The Cieszanow Memorial Book
(Cieszanów, Poland)


Translation of
Sefer zikaron le-kehila kedosha Cieszanow

Published by the JewishGen Press

Editor of Original Yizkor Book: Dr. David Ravid (Shmukler)
Translated by: Jacob Solomon Berger
Cover Design: Irv Osterer
Layout: Jonathan Wind
Name Indexing: Stefanie Holzman
Photo Extraction: Sondra Ettlinger
8.5”x11”, 280 pages, hardcover with many original photographs

Available from for $34.00



Cieszanów is a small town in southeast Poland near the current border with Ukraine. Prior to World War I, it was part of Galicia in the Austrian-Hungarian empire. The town's development stalled after the war.

The Jewish community was typical in which the spirit and doctrine of the Hasidic movement were dominant. The book also notes that the “winds of modernity could not be kept out” as younger generations pushed back against elders who were unwilling to let go of the traditions of shtetl life.

As in many other small towns, Cieszanów's Jews made their living as shoemakers, tailors and bakers, trading with their gentile neighbors on market days.

On September 7th, 1939, Cieszanów which at that time had approximately 3,000 inhabitants, a third of them Jews was bombed by the Luftwaffe, and five days later, first German units entered the town, arresting members of the local government. In 1942, almost all of the Jewish population of Cieszanów were murdered, mostly in Belzec. None of the grave stones in the cemetery, that was established in the late 19th century, remain because the Nazis used them as road building materials.

After the war, a committee was formed to create a Yizkor book. The editors appealed to survivors and former residents asking them to write their memoirs of the town, its people, its institutions and share photos they might have. The book contains many pages of photographs of the town's people. It took many years and the book was finally published in Israel in 1970.

May this new edition serve as a memorial to the community of Cieszanów that was brutally destroyed in the Holocaust.


Cieszanów, Poland is located at 50°14' N 23°08' E, 167 miles SE of Warsaw


Alternate names of the Town:

Cieszanów [Pol], Tzieshinov [Yid], Cheshanov, Tsyeshinov, Tseshanov, Tsheshanov


Nearby Jewish Communities:

Lubaczów 5 miles S
Ułazów 6 miles WNW
Oleszyce 6 miles SW
Dzików Stary 9 miles W
Horyniec 11 miles ESE
Narol 11 miles NE
Cewków 12 miles W
Lipsko 12 miles NE
Łukowa 12 miles NW
Wielkie Oczy 15 miles S
Nemyriv, Ukraine 16 miles ESE
Nahachiv, Ukraine 17 miles SSE
Józefów 17 miles NNW
Bełżec 17 miles NE
Krakovets, Ukraine 18 miles S
Lubycza Królewska 19 miles ENE
Potelych, Ukraine 19 miles E
Tarnogród 19 miles WNW
Mosty Małe 19 miles ENE


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