By: Howard I. Schwartz, PhD
Published by the JewishGen Press
254 pages, hard cover
Available from
for $32.00
Cover design: Rachel Kolokoff Hopper
Name Indexing: Jonathan Wind
In this deeply personal investigation, a trained historian unearths the journey of his father's family from a tiny shtetl in what was western Russia (then Poland and now Ukraine), to the thriving port of Baltimore.
With little knowledge at the start, the author reaches back to the lives of his great-great grandparents in the 1860s and traces what became of each of their six children who settled with families in crowded East Baltimore. Drawing on a vast repertoire of sources, from official documents to descendant interviews, photos, and writings, this highly readable narrative exemplifies how family history illuminates the Jewish immigrant experience. The story, and the author's process of recovering it, will fascinate those seeking to learn about their family's past and interested in the migration experiences of Jewish ancestors. |
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