Yizkor May we remember
The natives of Zgierz men, women, and children who were tortured and
murdered in sanctification of the Name of G-d by the German enemy and their
assistants, may their names be blotted out.
May G-d remember them for good, may their souls be bound in the bonds of life, may their eternal response be under the wings of the Divine Presence with all of the holy martyrs of Israel.
For the Avenger of blood will remember them, and He will not forget the cries
of the oppressed
With deep feeling, we memorialize all of the Jews of Zgierz who were cut off along with their families, without leaving anyone to remember and perpetuate their names.
In glorious memory of our teacher and rabbi
Rabbi Shlomo Yehuda Leib HaCohen of holy blessed memory, the head of the
rabbinical court of Zgierz, the son of the pious Gaon Rabbi Shalom Tzvi HaCohen
of blessed memory. He died in the holocaust in the year 5702.
{large photo of the rabbi on the page}
{The following Yiddish text provides additional details}
The Zgierz rabbi, Rabbi Shlomo Yehuda Leib the son of Shalom Tzvi Cohen of holy blessed memory, the outstanding preacher of peace, friendship and proper living. He was rounded up in the Warsaw Ghetto at Umshlag Platz in 1942, and sent to Treblinka.
A memorial candle to the Ader family
{Photo at top of page, Nathan and Esther Malka}
My father Reb Nathan Ader the son of Shlomo David of Kalisz
My mother Esther Malka Ader the daughter of Aryeh Leib Prizer they died
in the Warsaw ghetto
My brother Shmuel Ader, his wife Dvora the daughter of Tovia Kopel and Yocheved
And their two year old daughter Chana they were killed in the Glowno
My sister Dacha Daya, her husband Shalom Zigmund Rosenstrauch,
Their eight year old son Ulesh killed in the Warsaw ghetto,
And their son Avraham Adash, 22 years old, who died after the war in Germany in
{Photo on bottom of the page Daya and Zigmund Rosenstrauch, Shmuel Ader}
Perpetuated by their son and brother Yaakov Ader and his family.
In Eternal Memory
My father Reb Avraham Yitzchak the son of Reb Yosef Akerman, who died in the
city of Radom
My mother Esther Golda the daughter of Naftali Hertzke Gruzworcel, who was
murdered in the Radom ghetto
The wife of my youth Perl Akerman, the daughter of Moshe Eliezer Hofstein
My sons Avraham Yitzchak, 15 years old
Shlomo, 12 years old
My daughter Chaya, 9 years old
My sisters: Perl Zigman (nee Akerman) and her husband Shmuel, with their three
sons and one daughter
Zisel Zaonce (nee Akerman), with her 2 daughters and son
Tzipora Friedman (nee Akerman), her husband Nachum and daughter
Sara Erlichman (nee Akerman) and her two sons
Her husband Reuven Erlichman who died in the United States
Chaya Weisman, her husband Shalom and her three children
All of them perished in the holocaust.
May their souls be bound in the bonds of eternal life.
Perpetuated by Moshe Meir Akerman
A memorial page to our dear ones:
Reb Hershel Tzvi Itzkowicz (photo on right side of page}, who died before the
war in Zgierz
Glika Itzkowicz {photo on left side of page}, who died in her old age in Tel
Their hands were open to all in need.
Their sons and daughters
1. Freda and Azriel Klichman, their children Mindza, Yeshayahu, Moshe, and Rachel Leah killed in the holocaust
2. Shabtai and Leah Itzkowicz died in the United States
3. Sarah and Shabtai Itzkowicz, their children Mindel, Leibish, and Moshe killed in the holocaust
4. Shabtai and Rivka Itzkowicz, their children Mindel, Yona and Mendel killed in the holocaust [2]
5. Yitzchak and Keila Itzkowicz, their children Mindel, Manya and Golda killed in the holocaust
6. Leah and Shmulik Kuperman, their children David and Mindel killed in the holocaust
7. Golda and Avraham Korzec, their children Dvora, Yona, and Hershel killed in the holocaust
8. Frimet and Yehuda Rosenstrauch and their son Tzvi killed in the holocaust
9. Moshe Itzkowicz died in Israel
10. Their son-in-law Yosef Orvi died in Israel
{photo Moshe Itzkowicz}
May their memories be blessed forever!
Perpetuated by Chana Globitzower and family, Paula and Refael Katz and family, Batia Orvi and family of the family of Zelig and Zisha Itzkowicz..
In memory of our dear parents
Our father Reb Yerachmiel Bornstein of blessed memory {photo upper right}, the son of Rabbi Avraham of holy blessed memory, the head of the rabbinical court of the holy community of Rawa.
Our mother Mrs. Freda Bornsten of blessed memory {photo to left}, the daughter of Reb Akiva Frenkel (who was known as Akiva Lerer the teacher} of blessed memory.
