in the Lodz ghetto
Malka Frugel
Our brothers Betzalel Frugel, his wife and two children perished in the Lodz ghetto
Moshe Frugel, his wife and son perished in Posen (Poznan)
May their souls be bound in the bonds of eternal life.
Perpetuated by Aryeh Frugel and family, Yeshayahu and Dvora Frugel and family.
{upper box}
The Frugel family {photo} prior to the aliya of Yisrael and Chana Sara Frugel to the Land of Israel in 1936
{lower box}
In memory of
Our father Feibish Preshker the son of Yehuda
Our mother Rachel Preshker (nee Zichelinski)
Perished in the holocaust
Our brother Meir Preshker died before the war at age 12
Perpetuated by Shalom Preshker and family
Esther Preshker-Grussman and family
In eternal memory of
Our father Emanuel the son of Alter and Frumet Fridman died before the war
Our mother Reizel Fridman, the daughter of Bina and David Waltman
Our sister Malka Gittel (Manya) Fridman perished in the holocaust
{right photo} Grandfather David Waltman
{left photo} Malka Gittel Fridman
Our grandfather Reb David Waltman perished in the holocaust
Our grandmother Bina Waltman died before the War in Zgierz
Our uncle Avraham Waltman, his wife Rachel (nee Buczan) and their sons Binem and Lipman
Our aunt Hinda, her husband Hillel Czizinski and their three children Bina Leah, Avraham Yisrael and Esther Rachel
Our aunt Pessa, her husband Ziskind Mendelewicz and their children Bina and Moshe
Our cousin Masha the daughter of Shlomo and Tzipora Waltman all of whom perished in the holocaust
Our grandfather and grandmother Alter Fridman and his wife Frimet (nee Wadowski) died before the war
Our aunt Dvora Gittel, her husband Yaakov Wadowski and their four children Alta Chaya, Beila Mindel, Mirele and their son Moshe perished in the holocaust
Our uncle Noach Waltman, his wife Frania (nee Buczan) and their children Bina, Moshe and Leib
May their souls be bound in the bonds of eternal life
Perpetuated by Rachel Fridman-Rotkowski
Avraham Yaakov and Moshe Fridman
The children of Reizel and Emanuel Fridman
In memory of
My father Yitzchak Freistadt perished in the Bialystock ghetto
My mother Gittel Freistadt (nee Rubenstein) a righteous woman who helped everyone who was in need died before the war in 1935
My brother David Freistadt perished in the Bialystock ghetto
My sister Rivka Freistadt perished in a camp with 1,000 woman
My sister Roiza Freistadt perished in a camp with 1,000 woman
My brother Melech Freistadt
Manya Freistadt (nee Rafaelowicz), the second wife of my father and their young daughter Sarale they left the ghetto in an unknown direction.
May their souls be bound in the bonds of eternal life
Perpetuated by Peretz Freistadt and family
{photo} Standing: Mordechai, Rozka, Avraham, Hirsch, Mania. Sitting: Father Shlomo, Mother Sara, Shaya Cincinatus
In memory of our beloved
Parents Reb Shlomo Cincinatus the son of Aharon
Sara Cincinatus (nee Wigdorowicz)
Sisters Miriam Mania Cincinatus
Rachel Rozka Cincinatus
Brothers Yeshayahu Shaya Cincinatus
Tzvi Hirsch Cincinatus
Avraham Cincinatus
Mordechai Cincinatus all of whom perished in the holocaust
Aharon Cincinatus died in Israel in 1961
His wife Roza and daughters Leah and Dina perished during the holocaust in Vilna
Perpetuated by Tola Efron-Cincinatus and family
Yaakov Cincinatus and family of Israel
A few words about my family
My father, the last Jewish guildmaster in Zgierz was born in the village of Wolia Jankowa in the area of Radomsko. He settled in Zgierz, according to my estimation, sometime between 1890 and 1892. My mother was born in Zgierz. She was from the Wigdorowicz family.
