Memorial Book
of 13 Shtetls of Galicia

The Jewish Communities of
Dziedzilow, Winniki, Barszczowice, Pidelisek, Pidbaritz,
Kukizov, Old Jarczow, Pekalowice, Kamenopole, Nowy Jarczow,
Kamionka Strumilowa, Kulikow in the Ukraine and Osijek in Croatia

Published by the JewishGen Press

Written by William Leibner
Edited by Ingrid Rockberger
Cover Design: Rachel Kolokoff Hopper
Hard Cover, 11” by 8.5”,
234 pages of recently collected material

Available from for $32.00

Click here to see the index containing the family names in this book. If you already have purchased the book, please print out and insert into the back of the book.


We felt a need to erect a memorial to the Jews that were killed in Dziedzilow and in the surrounding communities. All traces of Jews and Jewish life were obliterated to the point that someone visiting the area today would not even notice a Jewish shadow. Yet, Jews lived in Dziedzilow The Jews even had a name for the town: Yidalev.

Generations of Jews lived, created and vanished. No monument for them, no memorial plaque, no library corner and no tombstone. The little information that is available is mostly written in Yiddish, which, unfortunately few Jews speak or read today. We therefore undertook to open a small window of Dziedzilow by translating the nearby Jarczow Yizkor Book that sheds some light on the area. The yizkor book was written in Yiddish and translated to English.

Please excuse the errors and omissions that were made in assembling and translating some of the material. We wanted to memorialize the Jews of Dziedzilow and vicinity.

  May their memory be eternal!

William Leibner
January 2018

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