The Will to Tell
Memoirs of a Gombiner Survivor

Author: Yitzhak Weizman

Published by the JewishGen Press

Author: Yitzhak Weizman
Translator: Dikla Yeffet-Weizman
Editor: Leon Zamosc
Cover Design: Jan R. Fine
6.14” x 9.21” hard cover, 150 pages


Available from JewishGen Press for $28.00


Yitzhak Weizman opens the book with a forceful argument about the value of Holocaust testimonies and memoirs for the education of new generations of Jews and Gentiles in Israel and elsewhere. After describing his Jewish roots and family life in Gombin, a town in central Poland, he offers vivid details about the plight of the Jewish community in the Gombin ghetto until his deportation to the forced labor camp in Konin. He then goes on to provide a sober, realistic account of his experiences, feelings and thoughts as he was transferred to other concentration and forced labor camps including Andrzejow, Jedrzejow, Auschwitz-Birkenau, Stutthof, Hailfingen, Dautmergen and Dachau.

Through his reflections on the horrors of the camps, Yitzhak Weizman conveys a sense of the profound significance of survival as an act of resistance. For contemporary readers, another aspect of the value of his testimony lies in the detailed description of conditions after the war, including the underground effort to bring survivors to Mandatory Palestine and the struggles of the new immigrants to reconstruct their lives in Israel.

Alternate names: Gąbin [Polish], Gombin [Yiddish, German, Russian], Gambin

Gombin, Poland is located at 52°24’ N 19°44’ E and 55 miles W of Warszawa


Nearby Jewish Communities:

Sanniki 7 miles SE
Plock 10 miles N
Gostynin 11 miles WNW
Kiernozia 11 miles SSE
Żychlin 11 miles SSW
Bodzanow 14 miles ENE
Bielsk 19 miles N
Kutno 19 miles SW
Sobota 20 miles S
Wyszogrod 20 miles E

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