None of my family was in town on the day of the expulsion from Zgierz. My father had been arrested by the Nazis and was in Radagoszcz. My mother and two sisters Mania and Rozka were in Warsaw. I and my three brothers, Yeshayahu, Avraham and Mordechai were on the other side of the Bug, in the Soviet region. Yeshayahu was killed in the Vilna ghetto. Hirsch was with the partisans, and fell at the end of 1943.
Avraham and Mordechai, along with my sister Tola and her son, had obtained Aryan documents. They were all together for a certain amount of time. However, they had to separate for the group was too large. My sister Tola and her son survived and live today in Israel. Avraham and Mordechai were murdered by the murderers. My parents and sisters Mania and Rozka perished in the Warsaw ghetto.
Perpetuated by Yaakov Cincinatus
{upper box}
A memorial candle to the Zelgow family
My father Yosef Zelgow
My mother Reizel Zelgow (nee Brzezinski) they died before the war
My sister Paula Zelgow died in Samarkand, Russia[2]
My brother Avraham Zelgow and his two children were murdered in the Chelmno ghetto
My brother Yitzhak Zelgow, his wife Bronia (nee Turczinski) and their child were murdered in Buczacz
My sister Chava and her husband Motek Epstein and their child perished during the war
My brother Yisrael Zelgow died in Israel on 3rd of Av, 5621 (1961)
Perpetuated by Esther Zelgow-Traub
Moshe Zelgow Ben-Yosef
{lower box}
In memory of my dear wife
Chana Zelgow (nee Zeidenwurm)
And my only son Yossi, aged 3 ½
Who were murdered in the Warsaw ghetto
{photo of Chana and Yossi}
Perpetuated by Moshe Ben-Yosef (Zelgow)
An eternal candle to my family
Our father Berel Zelnik the son of Avraham Yaakov, one of the old timers of Zgierz (left photo}
Our mother Chaya Gnendel Zelnik the daughter of Shlomo Eliezer Lemkowicz of Lodz {right photo} they perished in Chelmno
Our brothers Avraham Yaakov Zelnik, his wife Mania (nee Finkelstein) and their daughter perished in the Glowno ghetto
Lemel Zelnik and his wife Dora murdered in the Chelmno camp
Eliezer Zelnik, a partisan fell near the Oder River
Our sisters Tzipora and her husband Chanan Lerner perished in the Warsaw ghetto
May their memories be a blessing!
Perpetuated by their daughter and sister Tzila Harpazi (nee Zelnik) and family
Their son and brother Nachum Zelnik and family
In eternal memory!
My father Reb Pinchas Zelnik the son of David, secretary of the Jewish community of Zgierz killed in Siedlec
My mother Chaya Blima Zelnik, the daughter of Reb Binyamin Sczaranski born in Zgierz, perished in the Warsaw ghetto on January 13, 1943 (7 Shvat)
My sister Gittel Hendel Zelnik born in Zgierz in 1926, murdered in Siedlec
My sister Sara Leah Zelnik born in Zgierz in 1927, murdered in the Warsaw ghetto
My brother Binyamin Zelnik born in Zgierz in 1929, murdered in Siedlec
My brother Nota Zelnik born in Zgierz in 1935, murdered in the Warsaw ghetto
Perpetuated by Chava Tusk-Zelnik of New York
In eternal memory
Reb Eliezer the son of Yaakov of blessed memory {photo}
And his wife Zisel Korczerj
They died at an old age before the Second World War
Reb Eliezer was known in the town as a Hassid, a scholar, with a broad Jewish heart. Their home was always open to anyone who was needy. He himself worked hard and honestly to support their large family, which was blessed with children.
May their souls be bound in the bonds of eternal life
Perpetuated by Yosef Korczerj, Paris, their only surviving son
{This Yizkor box extends over two pages.}
Reb Michel Kuperman of blessed memory
Michel, the grandson of Reb Yaakov Kuperman of blessed memory, was a descendent of the Alexander dynasty, and a Hassid of the Alexander Hassidim in Zgierz.
He was diligent in Torah, learned, and a master of all the good traits that the sages attributed to a whole person. He was the paradigm of righteousness, honesty, love of one's fellowman and fear of heaven. His prayers were quiet and from the depths of the soul.