They perished in the Lodz ghetto
Our sister Rachel Bornstein (photo lower right}
Perpetuated by Miriam Leah Bornstein of Milwaukee, United States
And by Avraham Mordechai Bornstein of Bat Yam, Ramat Yosef
{lower box}
In memory of our aunts Dova and Esther Frenkel (the daughters of Reb Akiva
Frenkel of blessed memory)
Our uncle Reb Yitzchak and Mrs. Beila (Frenkel) Weitzman, and their daughters
Sarah, Chana, and Golda
A monument to the souls of our parents and sisters.
Our father Reb Yitzchak Menachem Bornstein (Reb Mendel Sheldiczer), {photo upper right}, who died in the Lodz ghetto on the 17 th of Elul, 5603 (1943)
Our mother Elka Bornstein (nee Wolf) {photo upper left}, killed in Auschwitz, 1943
Our sister Miriam {photo lower right}, killed in Auschwitz, 1943
Our sister Margalit {photo lower left}, killed in Auschwitz, 1943
Perpetuated by Sarah Lavie (died in Israel, 1974), Rachel Rader, Chava Liberman, Aharon Bornstein.
In memory of the Blanket family
My father Moshe Blanket the son of Menachem and Chana Liba perished in
the Zosinki camp
My mother Sheindel blanket the daughter of Yitzchak and Rivka-Rachel Rozalski
perished in the holocaust
My sisters Esther Hadasa (born in 1915)
Chana Liba (born in 1921)
Sara Hinda (born in 1922)
Rivka (born in 1929)
My brothers: Shlomo (born in 1926)
Yitzchak (born in 1931) all of them perished in Zosinki or the ghettos
Standing: Shlomo, Chana Liba, Hadasa and Rivka. Sitting in the center: the
father Moshe Blanket
Perpetuated by Shaul and Chava Blanket and their family
{upper box}
In memory of my uncle and aunt Avigdor Rozalski and his wife Golda (nee
And their children Chana, Sara, and Adam all of whom perished in the
My uncle and aunt Wolf Schmitanski died after the war
His wife Bela Schmitanski (nee Rozalski)
Their daughters: Bluma, Chana and Adzia
All of whom perished in the holocaust
Perpetuated by Shaul Blanket
{lower box}
In memory of my dear grandfather and grandmother
Yeshayahu Flam
Chaya Freda Flam (nee Mintz)
Died before the war in Zgierz, in 1933
Perpetuated by Chava Blanket
Mrs. Feiga Berliner of blessed memory
Feiga Berliner of blessed memory, born on the 4
of Av 5655 (1895), died on 24 Adar I, 5719 (1959)
Fifteen years have passed from the bitter day when our dear mother Feiga of blessed memory was taken so suddenly from us. She was the wife of Rabbi Aharon David Berliner may he live long.
When we asked our mother to rest a bit from her journey, she would say that after 120 years, it would be possible to rest; however as long as man lives on earth, he has to toil and toil, whether it be in the doing of good deeds or in other matters that the Torah commands us, with our bodies or our money.
She would always find a downtrodden widow whom she could comfort and assist.
She learned her manner of education from her father, Rabbi Binyamin Sczaranski, and from her renowned Hassidic grandfather Rabbi Nota Heisdorf of holy blessed memory, as well as from her mother-in-law the Rebbetzin of Janow of blessed memory.
She not only succeeded in educating children, but also in educating adults. She arranged Sabbath celebrations for the adults. Every Sabbath, she would invite important men and women to lecture to the women about matters of Judaism, the Sabbath, etc.
She lived with a good name, and died with a good name.
May her memory be blessed, and may she intercede for the good for her family and the entire house of Israel.
May her soul be bound in the bonds of everlasting life.
Perpetuated by her husband Aharon David Berliner
Her daughters Chava Stein and Hadasa Orstein
Her son Binyamin Berliner
And her grandchildren
An eternal flame in memory of our family
Our father Baruch Baruch the son of Avraham Yitzchak and Zisel perished
in the holocaust.
Our mother Feiga Lea Baruch the daughter of Aharon Yosef and Sheina Liba
Our sisters Bracha Baruch who perished together with mother in the Lodz
And Golda Rachel Baruch who died in Auschwitz
Our uncles Yisrael Yehuda Borkowski, his wife and their three children.
And Shalom Hirsch Borkowski, his wife and their children Moshe and Rivka
All of whom died in the holocaust
The Borkowski-Baruch family in 1938 in Zgierz, next to the grave of Aharon
Yosef Borkowski
May their memories be a blessing!
Perpetuated by Chaim Zalman and Ziskind Baruch and their families.
{upper right box}
In memory of
My parents Izak and Lea Blank
My wife Esther Blank
My son Avraham Blank, 5 years old
My sisters Hinda, her husband Yitzchak Rosenblum and their 10 year old son
Esther Blank
Chana Blank
All of whom perished in the holocaust
Perpetuated by Baruch Blank of blessed memory.
