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Translation of
Sefer zikaron le-kehilot Wadowice, Andrychow, Kalwarja, Myslenice, Sucha
Editor: Dr. David Jakubowicz
Ramat Gan 1967
Project Coordinator
Emeritus coordinator Martin Cahn
Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Wadowice
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TOC translated by Yocheved Klausner
With The Book - Dr. David Jakubowicz, Editor | 9 | ||
First Chapter - The history of the Wadowice Community (historical sketches) The Editor | |||
The beginnings of the settlement in Wadowice | 15 | ||
The religious and cultural character of the town | 19 | ||
A demographic study of the town | 21 | ||
The contribution of the Jews to the development of the town | 27 | ||
Second Chapter - The public life (public and religious institutions) The Editor | |||
a. The community | 30 | ||
b. Rabbis and Judges | 35 | ||
c. The Synagogue | 40 | ||
d. Prayer houses | 44 | ||
e. The cemetery | 46 | ||
Third Chapter - Milestones in the History of the Town | |||
A short review of the Jewish settlement in Wadowice | Dr. Wilhelm Kluger | 51 | |
Our town and its Jews | Malka Wiener-Ram | 53 | |
On the Jewish way of life in Wadowice | Anna Goldberg-Bruner | 60 | |
Changes in Wadowice, fragments of memories | Shoshana Feuerstein-Nehushtan | 63 | |
My beloved town | Hanka Offner-Kaufman | 64 | |
The sprouts of the movement in Wadowice | Hans Lev | 67 | |
Fourth Chapter - Reflections of the way of life of the Jews The Editor | |||
The Wadowice Jews on Shabat and Holidays | 71 | ||
Memories from the First World War | 78 | ||
The economic life | 81 | ||
Participation in the Town Council | 87 | ||
Representation of the Jews in Court, in taxation and in Banks | 88 | ||
Fifth Chapter - Educational Institutions, movements and parties The Editor | |||
a. General education in our town | 91 | ||
b. Religious education | 96 | ||
c. The Hasidic movement in Wadovice | 101 | ||
d. The Zionist Movement | 195 | ||
Sixth Chapter - Organizations and Institutions for Mutual Aid The Editor | |||
Community institutions | 128 | ||
Charity associations | 132 | ||
The social and sport life | 136 | ||
Seventh Chapter - Personalities and Public Figures | |||
Personalities and figures | 142 | ||
Final notes on the history of the Wadowice Jewry | 168 | ||
The Jewish settlement in Zambzitz | 169 | ||
Eighth Chapter - Days of Catastrophe and Disaster | |||
The Wadowice Jews in siege and distress (from the beginning of the war to the establishment of the Ghetto) | 172 | ||
Prayer (a poem) | Mania Bader-Kroithammer | 193 | |
The tragic day of the expulsion of the Jews from Wadowice, 2 July 1942 (description of eye witnesses) | Hela Strauss-Mandelbaum, Lea Neuhart-Beeri | 194 | |
Ninth Chapter - The Period of the Wadowice Ghetto and its liquidation | |||
In the Ghetto | 198 | ||
The fateful day: 10 May 1943 (the fourth Aktzia) | Hella Strauss-Mandelbaum | 216 | |
The atmosphere in the ghetto in the last months before its liquidation | Paula Brunner-Einhorn | 217 | |
An inhuman struggle, which failed, for the rescue of one family | Bertha Wurzel-Holzman | 220 | |
In the days of fury and wrath | Lucia Bleiberg-Weissman | 221 | |
Fragments of memories from the Wadowice Ghetto | Pela Bruner-Hersteil | 223 | |
A city without Jews | 229 | ||
We shall remember - The names of the Shoah victims | 232 | ||
Index of the names of the Wadowice Community members mentioned in the book | 245 | ||
The establishment and development of the Jewish community in Andrychow, rabbis and judges | The Editor | 251 | |
Rav David Avigdor | Pinchas Scheinman | 256 | |
Where are you? A poem) | Lola Bader | 259 | |
The synagogue, the community buildings, the religious life, the cemetery, the economic life, the Zionist Movement, education, charity institutions, culture and sports | Yitzhak Koren | 259 | |
Figures and Personalities | The Editor | 275 | |
The annihilation of the Andrychow community | Isidor Krumholz | 280 | |
The Andrychow Jewry at the time of the Holocaust | Yitzhak Koren | 294 | |
Ruth'ke Lieblich, her personality and pages from her diary | The Editor | 298 | |
A fateful escape from the Valley of Destruction | Lola Rauchberger-Bader | 310 | |
Poems | Lola Bader | 318 | |
Victims of the Holocaust - list of names | 320 | ||
The Book and the Sword descended jointly from Heaven | Avraham Avish Zehnwirt | 327 | |
The Jewish Kalwaria - history, institutions, parties and personalities | Avraham Avish Zehnwirt | 327 | |
The town Kalwaria | Dr. Hirsh (Zvi) Leibel | 345 | |
Memories about the Jewish way of life in Kalwaria | Yehezkel Shraga Nichtburger | 347 | |
Kalwaria | Yoel Scherf | 353 | |
My little town Kalwaria | Chana Grinkroit-Grinbaum | 355 | |
Memories | Zev Neuman | ||
Yizkor | Slomo Sternberg | 363 | |
How the town Kalwaria was destroyed | Zecharia Schagrin | 364 | |
Without response | Yoel Scherf | 373 | |
Names of victims of the Holocaust, the Kalwaria community | 374 | ||
Notes on the history of the Myślenice Kahal | Dr. David Jakubowicz | 381 | |
Dayan Rabbi Moshe Langenauer | Noach Weinman | 385 | |
The Kahal | Rachel Perlroth | 386 | |
Prayer Houses, Shochets, Jewish Cemetery in Myślenice | Dr. David Jakubowicz | 388 | |
An episode in the life of the Bet Hamidrash (house oflearning) | Noach Weinman | 391 | |
Teaching of Religion, Voluntary Institutions, Cooperation with the town council | Zhawa Fenster (Olga Weinman) | 392 | |
Zionist Movements in Myślenice | Stefan Bober (Ozias Wasserfall) | 393 | |
Dr. Lazar Goldwasser | Cwi Faden | 396 | |
The Doboszynski Pogrom (Doboszynski's March on Myślenice) | Dr. Dawid Jakubowicz | 398 | |
Excerpts from the Jewish Press in Warsaw | 400 | ||
The First Days of the War | Mendel Becker | 407 | |
Myślenice during the Holocaust | Beno Richtman | 411 | |
Victims of the Holocaust in Myślenice and surroundings | 417 | ||
The Jewish community in Sulkowice | Avraham Leibler | 423 | |
Residents of Sulkowice who died in the Holocaust | 425 | ||
The Jews of Sucha | Meir Gross | 429 | |
The Years of the Holocaust in Sucha | Yakov Schachter (Chanina) | 439 | |
Names of the families who perished in the Shoah | 445 | ||
Conclusion | The Editor | 447 | |
List of illustrations | 455 | ||
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