His father Mendel Kuperman did not merit to make aliya to the Land, for he died suddenly. However, he bequeathed his dream to his children, who made aliya to the Land as pioneers about fifty years ago and occupied themselves with its upbuilding.
He was active in the Zionist movement, and was a member of the Mizrachi organization of Zgierz. His home always had a warm Zionist atmosphere, and in this atmosphere he educated his daughter Adela, who followed the path of her father.
At the time of the Nazi conquest, he was active in helping those who were suffering and in need. He extended help to people who were in dire straits, even at the risk of his life. People who arrived in the Land after the holocaust told a great deal about his activities during these critical times. He did not lose his ideals even at the most difficult moments, when the people of Zgierz were pursued to the neck and were expelled to the Balot ghetto in Lodz. Even though he himself was oppressed and persecuted, he always made sure to extend whatever help was possible to his fellow. Since he was related to the owner of the bakery, he was generally able to help those in need by providing bread.
His family was expelled along with the Jews of Zgierz in 1941 to the ghetto, and from their they were sent to extermination, and all traces of them were lost.
A splendid family was murdered. May the memory of the family be blessed forever.
{photo} Standing: Chaim and Golda Cohen, Sara Kuperman. Sitting, the grandfather Reb Yaakov Kuperman, Reb Michel Kuperman and his children Meir, Chana, Menachem and Adela
A memorial candle to pure souls
My grandfather and grandmother Yaakov and Hinda Kuperman
My father Mendel the son of Yaakov and Hinda Kuperman
My mother Chana Gittel (Andza) Kuperman, the daughter of Michel and Chaya Golda Lichtenstein of Plotzk
My brother Michael (Mechel) Kuperman, his wife Sara, their daughter Adla and her husband, his son Menachem Mendel, his son Meir, and his daughter Chana.
Who perished in the holocaust
May their memories be blessed!
Perpetuated by Yaffa (Sheina Eidel) Rakocz, the daughter of Mendel and Chana, and family
Moshe Nachshon Kuperman, the son of Mendel and Chana, and family
{upper right box}
In memory of
Yosef Jawaski (a baker)
His wife Chaya (nee Itzkowicz)
And their three children Yitzchak, Mendel and Rachel
All of them perished in the holocaust
{upper left box}
Meir Kolski, his wife Tamar, children and grandchildren
Lived in Zgierz on B. Jaselewicza Street.
They were murdered in sanctification of the Divine name during the years 1939-1945
Perpetuated by their daughter Chana Fuchs of New York
{lower right box}
Moshe Rosenzweit (Oleinik)
His wife Dvora (nee Zaonce)
They owned a store on Sradaska Street
And their seven children
All of whom perished in the holocaust
{lower left box}
In memory of
Avigdor the son of Moshe Reichert
His wife Ava (nee Milstein)
Their sons Moshe and Ezra
All of whom perished in the holocaust
In eternal memory of
Our uncle and aunt Leizer and Yachtshe Sztachelberg of blessed memory
And their children Binyamin Sztachelberg of blessed memory and Chavtsha Sztachelberg-Gibralter of blessed memory
Who were murdered during the years 1939-1945
Perpetuated by Frania (Rubenstein) Levitt of Montreal
Leib Leon Rubenstein
Dr. Yosef Rubenstein of New York
Michael Rubenstein of Montreal
Shlomo Rubenstein of New York
The children of Leizer and Baltsha Rubenstein of blessed memory
Grandchildren of Yosef and Malkale Rubenstein of blessed memory
{This Yizkor box extends over two pages.}
In memory of my beloved parents, brothers and sisters, may G-d avenge their blood, who perished in the holocaust
My father Reb Kalman Baruch the son of Yitzchak Shmuel Rosenblatt
He was born in the city of Bendzin, Poland. He was a G-d fearing and scholarly Jew. He loved his fellowman and assisted those in need. He was a Hassid of the rabbi of Sokolow and a member of his inner circle. He was cut off by the Nazi enemy, may their names be blotted out, in 1940 at age 53.