{upper left box}
In eternal memory
My father Binyamin the son of Yaakov Yitzchak HaCohen Bekerspiegel
My mother Yenta the daughter of Sender Gelbard
Brother Avraham the son of Binyamin
His wife Gittel and their child
My sisters Rhoda, Blima, Rachel, Rivka, Miriam and Esther
All of them killed in 1942 near Staszow
My grandmother Golda Goldberg, killed in the Lodz ghetto
Perpetuated by daughter Dvora Lempel of New York.
{lower right box}
In eternal memory
Of my parents
David Brandt of blessed memory
Leah Brandt (nee Zusman) of blessed memory
Murdered by the Nazis in sanctification of the Divine name.
The murdered aunts and uncles
On my father's side Yochanan Brandt and his sister Esther Chaya of blessed
On my mother's side Gershon Zusman of blessed memory, Shimon and Melech Zusman
of blessed memory
Perpetuated by Shlomo Brand of New York
{lower left box}
In memory
Of our dear unforgettable parents
David the son of Mordechai
Hinda Esther the daughter of Yaakov
And our sister Gittel the daughter of David
Murdered by the German murderers
Perpetuated by Hirsch Leib Gross of Brooklyn, New York,
And Moshe Gross of Israel
In memory of our dear
{photo of the mother and father}
My father Yoel Goldberg died in Tel Aviv, 28 Tevet 5714 (1954)
My mother Tzila Zvia Goldberg (nee Dnishevski) died in Tel Aviv, July 11, 1957
{photo of the sister}
My sister Esther Erica Roter the daughter of Yoel and Tzila Goldberg
Died in Tel Aviv August 28, 1967
Perpetuated by Vela (nee Goldberg) and Yaakov Eshel
An eternal candle to my dear ones
Sala, Ganek Milgrom, Minia, Esther, Moshe Goldberg, Hala and Avramek
Kanerzuker, Bronia the daughter of Moshe, Aba Leibel, Esther, and mother Freda
My father Leibel the son of Eliezer Goldberg
My mother Freda Goldberg (nee Konski) perished in Treblinka, 1942
My brother Moshe Eliezer died in the Pozen camp
His wife Esther (nee Gershonowicz) and their daughters Bronia and Tzasia
perished in Treblinka, 1942
My sister Mania Miriam, her husband Ganek Milgrom, and their daughters Bronia
and Gina, perished in Treblinka, 1942
My sister Sara Sala perished in Treblinka
My sister Esther Etka perished in Treblinka, 1942
May their souls be bound in the bonds of eternal life
Perpetuated by the daughter and sister
Hala Goldberg-Finkelstein, the only one who survived.
{upper box}
In memory of
My husband Avraham Kanerzuker the son of Yitzchak perished in Buchenwald
My only son Yizik Kanerzuker died in Lodz at the time of the outbreak of
the war
My mother-in-law Shrpintza Kanerzuker perished in the holocaust
My sister-in-law Frania Neuhaus and her husband perished in the forests
of Poland
My sister-in-law Chana Kanerzuker perished in the forests of Poland
My brother-in-law Alter Kanerzuker died in Russia
Perpetuated by Hala Goldberg-Finkelstein
{lower box}
In memory of my only son
Yosef the son of Shmuel and Mina Gotthelf
Born on June 10, 1937
Died during the holocaust
{photo of Yosef}
Perpetuated by Shmuel Gotthelf
In eternal memory
Janek, Sara, father Chanoch and mother Esther Goldstein
Our father Chanoch Goldstein the son of Refael Asher (from Lancica)
Our mother Esther Goldstein, the daughter of Aharon and Chaya Kolski of
Podmiesce perished in Chelmno on April 10, 1943
Our sister Sara, her husband Yisrael Yehoshua Trunk the son of the rabbi of
Kutno, and their son Refael-Raffi
(Sara and her son Raffi perished in Chelmno on April 10, 1943, her husband
Yisrael Yehoshua perished in Russia.)
Our brother Yaakov Janek perished in the Vilna ghetto
Uncle and Aunt Menashe Sheiniak and his wife Lea (nee Kolski) perished
in the Warsaw ghetto
Their daughter Sara and her husband Zelig Rosenzweig died in the
Their son Anshel Alec who was a soldier in the Polish army, died in 1947 after
the war
Our uncle and aunt Yisrael Lencicki and his wife Tova (nee Kolski)
Their daughters Regina and Chana-Hanka all of them perished in the
Warsaw ghetto
Perpetuated by the sons Peretz Goldstein and his family, and David GoldsteinDi-Zahav and his family
In memory of the Gornicki family
My wife and our beloved mother Raizel Gornicki (nee Freistadt)
My daughter and our sister Ruth Gornicki perished in the Kaliski ghetto
My son and our brother Asher Gornicki, who fell in the War of Independence in
Ein Shemer
Perpetuated by Yosef Gornicki and the daughters Rivka Katz and Paula Hinenberg
The Gornicki family Reizel and Yosef, and their children Rivka, Asher,
Paula, and Ruth.
