
(Hebrew for Escape or Flight)

Published by the JewishGen Press

By William Leibner
Edited by Phyllis Oster
Hard Cover, 11” by 8.5”, 286 pages with all illustrations

Available from for $35.00

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The Jews survivors of the Shoah were traumatized. Eastern European Jews saw what happened to their families and decided to remain in the German and Austrian labor or concentration camps that were now maintained by the UNRRA. Even the Polish Jews that lived in Russia during the war decided not to return to Poland but to continue their wanderings, they hardly unpacked their suitcases. Fear for their lives made them restless. Anti-Jewish incidents occurred almost daily. Jews were killed in the cities, in hamlets, on the roads and even on the trains.

Some Jews decided to take matters in their hands and headed to the borders where they were helped by members of the “Brichah” (Flight in Hebrew) organization to cross the borders. What started as a trickle soon mushroomed into a flood. About 250,000 Jewish survivors left Eastern Europe and wound up in the D.P. camps (Displaced Persons camps) in Germany, Austria and Italy. Most of them hoped to reach Palestine in spite of British opposition. Eventually, Britain caved in and abandoned Palestine. The State of Israel was created and most of the Jewish refugees sailed to Israel. The Jewish D.P. camps vanished not to be seen again. This is the story of that exodus from Europe to Eretz-Yisrael.

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