My mother Rivka Rosenblatt the daughter of Itta and Yechezkel Gotschal
She was born in Pradla, Poland. She was a righteous women who engaged in immeasurable, discreet giving of charity and extending of assistance. She perished in the Auschwitz death camp in 1944, at age 51.
My eldest brother Yitzchak Shmuel the son of Kalman Baruch
He was taken to a work camp in Russia, and there he perished in 1942 at age 33.
His wife Lea Ronia (nee Erlich) of Radomsk perished in a death camp
Their daughter Michla, who perished at age 8
My brother Yisrael Wolf the son of Kalman Baruch perished in the Warsaw ghetto in 1942 at age 31
His wife Dvora (of the Levi family of Alexandrow, near Lodz) perished in a death camp
Their daughter Ruth perished at age 6.
Their son who was born at the time of the outbreak of the war, whose name I do not remember
My sister Lula the daughter of Kalman Baruch and Rivka Rosenblatt taken along with father and perished in 1940, at age 20
My brother Refael Mendel the son of Kalman Baruch and Rivka Rosenblatt perished in the Auschwitz death camp in 1944 at age 22.
Their memories shall be eternally etched upon my heart.
Perpetuated by Fela the daughter of Kalman Baruch and Rivka Rosenblatt-Gotlieb, their daughter and sister who survived the death camps of Auschwitz and Bergen-Belsen
In their memory
{upper right photo} Reb Kalman Rosenblatt
{upper left photo} Lula Rosenblatt
{lower right photo} Leah Ronia, Michla and Yitzchak Shmuel Rosenblatt
{lower left photo} Yisrael Wolf Rosenblatt
{This Yizkor box extends for a page and a half.}
In their memory!
{upper right photo} Avraham Dov Rothkopf
{upper left photo} Mindel Rothkopf
My father Avraham Dov the son of Yaakov and Esther Ita Rothkopf
My mother Mindel the daughter of Avraham Yaakov and Frumet Zelnik
My sisters: Rachel Rothkopf
Tzipora, her husband Hirsch Gelbard and their daughter Frimet
Rivka Leah (Regina), {lower left photo}, her husband Yechiel Shevach and their daughter
All of whom perished in the holocaust
My uncle and aunt Shaul Rosenstrauch and his wife Miriam (nee Zelnik) died before the war
Their son Nachum Rosenstrauch, his wife Chana the daughter of Tanchum and Liba Bigeleisen and their daughter perished in the holocaust
My aunt Sheindel Grinberg (nee Rothkopf) died before the war
My uncle Hershel Grinberg, their daughter Ita, her husband and daughter perished in the holocaust
{upper box}
My uncle and aunt Mordechai Zelnik and his wife Leah (nee Weinberg) died before the war
Their daughter Feiga, her husband and their children
Their daughter Tzipora, her husband and children
Their son Shlomo Shimon Zelnik, his wife and children
Their son Simcha Zelnik, his wife and children
All of whom perished in the holocaust
May their souls be bound in the bonds of eternal life
Perpetuated by Shmuel Asher Rothkopf Rothkowski
{lower box}
In eternal memory of
My father Reb Fishel Rus and his wife Perel
My sister Chana Rachel and her husband Yechiel Meir Katek with their eight children
My sister Ita Feiga, her husband Yisrael Pruski and their four children
My sister Chaya Roiza, her husband Meir Rosen and their seven children
My sister Miriam Dreizel, her husband Avraham Gurfinkel and their three children
My sister Zise Esther, her husband Berish Frida and their children
My brother Moshe Nechemia died at a young age
My brother-in-law Yisrael Yitzchak Weichselfisch and his five children
All of whom perished in the holocaust
May their souls be bound in the bonds of eternal life
Perpetuated by Chaim Zalman Rus, Berlin
{This Yizkor box extends over a page and a half.}
In memory of our dear family
{upper photo}
Our father Gedalia Rozman the son of Meir perished in the holocaust
Our mother Pessa Roznam (nee Schneps) perished in the holocaust
{lower photo}
Our sister Rozka, her husband Ben-Tzion Lifschitz and their daughter Mira perished in Slonim
Our brother Yaakov Rus, his wife and children perished in Paris
May their memories be blessed for ever!