After the Germans captured our city, my father, sister Rivka, and brother Asher fled to Russia. After great suffering, they arrived in the city of Brisk on the Bog River. After a short period, they were exiled to Siberia, where the worked in the forests. My sister Ruth, my mother and myself remained in Zgierz. After some time, the Germans separated us. My mother and sister were expelled from the city. I succeeded in returning to Zgierz, however only for a very short period.
At the same time, the Cohen family was together with me (they were related to the Wachs family, the dentist), Tonia, Genia, and their elderly mother. We became quite close. They received small packets from Leon Cohen of France. The Cohen mother never forgot to give me something to taste.
One day, Tonia took ill, and the situation became serious. I and another Jewish girl went to a German doctor who lived in the new houses outside of the city. We requested that he come to the sick person, whose brother in France is also a doctor. He refused and said: Let her die! Tonia died the next day, holding in her hand a sugar cube that her brother had sent from France. Her last word was Leon?
My mother and sister spent some time with a Christian woman in some village, however my mother was captured by the Germans. My sister received an identity paper from Polish friends. It had the name of Janina Dominiak. She looked like a Pole, and succeeded in spending some time with a Christian women in the town of Kaliska. One day, she went to visit some of her friends in the ghetto. There the Germans captured her. I know this from the testimony of a Jew whom I met by chance after the war.
The expelled me from Zgierz to Lodz. There I worked in a laundromat. When the ghetto was liquidated, the sent me in a transport to Auschwitz, then to Freiburg, and finally to Mauthausen. I was liberated in May 1945, and after a difficult illness, I traveled to Poland.
In the interim, my sister, brother, and father returned from Russia. We felt that there was not our place. We traveled to Germany, and from there we all made our way to the Land of Israel.
My brother Asher came to Israel as a foreign army enlistee (Gachal). He fell in the War of Independence at Ein Shemer.
A memorial monument to the Glazer family
My dear parents Reb Eliahu Yaakov Glazer the son of Reb Eliezer of blessed
memory, from Lodz
Dova Glazer the daughter of Mordechai Cohen of blessed memory
My father was the nephew of the renowned rabbi, the head of the rabbinical
court of Zgierz, Rabbi shalom Hirsch HaCohen of blessed memory.
They were murdered in Treblinka by the German enemy, may they be blotted out.
May G-d avenge their blood!
Perpetuated by Mordechai Glazer of Holon
My brother Eliezer the son of Eliahu Yaakov Glazer of blessed memory
His wife Genia (nee Rubin) of Lodz and their children
My sister Sara Segal the daughter of Eliahu Yaakov Glazer of blessed memory
My brother-in-law Mendel Segal the son of Yeshayahu Henech and their two
All of them were murdered by the Nazi murderers.
Perpetuated by the brother and brother-in-law Mordechai Glazer of Holon
{upper box}
In eternal memory
My Uncle Reb Moshe Meir Brin of blessed memory from Sieradz
My aunt Pessa Brin (of the family of Mordechai Cohen) of blessed memory
The niece of the righteous Rabbi Shalom Tzvi HaCohen, of holy blessed memory,
the head of the rabbinical court of Zgierz
Their son Mordechai Brin with his wife and two children
Their daughter Male Rosenberg (nee Brin) and her husband Michael of blessed
Who perished in the holocaust.
Perpetuated by Mordechai Glazer of Holon
{lower box}
In memory of my wife and our dear mother
Sonia Glazer of the family of David Lebow of blessed memory
Died on the 5
of Iyar 5630 (1970) in Israel
Her parents David the son of Izak of blessed memory (from Kiev) and Leah (Lula)
Perished in the holocaust
May their memory be a blessing!
Perpetuated by her husband Mordechai Glazer
And the children David and Eli Glazer
In eternal memory
Of my parents
{right photo} Shimshon Wolf
Reb Shimshon Wolf Glicksman
The son of Reb Efraim Fishel
And Rivka Ita Glicksman
My sisters
Dvora, Freda Perl, Miriam, Yocheved
My brother Efraim Fishel
My mother-in-law Chana Rachel Birenstock
May their souls be bound in the bonds of eternal life
{left photo} Chana Rachel Birenstock, Dvora Glicksman
All of them were killed in sanctification of the Divine name in Tomaszow Mazowiecki in the years 1942-1943 they were victims of Hitler's murders.
