Jewish Cities, Towns and Villages
in Lithuania until 1918


Yidishe shtet, shtetlekh un dorfishe yishuvim in Lite:
biz 1918: historish-biografishe skitses

Edited by: Berl Kagan

Published in New York, 1991

This is a translation from:
Yidishe shtet, shtetlekh un dorfishe yishuvim in Lite: biz 1918: historish-biografishe skitses;
Jewish cities, towns and villages in Lithuania, Editors: Berl Kagan, New York, 1991 (Y, 800 pages).

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Title Page
Gorzd (Gargzdai, Lithuania) 55
Dotneve (Dotnuva, Lithuania) 66
Vandziogala 142
Žeimelis (Lithuania) 172
Joniškis (Lithuania) 212
Kupishok (Kupiškis, Lithuania) 453
Krakes (Krok, Lithuania) 505
Rumshishok (Rumsiskes, Lithuania) 549
Seta (Shat, Lithuania) 603
Shidleve (Siluva, Lithuania) 621
Skaudvilė (Lithuania) 637
List of Jewish village communities  


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