Tales from my Father’s Home
Kupishok, Lithuania

(Kupiškis, Lithuania)


Translation of
Sipurim Me’Beit Abba

Published by the JewishGen Press

Author: Dr. Shlomo Kodesh
Project Coordinator: Ann Rabinowitz
Layout and Name Indexing: Jonathan Wind
Cover Design: Rachel Kolokoff Hopper
Hard Cover, 8.5” by 11”, 368 pages with original photographs.

Available from for $35.00



In the words of the author Dr. Shlomo Kodesh (excerpts from the Introduction):

My story opens in the small township of Kupishok, which, for me, includes the whole of my Lithuania, the Jewish Lithuania, the Lithuania that is gone forever.

The Lithuanian stories started in my hometown. When I left the country, the stories continued to accompany me. Nevertheless, the story inclination has become even stronger after the great ruin. Moreover, the experiences that I used to consider meaningless and unimportant appear today as significant and worth describing.

The last ones to mention are the Litvaks, the Jews of my country of origin wherever they are. Not many of us have remained alive after the horrible Nazi burning. The people of my generation are slowly disappearing the natural way. Precisely for this reason, I sincerely hope that the Lithuanian Jews and their descendants will find something of the old aura of their devastated homes in this book.


Kupiškis, Lithuania is located at 55°50' N, 24°58' E and is 81 miles north of Vilnius.

Alternate names for the town are: Kupiškis [Lith], Kupishok [Yid], Kupishki [Rus], Kupiszki [Pol], Kupischken [Ger], Kupišķi [Latv], Kupiškio


Nearby Jewish Communities:

Viešintos 9 miles S Kvetkai 24 miles NNE
Subačius 10 miles WSW Neciuniskiai 25 miles ESE
Skapiškis 10 miles ENE Pumpenai 25 miles WNW
Šimonys 10 miles SE Panevėžys 25 miles WSW
Geležiai 10 miles W Rokiškis 26 miles ENE
Vabalninkas 12 miles NW Suvainiškis 26 miles NNE
Pandėlys 16 miles NE Vyžuonos 26 miles SE
Troškūnai 17 miles SSW Nereta, Latvia 26 miles NNE
Svėdasai 19 miles ESE Biržai 27 miles NNW
Papilys 20 miles N Užpaliai 27 miles ESE
Kamajai 21 miles E Pasvalys 27 miles NW
Panemunėlis 21 miles ENE Kavarskas 28 miles S
Anykščiai 21 miles SSE Jūžintai 28 miles E
Debeikiai 22 miles SE Pušalotas 28 miles W
Raguva 23 miles SW Mikališkis 29 miles W
Traupis 23 miles SSW Kurkliai 29 miles SSE
Krinčinas 24 miles NW Kirkilai 29 miles NNW

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