Perpetuated by Shlomo Glicksman of New York
{upper box}
In eternal memory
Of our unforgettable parents
Henech the son of Dov and Yocheved Grand
Our dear sister and brother
Bluma Leah and Dov
Killed in the Lodz ghetto
Miriam Rachel and her husband Isser the son of Eliezer Goldberg
And their children Zvia, Pese and Efraim Dov
Chaim Leib and his wife Miriam and son Yosef
Murdered in Auschwitz by the German murderers
May their souls be bound in the bonds of eternal life
Perpetuated by
Avraham David Grand of Israel
Guta Grand-Fein of Israel
Moshe Yaakov Grand of New York
{lower box}
In memory of my only child
Miriam Rachele Grand
The daughter of Sonia Antignes and Moshe Yaakov Grand
Perpetuated by Moshe Yaakov Grand of New York
{upper box}
In memory of
The family of Gedalia Goldberg
And the family of Tzvi Cohen
Perpetuated by Fabian Greenberg and his wife Regina the daughter of Tzvi Cohen (United States)
{lower box}
In eternal memory
Of our uncle Chaim Baruch Gibralter (Photo}
Our aunt Bella Gibralter the daughter of Chava and Meir Leib Zucker
Who died before the war
Their adopted son
Meir Leib Rosenberg the son of Bracha and Isser
His wife Adela Rosenberg (nee Wrobel)
Their daughter Leah Rosenberg all of them perished in the holocaust
Perpetuated by Chava Machtinger-Botzinski
{upper box}
In memory of my dear husband and father
Aharon Davidowicz {photo}
The son of Moshe and Tauba Goldstein
Born in Zgierz, died in Tel Aviv on the 18
of Adar 5731 (1971)
Perpetuated by his wife Chana and daughter Lili Davidowicz
{lower box}
In memory of
Roza Davidowicz (nee Shmuelewicz)
The first wife of Aharon Davidowicz who perished in the holocaust
Moshe Otek Davidowicz the son of Roza and Aharon
Who was killed in the holocaust at age 15
Yechiel Chilek Davidowicz the son of Roza and Aharon
Who died on the route from Teheran to Israel, age 6
Perpetuated by Lili Davidowicz
In eternal memory
Father Reb Nachum the son of Moshe Aharon Domnakowicz of Ozorkow
Died on 26
of Shvat 5686 (1936)
Mother Leah the daughter of Yaakov Lisner
My sisters Chana Rivka and her husband, Esther, and Kreindel
My brothers Chaim Eliezer, Yosef Meir, Yaakov Zeev, his wife Reizel (nee Fisher), two daughters Miriam and Beila and son Yosef Meir
All of them perished in the holocaust
My wife Tona (nee Jacob) Domnakowicz, died in Israel on 16 th of Nissan, 5622 (1962)
My son Menachem Domnakowicz the son of Avraham Nissan and Tona, died in Israel at age 11, 11 Av 5703 (1943)
Perpetuated by Avraham Domnakowicz
In eternal memory
My father Moshe Eliezer Hofstein, perished in the Lodz ghetto
My mother Roiza the daughter of Naftali Hertzke Gruzworcel, perished in the Lodz ghetto
My brother Avraham, his wife Chava the daughter of Bendet
And their daughters Pese (18 years old), Leah (16 years old)
Their sons Yosef (15 years old), Wolf (13 Years old) and Leibish (11 years old)
All of them killed by the German murderers
My sister Esther and her husband Gedalia, the son of Berl Weisbaum
Murdered in Auschwitz, to where they were deported from Holland
My brother Yechiel Hofstein, died in Israel
His wife Sima Hofstein (nee Basiok)
Their two sons Yosef and Yisrael, and daughter Rivka
All of them murdered by Hitler's murderers
Perpetuated by the daughter and sister Chaya Hofstein of Holland
Tova Bliman Honigstock of blessed memory
The first days of 1939 already caused deep pain for the Honigstock family. Roza Honigstock, the mother of four daughters Yente, Paula, Tova and Rivka, died at age 46. The father Ber took full responsibility for the education of his two young daughters, Tova (14 years old) and Rivka (12 years old). The family had not even had a chance to recover from the tragedy of the loss of their mother when the Second World War broke out, which separated the family. Ber Honigstock fled to Lodz with Paula, Tova and Rivka. Yenta fled eastward to Russia.
The Honigstock family lived in inhuman conditions in the Lodz ghetto. The father and Paula worked in a leather factory, Tova in shoe workshop, and Rivka took care of the home. In August 1944, when the ghetto was liquidated by the German murderers, the Honigstock family was sent to Auschwitz. Only Tova survived this death camp. After many tribulations, she was liberated from Auschwitz in May 1945. She returned to Zgierz along with other survivors, hoping for a miracle to meet members of her family. Perhaps there would be signs of life from Yenta from far-off, freezing Siberia, as well as Paula and Rivka. However there were only false hopes. Life continued on, and one had to prepare for the future.
Tova married Leopold Bliman in November, 1945. Even after founding her own family, she did not cut off her connection with the Zgierz natives. In particular, she kept in touch with the Fogel, Ber, Feldon, Freistadt, and Rotafel families.
She made aliya to Israel in 1957 with her husband and two children. There were the usual difficulties of acclimatizing, however there was the hope in the heart that everything would work out. Indeed, by the beginning of the 1970s, things were looking positive toward a good future. The son finished his engineering studies, and the daughter was studying in high school. However, a sudden illness overtook her, and on December 3, 1971 (15 Kislev 5732), our dear Tova went to her eternal rest, leaving behind pain and agony in the family, who loved and respected her so much.