{upper box}
Our aunt and uncle Malka and Yitzchak Buczan
And their children Fela and Rivka
Freda and her husband Waltman and children
Rachel and her husband Waltman and children
Leon Buczan, his wife and children
Reuven Buczan
Who perished in the holocaust
Perpetuated by Regina Bialostocki-Rozman and family
Mordechai Rozman and family
Pinchas Rozman
{lower box}
In eternal memory of my parents
Leib and Reizen Rosenberg of blessed memory
Sister Mania, her husband Mordechai and two children
Sisters Zisel, Feiga and Pessa Leah and her husband Shmuel
Aunt Freda
Brother Shmuel
All of whom perished in the Lodz ghetto
Perpetuated by Hirsch Rosenzweig, New York
In eternal memory of my family
Mother Chaya
Brother Eliezer (son of Yerachmiel), his wife Malka and children Shmuel, Zalman and Yerachmiel
Murdered in August, 1944
Sisters Naomi and Tova
Brother Nathan (son of Yerachmiel), his wife Esther Rachel and children Yerachmiel, Avraham, Efraim, and Chaimel
Murdered by the Nazi murderers in the Lodz ghetto in 1942
Perpetuated by Chaim Itche Shaiak of New York
In memory of
Our father Reb Shalom Tzvi Shevach of blessed memory, the son of Yaakov and Rivla of blessed memory perished in the holocaust
Our mother Chava Rachel Shevach of blessed memory (nee Holtzman) perished in Treblinka
Our sister Perl Dina of blessed memory perished in Treblinka
Perpetuated by Avraham Shevach and family, Tzipora Mankita (nee Shevach) and family
Shmuel Shevach and family
{photo} Surrounding the gravestone are standing, from right to left: Reb Mendel Shevach of blessed memory, Reb Lipman Shevach of blessed memory, Mrs. Rivla Shevach of blessed memory, Mrs. Leahle Radzinski of blessed memory, Mrs. Radzinski of blessed memory. Sitting from right to left: Reb Shalom Tzvi Shevach of blessed memory, Reb Vove Wolf Shevach of blessed memory.
In memory of
Our grandfather Reb Yaakov Shevach of blessed memory, and our grandmother Mrs. Rivla Shevach of blessed memory died before the war
Our uncle Reb Wolf Shevach of blessed memory and his wife Simaleh of blessed memory
Our uncle Reb Lipman Shevach of blessed memory and his wife Mrs. Esther of blessed memory
Our aunt Reb Mendel Shevach and his wife of blessed memory
Our aunt Mrs. Leah of blessed memory (nee Shevach) and her husband Reb Aharon Radzinski of blessed memory and children
Our aunt Rachle of blessed memory (nee Shevach) and her husband
Who perished in the holocaust
In memory of
Mrs. Chana Shevach of blessed memory (nee Zimmerman) {photo}
My dear wife and our dear mother, unforgettable, who died in Jerusalem on 11th of Shvat 5734 (1974) and was brought to her eternal rest on Har Menuchot in Jerusalem
May her memory be blessed!
Perpetuated by her husband Avraham Shevach, and her daughters Esther Shachar and family, Rina Gazit and family, Nili Kaminer and family
{This Yizkor box extends over two pages.}
An eternal flame to my dear family
My father Moshe Asher the son of Yisrael Siedlowski {upper right photo} perished in the Warsaw ghetto
My mother Ratza Siedlowski (nee Sorzon) {upper left photo} perished in Treblinka
My brother Shmuel (Salek) Siedlowski {lower right photo} died after the war in Warsaw, Poland
My sister Miriam (Marishka) Siedlowski {lower left photo} perished in Treblinka
{photo evidently Max}
My uncle Max the son of Yisrael Siedlowski died after the war in Zgierz
My uncle Michael the son of Yisrael Siedlowski
My aunt Rozia Siedlowski and her husband
My aunt Mania Siedlowski and her husband
My aunt Fela Siedlowski and her husband Brzezinski
And their children Sala, Ala, and Chilek
All of whom perished in the holocaust
May their memories be blessed!
