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[Pages 489-490]

Farewell photo for Esther Snitkovsky prior to her departure for South America (1929)

1. Zvia Fishman 2. Doba Grozman-Cohen 3. Zissel Ludmir 4. Chayka Rosenberg-Cheruti 5. ---- 6. Chana Chasid-Winkelstein 7,8,9,10 ---- 11. Busya Wolfenson 12. ---- 13. Lola (pharmacist) 14. ---- 15. Tova Rosenberg 16, 17. ---- 18. Chantsa Ludmir 19. Sarah Fishman 20. ---- 21. Sonya Gandelman-Sazhman 22. ---- 23. Manya Roisman 24. Eva Bronstein 25. Henya Ludmir-Eppleman 26. --- 27. Dina Rosenthal 28. Sheva Kliger 29. ---- 30. Hillel Dubrow 31. Mina Dubrow 32,33. --- 34. Menucha Gelman 35. ---- 36. Esther Snitovsky 37. Dora Rosenthal 38. ---- 39. Gittel Revkolevsky 40. Rosa Goichberg 41. Henya Steinwortz 42. Busya Gandelman 43. Ethel Sheindelman-Shani


Women, Youth, Elections to Congress

Translated from the Hebrew by Yariv Timna

Let us also mention the activities of the Zionist women in Yedinitz. Among the most active were Bathsheba Kliger, whose house was the location for the meetings, Chana Axelrod, Zeitel Fradis, Henya Steinbortz, Lisa Galperin, Ita Bronstein, the Rosenthal sisters, Rosa Hochberg, Sosia Shitz, Batia Steiff, Mindel Dubrow and others whose names I forgot. Please forgive me for this. The Zionist women were also active on behalf of the various charity funds.

We'll be wrong to say that the Zionists were busy only with fundraising and doing Zionist publicity. They were the most active regarding the public's good. They were the founders of the schools, organized the education, were the patrons of the “Chalutz” and youth movements, etc. Each of them was devoted with all their heart and soul to the public cause.

[Pages 491]

More than once, they left their homes and businesses to help with fundraising, in organizing events, the publicity, and so on. These women organized a yearly market in the Gymnasia Hall.

We should not forget the election war when the town was in turmoil before the 20th Zionist congress (where a Yedinitz man, Yosef Magen-Shitz, participated as part of the “working Eretz Israel in Bessarabia” party).

The congress elections clouded the relations between the Zionist parties a bit. Sometimes, the people from the same family belonged to different parties, and the one writing these lines, was a witness to it.

We won't linger on youth movements; we wrote about them in separate articles.

There were many moments of rising in the spirit and soul of the lives of the Zionists in our city. There were lectures and speeches and the visits of emissaries of “Keren Hayesod”: Yaakov Wasserman, the passionate preacher, Ravelski with the cold logic, Skovirsky with his literary show, the poet Shamai Pinski, the intellectual Dr. Isaac Berger… There were the artistic shows of writers and singers, of the actress Miriam Bernstein-Cohen, the folk singer Friedman-Lebov, holiday celebrations and other important events such as the opening of the Hebrew University… And there were sad occurrences, such as Bialik's passing… There were farewell parties to people immigrating to Eretz Israel and loud arguments leading to jealousy and hatred.

[Pages 492]

It was a lively life, full of hope for a coming salvation, the personal and of the Jewish people. Only a few got there.


Tidbits from the elections

The elections of 1937 were held on a hot summer day. The two children of the Steiff couple, Yossel and his second wife Batia (sister-in-law of the teacher Dubrow, Hebrew speaker and a very alert person), were members of rival parties. Yossel belonged to the General Zionist party and his wife Batia belonged to the “Zion Youth” party. The ballot box, as usual, was at “Sh'arei Zion,” up at the stairs of the entry of the building on two wooden benches. The party people were urging to come and vote. Yossel Steiff, fat and heavy, was panting hard, leaning on his heavy walking cane with sweat pouring down his face. All the while, his wife Batia, quicker than him, brought her people to vote. They both sit to rest on the benches in front of the building. Yossel wipes the sweat from his face. Batia looks at him and teases (in Yiddish):

“Are you sweating, Yossel? Sweat, sweat… Why don't you run and bring your voters you rely on? You rely on Ribono shel Olam?”

While still talking, she runs down the stairs, to bring more voters to the door…

[Page 492]

The “Zionist” watch of Mordechai Sheindelman
[Writing inside watch - a quote from Jeremiah 4, verse 6: carry the banner towards Zion, be strong, do not stand.]

[Pages 491-492]

Yedinitz in the Newspapers

An article by Baruch (son of Benzion) Timan, God will avenge his blood, about the bazaar benefit for the Jewish National Fund, and about the memorial to Bialik, 1934
A paid advertisement: collective wishes for Rosh Hashanah, 1930

[Pages 493-494]

Zionist Women's Movement in Yedinitz

Zionist Women's Association in Yedinitz, 8/18/1935

1. Sarah Friedman Hy”d2. Tsadkanit Lerner-Horowitz (Jerusalem) 3. ManyaFichman 4. Henya Weintraub, z”l 5. ---- 6. Toiba Zeidman (Lipkaner), Hy”d 7. Dora Bitner (Czernowitz) 8. --- 9. Tzeitel Fradis, Hy”d10. Manya Ackerbaum (Brazil) 11. Batya Steiff, z”l 12. Rosa Goichberg-Horowitz (Brazil) 13. Fradia Wolfenson, Hy”d14. --- 15. Chaya Eisenberg 16. Dora Rosenthal, Hy”d 17. Chana Axelrod, Hy”d 18. Sheva Kliger, z”l 19. Hillel Dubrow, z”l 20. Golda Dondushansky, z”l 21. Chana (wife of Hirsh Ksiles) Rosenberg, Hy”d 22. Zlata Zonnenshein (wife of Hirsh Kolekhnik) 23. Yehudit Risman, z”l 24. Rosa, wife of Levi Elisman, Hy”d25. Henya Ludmir Appelman, z”l 26. Eva Bronstein, Hy”d27. Zvia Fishman, Hy”d


A group of Zionist women in the 1930s

1. --- 2. Chayka Chasid 3. Rachel Leah Helfgott (Israel) 4. Batya Grozman (Israel) 5. Folya Idelman Hy”d 6. Manya Fichman, Hy”d 7. Fika Milgrom-Kormansky 8. Zissel Ludmir 9. Devorah Bitner (Czernowitz) 10. Manya Kleiner, Hy”d 11. Sosya Shitz, Hy”d 12. Mina Dubrow (Israel) 13. Hillel Dubrow 14. Batsheva Kliger, z”l 15. Chana Axelrod, Hy”d 16. Pearl Schorr, z”l 17. Tzipora Toporovsky (Israel) 18. Eva Bronstein, Hy”d 19. Daughter of Meir Bishnovitser 20. Malka ---- 21. Tsfira Dubrow 22. Danya Gorodetsky 23. Busya Gandelman 24. Ita Blank, Hy”d 25. Rosa Goichberg (Brazil) 26. ----- 27. Manya ---- 28. Sarke Kuperman


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