The last remnant of the Honigstock family passed on.
May her memory be blessed!
Perpetuated by her husband Leopold Bliman, son Dov of blessed memory, and daughter Irit
An eternal flame to the Honigstock family
{upper photo}
Paula, father Ber, Tova, Rivka, mother Roza, and Yenta
{lower right photo}
Tova Bliman (nee Honigstock), died on December 3, 1971
{lower left photo}
Dov Bliman the son of Tova and Leopold, who fell in the Golan Heights during
the Yom Kippur war.
Perpetuated by husband Leopold Bliman and daughter Irit Bliman
An eternal memory to our dear grandfather and grandmother
{photo of the grandfather}
Reb Yehuda Aryeh (Leibel) the son of Yitzchak Haron of blessed memory
And Feiga Rivka Haron the daughter of Reb Avraham Konski of blessed memory
Who bestowed to us in our youth a great deal of love and dedication.
They passed away before the war in Zgierz
May their souls be bound in the bonds of eternal life.
Perpetuated by the granddaughters Chaya Halperin and Rachel Szpiro
{upper box}
In memory
Yosef Meir Haron the son of Reb Leibel
Roiza Haron (nee Bikowski)
Sara (Sarka) Haron
Perished in the holocaust
Perpetuated by the family
{lower box}
In memory of my dear father
Avraham Haron {photo}
The son of Yosef Meir and Roiza
Born in Zgierz in 1909
Died in Tel Aviv on 1
Nissan, 5723 (1963)
Perpetuated by his daughter Elana Haron-Bar Chaim and their family
A memorial candle to my dear family
My father Avraham the son of Moshe Himelfarb, perished during the war in Russia
My mother Tauba Himelfarb (nee Winogron)
My brother Yosef Himelfarb
My sister Hinda Rivka Himelfarb perished in the Warsaw ghetto
Aunt and uncle Kasriel the son of Moshe Himelfarb and his wife Gella
Their son Chaim and daughters Necha and Hinda perished in the holocaust
Aunt and uncle Chaim Hirsch the son of Moshe Himelfarb, his wife, sons, and daughters perished in the holocaust.
Aunt and uncle Shlomo and Dvora Fisher the daughter of Moshe Himelfarb perished in the holocaust
Yissachar Mendel Lifschitz and his wife perished in the holocaust
Asher Lifschitz and his wife perished in the holocaust
May their memories be blessed!
Perpetuated by Moshe the son of Avraham Himelfarb and family
{upper box}
In memory of our dear family
Our father Reb Shaul Wizonski the son of Kopel and Feiga, perished in the
Abramkovo camp in Russia, 1940
Our mother Reila Wizonski the daughter of Yeshayahu Hillel Bialostocki,
perished in the Treblinka camp, 1940
Our sister Malka Mala Wizonski, perished in the Warsaw ghetto, 1942
Our brother Kopel Wizonski, perished in the Treblinka camp, 1940
Perpetuated by Chaya Wizonski, the daughter of Shaul and Reila
And Yechezkel Wizonski, the son of Shaul and Reila
{lower box}
In memory of our grandfather Reb Yeshayahu Hillel Bialostocki, died in Zgierz
prior to the war
Our uncle Reb Yitzchak Meir Bialostocki the son of Yechezkel, died prior to the
His wife Charna perished in the Lodz ghetto
Their children Yechezkel Bialostocki, his wife Sonia (nee Bahrir) and their two
children perished in the Lodz ghetto
Eliezer Bialostocki killed after the war in Lodz in a traffic accident
Berel Bialostocki killed after the war in Lodz
Reb Shmuel Pinchewski, his wife Sonia Sara the daughter of Yeshayahu Hillel Bialostocki and their children perished in the holocaust
Reb Yehuda Leibish Wyszogrodski died in Israel
His wife Ita the daughter of Yeshayahu Hillel Bialostocki and their children
perished in the holocaust
Perpetuated by Chaya Wisonski the daughter of Shaul and Reila
And Yechezkel Wizonski, the son of Shaul and Reila
In Memory of
Our grandfather Yosef Mendel Wrozelowski, died before the war in Zgierz
Our grandmother Pese Wrozelowski, died in Canada, 1968
Our aunt Foigel Kolski (nee Wrozelowski), her husband, three daughters and two sons, perished in the holocaust
Pessa Wrozelowski
Perpetuated by the family
{lower box}
In memory of
My parents Mordechai the son of Mendel and Frimet Wrozelowski
My sisters Sara, Rachel and Dina
All of whom perished in the Lodz ghetto
Perpetuated by the son and brother Yitzchak Wrozelowski
In memory of
My parents Yaakov Wrozelowski the son of Mendel, his wife Mira Wrozelowski (nee
My sisters Sara Rachel and Hinda
My brothers Gershon Binyamin and Chaim Hirsch
All of whom perished in the holocaust
{a Polish poem, written by Dina, follows.}
Perpetuated by the daughter and sister Dina Wrozelowski-Borochowski and family
{upper box}
In memory of my father Avraham Wiczocki the son of Mordechai and Hinda, died in
Lodz after the war, in 1947
My mother Chaya Sina Wiczocki the daughter of Mendel Wrozelowski
My sisters Rozka and Sara all of whom died in Treblinka