Perpetuated by Bella Gutman-Siedlowski (the daughter of Moshe and Ratza)
An eternal flame to the Sheps family
Reb Menachem Mendel the son of Moshe Yaakov Sheps, one of the honorable old-timers of Zgierz
He was born in Zgierz in 1870. He moved to Lodz in 1903. There he was one of the founders of the well-known Hebrew gymnasia. He owned a chemical factory. He gave a Hebrew, Zionist education to his sons.
His wife Rivka, the daughter of Reb Yisrael Moshe Schwartzman, an expert in secular and Torah knowledge, from the city of Turk. He died in 1938.
Dr. Yosef the son of Menachem Mendel Sheps. He died in Zgierz in 1898. He was a well-known physician in Zgierz. He was a donor to Jewish causes and Zionist funds. In his capacity of Captain in the Polish army, he was killed in forests of Katin, along with hundreds of other Jewish doctors of Poland.
Genia Glasstein the daughter of Menachem Mendel Sheps. She was born in Zgierz in 1901. She attained higher education. She perished along with her husband Zalman and two children Bolek and Miriam in the Lodz ghetto, 1943.
Engineer Simcha the son of Moshe Yaakov Sheps. Born in Zgierz. He was a professor of Chemistry in the polytechnic institute of Baku, Russia. He perished in the holocaust.
Dr. Saltza Avrahamowicz the daughter of Moshe Yaakov Sheps. He was born in Zgierz. He served as a physician in Leningrad. He perished in the holocaust.
Yosef the son of Moshe Yaakov Sheps. Born in Zgierz in 1903. He immigrated to Basle. There he founded a silk factory and set up a foundation to help those who fled from eastern Europe. He was a long-time Zionist. He died in 1943.
Perpetuated by the children of Reb Menachem Mendel and Rivka Sheps, Tel Aviv
Dr. Shmuel Sheps, Geneva
Zofia Moskowicz (nee Sheps).
In memory of our dear parents
Reb Aharon Sperling the son of Reb Avigdor Meir and Tuna of Lodz {right photo}
He died at a very young age in Lodz.
Glicka (Genia) Sperling the daughter of Reb Leibel and Feiga Rivka Haron {left photo}
She was born in Zgierz and died at a ripe old age in Tel Aviv on the 26th of Tammuz 5728 (1968).
Our beloved and noble mother remained a widow and she dedicated her entire life to educating her daughters in the spirit of Zionism and the love of the land of Israel.
May their souls be bound in the bonds of eternal life
Perpetuated by the daughters Chaya Halpern and family, Rachel Szpiro and family
In eternal memory of our dear family
{right photo} Chaya Sarkowiak
{left photo} Rivka Rachel Sarkowiak
Our grandfather Reb Yaakov Yitzchak Sarkowiak of blessed memory
Our grandmother Tzirel (nee Bialostocki) they perished in the Warsaw ghetto
Our father Reb Avigdor Yechezkel Sarkowiak the son of Reb Yaakov Yitzchak and Tzirel
Our mother Rivka Rachel (nee Kolbert) perished in the Warsaw ghetto
Our brother Avraham died before the war
Our brother Berel Dov perished in the Warsaw ghetto
Our sister Chaya perished in the Warsaw ghetto
Our brother Menachem Mendel perished in the Warsaw ghetto
May their souls be bound in the bonds of eternal life.
Perpetuated by Simcha Binem and Eliakim Noach Sarkowiak
In memory of
Our uncle and aunt Fishel Sarkowiak the son of Yaakov Yitzchak and Tzirel
Their children Mala, Sara, and Leah
All of whom perished in the Warsaw ghetto
Our uncle and aunt Leibish Sarkowiak died in the Lodz ghetto
Leah (nee Blank)
Their daughters Hinda and her husband, Aida, Sara and her husband Moshe Cohen
Their son Fishel Sarkowiak, his wife Chana Rivka and their son Moshe
All of whom perished in the holocaust
Our uncle and aunt Avraham Moshe Reisman
Perel (nee Sarkowiak)
Their daughters Feiga and her husband, Chaya and her husband, Fruma, Tzirel
All of whom perished in the Lewicz ghetto of a typhus epidemic
May their souls be bound in the bonds of eternal life.