My brother Yechezkel died in the Polish army, 1938
Perpetuated by the son and brother Tzvi and Sara Wiczocki
{lower box}
In memory of my father Oren-Zalman Wiczocki the son of Mordechai
My mother Sheindel Wiczocki (nee Moszkowicz)
Riva Woczocki, my father's second wife
My sisters Leah-Lula and Hindele
My brother Yechezkel
Perpetuated by the daughter and sister Alta Sara Wiczocki-Kaftan and family
In memory of
Our father Reb Shalom the son of Yosef of blessed memory Weinstein, perished in the holocaust
Our mother Leah the daughter of Reb Yehuda of blessed memory Tamerzon, died before the war
Our sister Altshe Swartzbard (nee Weinstein)
Our brother-in-law Menashe the son of Eliahu of blessed memory Swartzbard
Aliza the daughter of Menashe of blessed memory Swartzbard
All of whom perished in the holocaust
May their souls be bound in the bonds of eternal life
Perpetuated by Yehuda Leib Weinstein and Yosef Weinstein
In eternal memory of our dear ones
Our parents Rabbi Yaakov Mendel the son of Reb Yitzchak of blessed memory Wechsler, the head of the Beis Meir Yeshiva of Krakow {photo of Yaakov Mendel on left}
Chana Sara Wechsler the daughter of Reb Fishel Bunem of blessed memory Hollander, a ritual slaughterer in Zgierz (photo of Chana Sara on right}
Our sister Freidel the daughter of Reb Yaakov Mendel of blessed memory Izbitzki of Lodz
Our brother-in-law Yaakov Shimon the son of Reb Avraham of blessed memory Izbitzki of Lodz
Their daughter Keila the daughter of Reb Yaakov Shimon of blessed memory Izbitzki of Lodz
Their son Fishel Bunem the son of Reb Yaakov Shimon of blessed memory Izbitzki of Lodz
Who were murdered by the Nazi murderers and their assistants in Belzec, Stryj and Lodz, Poland in the year 5603 1943
May their souls be bound in the bonds of eternal life
Perpetuated by David Wechsler of New York
Yocheved Meltzer and Yehuda Wechsler of Israel
{upper box}
In eternal memory of
Our dear husband, father and brother
Leizer the son of Reb Menachem Mendel of blessed memory Wechsler {photo}
Who died in New York on 20
Tevet 5624 (December 25, 1964)
May his soul be bound in the bonds of eternal wife
Perpetuated by the family:
Esther, Morris, Victor, and David Wechsler of the United States
Yehuda Wechsler and Yocheved Meltzer of Israel
{lower box}
In eternal memory of our beloved wife, daughter and mother
Feigele Wechsler the daughter of Reb Hirsch of blessed memory Wagman
Keila Yocheved the daughter of Reb David Wechsler
Who were murdered by the Nazi murderers and their assistants,
May G-d avenge their blood
In Belzec, Poland in the year 5703 (1943)
May their souls be bound in the bonds of eternal life
Perpetuated by David Wechsler of New York, Golda Rappaport of New York.
{upper box}
In eternal memory of our dear parents
Our father Reb Hershel the son of Reb Shmuel Fishel of blessed memory Wagman
Our mother Esther the daughter of Reb Fishel Bunem of blessed memory Hollander,
a ritual slaughterer in Zgierz
Who were murdered by the Nazi murderers and their assistants
May G-d avenge their blood
In Belzec, Poland, 5603 (1943)
May their souls be bound in the bonds of eternal life
Perpetuated by Shmuel and Shlomo Wagman of New York
{lower box}
In eternal memory of our dear family
Our uncle Reb Chaim Yaakov Eisenschmidt the son of Reb Moshe David of blessed
Our aunt Glika Eisenschmidt the daughter of Reb Fishel Bunem of blessed memory
Hollander, a ritual slaughterer in Zgierz
Their son Avraham Mordechai the son of Reb Chaim Yaakov Eisenschmidt of blessed
memory, his wife Freda, and their daughter
Their son Shmuel Leizer the son of Reb Chaim Yaakov Eisenschmidt of blessed
memory and his wife
Who were murdered by the Nazi murderers and their assistants
May G-d avenge their blood
In Belzec and Kielce, Poland, in the year 5703 (1943)
May their souls be bound in the bonds of eternal life
Perpetuated by the Wagman Family of New York and Israel
And the Wechsler family of New York and Israel
In eternal memory of the Warshawski family
Reb Menachem Mendel the son of Reb Fishel Warshawski of blessed memory {photo}, died in Zgierz in the year 5688 (1928)
His wife Gella (nee Kowalski), died in 5687 (1927)
Their sons
Reb Binyamin Meir the son of Reb Menachem and his wife Zelda and their
children, who perished in the holocaust
Reb Moshe Yaakov the son of Reb Menachem, his wife and children who died during
the war
Their daughters
Chana Kriza, her husband and children Adolf and Regina
Baltsha Lidzworski perished in the holocaust
Machtza and her husband Refael Feiner perished in the holocaust
Gitla Fuchs died in France
May their memories be a blessing
Perpetuated by Yaakov Fuchs of Nancy, France.