Perpetuated by Simcha Binem and Eliakim Noach Sarkowiak
The sons of Avigdor Yechezkel and Rivka Rachel
{upper box}
In memory of the Shimshowicz family
Father Yosef Shimshowicz, the son of Moshe and Mirel born in Zgierz, perished in the Lodz ghetto
Mother Masha Shimshowicz born in Lask, perished in the Lodz ghetto
Sisters Esther, Feiga, Chana Rivka and her husband Fishel Sarkowiak (from Zgierz)
And their son Moshe Chana and Moshe perished in Auschwitz, Fishel in the Lodz ghetto
Ita and her husband Hirsch Mordechai Gembiczki (of Zgierz) Ita perished in Treblinka, Hirsch Mordechai in the Warsaw ghetto
Brother Yisrael Yitzchak and his two children Moshe and Reizele Yisrael perished in Auschwitz, the children in the Lodz ghetto.
Perpetuated by Moshe and Rachel Shimshowicz of Israel.
{lower box}
In memory of my dear family
Father Avraham Yehuda Schwartz and mother Pessa Gittel of blessed memory
Father-in-law Yaakov Ring and his wife Baltsha, and three children
Brothers Yisrael Yitzchak and wife Rosha
Kaufman, his wife Sally, and daughter Leahle
Brother Yosef, his wife and young son
Lola's husband Alter, and children Avraham and Rachele
The two children of my younger sister Yehuda and Avraham
Who were killed in sanctification of the Divine name
Perpetuated by Baruch Schwartz
Natives of Zgierz who Fell in the Wars of Israel
{upper box}
Captain David Aloni {photo}
David Aloni was the son of Yaakov and Esther (nee Katz). He was born on the 13th of Cheshvan 5696 (November 9, 1935) in Tel Adashim in the Jezreel Valley.
He was educated in a school for the children of workers. Later he studied in the Shalva high school of Tel Aviv, where he was considered one of the best students. He joined the Israel Defense Forces and took an officer's course. Afterward he returned to his studies, and in 1963, he received a degree in agriculture from the University in Rechovot. He continued with his doctoral studies. He returned to his paratrooper unit at the outbreak of the Six Day War, as a captain of intelligence and operations. From the battles of Sinai he moved over to the Syrian front. His armored truck overturned during the ascent to the crest of the Golan Heights, and he was badly wounded.
He died on the 12th of Sivan 5727 (June 20, 1967), after a valiant ten day battle to save his life.
He left behind a wife and two daughters.
May his memory be a blessing!
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Shmuel Avraham Bornstein {photo}
He was born on the 4th of Adar 5688 (1928) to his parents Aharon Yisrael and Rivka Bornstein. He was a descendent of the Kotzk Hassidic dynasty, a grandson of the Admors of Sochaczew and Sokolow. He was educated in the Bilu school and the Moria high school. He joined the Haganah at age 14. Just as he was about to fulfil one of his objectives, which included a trip for educational purposes to the United States, the War of Independence broke out. He gave up on his plans without hesitation and hurried to volunteer with the fighters. He fill on the hills of Nazareth on Lag Baomer (18th of Iyar) 5708 (1948).
May his memory be a blessing!
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Staff Seargent Dov Bliman {photo}
Dov Bliman of blessed memory, the son of Leopold and Tova (nee Honigstock), was born in 1947, and made aliya to Israel in 1957.
He finished high school, and in 1972 received his bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering from the Technion. The Yom Kippur War broke out while he was in the midst of his studies for his Master's degree. He fell on the Golan Heights on the fifth day of the war.
He left behind a wife and son.
May his memory be blessed!