{upper box}
Machla Wronski (upper right photo}, died on 17 Av 5710 (1950), in Tel Aviv, age 110.
Eliahu Wronski the son of Yaakov Moshe and Machla, died in Israel on 28 th Iyar 5609 (1949)
Perpetuated by Batya Orvi-Wronski and family
{lower box}
Yosef Orvi-Wronski the son of Zeev and Feiga Lea {lower photo}
Died in Tel Aviv, 1974, on the 12
of Tevet 5734, aged 62.
Perpetuated by his wife Batya, children Shay and Yaakov, and their families
In memory of
{upper photo}
Chaya, the father Zeev, Rachel, Yitzchak Weil the groom, Miriam the bride, and
the mother Feiga Leah
Reb Zeev Wronski the son of Yaakov Moshe and Machla
His wife Feiga Leah (nee Domkowicz)
Their daughter Miriam and her husband Yitzchak Weil and their children
Their daughters Rachel and Chaya
Their son Yaakov Moshe {lower photo}
All of whom perished in the holocaust
Perpetuated by Batya Orvi-Wronski and family
{upper box}
In eternal memory of my unforgettable
Parents Reb Yitzchak Meir and Rachel Zilberberg, daughter of Reb Yosef Konski
Brother Yehuda Leib Zilber, his wife Chaya and nine children
Sisters Sarah with her husband Wolf Zsimnawoda and children
Esther with her husband Leib Librach and daughter Sara
Genia with her husband Yitzchak Davidowicz
Chaya Eva, Golda, and Itka Yehudit
All of whom were killed by the Nazi murderers in the Warsaw ghetto
Perpetuated by Bronia Yora-Zilberberg of New York
{lower right box}
In eternal memory of
Reb Mordechai Nathan Kuperstock
Rivka Kuperstock the daughter of Yosef Konski
Avraham Kuperstock, his wife and children Tovka, Yoash, Genia, Chava, Chaya,
Roiza Rozka, and Yosef Kuperstock
All of whom perished during the time of the holocaust on the Russian side
May their souls be bound in the bonds of eternal life
Perpetuated by the family
{lower left box}
In eternal memory of
Our father Reb Yehoshua (Shia) the son of Reb Yosef Konski
Our mother Rivka Rachel Konski the daughter of Chaim Knig of Lodz
Our brothers and sisters Sara, Chaya and Avraham Konski
All of whom perished in the holocaust
May their souls be bound in the bonds of eternal life
Perpetuated by their sons and brothers Yehuda and Shlomo Konski and families
An eternal flame to our dear
Father Aharon Zeidel the son of David and Rachel Leah (nee Haron), died in Israel on the 10 th of Tamuz 5731 (1971) {upper left photo}
Mother Dina Zeidel the daughter of Yaakov Weingort, died in Israel on the 12 th of Adar II , 5733 (1973) {upper right photo}
My brother David Zeidel the son of Aharon and Dina who perished in the Warsaw ghetto on Yom Kippur 5703 (1942) {lower photo}
May their memories be a blessing!
Perpetuated by their children Aryeh and Yaakov Zeidel
In memory of the Zilberberg family
Standing: Duvtzu and Fishek. Sitting: Rivka, the father Yitzchak Meir and
mother Fela Zilberberg.
My father Reb Yitzchak Meir Zilberberg
My mother Feiga (Fela) Zilberberg (nee Koren)
My brother Fishel (Fishek) Zilberberg
My sister Rivka, and her husband and children
My brother David (Duvtzu) Zilberberg
All of whom perished in the holocaust
May their memories be a blessing!
Perpetuated by their son and brother Yehuda Zilberberg and family of Tel Aviv, the only survivor of the entire family
An eternal flame
My aunt Rachla Lencicki
Her children Danial Lencicki and his wife
Yisrael Lencicki, his wife and two children
Fishek Lencicki and his wife
Fela Lencicki
Karola Lencicki
Mania, her husband and children
My aunt and uncle Reb Yosef Bialostocki, Mania Bialostocki (nee Koren) and their children
All of whom perished in the holocaust
May their memories be a blessing!
Perpetuated by Yehuda Zilberberg
1. Psalms 9:13. Also part of the Av Harachamim prayer recited on Sabbath mornings in memory of martyrs. Back
2. I am not sure if the threefold repetition of the name 'Shabtai' is an error, or if there is some other explanation. Back
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Zgierz, Poland
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Updated 28 June 2004 by LA