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Oded Ben-Yamin (Sczaranski)
The son of Reb Moshe Sczaranski of Zgierz, he was born on the 13th of Kislev 5683 (December 12, 1923)[3] in Tel Aviv. He excelled in his studies and finished his studies successfully at the Herzlia high school.
He enlisted for the army at the beginning of the world war. After his release, he studied natural sciences at university. He made a name for himself as a genius in mathematics and physics. He was called up for service at the time of the declaration of the state, and he dedicated himself faithfully to all of his missions to which he was assigned.
On the 5th of Shvat 5708 (1943), when he made haste with the 35th division to bring assistance to Gush Ezion, he fell in the mountains of Hebron along with his friends.
May his memory be a blessing!
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Asher Gornicki {photo}
Asher Gornicki, the son of Yosef and Reizel, was born on April 11, 1924 in Zgierz. He finished public school and a few grades of high school.
At the outbreak of the war, he escaped with his father to Russia, where he was enlisted for hard labor in the forests of Siberia. He returned to Poland in May, 1946, however he was not able to remain their in the atmosphere that pervaded after the murder of the members of his people, including his mother and sister.
He left Germany and enlisted in Gachal[4] at the outbreak of the War of Independence. After two months of army service, he fell in the line of duty at Ein Shemer on October 28, 1948. He was considered to be lost in battle, and when they found his body, he was brought to burial on August 9, 1949 in the military cemetery of Afula.
May his memory be a blessing!
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Sergeant Motti Katz {photo}
Motti Katz was born to Moshe and Tzipora (Fela) Katz on December 3, 1944, 17th Kislev 5705, in Tel Aviv.
He studied in a new high school and was a member of the Machanot Haolim youth movement. After his matriculation examinations, he enlisted in Nachal[5] and joined the Reim group in the Negev. He was a communications sergeant in the paratrooper battalion.
He fell in battle on the Syrian border on the 28th of Av, 5724 (August 6, 1964).
He left behind poems which were published after his death in an anthology called Im Bo Hashemesh (At Sunset). Nathan Alterman wrote the preface.
May his memory be blessed!
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Staff Sergeant Menachem Katz {photo}
Menachem was the son of Tzipora and Yoav Katz. He was born on April 3rd, 1938 in Tel Aviv. He studied in the Tzafon school, and the Shalva high school. He was an alumnus of Hashomer Hatzair, in the Yami group. He participated in sailing competitions and was the national champion twice.
He moved on from Nachal to the regular army, and served as a paratrooper. He served in armored division 11 in the Six Day War.
He fell in Bloza on the 4th day of the Yom Kippur war. He had volunteered, and was hurrying to save a truck that had veered off the road and had gone onto a road that led to the 3rd Egyptian Army.
He was married, and the father of three children.
May his memory be a blessing!
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Major Yaakov Shiloh (Shilek) {photo}
Yaakov was the son of Morris and Janina Shilek. He was born in Kalisz on November 15, 1935. He moved to Zgierz with his family at age 3. He went through all the trials and tribulations of the war during his childhood. He made aliya at age 13 with the Youth Aliya and joined Kibbutz Gan Shmuel. He continued his studies at the Shevach school. At age 17, he enlisted in the army and joined the paratroopers, where he served as a teacher and a guide. He participated in various battles, including the Sinai Campaign. After he was wounded badly in an accident, he joined the communications division. During the Six Day War, he volunteered for a special role in Group 37. During his duty as an army airplane navigator, he was killed by an enemy bullet during the battle at Shechem (Nablus) on the fourth day of the war, 28th Iyar 5727 (June 7, 1967). He had served in a praiseworthy fashion, and was promoted in rank after his death.
He left behind a wife and a daughter.
May his memory be a blessing!
1. The Hebrew date given here is 5701, which corresponds to the English date is 1941. The same discrepancy of ten years exists in the next entry, for the mother. I arbitrarily chose the English date as being accurate, but that is not definitive. Back2. A city in Uzbekistan. Back
3. The Hebrew and English years do not match here, as December 1923 would correspond to 5684. Back
4. Gachal is an army division for recent immigrants. Back
5. Nachal is an pre-military cadet corps. Back
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